OSMON, nUMDAT. JANUARY «, 1M4. Mj—■ . I 4- imately 7,500 young women for th* , suit Secretary Ickes, for if the Alaska realize that they have lost this assest spring classes to enroll in the army territory is to be a hot spot years (very important in certain northern schools of nprsing The government ' hence the ^Alaska oil should be de- states) and they are insisting that a will pay the tuition of . those regis­ ! veloped. federal law covering soldier absentee LAMatWv* tering for the course and will also voting would violate state rights. »■ ... ■ ,, - -- -- ----- Mrs. Ira R»umg«rtne^ sends us pay a monthly salary to each _____ __ enroHee The administration forces are very Present laws in Washington and Ore­ from Riverton the letter she received According,to the reports reaching Several hospital*- anxious tr> ei>»< I le*i«latiur uut. ivij u tion and kiqd the maritime or siau.vuu.uoo oil field at i istration Thank you very much for your tion ancl commission the maritime commission in of the 8130,000,000 in Fort the oil field at hopes Fort i istration hope* to capture the soldier Apparently, the location of the sol­ affect at least a couple of hunters thought in sending of your unexpended balances balances of of appro- appro-1 Norman and the building of a pipe- [vote, and they are insisting that state diers would have to be revealed by ra.uun a conv copy oi your ^ bac 8C* * unexpended that we know of. Late in November, magazine “ 'Better I «-mi— dollar*, a-»--_ line ii„a and ,„4 refinery — ____— for <— the >>— i-...- Homes and Gar- Pr*ation* totaling 186 billion to prepare laws should — govern elections and the the war and navy departments if they my dad and I had decoys out in a 'dens” ’ ‘ , Of this sum 92 billion dollars were ' third war does not satisfy Harold absentee balloting, are to be furnished with ballots un­ field and some two hundred yard, be- I ! lhink the American magazines are unobligated balances, which means Ickes, secretary of the interior and Southern Democrats, for example, der the provisions l" They “ . regard — ' Z. ---------- 12------- _— '2 too 7 ' if . they —„ were 1. Ì2_ — native _________ a bird crossed the ’field, the two un n lba when he ,tarted Senator Byrd, chairman of this high-handed. No other official has would not vote, for they would not other hunters banged away at it. on his own, and I can quite imagine Range made no difference and the that he would if his efforts turned comrn|ttee, intends asking for an in- gone ahead on hi* own initiative for be sufficiently interested in voting ★★ birds were fired at at a distance of M wey those pictured in the mag- vestigation of these huge unexpended . such a vast sum of money, but ^om- to pay the tax. at least 150 yards at times. One lone azine. balances to determine whether addi- ervell is like that and he, it should In the past the southern Democrats duck flying high, was opened up on ---------- *-*’--------- *------------- •---------------------------- -* •- —■ have been apprehensive that if the We were only too pleased to have tional ’ 8 appropriations will be needed be remembered, is - a •----• buddy of »> Presi- See us for photographs of Dozens your with to the extent of she shots, r _____ _ ,tf ior an evenin< He until ,uch Ume “ 8,1 the outstanding [ dent Roosevelt’s closest friend, Harry colored people voted they would ' Hopkins. * support the Republican ticket and and dozens of shots were fired in j only cam. once, but attended the balances have been encumbered, • Family Groups Secretary Ickes says the United this would make the Democrats a the purpose * of the -------- committee to this manner. The Lord only knows Speaking Club wveral times. | j is **" -------------- where these hunter* obtained am- How do you like rationing? We turn tbese unobligated balance* of 92 States ha* furnished 95 per cent of minority in the south. Now they are • Service Men munition for such crazy shooting, but are getting used to it, but it still ! billion dollars back to the treasury, all the aviation gas that has been concerned lest the colored citizens • Babies with half the duck hunters in the comes a* a bit of a shock to find the 1 if Possible, in the event that the ap- used by the allies in this global war. vote for Mr. Roosevelt for a fourth Others of the United Nations have term, and many of the southern marshes with only a small supply of butter practically gone and none due Propriations committee thinks it can­ • Copies of Pictures shells and seeking to be conservative 1 for a week. Needless to say fancy inot appropriate tbe balances for . large supplies but which hitherto have Democrats are fed up on Mr. Roose­ been inaccessible because of war velt, and saÿ^so in-no uncertain terms. 