The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 06, 1944, Image 1

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The Coquille Valley
- s'
--------------------------- j
C. of C. Annual
Meeting Next
Tuesday Evening
Precipitation Is
Now MVi Inches
Elmer E. Benham
Buys Coquille
/ •
Hospital Building
Permit Granted
For Reopening Of
Dillard Market
Mrs. Brockman
Died This Morning
Rainfall the past week, as reported
Mrs. Maude Brockman, wife of Jas.
by the weather observation here, to­
Brockman, who had been ill for some
tals 1.79 inches. The daily readings
time, passed away this morning at ten
showed .02 inch on Dec. 31, .30 on
New Year’s, .00 on Jan. 2, .04 on
Funeral arrangements had not been
At the insistent request of th« the 3rd, .55 on the Sth, and .02 on
Only one councilman, John Purkey, made as we go to press, the body
Sale of the Coquille Hospital build­
By L. D. Felshiem,
Chamber of Commerce nominating the 0th. This makes a total of 17.52 ing by Dr. J. D. Rankin to Elmer»*. who was ill at home with the pre­ having been brought to Schroeder
Coos County Judge
committee and the board of directors, inches of precipitation for the fiscal Benham is expected to be completed vailing epidemic, was absent from Bros.’ Mortuaries. ~ -1,
The Coos County Land Department,
at the meeting in the Coquille Coffee weather year, since Sept. 1.
today, the sale figure not announabd. the regular council session Monday
A more detailed account of this operated under the jurisdiction of the
Shop dining room, Tuesday noon,
Mr. Benham plans on moving the evening.
good woman’s life will appear in the County court, with H. R. Clark in
Geo. E. Oerding, who has served as
The first business considered was Sentinel’s next issue.
Benham Transfer office into the
charge, during the first 11 months
president the past year, finally con,
building; he will use a part of the the application of W. Weston and
of 1943 (January 1 to December 1)
sented to serve another year If elected
floor space for storage, and expects Fred Burks, who asked permission
took in and turned over to the county
’ -
at the annual meeting next Tuesday -
to , make a portion of it into living tho repair the old Dillard Market
treasurer, the sum of $93,050.54, ac­
evening, Jan. 11, in the Coffee Shop.
quarters for himself and faogily. He building on Front street with doors,
cording to figures compiled from the
It is doubtful that the offer to double
is advertising his home oh Beach floor, roof and foundation, and to re­
records. This amount represents re­
hi* salary and triple his expense ac­
decorate the interior, at a cost of
street for sale.
ceipts from the sale of real and per­
count for 1944 had anything to do
The application had been
While arrangements with Drs. $500.
sonal property acquired through tax
with his acceptance! Especially since
Rankin and L. B. Goulet to continue given an O. K. by Fire Chief Perrott
foreclosures, redemptions by original
such emoluments were, and always
The Riverton school gymnasium having their office* where, they now and Building Inspector Dungey and
owners, and rentals.
have been, nil.
and all of its 4-H club and cafeteria are, have not been made, ifTis very the application was approved,
Total operating cost of the land de­
O. L. Wood reported at the meet­ equipment except a portable electric probable they will continue in their was reported that the two men had
Dick Connam, manager of the Coos partment during the same 11 month
ing that Mayor Houston of Klamath welder, was totally, destroyed by’Tire present locations. Mr. Benham alao
this Electric Co-operative, R. E. A., this period was $3,502X15, which is less
Fall* would be unable
appear on about 8:30 Wednesday morning, and contemplates contacting other pro­ grocery store in the near future.
week received a telegram from Wash­ than four per cent. Figured by the
the program Tuesday evening and the loss is estimated at close to $7,000. fessional men with the idea of making
Restaurant licenses were granted
ington, D. C„ informing him that two month, the average monthly sales
that he had secured Nels Rogers, 1 A* soon as the fire was discovered the two street sides of the building Laura McLeod for the Quelle Cafe,
funds had been allodated the local were $8,459.08 at an average monthly
state forester, to be one of the speak- , in the boiler room, a call was put in into a medical center with a common and Lena Pribble for the White Cot­ R. E. A. for exten*ixa»-and line build­ cost of $323.82, or .0382 per cent.
er*. The other, as previously an-1 for the Coquille Fire Department. waiting room for physicians and sur­ tage on Front street.
In the distribution of these funds
ing purposes. One amount $114,500—
nounced, will be Tommy Hoxie, pub­ The boys responded promptly, tak­ geons, dentists, eye specialists, etc.
Card room licenses were granted
Mr. Connam believe is for building in their relative proportions among
lic relations officer of the Kaiser ing dawn the tank truck which the
There is quite general regret in Co­ S. H. Donated for the Pastime and a backbone transmission line in Curry the various taxing units involved, the
shipyards in Portland who will federal government gave the city last quille that the former Coquille Hos­ Abe Roberts for the Rex Tavern, and
county to connect the present end of county receives approximately one-
present the city with a large picture year, but when the truck arrived and pital will not again be operated in the pool table license as well as card
their line at Port Orford and the half, or to be exact, 50.2 per cent.
of the recently-launched Tanker the hose was strung, it was found the building.
