PACK THRU THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, TWUMDAT, JANUARY fl, 19M. — 1 I iwn He’s homeward bound and there e* dear ol’ Mom Tn Tier Mrs, Martha Bi -a chair. sends the Sentinel See him quicken stride and 1 by her son, Nile B. 1 Pauli, who is in run! the Navy and stationed in the Carib­ You can see his, journeys’s bean area: done. hems About Local Bo« In Senke --li*”'' almost rocking Harold T. Berry, At Camp Adair. Praises Bay Airp o rt - Remember — Norton's for office, school and home supplies. 37tfs Technical Sergeant Harold T. almost Berry, who was at his home in Fair- | view for the holidays, writes to the nearly Sentinel from Camp Adair near Cor- 1 vallis: “I had the opportunity to fly down the ’ coast and utilize the fa­ Elmo Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. A sudden sprint, a dear fcld friend, cilities of the airport at North Bend. Lieut. Jack McCarthy, son of Mr . JOURNEY ’ S END ★★ John S. Sanders, accompanied by and Mrs. M. McCarthy, who has been A harckclasped hand as they meet It is a real job and I feel that Coos Mr». Sanders, came in from Sheridan, in the Engineers of the Army since He rode into town on the bus one day again. ,.rf . county will benefit immensely from Ore.,, New Year*» eve to spend a few July, 1942, came home on an eleven After two long years in the war away. A hearty slap on the shoulder, then, such a fine structure in future years.” See us for photographs of days in Coquille. days leave Tuesday morning from With his ditty bag in a tight-clenched With tear-blurred eye*, on his way Elmo, who is a carpenter’s mate Camp Young, which is down n%ar the again. hand Remember Norton's Rental Library • Family Groups second class in the Seabeea, had Mexican border 150 miles east of He returned once more to his native Hasten he must from that friendly when you need a good book for that spent the past nine months in Africa Indio. Lieut. Jack is with the 102d land. • Service Men lonesome evening. Mystery, adven­ face, and had been in several bombing Engineer Water Supply Co. and his His eyes were bright as he turned his To his loved ones now he must make ture and romance are all to be found • Babies raids by the Nazis. In one of them, outfit goes out with the troops on on the Library shelves. all haste. head while entrenched in a foxhole, he training, into the desert, and he has • Copies of Pictures To see the changes. “Still home,” he For his heart is full and overflowing had suffered an injury over one eye. seen a lot of hot weather, snakes, We carry a complete line of V- And he doesn't want his friends a- said. Belts for all makes of Refrigerators. That was not nearly so serious, he coyotes and other reptiles and in­ , knowing. There’re new things here and changes Washing Machines and other equip­ says, as the malaria which has put\ sects the pqst few months. there him in the hospital at various times He expects to leave Saturday morn­ But the things of home are every­ For a little way up the highway’s ment. Washer Service Co., 365 W. edge, and which nearly prevented his com­ ing to visit a few days in Lebanon be­ Front. Coquille. Phone. lfltfs where. Then the old boardwalk—a familiar ing home on a 30-day leave. fore returning to duty. hedge— i There's the giant spruce, the ever­ When his leave is up he is to report _ a A few more steps—a swinging gate— glUCll green Ill, fir, back to a base in Rhode Island and Lieut, and Mrs. Hamilton Which, proud and straight as they 1 He’s almost hom< le—boy, this is great! hopes to be sent to the Aleutians, or Here From Calif. On Furlough always were. somewhere that malaria will not hM As he used to in the days before. Lieut, and Mrs. Earl Hamilton, the Make a background of green on the him as it does in the tropics. He hurries round to the ol’ back door; — « » _ . > . latter the former Phyllis McCurdy, — » i ; mountainside; A gentle knock—A dear sweet face— arrived here New Year's eve. E*' 1 The little “White City’s” joy and A “Darling Son’’—a fond embrace. Eldon Gilman Was Home is a dentist, stationed at Camp Beall pride. On A Few Days Navy Leave It’s home once more to the ones he in California, and he has a two weeks There ’ s a landmark here and a land­ Can be used for 8-foot refrigeration in the home Eldon E. Gilman, son of Mr. and furlough. 