PAOE TWO - » r na COQUILLE V ALARY MNTtNRL. COQUILL*. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY «, 1944. ■ ? . Y 0. E. S. Installation Last Thursday Phyllis Belloni And J. E. CaUghell Wed 4- Coquille Red * Cross Notes & y / ■ ■ ■— i Trendell-Robinson ■' Nuptials Saturday • - Basketball Season Opens Tues., Jan. 11 Huldobfidelio Finley To Be Buried Friday Hulda Fidelia Finley passed away At a New Year’s day ceremony, It is hoped the Coos County High at the home of her daughter at 681 The annual installation of officers Coquille Red Cross will meet on At a beautiful candle-light cere­ Miss Phyllis Beljoni became the bride of Beulah Chapter, No. 6, &. E. S., Friday, Jan. 7, from 1:15 to 4:15 p. m. mony held last Saturday evening in School basketball conference g?an East Uth St., at 7:30 o’clock Tuesday of John E. Caughell, son of Mr. and was held last Thursday evening in at Guild —— Hall. ____ j the Emanuel Baptist Church, Miss get under way next Tuesday, Jan. 11. evening, after an illness extending «1 ‘We are now about to begin a new ! Catherine Ann Tredell became the This week’s Friday’s games and Mrs. W. H. Caughell of Gold Masonic Hall. The installing officer were over a year. Beach. The wedding was held at was Mrs. Edna Taylor, Junior Past year of Red Cross work,” says Mrs. brida of Daley Robinson, of Klamath | necessarily canceled because of the Born in Springplace, Georgia, Sept, the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Matron, wljp was assisted by Mrs. D. B. Kesner, chairman of production,1 Kails. The rites were read by the flu prevalence closing the schools. three John Belloni, in Myrtle Point,' at Clara Bosserman, installing marshal; ,“and we are particularly anxious to pastor, Rev. Menno D. Remple, atf ¡The North _____ Bend _______ Bulldogs ^_ _ _____ — had bean ys at passing. noon. Rev. Robt. L. Greene.of Co- Mrs. Camilla Rietman as organist; welcome a numebr of new workers,-»eight o’clock. The double ring cere- scheduled to the Hed Mrs. Finley came to Cooquille in Mrs. Florir Cornpton, chaplain, and as well as our regular standbys, at mony was used. The bride is the [ here Friday evening thia week. Fol­ qutue, officiated^ 1936 from Kansas. . Mrs. this meeting as we expect to start daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. ,G. i lowing ia the season schedule which The bride, given in marriage by Miss Beas Maury, secretary. She was the mother of eight chil­ her brother, Lieutenant Robert Bel­ Bertha Smith installed Mrs. Taylor as work immediately on new quotas tor Trendell who reside on Spurgeon Hill, .ends February 25: dren of whom there are four sur­ ~ ' ¿y-’T loni, wore a dress of white brocade marshal for 1944. both knitting and plain sewing and The bride was given in marriage by January viving—John L., of Dayton. Oregon; Others installed were: W. M., Leona additional help will be required if her father. Her dress of white katin Tuesday, Jan. 11—Marshfield at Thomas N., of Pueblo, Colo.; Mrs. with tight bodice and sweetheart Pt. neckline, with three quarters sleeves Bryant; W. P., R. C. Johnson; A. M., we are to complete them promptly. with small pearl trimming, long, tight- North Bend. Coquille at Myrtle Bertie A. Willson and Mrs. H. G. Friday, Jan. 14—North Bend at Liday, of Coquille. One brother, John shirred to fit the arm and full skirt. Edith McNeily; A. P., Laurence Lund­ "We are pleased to report that the fitting sleeves, was striking with a awivvcuj, uiiuna x vzvczb .. at Marsh- She wore a string of pearls belonging quist; secretary, Emma Pierce; treas., new knitting consists of turtle-neck train three yards In length. The veil, 11 Myrtle Point. Coquille Carpenter, of Graham, Texas, also Boober;'^sweaters, watch