r X r U, 1944 Federal Income TaxReport Blanks Requested Early is wife or husband, had »1,200 or more j Out-of-Doors StuH In addition, a return must be filed by everyone who paid or owed a tex panied by Mrs. Annie Lett, at Myrtle on 1942 income. A return should be filed likewise Point, drove to Brewster Valley last J. W. Maloney, Collector of Inter­ by-anyone claiming a refund of taxes Wednesday where Mr. Carl went on Old 1943 will go down in history business. While there they visited at nal Revenue, announced today, that withheld from wages. as one of the truly banner seasons The requirements for filing 1943r4- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil­ he'has begun to mail copies of the for ducks. Due to so many dilck 1943 Individual Income and Victory turns on or before March 15 apply to son and they enjoyed dinner with hunters being in the armed forces, an Return to the estimated 450,000 Fed­ civilians and personnel of the armed them. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis and Mr. acute shortage of ammunition and an eral income taxpayers in the District forces alike, except that postpone­ ideal nesting season, the* birds were of Oregon. ments or extensions are allowed those and Mrs. Ed Howe drove to Myrtle in greater numbers than has been Point Sunday and were dinner guests Collector Maloney said: “Although who are on sea duty or outside the apparent for years. Wild life en­ these returns are not required by law ■ontinental United States, if a mem­ of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy. umerators state there were some Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers of Myr ­ ber of the armed forces is on sea duty to be filed until March 1», I dbnnot hundred and fifty million ducks and tle Point were Saturday evening urge too strongly that everyone pre­ or outside the continental United geese came down from the north. And pare and file his return as early as States, his wife may also postpone i callers at the home of Mrs. Ida they counted ’em all this season! Myers. her return if her Own Income is less possible." Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis, Those boys are truly getting good. “There are,” he said, “two major than »1,200. There are several other Alice and Orvus, Jr., were Sunday But anyhow there were plent ly of points that are vital for everyone to special provisions applying to mem­ dinner guests at the home of Mr. and birds and all the hunters who pos­ understand- First: many persons bers of the armed forces, and Collec­ sessed ammunition enough to go Mrs. Nile Miller, will owe a substantial tax and should tor Maloney invited any service per­ hunting, really enjoyed fine shoot­ Nile Miller, who tps been confined start immediately to find out how sonnel needing tax gdvice Io contact to his bed with the flu for over a ing. his office. much they will owe and to make plans We shudder to think of what is week, is a very little better at this for meeting the obligation. I must Forms To Use going to actually happen when sports­ time. As in past years, there are two in­ emphasize this as a simple matter Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cross and Wal­ man may again be able to purchase all of fairness to those taxpayers who come tex forms. Form 1040, com­ lace and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cribbs, the ammunition they wish- Having monly called the “ long form, ” may be may have overlooked this phase of Sandra and Larry, were Sunday din­ been curbed by the present shortage, the changeover to the pay-as-you- used by any individual. Form 1040A, ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meidon it simply means that the majority of go system. I called the “short form” may be used them will go on a “shobtln’ spree," Cart "Second, although many taxpayers by individuals who (a) are citizens or firing at ducks beyond range, empty­ Mrs. Albert Lillie underwent an will find that they are substantially residents of the United States, (b) operation for appendicitis at the Mast ing their guns at the least excuse and paid up on their 1943 taxes—some cy had in 1943 »3,000 or less income; and in fact, “going hog wild.” That is hospital in Myrtle Point, Monday. them, in fact, being entitled to re­ (c) received all their income from our prediction. They will be not un­ Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister visit ­ funds—it is still necessary for them salaries, wages, bonuses, commis­ like a flock of kids that have had sions, or other forms of personal com­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank their noses to the grindstone at to file a return.” Lane, Sunday. Collector Maloney explained that pensation, or from