'They are guests at the loves, mark yonder Mrs. Geo. A. Gilman, who came in McCurdy homes on Cunningham By the tender grace of the “One” , Made to the heart by absence fonder, on a Navy leave last Saturday, from I creek. above See i And to eyes undimmed by hurt and near Richmond, Virginia, left this i ______________ - And now to end this little poem— strife, There is no place like “Home, Sweet morning on his return trip. Eldon son Born To The Ernie the happiest moment in all my Home.” had been at Boot Camp since last Detlefsens At Eugene life. • October. —Nile Pauli He is a registered pharmacist, hav- Lt “nd Mrs. Ernest E. Detlefsen So, with shoulders back and? chest (This poem is nrjy fondest dream, my for price of the Cooler installed Ing worked In Portland and in sev- I“* the Proud Parents of a son, Mi- daily prayer, dedicated to Mom, expanded, eral California cities for more than;chael Ernest, born December 31, 1943, I With souvenirs and grips full-handed, -274 W. Second Phone 106J family and horhe) six years and when he left on leave, at lhe Heart Hospital in Eu- . With springy step and blinking eye. ne was Instructed to bring his pharm- •*”*• Mrs. Detlefesen, the former . I tell ya folks, he’s a happy guy. . I Calling caras se Tor >1.00. aceutical papers with him, indicating Maxine Knight, and son are both do­ that he would probably be assigned in* Lt. Detlefsen, son of E. L. Detlef sen to duty where his technical know­ .T» S'» S'a •?”<« of Coquille, is now Supply Officer of ledge can be used. “»aogpneeeaeeo the Coachella Depot in California. He has charge of all incoming and out­ Kenneth Roberts Ends Leave going, supplier there. He expects to Home To Go Over Seas be home on leave sometime in Feb­ Kenneth Rogers, son of Mr. and ruary to visit his family and to take Mrs. Harry Rogers, left Sunday for his wife and son back with him. San Francisco, where he was to report for overseas duty. He came in the Letter From Harvey Benham day before Christmas from Florida, Written In New Caledonia where he had just completed his Harvey Benham, EM 2/c with the year’s training. He is a mechanics mate and aviation gunner in the Navy. Seabees, who left here 13 months ago, and has been overseas for ten months, is stationed near Noumea, Bussell Kollar Is Now New Caledonia. An Army Aviation Instructor Following are excerpts from recent NOW that we’re starting out on a Russell F. Kollar, a member of letters to his wife here: “Christmas new year, it’s not a bad idea to look the 1941 C. H. S. graduating class, eve, and I’m thousands of miles from back at some of the simple things our ’‘foremothers’’ used to bake. Meat graduated from Luke Field, Phoenix, home. War' is hell. . . . The gang CRISCO, or Snowdrift (15) 3 lb. 71c pies — apple pandowdies — hearty Ariz., on Dec. 5, IMS, and received all went swimming tonight. Can dishes of that good old-fashioned Shorten’», FLUFFO (5) 1 ft. 26c his pilot wings and a second lieuten­ you imagine swimming on Christ­ stripe. (And there are ways to get along with muci} lees shortening ant’s commission in the Army Air mas? We’re going to have a big Molasses, Grandma ’ s qt. glass 39c than in many a “modern" recipe!) Corps. From Luke Field he goes to dinner tomorrow, but we have to How long since you've tried making Randolph Field, Texas, where he will work, same as any other day. . . . LESLIE’S SALT 2 lb. bag 9c a meat pie with biscuits instead of take a four weeks