caps and gloves for which was fingertip, was caught un- field. to her cousin, Margaret Belloni. The Susie Folsom; cond., Florabel Boober;'sweaters, survives. There are 29 grandchildren Friday, Jan. 21—North Bend at and 42 great grandchildren living. fingertip veil was caught under a be­ A. C., He(en Ayres; organist, Lola the Navy >. Up to the present we have dec an arrangement of headdress e coming Juliette cap of gardenias. She Milne; chaplain, Ruth Sherwood; "Knitted .nitted exclusively for the Army. ____ made ___ of rows of pearl bands. She Marshfield. Myrtle Point at Coquille. Mrs. Finley was a member of the Tuesday, Jan. 25—Marshfield at Methodist Church since early girl­ carried a white Bible aryl single Adah, Wanda Cochran; Ruth, Vesta 1 We will also have on hand cut- carried a white Bible. I Johnson; Esther, Helen Lundquist; out articles for machine sewing but1 Mr. and Mrs. George Judd, of Eu- Myrtle Point. Coquille at North Bend orchid with a white satin shower. Friday, Jan. 28—Myrtle Point at hood. Mrs. Stanley J. jFurman, sister of Martha, Wilda Schroeder; Electa, have not as yet been advised what gene, were the bride's and groom's at- , Sd-vlces will be conducted at the the bride, was matron of honor and Mildred McCune; warder, _____ Mabel I these items will be. i tendants. Mrs. Kenneth Talley played North Bend. Marshfield at Coquille. Gano Funeral Home at 2:00 p. m. wore a frock of ice blue with Juliene Kunz; sentinel, John Jayes. The new “Those women who are now work- the wedding marches Mrs. Florence February Friday, Jan. 7, Listop Parrish of the ------ • •«—• Maxine — Friday, Feb. 4—Marshfield at Myr­ cap made of pastel flowers. Stanley worthy matron i appointed jng on hospital shirts are asked to Hallock sang, “Because,” accompan- Church of Christ officiating. Jeub as lecturer. kindly complete and return them as ied by Mrs. Talley; Mrs. Hallock tle Point. Coquille at North Bend. Furman was best man. Interment will be in Jhe I.O.O.F. Preceding the installation, Mrs. Roy ■ quickly as possible as Coos county wore a rose-colored floor length Tuesday, Feb. 8—North Bend at cemetery, No. 2, of Coquille. Mrs. Jack Clinton played the wed­ Marshfield. Myrtle Point at Coquille. ding marches and preceding the cere­ Barton sang a most appropriate hymn. headquarters are anxious to ship all gown. | At the reception which followed, The program following the cere­ that are now outstanding. Friday, Feb. 11—Myrtle Point at mony played, “I Love You Truly.” The bride’s mother wore a gold- monies consisted of a Christmas can­ “We shall, of course, continue to held in the fireplace room, a huge North Bend. Marshfield at Coquille, Calling cardi SO î« 41.00. colored gown with corsage of yellow tata, “The Birth of Christ,” sung by work on the ever popular afghans, wedding cake was cut and served j Feb. 18 — Marshfield at North rosebuds. Mrs. Caughell, mother of Mesdames Clara Stauff, Florence . crocheted wash cloths, and the new with ice cream. The table was festive ■ Bend- Coquille at Myrtle Point. Tuesday, Feb. 22—Myrtle Point at the groom, wore black with corsage of Hallock and Ruth Beyers. They were > type of crocheted slippers as well as with wax tapers in silver holders Marshfield. North Bend at Coquille. accompanied by Miss Inez Rover at the old-style machine-sewed scuff and floral arrangements, deep rose colored buds. . I ' Mty- Robinson was employed in Friday, Feb. 25—North Bend at The g or­ Jean Gray; inner guard, Roberta Remember — Norton's for office, Medley; outer guard, Aleñe Hunt; Detlefsen, Howard Detlefsen, Roy ganize into a 4-H Chib providing a Abbott, Lee Barkwell, Craig Perrott, qualified leader could be found. Such school and home supplies. S7tfs