1 with them, it fairly made a fellow cooking has had it* day and there other PurP°^- Republicans, who once could count shudder to see such wanton waste of . has been a great turning out of old i ! Believe it or not, the " Byrd —"*------ com- conditions. This means that only five shells; and also the poor sportsman- i ■ boxes for recipes of Grandma's day ; mittee has been the cause of congress per cent of the gas for the interna­ on the colored vote where the col­ ship shown—that of not wishing to l which require dripping or some other ¡saving in excess of two billion dol­ tional fliers has been furnished by ored people were permitted to vote, give another hunter a chance, left shortening. lars by th* liquidation of non-yvar the British and the Russians. After a rather bad taste in our mouth. The Our Church holds a Social Hour agencies and the reduction of other the war. Ickes says, the United States sooner such hunters shoot away all ’for the soldiers after evening service J appropriations where war activity should protect its supply of gasoline HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT SECURING their ammunition the better off other each Sunday, and they are very well would not be interfered with. Sen­ and should assist American citizens in efforts to develop oil fields in other ator Byrd is an all-out economist and sportsmen will be. THAT IMPORTANT r i I i attended. While wra the boys w/a mv are oiug- sing- ■ Every so often there appears a ¡ng favourite hymns, the members is having a field day in saving gov­ parts of the world than the United newspaper item in various newspa-'of tha Welfare club prepare tea and i ernment money. As governor of Vir­ States. He estimates that there is a per. stating that som. government coffee which is served with cake* ginia he made a reputation for the supply of oil that should serve this tragper ha* trapped several stock- and biscuits. Our ladies are very economical way in which he admin­ country some 20 years but that the I « killing bears. It’s a strange thing that good at sending cake up to the istered taxpayer funds, and since demand for fuqj oil, motor gasoline and aviation gas will be so tremen ­ Let I when an ordinary trapper, or a Church, especially now that sugar and coming to the senate he has been plugging away at the same Idea, but dous that the wise thing for Uncle hunter kills a bear, it is just a plain, | butter are rationed, harmless, carrion-eating old fellow, My daughter type* the above for only in the past year have his effort* Sam to do is to begin looking every­ where for new fields. but when such an animal is trapped me. since she handed it to me, I borne fruit. Mr. Ickes is still protesting that the A Democrat, but anti-Rooeevelt, by a government hunter it is always a notice I omitted to ask her to men- stock-killer. This look* good in print tion the post cards which your son Byrd was suggested as' the man to war department declined to open oil and is mighty fine propaganda for the sent to me, not long after he got away lead a new party in the south by Sen­ well* in Alaska instead of going to F OFFICE Secure It for You U. S. Biological Survey to fire at the from here. There were some very ator Bailey, with a second-the-motion Canada, the Alaska fields according general public, most of whom, not interesting ones among them, and I from Senator “Cotton” Ed Smith. In to government reports being far su­ being on familiar terms with poor took them (as also the magazine the 1932 nominating convention Byrd perior to the pool in the Fort Normal ALSO SERVICE ON old abused bruin, are gullible to such you sent) to the Speaking Club. The was an aspirant but was swept aside district. Originally, Somervell ex- • Income Tax statements. But anyone well versed members were very pleased with by the steam roller at Jim Farley, plained that the Japanese threat of • Insurance in wildlife will tell you that there them, and gratified that he should who was promoting the then governor lnvation caused him to direct the • Real Estate are few stock-killing bears. It a have remembered the Club and sent of New York for presidency—Frank­ Canol deal, but later he qualified this statement and announced that the lin D. Roosevelt. •Property Management bear gets started killing stock, we a message. agree* that he is, indeed, a ruthless Declaring that it is the business of Canadian enterprise was also design­ • Notary Public at Bank Bldg. We have had the privilege of having rascal, but most of the bean that several U.S.A. lads out to our home congress to' arrange for the disposal ed to, meet a possible situation in roam our wood* are harmless to the from time to time—but of course, of government owned surplus goods world war No. 3. This still does not extreme and feed upon old carrion— more of our own Australian lads after the war, Representative Patman usually the kill of the cougar, or coy­ from various parts of the Common­ has introduced a bill providing for ote, or of man — and upon skunk wealth. These contacts give a good th* creation of a committee to be cabbage, roots, ants and clover, opportunity of understanding some­ , composed of the chairman of the ries, etc. thing of the divergent views in some board of director* of Defense Sup­ However, if a sheep is killed in a things, as well as