PAGRI™ * WWBHH.W____ S ■....... and Vada Capps poured. Lieutenant Fan The young couple will be at home Portland Bride Wad in South at 123-South Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. At a candle light ceremony held J. M. Capps of Sheridan were here to The marriage of Lieutenant Leon­ last Thursday evening at eight o’clock attend the wedding. ard C. Farr and Miss Joyce Addis, of at the Assembly of God church, Mias Portland, Oregon, was solemnised Carol Pinkston became the bride of DeceiAber 26 at 5:30 p. m. in the (Continued from Page One) Doyle Capps, Rev. G. A. Gray offi­ Camp Chapel*at Camp Sibert, Ala­ school in civilian dress modeled by ciated. bama. The groom is the son of Mr. The bride, who was given in and Mrs. C. C. Farr of Marshfield, Dorothy Harris, Ensign Hill ex­ riage by her father, J. M. Pin and formerly of Coquille. Donald H. plained the only time a Wave may appear out of uniform to the occasion wore in afternoon dress of powdee blue with gardenia corsage. bride is the daughter at Mr. and Mn of her wadding. Portraying this, Yvonne Marineau modeled her own Rebecca Pinkston, sister of the apartments, Miss Alice M. Oerding Judd Addis? of Portlapd. The rites were readI by Chantal»I*4»«* “Un weddln* «own with bride, was her only attendant. Cleo announced her marriage to Mr. Wil­ Other Juniors who Citpps, the groom’s brother, was best liam Ernest Klenz, son of Mrs. Er­ Knott, in candle light and on'either trailing veil. man. Ushers were Miss Vada Capps, nest Klenz of Everett, Washington, side of the wedding group were modeled were Gertrude Swinney. » Bhthnell, Francis Detlefsen Miss Alice Allen and Mias Helen on New Year’s eve at the Methodist brightly lighted Christmas.trees. . Grace, parsonage in Roseburg. ’ Hickam. Very special music made the cere­ and VTMfBride. Miss Jane Davis, of Roseburg, at­ mony Mrs. Margaret Swanson sang “I Ensign Hill, stated the Federated impressive. Mbs Marian Love You Truly,” accompanied by tended the bride and Mr. Hugh Mc­ Hughes of the Saint Louis Opera Clubs of Oregon have a project al­ Mrs. Neil Kyne, who also played the Clellan, U. S. C. G. at Bandon, at­ company sang “Because” end “I Love ready under way to assist in the re­ tended the groom. wedding marches. You Truly,” accompanied by Private cruitment of Waves. More and more After a short wedding trip to Eu­ Leo Polaki. Mr. Polski to a graduate Waves are needed. . While the real A large reception at the Pinkston home followed. The wedding cake gene, they returned to Coquille. of Paris Academy of Music. He also recruiting will be done by the Navy Mrs. Klenz plans to continue her played the wedding marches and the the new plan should facilitate and was cut by the bride. Alice Allen position as bookkeeper at the Geo. recessional. speed the work. Interesting girls to ♦ A A A A 'A A A A E. Oerding insurance office for tHI The bride wore a grey silk crepe become trained to take over any of duration as Mr. Klenz is in the. U. S. dress trimmed with amethyst and the two hundred and fifty lynds of I Coast Guard, stationed at Bandon. her corsage was an orchid. The jobs open, should release as many men for the armed service. Travel, young couple were unattended. Mrs. Moorhead To Visit I A reception in the gpmpany mess new friends, becoming a part of the hail followed. There was a ten Navy, a good clean life and a chance County Next Month • layered cake cut by the bride and to serve their country, were reasons Mrs. George Moorhead, secretary .groom with a banquet. Mr. and Mrs. given to induce a girl to want to be­ tor the E. C. Brown Trust has ad­ Daily of Gabsden, Alabama, were come a Wave or a Spar. vised Martha E. Mulkey, county sup­ tbeir special guests. The Style review and talk were erintendent, that she will be in Coos The * bride "uved at University preceded by some lively military county on February 9, JO, 11, and House at Eugene where she attended piano duets played by Inez and Leah during that time