dividends, interest Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and school for many long months and then under the pay-as-you-go system, all and annuities. In the case of hus­ Maureen, visited at the home of Mr. to be suddenly turned loose on an current tax payments through with­ bands and Wives filing separate re­ and Mrs. John Felsher, Mr. and Mrs. unexpected vacation. Inttead of the holding from wages or by means of turns, each must use the same form. Chester Willson and Mrs. Nell Ray in ammunition situation having taught payments on “declarations of esti­ The short form may be used as a the average sportsman a worthwhile Myrtle Point last Saturday. mated tax” are only approximate. joint return for a husband and wife, lesson—that of conserving ammuni­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Borklow Therefore, it is necessary to file a re­ if in addition to the other conditions !1 and Mrs. Ida Myers were Sunday eve­ tion and being careful and sure of turn at the close of the year to de- for using that fdrm, they were living ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. each shot fired—it will have the op­ :ermlne the exact amount of each together on July 1, 1943, and their posite effect on him, for he will feel Roy Martin. person’s tax liability and to deter­ combined income for the year did not that he has ammunition to burn, when Mr. and Mrs. Avan Wilcox were mine whether he underpaid or over­ exceed »3,000. it is again plentiful and that is what On or before January 31, 1944, Friday visitors at the home of Mr. and he will proceed to da paid his taxes. In instances where Mrs. Nile MiUer. the current payments were leas than every employer is required to give to Deer were more numerous along Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish and Glen the tax payable March 15, remittance each employee a receipt on Form W-2, the highways this season than in Zeller were Sunday callers at the of the difference will be necessary at showing how much wages were paid home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fish in’ many years past. We know of four the time of filing the return. This the employee during 1943, and/how Coquille. They reported that the en­ different ones that died beneath the amount cannot be paid in install­ much tax was withheld. These re­ wheels of cars on the Coquille-Bandon tire family was ill with the flu. ments. In instances where the cur­ ceipts supply Jwo important figures stretch of highway between Riverton There was no Aid or Missionary rent payments were larger than the needed for making the annual return Another deer meeting held this week on account of and Lamps creek. final tax, the taxpayer will be enabled and the best time to prepare and caused a motorist to wreck his car so much illness in the community. to secure a refund merely by filing file the return is as soon as the em­ when he sought to avoid striking it. The H. E. Watkins home on HaU ’ s ployee gets his receipt. his return. Wilson Jack-snipe seem to be on Collector Maloney also pointed out Creek was completely destroyed by the increase. There are two mighty “Early preparation of returns will fire early Sunday morning. The fire be advisable,” Collector Maloney said, that he has mailed to all taxpayers caught in the upstairs and was so far good reasons for It, They are not al­ to serve as a guide to the thousands who filed returns in this district for along when.it was discovered that lowed to be shot, at the present time of taxpayers who will have substan­ 1942, notices showing the amount of it was impossible tn save the house in any state, and even if they were, tial payments to make and need to each individual's 1942 tax and the or even very much of the family there' Isn’t one huntef in a thousand know how much the texes will be so amounts paid on that tex. These are possessions. Mrs. Watkins atad Jean who would waste ammunition on that they can make advance prepara­ two additional figures which Income and Mrs. Watkin’s father, A. T. Hill, them when there is such a scarcity of taxpayers will need In the prepara­ tions to pay these texes. who was staying with them at the ammunition. Substantial payments will be nec­ tion of their returns for 1943. The Wood ducks are scarcer this season time, are staying at the home of Mr. essary in certain instances, because notices shoulX be sent back to the than any previous season. The law and Mrs. Frank Burbank at the pres ­ (a) most individuals who had a 1942 Collector along with the return. i ent time. Mrs. Hill was in Washing­ allows one such duck for a single day I tax must pay at least one-half of the How To Get Help to a hunter, or two a week. Three Many taxpayers—especially those ton at this time. unforgiven portion of that