PAUK EIGHT Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col- s Chysanthejnum season, lectors at Harbison’s. » Bergen’s for choice flowers. Minor Mention Mrs. Bernadean Wilson arrived here Ms., and Mrs. V. R. Wilson and telMfV|«d-|4»assuJ98tfila<-^t^5rS3ne«aay “oinTS daughter; Miss— Ail ee n, ~ " ­ I matter of business. She will spend Tuesday evening from their Cali fornia trip, on which they left Dec. a few days as a house guest of the 27. They visited their daughter and city librarian, Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen. sister, Mrs. Eleanor Carver, and fam­ ily at Sunnyvale, and then enjoyed Mr«. Kay Littlefield, who had been I a family reunion at Virgil Wilson'» j on a month'« vacation fiom the Mt. home in Palo Alto. Paul Wilson was State* Power Co. office here, re­ up from Hollywood for the occasion. turned to duty this morning. The 30- The local travelers saw lots of snow day leave of her husband, Jack Lit­ on the Siskiyou» on the return trip. tlefield, is over and he has returned «outh to join hi* Seabee« outfit. Mr». Chas. Oerding and son, Robert, Their Coquille friends will be in? returned Monday evening from Se­ attle. where they spent two weeks of terested in hearing that a baby boy, the Christmas holiday season with who weighed more than seven pounds, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Mr. Oerding. Young, Jr., at Portland Wednesday Geo. Brooks, of the Used Furniture morning. He has been named Phillip Store on Front street, ^returned Tues­ Allen. day rooming from Portland where he ■............. 'J111 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wells went to take his medical examination for Selective Service, He does not Jackie Lou. formerly of Langlois and know yet whether he will be ac- now of Eugene, were Christmas house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cha». Lewis. < epted or not. Melvin Giles has been appointed as manager of the Coquille Safeway Store, succeeding Lin Swain, whoee Selective Service call is expected to come very soon. Mrs. Ralph Flannery is in Mis­ soula, Montana, visiting her daugh­ ter, Catherine, and old friends. Mi«- Mis­ soula is the former home of M/, and Mrs. Flannery, She writes of iero weather there. Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Brown and baby daughter, of Cottage Grove,1 The Eagles auxiliary will hold spent New Year’s day with Mr. their secret sifters’ drawing next Brown’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Friday, Jan. 7. AU members inter- ested in the drawing should be the^e. G. Brown. The meeting of the Past Noble Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Grands Club, scheduled for Friday Special communication of Chad­ evening this week, has been post­ wick Lodge, No. 68, A. F. & A. M., poned, and no meeting will be held at 7:30 p. rp-, Friday, Jan. 7. Work in until further notice. F. C Stated communication, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Horn left the Jan. 11. Special communication, last of the week for Los Angeles, Tuesday, Jan. 18, with work in .the where they have a home. Mr. Horn F. C. has been thd head chemist at the W. B. McLarrin, W. M.' Metal Reserves plant at Beaver Hill. See “spike" Leslie tor the best in Mr. and Mr». Ralph Hurlbutt and Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Mr. and Mr«. Chas. Lewis were guests next door to Coquille Hospital, of Mr. and Mrs. Van Spore« for New phone S; residence phon- OSL. s Years dinner. ■' 1 'T — It will pay you to look at Bergen's Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lancaster and Junior left Wednesday for Richmond, before you buy. CaUf„ where they plan to spend some It it is insurance, see me.—F. R time with friends and relatives in the a Bay area. Mr. Lancaster has been Bull. the superintendent of the Metal Re- i serves plant Since it went into oper­ Keys made ter all locks. SU ation last May. Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. Private Dick Gregory, son of Mrs, Buy your office supplies at Nor­ Fairy Gregory, wa« here on a five ton’s. They have a good line of Loose day furlough from Camp Abbott at Leaf ledger outfits, etc. Everything for your “First of the Year” needs, r Bend. Our new 1944 Wall Paper, in ail the patterns we will have is now in stock and those desiring it should call at once while stocks are com- píete. Gregg Hardware. s Remember Norton'« Rental Library j when you need a good book for that ' lonesome evening. Mystery, adven- ture and romance are all to be found on the Library shelves. JAN. • 8-J sold»e( Romane« on a furlough at Dr. Gillespie faces Ms most danger­ ous adventure I A sprig of green on.the Mediter­ ranean front; today it's camouflage for an American machine gun nest. To win quicker our soldiers must have munitions and materiel, more and more. To provide them all of us must buy more and more War Bonds. U. S. Trfanry Over the top in Italy! One more ridge, one more mile on the road to Berlin. As ip victorious military cam­ paigns, people on.the home front must sacrifice to provide all the sinews of war. One of these is the regular purchase of War Bonds. W. S. Treasury licftrlmni SPECIALS BOTTLE OLD SOUTH HAND LOTION 59c 1 1C DOROTHY GRAY ¿••¿•J dry skin mixture 1.00 FAREL DESTIN FACE POWDER AND CREAM 1.00 BEAUTY BASE DRY SKIN CREAM 1.00 nn FAREL DESTIN FACE POWDER with • 1.00 I vv Rouge and Lip Stick to Match GIFT BOX LUCIEN LELONG FACE POWDER 2.00 . We carry a cohiplete lirte of Office Supples Ledgers, Journals, Scratch Pads, Typing Paper, Paper Clips, Envelopes, etc MS Fuhrman’s Pharmacy CRIMINAL CASE uoNEL BARRYMORE VAN JOHNSON DONNA REED KEYE LUKE-JOHN CRAVEN NAT PENDLETON ALMA KRUGER WltLIAM LUNDIGAN MARGARET 0 BRIEN Hopalong Rides WITH ROMANCE! The LEATHER BURNERS Wm. Boyd • Andy Clyde Victory Jory MATINEE Mat. Eves. Admission lie - 30c