r t r - w I PAGE SEVEN ________ • Arago News Items . u • -4 , New Year’s eve with Mr. and Mrs. Oregon Geology To Be $... Harold Pribble. Subject Of Extension Course ------ 6ecT 2#—Otto~Gr^ke, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fish and Mr, and Mrs. Ellis Southmayd spent , ¡2 NdfUi----- “Introduction to family moved to Coqulllg last Sat­ New Year’s day with her parents, Mr. Bend. and Agnes Peters, of Marsh­ title of the winter urday. g and Mrs. Sig Eckhoim A new all-time traffic record was Validity dates for additional sets of field. They were married Jan. 1 by term extension course to be given at Rav Epperson has been sick in bed , rolled up by Southern Pacific in 1943 brown stamps in War Ration Book Rev. Edward Eklof at his home in ' Myrtle PoinC were Tuesday guests two days the past week with the flu Marshfield High School starting Jan. 11, at 7:00 p. m., by John Eliot Allen, I for the fourth year in succession. Three for use in buying commodities Marshfield. of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Burtt«. . as was also Harold Simmons. President A. T. Mercier revealed rationed under the meat-fats program Dec. 30—John E. Caughell, of Pow- , Mrs. Julia Leep and Mrs. A. R. chief geologist for the State Depart- today in a review of the company’s and green stamps in War Ration Book Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllirter vis­ ers, and Phyllis Belloni, of Myrtle ment _ ________ _________________ „ of Geology and Mineral Indus- Bennett visited last Thursday after ­ ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. 'tries, who is at present heading the activities in the second year of the Four, used in buying processed foods, Point. E. Wannamaugher in Bandon, several noon with Mrs* Lizzie Henry at Myr­ war. . are announced by the Office of Price, ■ Jan. 4—Kenneth Wamsley, of Ban­ Coos County Coal survey. days last week. While there they tle Point and also with Mrs. R. H. Administration. The stamps and don, and Esther S. Olsen, of Marsh­ The class, which will study the also visited at the homes of Leo Cox, .Haughton, their validity dates are as follows: field. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Piihble and minerals, rocks and landforms of Ore­ Mr. and Mrs. R. T.*Moore, Mr. and Brown Stamps (Meats-fats) Jan. 4—John C. Gomes, of Clear­ gon and their origin, will meet once Mrs. H. E. Boak and Mrs. Martha Mc­ family spent Sunday with hi-* father War Ration Book Thrj?e . . water, Calif., and Alice Irene Lange, a week on Tuesdays, and is open to Nair. Mrs McAllister also visited and daughter, Howard Tribble and Become valid * Good through of Empire, Ore. teachers who wish to take it for Mrs. Retta Mullen and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Gladys Pribble. V—Jan. 23, 1944 .........„.Feb. 26, 1944 credit as well as to the general pub ­ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewellen South­ Ralph Christensen. They returned W—Jan. 30, 1944 Feb. 26. 1944 lic interested In such subjects. I home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Wan­ mayd spent Christmas day with her X—Feb. 6, 1944......... _.:..Feb. 26, 1944 Coquille Home Extension Unit Mr. Allen has taught similar namaugher is quite a little better, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Biglow, of Y—Feb. 13, 1944 Mar. 20. 1944 To Meet January 27 courses in Baker and in Bend, and. although she is still unable to walk Marshfield. Mr». Southmayd and Z—Feb. 20, 1944 .... Mar. 20, 1944 has been geoligist for the state de ­ Postponing of the Coquille Home and gets around only by the use of a ‘ children remained for a few diy* visit Green stamps “G,” “H” and “J” in partment for the last seven years. He Extension Unit meeting from Jan­ and while there the oldest child wheel chair. * War Ration Book Four became valid is a graduate of the University of uary 20 until January 27 has been ad­ T. P. Haberly came in from Scap­ Lewis, was taken quite s«k with the on January 1, 1944, for buying pro-» Oregon, where he received his M. A. vised, so that