tax in ad­ years ago they were very numerous, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, dition to their 1943 tax; and (b) dur­ who use the short form, will not need but the year the season opened on Mrs. Ida Myers and Mrs. Stanley Hal ­ ing the first six months of 1943 only assistance in making their returns. ter were Sunday evening callers at them they failed to appear in as greet the Victory Tax, but not the Income However, any taxpayer needing help a numbers as they had In seasons be­ may obtain it at the office of the Col­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane. fore, so it may not be laid directly to Tax, was withheld from wages. Word has been received of the "Particularly, persons who took lector of Internal Revenue, or at one death at Klamath Falls, of Miss Jose­ the hunter, as to their scarcity, owing jobs for the first time in 1943, and of the zone offices located in the phine Mllani, daughter of Mr. and to the fact that they were not in evi­ those whose wages increased sharply larger cities and towns thorughout the Mrs. Joe Milan!, formerly of Arago. dence in large numbers when the from 1942 to 1943 may have substan­ State, To avoid inconvenience and season opened on them. They are Mias Josephine was staying at the tial payments to make,” Collector delay, anyone ■ needing assistance home ot lyr sister, Joan, when their the most beautiful migratory bird tt>at Maloney said. As an illustration, he should seek it as early as possible. files—that is, the male of the specie house caught on fire and when she at­ pointed out that a single person who tempted to return into the house to is—and in coloring rivals the beauti­ earned »2,000 wages in 1943 but had 30,750 Traffic Accidents In ful coloring of the Chinese pheasant rescue the children, whom she thought no 1942 tax, will owe nearly »130 on Oregon in 1943—222 Killed rooster, which as you are no doubt were still in it, the house fell in on March 15, or nearly three and one- aware, possesses all the elaborate Oregon traffic accidents claimed • her and she was burned to death. half weeks’ wages. Since thia pay­ toll of 222 lives, and 4,850 persons in­ coloring of a sunset Rev. M. M. Stesrn, of Myrtle Point, ment must be made in one sum at the jured during the year 1943, Secretary A wpod duck is one o( the moat conducted the regular Sunday mom- time the 1943 return is filed, the Col­ ot State Bob Farrell announces. There ■ |ng church- service. Sunday school foolish birds of any of the web­ lector pointed out the advantages of were 30,751} accidents during the footed species. It will allow a gunner followed with an attendance of 17. determing the liability and savings to approach within shooting range at year. There will be services again next for it in advance. ' The 1943 pedestrain toll was con­ Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and nearly arty time. In addition to thia, In the past, many taxpayers have siderably higher than in 1942, Far- Sunday school at 11 a. m. they are slow taking the air when postponed filing returns until the last rell said. Pedestrain fatalities totaled | Waiter Farrier has been busy the flushed from the water, thus making minute in order to delay the payments 80, an increase of 21 percent over the them easy prey for the average gun­ past few weeks adding a new room ner, all of which is a contributing which had to be made with the re­ toll of M in 1942. to his house. factor as to their scarcity and which turns. However, thia year a great The fatality toll of 222 lives lost in prompted a cloaed season on them for many taxpayers will find that under 1943 was a decrease of 18 percent 22,000,009 Home Gardens In many yean and which was only the pay-as-you-go system, they are from the death toll of 273 lives in U. S. This Year Is Goal opened a couple of seasons past. This already substantially current in their 1942. Injuries showed a five percent tax payments. These taxpayers, es­ decrease from lhe previous year,when Member» of 4-H Clubs are being duck is very fond of myrtle nuts pecially, ought to find it convienient 5,141 persons were injured. called upon to again do their part which fall from the trees during the to file as early as possible. Total accidents dropped 18 percent. in meeting the many war food needs late full. Yet, in spite of such a diet, Who Most File for 1944. The cooperation of every this bird possesses an excellent There were 37,930 in 1942. A return must be made by every Coos county boy and girl is solicited flavor and is never •‘fishy,” which Of the 222 persons killed in acci­ individual who during the taxable dents, 150 or 70 percent died in Occi­ for this needed war service states cannot be said concerning most • year 1943: dents that occurred