One hospital, the Belle room for W. H. Fortier's Bill’s Place. properties they are now authorized to County Treasurer Chas. Stauff re-
Coquille, and a plague descriptive of hose lacked 400 feet of reaching the Knife, is quite often not large enough
Mayor Wood announced that he purchase in Del Norte county, Cal­ I ports that of the $93,058.54 the coun­
the tanker.
river" from which the pumper on the to accommodate all those in thia sec­ had conferred with Wm. Caughell ifornia.
ty treasurer retains $40,753.38.
For the musical portion of the truck could draw water to throw on tion who need hospitalization, and' "*nd that the latter would take the
Analysis of the various sources of
The $405,000 item is for the pur­
program J. L. Smith has obtained the the fire.
while the Myrtle Point hospital ia position as caretaker of the Commun­ chase of Public Utilities Corporation revenue which make up the total re­
consent of Kenneth C. Talley, state
Before the call to Coquille for more but nine miles away, it requires the ity Building. The council agreed on of California properties in Del Norte ceipts, shows that $31,398.55 came
police officer, to sing several num­ hose could be made and the other use of tires and gas for friends to a salary of $100 per month, plus rent,
county, at Crescent City and Smith from completed real estate contract
bers. He will be accompanied at the small truck dash down there, the visit patients there.
beat, lights and water in the build­ River, and for which a deal was made sales, $4,090.00 from incomplete con­
piano by Mrs. Talley.
The building here, 100 feet square, ing's living apartment, which is''not with the California P. U. C. by the tracts, $22,503.74 from cash sales
building was beyond hope of saving
The dining room will not accomo­ and all the men could do was to save was originally built as a dance hall, yet ready for occupancy. It was also
directors of the Coos Electric Co-op. and rentals, and $11,707.40 from re­
date more than 70, and the meeting the high school building, between 75 but was purchased several year* ago stipulated that Mr. Caughell should
| ‘
The acquisition of the properties demption sales.
will be for a mixed attendance, so and 100 feet away.
by Drs. Rankin and M. Earl Wilson, be deputised as a member of the po­ down there is for the purpose of en­
In order to facilitate the sale of
those wishing tickets, the price will
Just what started the fire is not who converted it to hospital uocni lice force and would relieve the other abling the R. E. A. to make extensions county-owned property, the County
be $1.50 per plate, should notify Hode known but the Janitor, has had in­ with rooms, wards, kitchen, x-ray officers on their days off every other
in the more thinly settled rural areas court recently inaugurated the use of
Caughell at once. Mr. Caughell stated structions to build up a good fire be­ rooms and office*.
A prospective
of southwestern Oregon and northern application blanks.
yesterday that more than half the 70 fore he starts out with the bus to
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore J. Peterson California, J-
purchaser is required to fill out and
tickets have been sold and those de­ gather up the students who attend
were present to ask what would be
The program calls for the building sign an application, giving descrip­
siring to attend should secure their there. When the janitor’s wife went
required for them to allow young of 120 miles of rural lines, mostly in tion of the property and amount of­
pasteboards at once.
people to dance—free—on the floor Del Norte county, but extending fered. The aplication must be ac­
over to the building as usual to see
The other candidates whose names how the fire was doing the boiler
he has installed in the Bowling Alley north through Brookings and to with­ companied by cash or check in the
room on Front street. He said his
will appear on the ballot are:
room was ablaze.
amount of the bid or by at least 30
Mrs. Geneva Ware, wife of Henry plan would tend to keep young peo- in a few miles of Gold Beach.
For vice president—Geo. Jenkins,
This gym building was built ten
The transmission and feeder lines per cent of the bid if the purchase is
Don Farr, George Howe.
the streets, that the room is cannot be built jrt the present time, to be by contract.
or eleven years ago, after the old
hospital on Tuesday tMs wssl* nt k*
Under survel lienee, and that1
and smaller gym had burned. Adrian
Before the application Is presented1-"
age of 82 years, three months and no., liquor of any kind Is sold on the while the war is on, but the authori­
Werth, Coquille police officer, says
to the County court for action, the
For Directors, ten to be elected— it was in either 1932 or 33 while he I i two days, after a three-day illness. ' premises.
land department makes a thorough
Liston Parrish officiates at the i No definite answer was given the to make all its plans for extending its
O, L. Wood, R. L. Stewart, Lafe was attending school there that the
search of the records to determine the
services, conducted by Schroeder Petersons but Mayor Wood appointed
Compton, John Purkey, H. A. Young, old gym burned.