points of similar­ plies Corp., the secretaries of war, district, not being satisfied with ity; and with the .same sort of thing navy and treasury and three experi­ trapping the killer bear, every tar happening in many other homes, it enced business men to be appointed in that district is trapped and, be­ must tend to a more complete under­ by the president, who shall have su­ lieve u* when we tell you, that many standing and cementing of rela- pervision of the sale* of all such sur­ of the “stock kllers” are trapped in tionahips between our two countries pluses, with RFC as the selling old orchards where poor old bruin is after the war. agency. The need of a centralized wont to feed on apples in the late One at the U.S.A, lads we had out. authority for this purpose is apparent tall. taught us a card game we had not from the chaotic condition which pre­ Many times a coyote does the kill­ previously known—"Casino.” Some vails at the present time with a dozen ing and bruin scenting th* kill, comes time later, one of our own Padres different government group* endeav­ lumbering along and devours it, leav­ blew in on his way back from the oring to find soutions of the surplus ing his big tracks at the scene and New Guinea front. We wanted to goods situation. the blame is placed on him for the teach him the new game; but he said, Already the navy is selling some of killing. Bear are easily trapped and “My grandfather taught me that it* surplus directly to bidders. The they look big in print and that is wbeif I was a kid!” army is selling some good* direct and about the size of it. * Only a few more weeks now to other* are being turned over to the During our career as a hunter­ Christmas! No Christmas cards in treasury department which *o far has trapper, which was far from being the shops. Practically no toys for ■been unable to evolve a satisfactory brief, we encountered just two actual the children; nearly every day there plan for their disposal. Some of the stock-killing bear. But perhaps this are advts. in the daily paper by peo­ government officials, for example, new crop of 1943 stream-lined bears ple wanting to buy second hand toys. want to sell army trucks direct to are different than bears of past years, Not much of anything else, if you the public; others believe the sales tor today they are all listed a* stock­ .want to give presents to adults. In should be handled through dealer*. fact, about the only thing we will be Dealer*, who are virtually without killers. It is to laugh! - ~ able to give for Christmas will be truck*, are eager to buy the surplus, good wishes. But at kny rate, they but first they are toid they will not Buy your office supplies at Nor­ . , be permitted to bid on them and later ton’s. They have a good line of Loose will be sincere. And now, with some of those same they are told that they will have to Leaf ledger outfits, etc. Everything good wishes to yourself, in which compete against individual bidder*. for your “First of the Year” need*, s Mrs. Dean joins with me. I sign my­ There is a big demand from farmer* self, Yours sincerely, A. E. Bean. to buy army jeep* after the war but at present there is no channel through which such purchase* can be made. Marilyn Sag* On Honor i'iie putpuee ui Uw FaUttea uul is Roll At The University to aasemble, classify and arrange Among the 82 students named late for the sale of all such surplus good* last week by the assistant registrar as without disruption of markets and having made the honor roll was to the best advantage for the govern­ Marilyn Sage, Coquille, freshman in ment. It 4s realized that a* soon as journalism. She is the daughter of the war ends there will be a vast Mr. and Mr«. D. Sage of this city. amount of goods for which the army Students making an average of 3.5. and navy will have no further use and half A’s and half B’s, or over, are speculator* are in the field attempting given honor roll standing. Of the 82 )o shape aHair* so. they «rah students on honor roil for last terrtfs- much as they want find re-sett to the grades, 10 made straight A’s, as com­ public at handsome profit. Under the pared to 15 fall term a year ago. __ Patman plan this would not be per­ EhiWlment dropped 41 per cent mitted, but influential lobbies are at . this fall term—1738 civilian students work and there is no assurance tha! registered this fall as compared to this or any similar measure will 2958 last fall. natty be adopted. Oubof-Doors Stuff ju. S. Boys Get Cheer by From Australians Coquille Stuck irth Certificate GEO. E. OERDING ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * Do you “left out of it”? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ * ★ See Schroeder* Jewelry Store in Additional nurses are needed Coquille for Diamonds and Watch the armed forces and every available tfs Strepa. channel is being corned to ob­ tain more Angels of Mercy. Dr. Harbison's myrtlewood for Chriat- Thomas Perron, surgeon general, is a startinj^a campaign to enlist approx- maa gifts.