P AGE BIX Acreage Trwti Clow To Coquille Are Moving Z* I ACCIEIFft wri LA J J1I I L tX Î » • B. W. Dunn To Attend Former Coquille Conference In Seattle Lady ’ Passes Belle Knife Hospital Pioneer Methodist Church / Rev. Cha*. Goodwin Brown, Pastor The pastor will be able to care for all services this Sunday. 8:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Sunday morning worship. 6:30 Youth Fellowship services. 7:30 Sunday evening services. 7:30 Wednesday, choir rehearsal se Cent a Weed ^aeh Insertion r m Repass, who is selling acre- Roy Thomas, who suffered a brokeri leg at the Erwin & Lyons camp last less than 25 cents age tracts oite-half mile east of -th« Ina Bell Fox died unexpectedly all Thursday, was brought to the hoapi- Burton W. Dunn, local school sup­ ' ” ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies . are ' city limits^ beyond Second street, says erintendent, has been highly honored her home, 1138 No. Eastside St., tai here at once. • • ■ ■ • ” ■ • ttat th «F ar * being snapped up and available in limited quantities; h.7.~thdem fufhlthed 3- Peace" in the theme around which the J. Fox at Coquilje, Oregon, in 1800. hospital on Tuesday this week and Church of Christ men', and heavy pipe where needed roomed Bungalow. Electric Range, speeches and discussions will center She was a memebr Of the Adventist Mrs. Ronald Maiden and baby were East 4th A Coulter Fred C. Lee. Route 1, Marshfield. Garage. Inquire 367 West 5th. at this important wartime conference Cburch. ¡allowed to return to their home in Liston Parrish, Pastor 30t4*tf No children nor pets. Cor. of on education. She is survived by her husband, ' the same district on Wednesday ~ Bible Study and Prayer meeting, PERMANENT WAVE, 58c! Do your j Highway. . , 51t2s An outstanding feature of the pro­ John J.; two sons, H. C. Fox, of Mrs. LeRoy Starr wax also dismissed Thursday 7:30. We will continue our own Permanent with Charm-Kurl grain will be President Worth Mc­ Port Angeles, and O. B. Fox, of Ta­ the same day. study of what “The Bible Teaches FOR RENT — Small House and Gar ­ Kit. Complete equipment, includ- Mrs. Hazel about God." age. L. H. Hazard, 275 East Third. Clure's report of his observations in coma; one' daughter, i ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bible School 8:45. Martha Mulkey, Coquille. i It Great Britain. His recent tour oi that Swenson, of Seattle; three brothers, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE That Let- to do, absolutely harmless. Praised ........ ......... ... !■**■■?-...... - -- ---------- country was made' at the request of Clark Hull, Tom and William Hull, Supt. Oregon. end b, .»™ £ by thousands including Fay Mc­ FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment, lhe U. S. Office of War Information .U Morning worship. Lord's Supper, Kenzie, glamorous movie star.' two rooms, bath and garage. Suit- 1 and the Bristisfc.Ministry of Informa- grandchildren. ~andchildren. sued to us by order of County Court Special Music. The pastor will be­ Money refunded if not satisfied. albe for two adults. E. G.'fSpper- i tion. Funeral services will be held ip' of State of Oregon for Coos County, gin a series on a greater church in Barrow Drug Company. 47tl0* It ! Superintendent Dunn is a member Mills A Milla chapel Saturday, Jan­ made December 22, 1943; all claims 1844. Today, “A Greater Worship." man. r against said estate spust be presented [of the panel which has for its theme uary, 8, at 3:00 p. m. Th. me nqv. ug wjjn proper vouchers at No. Jr. and Intermediate C. E. 8:00. FOR SALE — Household Furniture', 4-ROOM HOUSE with bath For Sale M. Oberg will officiate. 474 West First Street, Coquille, Ore­ | “The School and Public Relations.”' Young People’s C. E. 6:30. Kenneth including new Whitney Spinnet —with Mi acre, on Sanford Heights. gon, within elx months from Janu­ The personnel of the panel of which Hooton, leader. Piano. Geo. Davis, Fairview route, Phone 604-J or call and see it. ary 6, 1944, date hereof. Mr. Dünn is a member is us follows: tion in V-5, the navy’s flight training Evening service 7:30. Come and IRITELROD t’oquille. lt*s Richard A. Anderson. It«sl3th Chairman—Mr. L. L. Carlson, Sup­ classification. Seventeen - year - oid MRS. ETTA SACCHI enjoy the friendship an ztzxm nl»ii n« ikta ! ool 1 n after Vxxaci «•aassl neat. Harry Hull, Riverton, Ore. tendent of Schools, Boseman, Mon-n flight iwniMinrt training. After completing this [ tell fpxax the koVAi hereinafter described real monuments, or cement work for your It’s ' [ they are corrnnisdoned tana. ________ ______ ; ensigns in the property to satisfy the sum of 8300.00 lots at the cemeteries, for spring de­ with interest at 8 per cent from Oc­ First Church of Christ, Scientist , Mrs. Dorothy E. Dunn, wife of United States Naval reserve. tober 25, 1931, less the sum of 313.00 livery. John S. Sanders, phone 123L, FLOWER POTS — Just received a Coquille, Oregon Superintendent Dunn, will accompany Applications may be made in this rid thereon; an Attorney fee of truckload of pots, stone jars, stone or call at 541 West Sixth. 