she will accept a college Or two liege f for two yea: yean. Leonard was Rover. Miss Rove{ read the words limited number of invitations to a junior at the university when he and played the music of the Wave speak before groups at their regu- ]eft to enliat. He __ was _____ manager , . — of song. A very fine display of our nation’s lar meeting time on the subject of Men’s Cooperative Houses and un­ flags was a fitting stage background social Hygiene. Requests should be jored ln business administration, sent to the office of the county super- ‘ The bride - and • groom will — - be at for the program. A full rigged ship intendent, Coquille. home at 1001 Walnut street, Gabsden. model belonging to the Chaney family While in Coos, Mry Moorhead will Alabama. added atmosphere. The tea table also hold a /»unty meeting where Lt Leonard Farr, a graduate of Co­ bore a centerpiece unique with a tall representatives of communitiesMesir- quille High school left college in Goddess of Liberty rising out of ing Family Relations classes will be March 1942. to enlist. He got'his Com­ novel arrangement of red, white and ’ - ■*>______ I present. mission __ in March ___ 1643 and went to blue. Overhead a beautiful airplane Although not coming in that capaci- Camp Adalr. Before that he was at model of a Lockhead Intercepter V-38 ty, it might be mentioned that Mrs. Camp Barclay. He was at Camp made by Velorous Call was suspended. Moorhead is president of the Oregon Ellii in nHnoit for four months, be­ Mrs. L. H. Hazard and Mrs. Bert Fol­ fore going to Alabama where he ar­ som presided at the tea table. ★ ★★ ★ A ★ ★★★ Federation of Women'» Club». Mrs. Roy Boober and some of her rived last December 1. He belongs to the Medics! Admin- committee were hosteeaes; many were away beoause of illness. Among istration in the Army. • those serving were Mesdames Wm. Caudlin, J. A. Berg, Lloyd Rosa and a New Evening F. M. Shaw. $27.50 Carol Pinkston aad Doyle Capps Married Woman s Club Hears Ensign / Hill of Portland Becomes Bride of Coast Guardsman left out of it”? DAVENO STUDIO $17.58 Gasoline Ranges $39.50 to $18.58 4 Circulators >29.00 to $00.00 Davenports II4W $12.50, $27.50 HEATERS $5.00 to $18.5« RANGES OAK DESK $15.06 to 141.50 $24.50 to $30.00 Used Furniture, Phone 119L We buy all kinds of Used Furniture BOWLING Bowling is Healthful and Good Exercise ’ Why don't you form a team and challenge our team We will Challenge any team in , Southwestern Oregon Coquille Bowling Guild Organised Members and friends of St. James Episcopal church who are employed during the day, or otherwise so occu- | Coquille Red Crocs will meet Fri­ pied as to be denied opportunity to 1 day, January 14, at Guild hall, be­ attend the Guild, may now join the tween 1:16 and 4:16 p. m. new evening Guild. This new Guild Last week’s attendance was very was organized last Wednesday eve­ good in spite of flu and continued ning. Officers elected were presi­ cold weather and we were pleased dent, Georgisnna Vaughan; vice to welcome three new workers to our president, Ruth Axtel; secretary, Es­ ranks. telle Harbison; treasurer, Bess Maury. Two more lovely afghans were I Meetings will be heM the first and 1 turned in by Mrs. N. Rosa and Mrs. N. third Wednesday of each month. L. Springer and five nice ones were Florence Barton and Clara, Stauff brought in made from pieces of were appointed to form the by-laws. blankets and beacon robes by Mrs. Muriel Ardath and May Barton will Florence Hall. provide the program and be hostesses Contributions during the past week for the next meeting. The first meet­ of crochet hook, yarn, wool materials ing of the month will be for transac­ and finished afghan squares were tion of business and the second will received from Mesdames Ed Aaaen, LB be social. Geo. Sherwood, Lois Stevens, F. Hall and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, and more 3M Club Met With than a hundred crocheted edged wash Mrs. Rocco Friday cloths were made