historian, Bonita Miller. Alton Clausen, Chas. Briggs, Mari­ a leader was found in Mrs. F. T. Moore, Jr. With Mrs. Moore’s as­ on Clayton and Leonard Witcosky. f Roxy Confectionery Now Open Installation Of Jobs Daughters Week Day Dinners Open House For Pensacola Visitors Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing Sunday Dinners To Our Customers and Friends CITY CLEANERS THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE i V - Ûano funeral CHome V TCLCPHOnC 100 JNBULMCC. S€WIC€ • COQUILL€ - i Corner Third and Coulter OVERSTUFFED Heaters i Davenports Circulators $10.00 to $70.00 $50.00 to $60.00 Ranges Baby Buggy $15.00 to $4930 $ io . m We buy all kinds of Used Furniture, Household Equipment F VUS «f» te luxury te uutrkkue _____________ Tea lox Mr». Billik Stoves and Used Furniture, Phone 119L A letter from F. S. Emery at Elgin in for tea in honor of her mother, Mrs. S. A. Ribble -at her home on tells what one man thinks of the Co­ Thursday afternoon, Dec. 30. At­ quille valley, when he writes: tending were Mesdames A. J. Sher­ "We like it here, fairly well but wood. Luckey Bonney, L. H. Hazard, I would never spend too much of my Hale Eubanks, O. C. Sanford, Geo. i life up here. Taken as a whole Co- Ulett and R. A. Wernich. . quille and Coos county are hard to -------------------------- I beat. However, a man has to go Former Coquille Newspaper Man Now At Preston, Idaho " where hU chancel the We bedh ^. forward to living again in Coquille some day. A copy of the Preston, Idaho, Citi- “I am very busy. It is fine deer i zen, has been received here. It was^and elk hunting here and when I am its Christmas issue and was a 24 page, too busy to hunt or fish, that is some- seven column paper, splendidly pa- thing. I will catch up' later where tronized by advertisers. Its publisher the fishing is better. is Wm. MacKnight, who was asso- ‘ Happy " ___ ” A New ” Year to _______ you and the elated with the Sentinel for a year, gang. I hope 1944 will see the end I a few years ago, and this issue shows ¡of the war in Europe.’’ that Bill has not lost his knack of -________ ;______ lining up the advertisers. It was, too, | It’s Chysanthem-im season, See ft a very newsy and well printed issue. , Bergen’s for choice flowers. i I t Up where the nighte are aik montha long, fun are a daily neceaaity and becauae they are plentiful, it'a no financial problem for an Eekimo to replace hie favorite parka. Fnrh Emery RtM I.Ike* Coquille For Steady Diet Mrs. George Chaney invited a few $5.00 to $10.50 $17.50 sistance a satisfa'tory program of work has been made out. The cour..e will include a study of healthful ho ne and community environment, indica­ Next Tuesday the Coquille Woman’s tion of sickness and how to care for Club will hold its January meeting. the sick patient, and the prevention Ensign Elizabeth Hill, of Portland, of communicable diseases. will present a style show of uniforms Officers who have been elected to for Waves and Spars and the Junior serve are Martha Lou Moore, presi­ Women will model. Those who have seen a similar show in other places dent and Mary Lou Saterion as secre­ tary. state it ’ is worth seeing. Inez and I Other groups wishing to organ zc a Leah Rover will play military music. similar club may get additional in- It will also be Presidents' Day, with introduction of Club Founders and ; formation from the County Home j Demonstration Agent in Coquille. Past Presidents. Tuesday, Jan. 11, Woman’s Club Meeting Date But, rhould you lore your fur coat or neckpiece could you readily replace them ? — At a intund againxt Ion when- •v»r your fun may bo. A*k thia agency to give you ' complete information about neceuary protection, ÿ I. S.BABTON Coquille, Oregon