47tfs none and costs and disbursements Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. him on the trip to Seattle. area by mail or in person to the Port ­ churns, milk pans. FARR A EL­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. i i KA :xjuARTERS for Crown Dairy land branch, Office of Naval Officer 3................., together with accruing WOOD. s costs, I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed Subject tor next Sunday. “Sacra­ Procurement, 330 American Bank 8th DAY OF JANUARY, 1844, at the A Seed Co tfs FOR SALE — Automatic Gas Hot building, Portland. Boys being given hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of ment.” Water Heater, used about 4 months; serious consideration will have their said day at the front door of the the Only Cause and Creator.” FOR SALE—1942 Studebaker Cham­ also 4 two-hole gas plates, and 4 Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 travel paid to Portland and home County le, Court House in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, ot­ pion 4-door Sedan. Edell Bryant, sir£s. Jack Bevlin, 108 So. Elliott. again so that they can be interviewed, ter for sale and sell at public auc­ o’clock. A five-fold boost in quotas for naval 100 W. 12th. Phone 237-M. SOtfs to the highest and best bidder .z Free public Reading Room at 255 __________________ . aviation cadets has increased oppor­ given nhysical examinations and apti­ tion, for cash in hand, all the right, title W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every FOR SALE -’’Farmers’ Bargains”— COLD WEATHER -Protect your mo­ tunities for many more young men to tude tests. and interest -of the said Defendants day except Sunday and holidays from Team — Cows — Heifers — Pigs — in and to the following described real tor with Zerone Antifreeze. Phone obtain, the V. S. Navy's farmed 827,- 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. i Horses — Puppies — Mower — property, to-wit: 83. Southwestern Motor Co. Its 000 aviation education today reported Pinples Disappeared The Northeast quarter (NEY«) One horse and tools. See FARR & the Portland office of Naval Officer of Section Twenty (20), Town- Over Night Church of God ELWOOD’S “Swap Board.” FOR SALE—'39 Chev" Tudor Sdn Procurement. ship Twenty-Nine (20) South, Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. ▼•a. It Is true, thsrs Is a safe hann- Range Eleven (11) Call 480 E. 7th St. It's West of Wil- Nava) flight training is now open WILL HAVE • or 10 Black Angus 1 ms msdlcated liquid callad Klsarsx lamette Meridian, all in Coos Pastor, A. L. Perry to 18-year-old high school as well as that »riM up pfmpias over sight. Calves for sale between now and STONE JARS Just received a truck­ County, Oregon. Many report that they had a re* core All are invited to attend. If your 17-year-old boys, provided they are pimply .face one night and eurprteo* Said sale being made subject to Feb. 1. Phone 13R2. Forrest Tom­ load of pottery and stoneware.. currently enrolled in h’igh school in their friends the next day with a child does not go to Sunday School redemption in the manner provided linson, Arago route, Coquill*. lt*s clear complexion. There la no risk. FARR A ELWOOD. s their last semester or are high by law. The first application must oonvlnos elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Ku or you got your money back, Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this DE LAVAL ¡sjJf ARA TORS and Milk­ Sunday School, 10 a. m. school graduates. Eighteen-year- ly iSc. Join ths happy Kleerex 7th day of December, 1843. MILKING MACHINES—If you need users who are no longer embarrassed ers. Parta and Dali y Supplies. Get Preaching service 11 a. m. olds apply to the U. S. Navy fieri and . Wm. F. Howell, with unsightly pimples, Rota an* ■ a new one this year, see us now. tnem st Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tfs ' 47t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. rocommondo* by if qualified they may volunteer J. A. Lamb Company. s or better still bring them. through selective service for induc- BARROW DRUG CO. For Refrigeration Service phone Preaching service 7:30 p. m. * STEPLADDERS—Every home should -------- :----- v- ———----- • .a Opportunity For Boys In Naval Aviation shop, 106J, or residence 1<8J, write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. Garnier, authorized Frigidaire Service. 