Mrs. Dorothy Bishop flu, eo they were not able to return poose, Oregon, and visited at his I cessed foods and run through Febru­ in 1932, before spending there years Dunn, the Coos County Home Dem­ home in Myrtle Point over the holi­ till New Years eve. Louis is bet -, I ary 20. The currently valid green onstration Agent, can be present to days. ’Mr. and Mrs. Haberly, BUly but not able to raturn t> school yet. j , of further graduate work and teach- stamps “D,” “E” and “F,” are good Mr. and Mrs. Mike Daniel, had foi |ing the University of California. conduct the meeting. The subject of and David, visited at'the home of Mr. for processed foods through January ' ~~, '7 Pattern Fitting will, be demonstrated and Mrs. O. H. 'Aasen one day last New Years dinner guests his two ! , „ 20, 1944. and all persons having difficulty in brothers and their families, Mr. 'andl u * s * Civil Service Seeks week. Mr. Haberly returned to his I fitting patterns'in their home sewing, school work at Scappoose Saturday Mrs. Reese Daniels and three chil-1 Price Panel Coordinator Myrtle PoinOFire Department are urged to be present and to bring dren of Gaylord and Mr. and Mrs . | And Salvage Representative morning. Called Out By A Mouse a pattern, and the one to be* fit. Mrs. Ida Myers was a Monday guest Luther Daniels and daughter Elza- Applications for the position of The Myrtle Point Firq Department All women interested in improving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank beth, and their daughter and husband. Price Panel Coordinator for the Of­ A. T. MgRCIKR was called out of bed at 1:30 Tues­ their home living are invited to at­ Lane. i Mr. and Mm. Enno Dornath and four fice of Price Administrator and for A further increase is expected in day morning by a fire at the Bill tend this meeting to be held January Mrs. Althea Harrah came up from I e^Mren. the position of Salvage Representa­ 1944, it was stated, and the railroad Lobdell ice cream parlor which had 27, at the home of Mrs. James F. Coquille and visited at the home of The auction at Mike’s imple- tive for the War Production Board, will need more manpower and equip­ been set by a mouse playing with Bishop, 690 W. 4th, from 1:00 until her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank [ men.t building will be resumed this Portland, Oregon District, are being ment to handle the still heavier load. matches. One of the proprietors of 3:00 p. m. Lane, over the week-end. ' ¡coming Saturday, January 8. sought by , the United States Civil “Our personnel met the severest the place, who lives in. apartments Mr' ind Mrs. A. H. Bender and Mr' •nd Mrs. L. D. Hsughton and Service Commission, C. V. Smith, lo­ tests in the company’s history but back of the parlor smelled smoke and *>. I Five Divorces Granted In Ellsworth, of Myrtle Point, and Mr. •““» Jim and Sidney, of Sweet cal secretary, announced today. came through victoriously in every called the department before the and Mrs. Melden Carl and Douglas Hom** Mr. and Mrs. Archie John- The salary of each position is $3826 Circuit Court Here Tuesday were New Year’s dinner guests of ■ *on* Johnsons Mill, were New a year, including overtime compensa­ undertaking in 1943,” Mercier de­ blaje had got well started. There clared. "New records were achieved was no damage. Judge King granted divorces on Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Herbert, i Years-dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs tion. There is no written test and no j by the nearly 100,000 Southern Paci­ The guilty mouse was discovered Tuesday this week to the plaintiffs Nile Miller has been 1U with the Haughton. ■ maximum age limit. fic men and women in spite of a in his nest under a counter and the in the following cases: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg had flu for the past few days and was con­ Complete information and forms i growing shortage, _ _ manpower aMHHB _ > now matches which he had carried there Irene McPherson vs. C. W. McPher- their postponed Christmas dinner fined to his home. r for applying may be obtained from around 10,000, and a stringency of . and set on fire were also found. The son. Harold Goeldner came up from Jan. 2 with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Ry-* Mr. Smith, at Coquille post office, or | Mary Ann Embree vs. Leon Em- equipment necessitating the most in­ mouse was killed, says the Herald. California and has been visiting at lander and Don Trigg as their guests from first- ar second-class post of­ tense' utilization of locomotives and : bree. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pauli fices. Aplicants wil be accepted un- cars.” If it is Insurance, see me.—F. R ; Alice Mae Stratton vs. Dick G. and family for a few days. He re­ |-til January 10, 1944. Manpower is Southern Pacific’s Bull. s Stratton. ported that his mother, Mrs. R. B. Applications are not desired from greatest problem, according to the Laura Shannon vs. Guy E. Shannon. Goeldner, passed away Doc. 9, at Keys made tor all locks. Stevens Clarence McCulloch vs. Mamie L. Grade school children had another persons engaged on war work unless announcement. With more than 14,000 the agte of 33 years. tf McCulloch. week’s vacation this week. So many | the position applied for requires the former employees now in the armed Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow, pupils were ill It was deemed wise I use of higher skills than the worker forces. JTne company has enrolled Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and _ week. | is using in his present employment. some 4,000 women to do work for­ not to try to have school this Mrs. Ida Myers were Sunday dinner Camps' are finding” it di/ficult to Certificate of Availability from merly performed exclusively by men, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter. operate with the shortage of men, ‘former ®mP»°yer or from the United exican and haS'tpiported a Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl were New due to so much flu in the valley. Sev- States Employment Service may be track woAcers, ¿11 ___ _ recruit Year's Eve dinner guests of Levi eral entire families have been re-. re<’uired beiore •PPo’nt"»«»»* this labor inthe United States having Betty Grable, Robert Young, Adolphe Menjou Snyder and Ruby and Pearl. - Star in Season's Top Entertainment Hit ported suffering from this disease. iailed- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pauli, Charlene Heavier loading of freight cars, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler re­ There never was a girl like Rosie! You remember—Rosie O’Grady, and Marilyn of Myrtle Point, and quick unloading at terminals, record- turned home from Eugene Sunday they called her And now her adventures are depicted in the new Tech- Mr. and Mrs. Ike Miller and sons of .breaking upkeep of rolling stock, and evening. They were to come Sat­ Club met Tuesday evening with 21 nicolor hit slated to open Sunday at the Roxy Theatre, entitled *'Sweet Bandon and Harold Goeldner, of Cal­ urday evening but due tasthe terrible memtiers and one visitor present in­ further installations of centralized Rosie O'Grady”- ind is she: ever a honey! Who plays Rosie? None other ifornia, were Monday callers at the wind storm thought it wise to wait.1 spite of so much' sickness in town. traffic control to increase the capacity than the Army’s favorite pin-up girl—blonde, beautiful Betty Grable, the I home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. of single track by about 50 per cent, On account of their absence and sick­ It was also a rainy night. gal with the shapely legs, out-of-this-world voice and a smile that can Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela were cited by Mercier among helpful ness among different families, there Vice president Mrs. Von Pegert, defrost even the iciest heart. and Maureen, returned home Sunday was no Sunday school nor church conducted the short business meeting factors in the handling of Southern Critics declare it's the best musical yet from 20th I Century-Fox, and evening after visiting Mr. Evans* Sunday