1 A I FAGI THBII *4- L, Ite itete B ob In fente Î 4-H Program To Be Heard Over KOAC This Week * Oracle, Jane Burch; Chancellor, Myr­ Wtllkie* “One tle Jones; Recorder, Ida Sherrard; Reviewed At B. F. W. Receiver, Agnes Schroeder; Inner Several 4-H club programs will Sentinel, Hattie Gaffey; Outer Sen­ A meeting of more than usual In­ be released over KOAC at Cdhvalli* tinel, Pearl Kinsey; manager, Bessie terest will be held by the Busina** which should be of particular inter­ Mulder. and Professional Womens Club next I est to all club members in Coo* coun- J Five Graces, Faith, Ida Benham; Monday evening, January 17. A ty according to James F. Bishop, as- Coura Jane Torrey. Modesty. Lilly patriotic program will include a re­ Pr° 1°* Co,t“; Unselfishness, Marie Clin^- view of Wendle Willkie’s book “One sistant county agent. 7*^5 r" grams are released each Monday eve- 1 ton; Endurance, Reona Giles; Drill World," followed up by around table ning from 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. Captain, Jane Burch; musician, diseussinn. Two out of town mem­ For January 17, two subjects will Wanita Wardrip. Preceding refresh- ber* will, be present. Ruth Towns be considered. Cowgill, as- nænts ihe Broup played bin*°- An and Marguerite Brodie, a past presi­ 7¿iub Helen ¡X5SSÍS- sistant state ____________ e ÇJUD leurur.-wnr *i»eaK attractive uble for buffet «crying dent. Special music is promised and on adapting home making projects to had a big cake for its centerpiece. there will be refreshmenb. Th* Re­ war time needs and O. M. Nelson, Supper was served to all. search and Scholarship Loan Com­ professor of animal husbandry at mittees will be in charge. A large Oregon State College, will discuss attendance is looked for. z Calling cards, 9* ror 11.0V ■F—■ll1« the care of ewes and lambs.' January 34, Care of the Farm Water System will be presented by Clyde Walker, Agricultural Engineer. A discussion of'the value of pasture will be dis­ cussed by E. R. Jackman, Extension Specialist in Farm Crops. A Cam­ pus 4-H Club by Helen Abrego will be the program featured on the eve­ ning of January 31. All members and leaders as well Computed by as all people interested in young peoples work are urged to listen in. Experienced Help ' Lieut. Graydon Crews' Pat McKeown Home ¡After Two Years Home A Few Days Graydon Crews, Lieutenant senior Pat McKeown wa* home for * five grade, who ha* been in th* Navy day* visit with his mother, Mr*. Mary since Aug. 1941, had a few day* leave j McKeown, and his sisters, Madeline after hi* vessel docked at a Califor­ and Nbrene. This wa* the first visit nia port. Me immediately took a home si nce h i s enlistment in theMavy plane to Portland and then came home in February. 1943. Pat wa* looking to spend three day* With Mr*. Crew* | wonderful, bronzed and in the beet' and their baby. He had to leave of health. He has participated in | again Monday night for Portland to the invasions of North Africa, Sicily i catch a plane south. I and Italy. He wears a Presidential Lieut. Crews, formerly one of the Citation ribbon for outstanding action Coquille school faculty, naturally in Sicily. His ship'was one of six to would not tell of hi* experience* for I be so honored thus far in the war publication, but he ha* had them mid ' Just a few of tlw places he haa been from hi* tone not all of them were ¡are Cape Town, South Africa, Bom­ pleasant. bay, India,* Murmansk, Russia and Glasgow, Scotland.1- After the North Mr*. Guy Wliberger Writes ‘ African invasion Pat was returned Melvin Giles, appointed manager About Two Son* In Service " j i to New York for hospitalization