course, prior to Hawes and I went to the Red Cross crust, for example? COCOA, Hershey’s ft lb. pkg. 11c being made an instructor at some party yesterday for Oregon and basic training school. Washington men. . . After the party 1 cup enriched 2 tbsp*. chilled Russell is the son of Dewey S. we went window shopping. They all shortening flour Pork & Beans, Sugar Loaf (13) 13c Kollar who for many years was con­ have dime store trinkets in the 1ft tsps, baking ft to ft cup milk powder ft tsp. sslt Peas, San Wai» (15 pts.) No. 2 15c nected with The Crown Mills people, windows, with Park Avenue prices. ft tsp. curry in what is now the Pacific’Feed and We stopped at a bar, had a couple Corn, DMoritAac pak (10) 12 oz 14 powder Seed Stores. The Kollar family of drinks of Cognac and then we Sift flour, measure, add baking pow­ Spinach, Libby (12) No. 2ft can 17c moved to Portland in July of 1942, bought a couple of fresh pineapples der, salt and curry powder, and sift TRANCES Calif. Navels lb. again. Add shortening, in small where Dewey is now engaged with and came home. ... I am sitting Pumpkin, D Monte (15) No. 2ft 12c pieces, to flour and cut in until mix­ the Union Oil company. here with nothing but my shorts an ture is fine. Add milk, atir until flour Cranb. See., Conway (8) 12% oz 15c LEMONS Sunkist lb. Russell says he would have pre­ and my hand is sweating so I can is dampened. Knead 15 times on Pancke Fir, Suzanna 20 oz. pkg 9c ferred being a bomber pilot but Uncle hardly hold the pen. . . We took the lightly floured board, roll to ft-in. APPLES, Delicious lb..................... thickness. Cut with 1ft-in. biscuit Sam seems to need instructors more truck and went across the island Quick Oats, H O 1 lb 12c; 2 lb 24c cutter and place on hot stew. Bako than he needs pilots so contents him­ and got a big stem of bananas for a CABBAGE, lb. in hot oven (425° F.) 25 mins, or Oats, Morning Glory 48 oz. pkg. 23c self with teaching others to fly. He dollar. We have them hung up in until done. hopes to get back to this coast as he the top of the tent to ripen. They CELERY, Utah Type, lb. ............ Grape Nuts, 12 oz. pkg. - 14c An interesting variation is to cut the does not care for Texas .weather. biscuit dough in the shape of dough­ will be ready In four or five days. . . Sweetheart Soap, reg. bars - 7c RHUBARB, lb.................................. nuts, which lets the stew bubble up I’m enclosing some postage stamps Tobacco, P. Albert or Velvet lb 69c through the inner circles. Sound the French family uve to Hawes. Vem Oderkirk, Canadian good? It tastes good! You can have them for your collec­ I I ■ ■ ’ ' And for d e see rt , how my family en­ Soldier, Here On Visit tion.” TOMATO joyed old-fashioned apply pan­ CHERUB SEEDLESS EDWARDS Vern Oderkirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. DRESSING dowdy! (I wasn't at all sorry to see SOUP . MILK RAISINS Duchess COFFEE that, because it usee just about one- Vern Oderkirk of this city, who left Campbells John Williams Now ' (1 point) quarter as much shortening as pie! • os. 10c Vacuum-pack some months ago to join the Canadian , _ (• points) (4 points) tall cans infantry, left Tuesday to return to Marine Corps Corporal Kraft 8 oz. Apple Pewdewdy 10ft oz. B lb. pkg. 19c 9 cups thinly ft tep. nutmeg 3 for 25c his station. He had been here since John C. Williams, one of Coquille jar 15c 2 cans 15c sliced apples 1 ft tsps, lemon last Friday. Young Vem was a Can­ High’s championship football team ft cup auger juice adian by birth, which was the reason and who was voted the most valuable ft tap. salt 2 tbeps. water ft tsp. clansmen he went up there to enlist. Another player to the squad by the Rod Devils ft top. grated Hills Coffee, 2 lb. jar lomen rind boy from here, the son of Joe. Esser, team back in 1939, has been in the Airway Coffee, whole roast lb. 2Qc Combine