and donated by The Grange Club 366 met last Fri­ Mrs. Horton, a nurse at the County • day at the home of Mrs. May, Rocco.. Farm. “We are continuing work on our There was the usual pot luck dinner at noon. The election of new officers quota of Navy knitting which con­ resulted in the selection of Pearl sists of turtle neck sweaters, watch Ruble as president; secretary, Hazel caps and gloves. We are in need of George; treasurer, Rose Marie Mar- more knitters as our present quota 1 tin. Elsie Wheaton was acting sec­ is a large one,” says Mn. D. B. Kee­ retary. Meetings are held the first ner.. “We have just completed our quota Friday in every month. The next meeting Will be at the home of Mary of hospital shirts and outing flannel Wimer. Attending were Edna Rake­ bed sox so will work on quilts and straw, Mary Wimer, Florence Hallock, afghans until new material arrives. “Please plan to attend Red Crocs Ida Oerding, Mabel Von Pegert, Min­ nie Clinton, Opal Buckles and Alma Friday, If only for an hour or two, and come prepared to work with scis­ Halter. sors, thimble, large eyed needle or crochet hook. Roy Mother’s Club “Have you ever stopped to think El Oct New Officers that the Red Cross is the link be­ The Roy Mothers’ Club met last tween every service man and his home Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Opal town?” Buckles. Francis Detlefsen was elected president; Opal Buckles, vice W. R. C. Hold Its Regular president; Katie Detlefsen, secretary. A belated Christmas exchange was Monthly Session Wednesday Douglas MacArthur Relief Corps, held. The roll included Mesdames Hulda Ellingsen, Bertha Cross, Edna No. 66, met in regular session Wed­ liakestraw, Elva Green, June Green, nesday with president Mabel Von Cameron, Patricia Griffith, Mary Pegert in the chair. The chaplain : Johnson. Clara Kr-ntz, and Cora read the 91st Psalm. Business was - <■ ■ ■ ■ WWV1 • u U m .U4 Ot ti— ummu manner W1UI nothing special to come before the corps. Lincoln Club Met With There being so many who were sick I Mrs. Clara Johnson only seven were present. Cards are The Lincoln Club met with Mrs. being sent to the sick and those who Clara Johnson on Fifth street Tues­ tte in sorrow. Our relief com- j day for an all day meeting, having committee had a very good report for a pot luck dinner at noon. The meet­ last year and we hope to do more ing was opened at 2 o’clock by the this year. new president, Mrs. Eula Mclntee. Red Cross Notes z ness as so msny are ill. Next month Our new 1944 Wall Paper, in all we will get ready fpr making quilts and hope all those who are ill will the patterns we will have to now in stock and those desiring it should be able to be out. call at once while stocks are com- plete. Gregg Hardware. See •apixe" Leslie tor the beet in Hand-carved Myrtlewood for liability, or other Insurance. Ottica, next door to Coquille Hospital, lectors st Harbison’s. phone 5; residence phon** 95L. a . .---------------------------- Keys made" tor ail locks. Stevens Calling earns. », tor sx.«O. Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. U| See Schroeder's Jewelry store m An examiner of applicants for Coquille for Diamonds and Waici, chauffeurs’ and drivers* licenses will f tfi be at the Coquilal city hall again next Straps. Tuesday, Jan. IS, from 9 until 4. We carry a complete line or V- . • __ . I Belts for all makes of Refrigerators. Buy your office supplies at Nor­ Washing Machines and other equip ton’s. They have a good line of Loose ment. Washer Service Co., 365 W. Leaf ledger outfits, etc. Everything 16tfs for your “First of the Year” needs, s Front, Coquille. Phone. Try Purkey «sJJ * JUST RECEIVED New Wool Blankets $5.95 5, 25, 50 and 75 per eeat wool; Also AU-Am gm A a Wool Chatham and Canaon made «Plw.JrO EARLY AMERICAN OR WALNUT KNEE HOLE DESKS............... ........... LARGE SIZE OFFICE DESKS .„'CL.................... COO CO $69.50 Purkey Furniture (When Y»« Think at Fwtotare TMak at Parto, y ) t