be­ of the Coquille Safeway store when cause of frozen hands but he re­ Lincoln Swain left the organization Mr*. Guy Wilberger, who formerly covered and his hands show‘little ef­ to join the U. S. Navy, ha* been with reaided in Coquille write* the Sen­ fect from the ordeal. Safeway for eight years, seven of tinel that she and Mr. Wilberger, Pat is a Torpedoman, second class. them here in Coquille where he ha* at their home in Elsinore, Calif., are All Reports * Royal Neighbor* Installation been assistant manager. enjoying a vteiF from their son, Mel­ Sgt. Carl Johnson Home He 1* married, ha* two children tA an open meeting last Wednesday Can only handle limited number each day vin Willberger, coxswain 1st class, and own* his own home here. the Royal Neighbor* Lodge held its who is home on a thirty day furlough On A 14-Day Furlough Avoid last minute rush. Have yours computed by installation. Installing officer was from over seas. . He has been over Sergeant Carl Johnson. son of Mr. Mrs. Agnes Lewis and installing cere­ sea* for two years and was at Pearl and Mr*. R. C. Johnson, «orne home Notice To Motorists Under the new ruled and regulation* monial marshal was Anne Hocamp. Harbor a month after the Jap attack i Monday from Geiger Field in Wash- there. ington on a 14 day furlough, the first of the Office of Price Administration - These officers with the installing ___ _ _________ be ________ necessary for _ all holders of musician, Wanita Wardrip, and in- He ha* also been stationed at the of any length he haa had since he be- it , will _ Palmyra Island* and at Honolulu be­ came a part of Uncle Sam’s Army 16 “B” or “C” books, who have discon- stalling marshal, Ruby Johnson, were ago. He _ is ____________ with the Head- tinued or changed their present jobs, presented with corsages by Mrs. fore hi* leave for the state*. He left months _______ for Albany, Oregon, a few day* ago,1 quarter* and Service Company of to turn their books in to their local Burch. Office at Bank Bldg. | War Price and Ration Board at once ; The officer* who took the chair* where he was to be married to Mis* the Engineers at Geiger Field. for reclassification and adjustment. were Oracle, Belle Be lion I; Vice Stella Garland, after which they will Martindale; Post Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull. • uc'e> return to California. Melvin ha* B. C. Jeffrey Tells been assigned to new construction at San Pedro, after his furlough ex­ Service Men's Ideas pires. "We had word from Arthur i Wilberger who is in the Army Tank Bernard C. Jeffrey, Coquille young Division, from New York, that he is man who enlisted In the Navy two leaving for over seas,” Mrs. Wilberger 'year* ago and for the last 13 months add*. » ' had been stationed on a mine-sweep­ er, off the African Mediteranean Marlin Brandon coast, got honfe December 29 on S1ARRING FAVORITE BRANDS leave, and when he leave* Jan. 24, AT MONEY-SAVING PRICLS ! Writes From England to report back for duty it will be to Norfolk, Va. Marlin J. Brandon, writing from1 Most of the activity hb boat ha* somewhere in England, Dec. 39, to been engaged in is convoy duty and th* Sentinel, says he is “getting along he was present at many of th* lm- flne these day* and hope* all 1* the portant landing* in North Africa, ■r ■ame at home.” He send* hi* best Jeffrey, who landed back in ’New Ladoet AND Gentlemen! Come RIGHT ¡i and aee our GREAT exhibit of fine-flavored COFFEES! People buy ’em so fast we have regards to friend* here and add* that York the day before Christmas, «ays ' to get NEW supplies constantly, and ao every package b BOUND he did not have much