morning. Rev. and Mrs and Mrs. E. Dunn, swore in those Pacific’s- unprecedented traffic. this is saying plenty, as the recent “Helfo Frisco, Hello,” ’ “Coney Island,” mother, Mrs. Anna Fisher at Rochest­ “Whatever the demands upon Milton Steward and baby, of Powers, of the council who were present, “Wintertime” are all from the same studio—and they were all smash hits. er for about a week. Southern Pacific in 1944, I know the made the trip and return to Powers members were given cards at X i m -------------------------------- Rev. G. A. Gray of Coquille con-, with them. Starred with Betty, America's fa­ meeting. At the meeting next company’s men and women can be ducted the regular Sunday morning Cpl. G. B. (Ben) Holverstott left Tuesday evening at 6:30, a pot luck relied upon to continue to do a grand vorite, are Robert Young and Adolphe up with some corkers, including “My church service. Sunday school fol­ Heart Tells Me,” “Goin’ to the Coun- Thursday morning of last week for suppef will be held, so hope there job,” President Mercier declared. Menjou, two of the top actors in ‘ try Fair,” “The Wishing Waltz” and lowed with an attendance of 19. There Hollywood. And in supporting roles his camp at Amarillo, Texas, after a will be a good crowd. No door prize will be services again next Sunday, “My Sam.” furlough of about two weeks spent drawing. See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in Sre Reginald Gardiner, Virginia Grey, preaching at 10 a m. and Sunday And as for the dance numbers, k visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Regan, Sig Ruman, Alan Dine- Coquille for Diamonds and Watch Mrs. Westbrook gave a reading and staged by Hermes Pan, ably abetted school at ll a m. Robert. ~ Holverstott; his brother, grobp singing was enjoyed. Straps. tfs hart, and many, many more—all pop­ There has been quite a lot of flu I Fawil Y on the musical numbers by Fanchon, Faye Holverstott, and family, and ular favorites and all perfectly cast. —Press Cor.’ in the Arago vincinity lately. The' they are, to quote pre-vlewers, *■- many friends. Cpl. Holverstott is in <» I Betty is seen as the toast of Lon­ Clifford Sumerlin family is ill with the Army Air force. Pinples Disappeared , “dream confections.” La Grable la don who, as shg is about to win her it and had to call the doctor. , synonymous with superlative dancing Cadet Harold Norris arrived home Duke, is exposed by Reporter Young Over Night Elvin Widmark, who came in from —and when she has the costumes, the Wednesday morning last week to visit as an ex-Brooklyn entertainer. Hov.' Camp Peterson, Farragut, Idaho, on music and the lavish settings pro­ Ladies Auxiliary of Townsend No. his mother and family, Mr. and Mrs. she gets even makes for top-notch that *H«i up pimple« over night. vided in JSweet Rosie O’Grady," she a short furlough, left for camp, Sat­ ! T. H. Benham, and grandmother, Mrs. 2 met with Mrs. Anna Smith on Dec. M«nr report tnat they had a r«a sore entertainment. pimply .face one nlsht an Mrs. Maud Brockman, who is criti­ Z. C. Strang, Mrs. Elizabeth Lett and ■ where aiter a couple of days’ visit, cally ill. Leslie Lett, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peter- return to the army airfield Luncheon was served by the host­ son and son Donald. So far Mr. Mc­ i at Lemoore. ess. The next meeting will be at the Closkey has escaped the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holverstott home of Mrs. Alma Halter on Jan. 13. New Years dinner guests of Mr. and visited at the home of Mrs. Holver- Mrs. R. R. Rackleff were Mr. and stott’s grandmother, Mrs. Mellissa I ' Mrs. James Mahaffey of Myrtle Point. 