in rural areas James Bishop, assistant county agent. ducks. Speaking of wood duckt eating Was single and had »500 or more Last year, rural accidents accounted Enrollment in a 4-H club project will income; help each young person to give of his myrtle nuts, how many of you are for 85 percent of the total fatalities. Was married and had more than “The traffic toll constitutes a tragic or her best by the guidance offered acquainted with the fact that mal­ $624 income; blow at the war effort of this state,” through this organized work with lards also thrive on them when the Was married, and together with Farrell said, in commenting on the local people as leaders. Club work opportunity presents itself? We dis­ accident experience for 1943. “Acci­ ia available to every boy and girl be­ covered this many yean ago, while I shooting mallards on an inland stream dents strike at two important factors tween the ages of nine and 21. Twenfe-two million home gardens I where myrtle trees grew in profusion iu Its r/uT By ¡in tfae United States is the national akmg the banka. Each mallard we transportation and manpower. By , avoiding accidents—and most of them goal for 1944. 4-H garden clubs begged had a craw chocked full of can avoided through the exercise of should be preparing now to make myrtle nuts. -------------------------- ordinary care and common sense— definite contributions in the attain- ment of this goal. For Oregon, the I S. I. A. C. Man To Bo we can speed the day when victory I wonder how many goal is a home garden for every farm Stationed At Marshfield farmers have their equip­ will be ours.” The secretary of state urges drivers where it is possible, as well as practi- | Otto Pitcher, safety field represen­ ment ready to do this years and pedestrains to drive and walk cal, to grow a garden. work? A loss of one day tative of the accident prevention di­ Three clubs have recently been or- | with greater care during 1944. due to a break down, may vision of the State Industrial Xfcci- ineazx the . difference bet-, l*>uis CommMoo.Ml bos»» transferred Insurance Specialist. T R Bull S < ween a good crop arid a from an eastern Oregon territory to Moser Is vice president and Jack poor one. cover Coos and Curry counties, ac­ Forifess is secretory. Georgia Smith is president of the livestock club Isr- [ cording to an announcement made by Remember there are few­ ganized at Riverside school, Fairview 'Robert th<‘ M. Evenden, Salem, director r-.. 4 Arthur Hooton is back on the job tin the elfcctricel wiring and repair business. He ¿an be found north of . ball park on Fairview rood; phone 222R 52tfs ___________ ________________ when you need a good bock for that lonesome evening. Mystery, adven­ ture and romance are all to be found on the Library shelves. B. F. Goodrich now offoro You tho ONLY SYNTHETIC TIRE BACKED SY MILE ROAD TEST READ THE RECORD OF ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Bllvertowss. Ia IMO, thonaanta of Bilvertewaa (la whisk store thee haH the rubber war syatketla) wore told to hundreds of ear owners. They were put to work right alongside natural rubber tires. Mera than SO,- 000,000 nlloe hare gone by . . . and these Silvertowae more than equaled tho performance of tho natural rubber tires. So — depend on tho records of actual psrformancs and get — all synthetic B. F. Goodrich SUvortowna. Coms to and oos thia tire today, EASY TERMS AVAILABLE IF YOU DESIRE Howdy Folks er mechanics left to serve you. To render prompt service only means another must wait. , fronted' Mtn And fromezi frAo Art Hard/)/ Staring To.fMke this simple, no rid hear- ing test If you are iemi morarlly deaf- nging buzzing ened, bothered by ringing _ head noises due to hardened or coagu­ lated wax (cerumenJ, try the Ourtne Home Method test that so many say has enabled them to hear well again. You must hear better after making this simple test or you get your mone, back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Drops todav at Barrow Drag Co. f ■A route, with Charlotte Smith as vic. I ___ ™________ __ __ •<___« .. —_ eeed* H M Stevens in this area will president, Clara Rose Sinnott as sec­ I make his headquarters at Marshfield. retary and Mrs. Kate Dungey, leader. ■> , Upton Ward was elected president It will pay you to look at Bergen’s of the Bandon rabbit club with Gene before you buy. . Schrader, vice president, and Teddy I ______________________ _ Yost, secretary and Ivan Schrader, terested in becoming a member may leader. ‘write to either Mrs. Dorothy Dunn, * Any person wishing for further in­ , home demonstration agent, or Mr formation on 4-H club work or in- Bishop, at Coquille. 4. 5» AU-SYNTHETIC AM11U901 SflVIKTOWN Thornton Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270