of a Christmas that from his observations too many Flour, Kitchen Craft, 24 Vi Ib. 1.11 to be extra-fresh! You pay* your money and you take* your over there, “but will make up for people who do not see the terrifying Flour, Crown or Fisher, 10 Ib. 57c CHOICE of favorite brands! Get the coffee, HERE at Safeway, it next year, I hope.” He sends aspects of war as he has—hundreds Flour, Gold Medal 24'/i Ib. 1.34 that will make that SECOND cup taste even better than the first! clipping* of British newspapers from of maimed and permanently injured ! Tenderoni Van Camp** 2 for 19c No RATION points needed these day*. NOW you can buy all you which we will quote In a future la- young men brought bock to the WANT! Come right in and buy, TODAY! ' *ue.r j United State*—do not realize that Krispy Crackers, 2 Ib carton 3Sc Income Tax Reports I GEO. E. OERDING SAFEWAY COFFEE CARNIVAL * Non-Rationed ttems^ there la a war on. Th* unimportant thing* which seem to loom so large in the civilian's life led him to make that observation. Pvt. Olive Kassisky, WAC, was i Commenting on the service man’* married during a military ceremony ¡views Mr. Jeffrey say» that without on January 8 at Fort Steven*, Oregon. exception thoee he ha* seen are more She b the daughter of Iva M. Krlner, • j burned up and resentful of conditions Kissimmee, Florida, and b a telephone on the home front about the war-time ; operator at Fort Steven*. She was •trike* and threat* of strike* than married to Sgt. Charles Van Meter, 34, " T.- "“2^ 7" anything elM. Nor 1. hi. on taolated automobile nwchanic at Fort {oplnjon AU are Steven*. Sgt. Van Meter is a native I i boiling with indignation that a few of Coquille, the *on of Mr*. Eldie cent* an hour increase in pay would Dolan, of thb city. The newly mar­ cause the laborer, safe at home, to ried couple enjoyed a three day threaten the continuous flow of war honeymoon trip to Portland. j material* to the boys at the front who are gladly risking life itself to save what America stands for. Jefrey abo mention» zoot-auiter* Rock Robinson, Jr., Navy specialist and magazine pictures of parties, 1/c *t Camp Farragut, who w«s here dancing girl* and other “life a* us- visitiug hi* parent*. Mr. and Mr*, ual" depictions as being re»ented by Rock Robinson, returned to camp last the over-seas men. week. He i* an instructor there »nd --------- - ----- — had just graduated hi* third class. Dr. J. Edward Dehne, former Pub- Next month he expect* to receive hl* lie Health Official in Coo* county, Chief Petty Officer rating and will now a captain in the U. S. Army then be «ent over seas. medical corp has left San Francisco The Robinaon’* other son, Laurie, «Ince the holidays for over *ea duty, who is in the Army Air Corp* in HU wife and children have gone back Europe, ha* been acroaa for 31 months to North Dakota. and expects to be home on leave soon. ■ ........ - - —■ Sgt Cha*. Van Meter Married January • at Fort Steven* 4 ,1'"™ “*h,n’ 11 New Citizens Marvin R. Sturgeon Receive* Purple Heart Decoration Mr. and Mr*. Sam Sturgeon re­ ceived'a letter recently from their aon, Marvin R. Sturgeon who b in the Naval hoapltal at San Francisco recovering from injuries he received snwewhere in the Pacific He had to hand was still in bandage*. He wrote them of the honor conferred when Admiral David pinned the purple heart emblem on him. The emblem bear* a picture of Gao. Washington. Maryin adds that the honor of being decorated, following injury in action, is not all for “it is an honor itself to fight for one’s country.” £» *ltb friend who wrote the latter add* hi* own contribuUon, “you can feel very proud of your son, as we here are." Marvin expect* to be able to come home soon on sick leave. A. L. Hooton is again ready to at­ tend to the public** need* in electri­ cal repair and wiring. Hb phone b »! doq* *m >i )uee*jd oqt JOJ pue RfW at hb home on the Fairview 53tf* road. If it is insurance, see me.