1 . Brownson, of Bridge, last Friday.1 A. R. Bennett and Harry Druliner Also there that day to visit his grand- Dec. 29—Clarence McCulloch. vs. put a new foundation under Mrs. mother was Tom Benham. ; Mamie L McCulloch. Suit for di- Hazel Stevens’ house in Myrtle Point Virginia Lindsay visited at the votes. last week. • Ä is home of Gwen Rogers in Coquille I Dec. 30—State Industrial Accident Mrs. Rufus Rylander was sick with over the week-end. Commission vs. Arthur Ralph Bennett the flu Christmas day and is still quite The Wm. Noah family moved last Jan. 3—Juanita McGrath vs. Leo ill. Her son, Don Trigg, came home Saturday from Lakeside into the two days after Christmas, he having | former Johnson home. Mrs. John- McGrath. Suit for divorce. Jan. 3—Geo. D. Smith vs. Jerry been in the hospital with the flu be­ ' son moved the same day into her lit- fore coming. He has been transferred ' tie home near the Hap Boone resi­ Smith. Suit for divorce. , Jan. 3—Frank S. Webster vs. Kath­ to Corvallis now and will be return­ dence. ryn Webster. Suit for divorce. ing there January 8. Eight members of the Fairview Ex­ Jan. 4—Dorothy Adams vs. Eugene Mrs. Guy Grant is helping with the tension Unit met at the home of Mrs. 1 i < mum wurk al ¡Le Kudus I H. M. Hall Tuesday, Dec. M, tor die home while Mrs. Rylander is sick. demonstration on "War-time Des­ Miss Gwendolyn Simmons, of Port serts.” Meeting started at 10:30 and Orford, spent the holidays here visit­ the project leaders were Mrs. Hall ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Oliver Enlund. Those pres­ J. Stewart Lyons was on Tuesday Bert Soaper and her aunt and uncle, ent were the hostesses: Emma Hall, * 1 appointed guardian for Susan Jane \ Mr. and Mrs E. F. Brodie and great Audrey Enlund, Bethel Norris, Myr­ Lyons whose personal property es­ grandmother, Mrs. Vesta Soaper. tle Holverstott, Hazel Benham. Mff.1 tate is estimated to be worth $6000. A New Year’s watch party was held Cheezm, Iris Holverstott, Kathleen Howard W. Irwin, J. W. Hillstrom and at the Martin Schmidt home last Fri­ Lindsey and Mrs. Clara Hoag, a visi­ < John Hawkins were appointed as day evening with the following tor from Portland. The next meet­ Tamed present: MF an43*W «ME» ing is td'tk! held Tuesday, nHUMHT man Detlefsen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 25. It will be on "Pattern Adjusting See -apnee" Leslie Tor the best in Schmidt, Herman Tedsen and Mr. ¡and Fitting,” I by the demonstration MaW|Uyt _________________ or other insurance, _______ office. , * * N | ____ and Mrs. Russell Smith, all watching agent and will be an all-day meet- neJtt door to Coquille Hospital, the old year out and new in. Cards ing. Place to be announced later. Iphone 5; phon. 95L were the pastime of the evening with . Walt Norris, of Roeeburg, visited the serving of a midnight lunch. at the Ray Dq^dmond home last week. It will pay you to look at Bergen’s Eldon Brodie took his brother. Patty Dow, small niece of Mrs. before you buy. Major Darrell E. Brodie to Roeeburg Clarence Deadmond. pl^is to return last Friday morning to catch the south to her school in Salem Wednesday. home in Portland last Thursday eve­ BETTY SINGS, Betty dances, Betty romances! That Grable gal is a show all by herself, and when she’s starred bound bus. Major Brodie returned with such top-note hers as Robert Young and Adolphe Menjou, it’s bound to be a sensational success—and that’s Mrs. Ray Deadmond returned Sat­ ning. to Temple,‘Texas, leaving his wife iust what they’re saving about the new Technicolor filmusical. “Sweet Rosie O’Grady,” which is due to open urday evening from a trip to North Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott and family here as they were not able «inday at the Roxy Theatre. Supporting players include Reginald Gardiner, Virginia Grty »ud Phil Regan in called at the Benham home Sunday to I the 20th Century-Fox success, which was directed by Irving Cummings and produced by William Perlberg. to travel because of severe colds. f Portland and other points. Mrs. Clara Hoag returned to her visit with Cadet Harold Norris. Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Gasner spent S. P. Traffic At New Ration Stamps K For Fo u rth Y e ar Validity Dates— Marriage Licenses Fairview News. "Sweet Rosie O'Grady" Is Hailed As Spectacular Technicolor Musical Townsend Club No. 1 Townsend Club No. 2 Norway News I reais Circuit Court Cases UFI* • ~ Probate Court Items L- i t