27 tfs Chadwick I odge No. 18 have one. Good INSURANCE against falling off a box or chair. FARR A ELWOOD. s ATTENTION' DAIRYMEN—If your WANT TO BUY 6 or 8 Cows that - milking machines need overhauling will freshen in February or early before the flush season starts, bring March. Will pay cash. John Bur-< them in now. J. A. Lamb Com­ gees, McKinley Rt., Johnson Mill pany. s road. It’s RABBIT FEEDERS—Just received a FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished truckload of rabbit feeders, flower Apartment. Call 1SL or see Mrs. pots, and stoneware. FARR A EL­ Mary Gage at 497 East Second. It WOOD. s GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—Wc surance. I give service. F. R. service all makes of washers BulL s Washer Service Co. 365 West FOR SALE—6 room House, modern, Front St. Phone 17. tfs full basement, and three lots and FOR SALE—38 Colt Revolver and chicken house and garage. Inquire 200 rounds ammunition for it. E. E. Benham at Benham's Trans­ Cecil McQuigg, Sanford Heights. fer. ' SOtfs It’s FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser­ MILK PANS—Just received a truck­ vice-call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ load of stone milk pans, and other pany tfs stoneware. FARR 8c ELWOOD, s FRUIT TREES—Order yours today. FOR SALE—1834 Chevrolet Sedan. FARR A ELWOOD. S 40 per cent rubber, 1844 license. In­ Ka lsomining, quire at Riverton Stere. Cedric PAPERHANGING. Cross. « Wood Finishing. Interior and Ex­ tenor Painting. We buy cotton DYNAMITE—We blasting sup­ Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. rags. plies. FARR A ELWOOD. s tfs Henry St Phone 286. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE WANTED WRECKER to Buy-LateModel Trucks, Pickups and Cars. Phone. 83 Night Phone 600X Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick Se« Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors P Coquille ¥ A. P. & A. M. Special Communication Friday, Jan. 7, 7:38 F. M. NOTICE • STATED COMMUNICATION " corner - vision Visitors Welcome BECAUSE IN DIM LIGHT THE OUTER REGION OF THE RETINA SEES BETTER, FLIERS ARE TAUGHT TO LOOK OUT OF THE CORNER OF THEIR EYES, ACCORDING TO THE BETTER VISION The Oregonian Agency Lucille Donnelly Phone 141M Coquille, Oregon Out-of-Town Shoppen! Why net buy your while doing j pin*? They i the following Henninger’s Market Roxy Fountain Brandons Tip Top Farmers’ Grocery 148M INSTITUTE. S ir ISAAC NEWTON, •Í Oregonian Subscribers: Please help your carrier by having your paper money ready at Me first call. Remember ho must pay Mo paper obligation before the 10th of the month. Thank you. Tuesday. Jan. 11, 7:30 F. M. by MEANS OF A TRIANGULAR PIECE OF GLASS. CALLED A PRISM, WAS THE FIRST AMONG MANKIND TO DEMONSTRATE THAT THE RAYS OF THE SUN ARE COMPOSED OF AAANY DIFFERENT COLORS. AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. STATE OF OREGON IN AND Bring your car in—we can start FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS MUSSOLINI work at once. Southwestern Motor In the Matter ot the Estate of DIDN’T SEE IT C0MINÓ.' Co. • Robert . Mae. L. A. nas duly quaiined as such. looks liohter ano GLASSES TO AID HIS NOW THEREFORE, all persons DeLong, phone 54R, at 810 Midway. ONE DARKER FAILING EYESIGHT. Coquille. lt*s having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to pre­ BECAUSE THE CONTRAST FOOLS THE EYE. sent the same, together with proper RANGE BOILERS—30 and 40 gallon vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, galvanized and Fowler Porcelain- at the office of J. Arthur Berg, in See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in Three Cases Before Justice lined tanks in stock. J. A. Lamb — Coquille, Oregon, within six mbnths ‘g from the date hereof. Coquille for Diamonds and Watch Bull The Past Week Company. Dated this 6th day of December. Straps. tfs Edwin Franklin Dorman was fined - ROSES—Beautiful Oregon grown 2- 1M3 Edell Bryant, 81.00 and 84.00 costs in Coquille jus- ’ year olds FARR A ELWOOD./• 47t5 Administrator tice court last Fridky. On Monday this week Howard H.] Modern * Jenkins was summoned to appear for having a 4800 pound overload on his truck. Oscar Edwards Larson was stopped by the statj police on *Monday for having no tail light on his car. As this was the third time they had sum- i moned him for the same dereliction,, Judge Bull fitted him 350 and 84.00 | costs. When Mr. Larson showed the officers that the light had been fixed, the justice suspended 345 of the fine. Dr. De la Rhn* Eyesight Specialist I t Eye* Examlnrd - Glasses I Reception room Jointly wltli Dr. J R Bunch Laird Stalldtar Mlfts INEZ ROVER Instructor of Piano High Scheel Credits Given Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Frwtalw Office Phone F-rr 4 ElwoJiL, W. Second St