—F. R Bull. Wednesday Eleven were admitted to U. ¡citizenship in circuit court here on Tuesday. Some others who had ap­ plied were not present for the occas­ ion and the cases of others were con­ tinued until a future date. In the following list appear the Xiiuucs uf tliusc udfrl’tvd, thdr n'tfvr J Alfred Johnnie Malmatadt, Sweden, North Bend. Robert Meldon Smith, Canada, Marshfield. Katusha Cecilia Terry, Canada, Marshfield. Katie McCarthy, Ireland, Marsh- field. Ellen Hegarty, Ireland, North Bend. 'Jasper Johnson Dornath, Canada Bandon. Bernice Esther Stambuck, Latvia, Marshfield. - , Gotfred Larke Ludvikson, Norway, Marshfield. Robert Agnew, Irebnd, Marshfield Elizabeth* Chowning, Russia, Co­ quille. Mabel Lucille Ward, Canada, Co­ quille. See Schroeder** Jewelry Store in Coquille for Diamonds and Watch Strap*. tfs Graham Crackers, Honey . Maid 2 Ib.............................34c Cottage Cheese, Pint Cup... 24c Salad Dressing, Duches 16 oz. 23c Miracle Whip Kraft 16 oz. bot 26c Ritz Crackers, 1 Ib. pkg.___ 19c Jell Well, Assorted, 3 oz. pkg 6c Jiffy Lou Pudding, Assor. pkg. 6c Vanilla Flavor, Westag, 8 oz. 10c Morton Sait, 26 oz. pkg. .......ZTwS-- Grapefruit Juice, Town House 46 oz................................ ,...’ Cut Beans, Gardenside No. 2 cans............... ............... . ...... Canterbury Tea, black ’/< lb. 25c Peanut*, Pianterà, 5c bag. ... 4c Purex Belach Vi gallon bottle 23c White Magic */2 gallon bottle 18c Fris kies Dog Food, 2 lbs........ 24c Fritkie* Dog Food 4>/i lb. pkg. 48c rr\\|/ A D DC Vacuum-packed in the new tU W AR Uj glass jar. reg. or drip—lb jar ACC 33c • Hills Coffee, Ib. jar • Chase & Sanborn, lb. bag 29c 32c • Golden West, lb. jar • Maxwell House, Ib. jar . 33c 33c • M-J-B, lb. jar NOB HILL Rich, whole roast Lb. bag ............. 23c 2 Ib. bag............. 45c ----- XI r WT y ----- Mild Blend- Ground at moment of purchase Lb. bag................ 20c 3 Ib. bag...........- 58c "1 O MFeiW hni-Frtt* PKOBUCe Rationed Items < 5 TOMATO SOUP C Rancho (4 pts) IO1/) oz. can peas iac B K 4 Sieve (15pts) No. 2 cans CORN ]5C Butter Kernel (13 pts) No 2 cans VEG-ALL l* Larsen’s (12 points) 14'/> oz. CANE SUGAR 34e (Stamp 20) 10 lbs. 65c 5 lbs. BEET SUGAR 63c (Stamp 29) 5 lbs. 33c '10 Ib bag“w*’ V-8 JUICE 31 Gege. Coctail (4 pts) 46 oz. can TOMATO JUICE 25c Sunny Dawn (6 pts) 46 oz. can KADOTA FIGS fA- Delhi phO « PEACHES 12- Red Tag Choice (14 pts) 12 oz. B RAISINS—Del Monte Seedless (4 pts) 15 oz. Shortening, Formaly (15 pts) 3 lbs. 69c Royal Satin Sht’ing, (15 pts) 3 Ib. jar 63c Margarine. Dalewood (6 pts) 1 ib. 23c e e IO, Ration Information This Week Use These Stamps: (Expire January 29) Brown R-R-T (Expire February 29) Green G-H.J (Expire January 20) Green D-E-F (Expire Jan. 15) Sugar Stqmp 29 Spare Stamp No. 2 (Good For 5 points of fresh* pork) (Expires January 15) KttP RIGHT ON buying War Savin«* I to th* vary IlmW of your ability—Speed th* Victory I POTATOES ^1.19 U. S. No. 2 BROCCALI *• 15c APPLI ES-De,iciou* 9c SWEET POTATOES“* 16c ORANGES-8“”*“*' "*• 10c CABBAGE "* GRAPEFRUIT^“ lb 4c 10c CALAVA» lb. .......... HAMS — Ready to Eat ' 23c Reg BACON JOWLS 40c 21c LINKSASAGE 39c BEEF ROAST~^rade A Arm * B,ade 27c *r. - * »*20c SHORTRIBS’«"** SHOULDER PORK ROAST Cent" Cut ,b 31c PORK STEAK ,b- 34c ib. 29c SHOLDER VEAL ROAST_A Grade SAFEWAY « a ■ 7-T'*