apples, sugar, salt, spices, also enlisted in the Canadian army south Pacific for the past 22 months lemon juice, water and rind. Turn for the same reaion. and had hoped to be home for Christ­ into pan (fl x 8 z 2k cover and bake Tea, Canterbury Black ft lb 23c mast, but could not make it. in hot oven (450* F.) 20 mine. Mix Ready-to-eat SKINNED HAMS lb. 2 cups standard biscuit dough, add­ Son of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Wil­ Fred Cunningham, Coquille, In Ficgo Beverage 1 lb. pkg. ing 1 tbsp. sugar to flour mixture. liams here, he enlisted in the Ma­ Knead gently 8 times, shape and England, Awaiting Invasion Ready-to-eat PICNICS rine Corps in January, 1M2, and a Malted Milk, Horlick pin. 1 lb. 79c roll into square (8 x 8). Fit dough Another Coquille boy is just re­ few weeks ago was made a corporal over apples in pan, cut slits to let f A Grade Beef Roast, arm & blade cut steam escape, and return to hot oven ported by his sister, Mrs. Edgar in the corps. A duty, which has in­ Pnut Butter, Beverly 2 lb. jar 59c (450* F.). Bake 25 mins, or until Wilson, who lives near Reedsport, as terfered with his having a leave to crust is browned. Serve warm with Shoulder PORK ROAST - lb - being in England and adds that she come home, is his position as in- Mustard, Crescent 16 oz. bot. 10c cream or plain. Makes 8 servings. received a V-mail Christmas card itHW'tnr n* ialanH and warfare pro­ I wish thfuc wwc luum lu tell yuu Turk Sausage, touuixy siyU Vinegar, IIUu¿ Cider qi. Lot. 19c from him. He is Fred Cunningham, tection against the insects and dis­ about some of the other recipes of who was born in Coquille, graduated eases of the South Pacific which he 'this kind I've been trying recently. Crackers, Cheese-lt Junior pkg 12c PORK STEAK Shoulder Cut lb. If you're interested, why don't you from C. H. S., and was then em­ is detailed to impart to the more look at my article on “Pioneer ployed here until inducted into the recent Marine Corps arrivals from Soda Crackers, Snowflakes 2 lb 36c Recipes’’ in thia week’s issue of TAc service in December , 1M2. He has the U. S. ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS— Family Circle' Get s copy st your been in England for several months Safeway Store. Another Coquille High graduate Bread, Julia Lee Wright 1ft lb If 13 Head Cheese - , lb. 33c and recently visited London while on who enlisted at the same time that Veal Loaf - - - lb. Chinese Noodles, Gldn Grn 12 oz 11 furlough. , Corporal John did and who has also Pickle Pimento been In the South Pacific, Norman Minced Hain McCool, arrived home at Christmas James H. Beagle Attending time. Although stationed some where Pre-flight School In Texas . near one another, the two boys have In training at the preflight school not seen each other since they left of the San Antonio Aviation Cadet the training camp they both attended Center are 39 from Oregon, including in this country. one from Coquille, James H. Beagle, whose home is in Fairview. Buy your office supplies at Nor­ The future pilots receive nine weeks ton ’s. They have a good-line of Loose ' of instruction at the Center, learn­ Leaf ledger outfits, etc. Everything 1 ing the fundamentals necessary for for your "First of the Year” needs, a actual flight training in primary, I basic and advanced schools. They are Harbisoh's myrtlewood for Christ­ prepared physically and mentally > s to attain their common goal, the mas gifts. silver wings of Army Air Forces pi­ Calling cards, óo rar 31.00 lots. ............. Veteran Of African Campaign Here - — - - — - — - ------- . Lieut. Jack McCarthy Home A Few Days Godutile Studio ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Brand New Bottle Coolers O. H. Garnier Old-time flour favorites FLOUR ’2.14 GOLD MEDAL ■X:“£Jl-36 SWANSDOWN X‘. ’X”“' 27c SHORTEN I NG X’ " 24c 10c 1ÎC 12c 4c 9c 13c J.:b 29c 4QC lb’ 35c 27 Jk 33c 34c