The electric service in Crescent actual legal status of the property.
Bros, today, and interment is to be C. M. Gray, M. F. Pettit and Geo.
Lackey Bonney,
Geo. Burr,
The effort to save equipment kept
City and Smith River will be con­ This is done to guard against sale*
Heaton, J. E. Norton, J. L. Stevens, in the building hastened the burn­
Taylor aa a committee to investigate tinued with'power secured from the of land, the acquisition of which by
Geo. Ulett, Dr. R. F. Milne, Dr. C. G. ing for when the door at the front ' Mr*. Ware was born in Mt Vernon, Mr. Peterson’s request, and advised same source as in the past but the the county might be questioned be­
Stem, "Andy" Anderson,
Ralph was opened it caused a draft which Missouri, Oct. 2, 1881, her maiden the latter to make application for a operation of the systems of the
two cause of possible errors in the ta«
Thrift, Phil Alborn, Ray Jeub, Dr. T. made the flames leap beyond all con­ name being Snyder. With her hus­ dance hall licenae. The policy of cities will bo in the hands of the proceedings.
De La Rhue, H. A. Slack, D. E. Rack- trol.
the council has been not to permit
When the application reaches the
Kansas in 1912 and lived at Myrtle dancing in places of business. The Coos Eelectric Co-op.
leff, Don Gillespie, Wm. Barrow, A.
The firemen here say that had they
County Court it contains all available
N. Gould, J. L. Smith, M. O. Haw­ had the additional 400 feet of hose Point until five year* ago when they last time dancing was.started, in a
information, and Unless the court
kins, Rodney Creager, Clarence Osika, they could have saved part of the moved to Coquille.
cafe, a fight resulted and the police
deems it advisable to make further
Besides her husband she is survived had to interfere.
Dick Connam, Iris Elrod, J. P. Beyers, building at least.
inquiry, immediate action can be
by a sister, Mrs. Stella Chard, of Los
While on that subject and the need
D. Brown.
The fire alarm at 5:30 Tuesday
taken. If the offer is considered too
In a short report on the Tanker evening was because of a car on fire Angeles, and two brothers, Bert Sny­ for young people to be off the streets
low, the court may aet a price.
der, of WicTiita, Kansas, tnd Chas. T.
A nation-wide observance of the
Coquille launching, President Oerding at the Coquille service station but it
and at home at night, the council
Before making timber sales the
stated that Mayor Wood made a very had been extinguished before
asked City Attorney Berg to prepare second anniversary of the establish­ court make* thorough investigation,
a curfew ordinance whose provisions
fine talk, that there were 21 from firemen could reach the hall and
which includes a cruise if the timber
Coos county in attendance, and that truck was not taken out.
will be made known at the next coun­ over the United States was held Wed­ had not already been cruiaed in re­
nesday this week. The event was
women comprise 30 per cent of the
cil meeting.
cent years; W. H. Kay, of Riverton,
to honor the ration boards’
crews which work on the vessels
George Burr reported for the com­
is now employed by the department
mittee named to consider garbage members who have given of their to cruise timber when needed.
the Kaiser yards.
time, unstintedly, in cartying out
In dividing up the work of the
The thermometer again this morn­ disposal that "Shady" Howell was not the rationing program, and in honor
County court to avoid duplication of
ing registered the same low that it
Fees Collected By Co. Clerk
of the office employees of the boards
The members of the local rationing has a couple of times before this win­ collection business and that he, Mr. who bear the brunt of the work and effort and to expedite county busi­
In December And In 1943
ness, real estate matters generally
board and their working staff were ter—20 degrees. Wednesday morning
Fees, collected in the county clerk’s entertained at luncheon Wednesday it stood right on the 32 degree freez­ party who was considering the pro­ the contact with everyone in their have been assigned to Commissioner
communities, whether the callers at
office during December totalled $1,- by the Rotary Club.
ing mark and has been as low as 20 position of taking over the business. the office are reasonable or not. They Lars Peterson, while timber sale* are
158.40. Of this amount $502.50 was
in the hands of Commissioner P. W.
Pres. Lundquist paid a nice tribute the past week.
are deserving of much credit for the
for recording, $345 for circuit court, to the board and each member was
Culver. However, in all deals of
There has been no snow here in
very efficient way in which they have
$70 for probate and county court, $72 introduced in turn. Response was Coquille, as so much of the state has
comparative importance the entire
handled an exceptionaly difficult job.
for marriage licenses and $10.90 for made by Chairman J. Arthur Berg experienced the past few days but
court gives consideration, and all
The board officials and personnel
miscellaneous items.
deals must have the approval of
and also a brief one by Carala Sav­ there was a slight fall at Delmar,
of the Coquille office, which has the
The total collected in the office in age of the staff.
at least two of the three members of
half way between Coqpille and
With 30 per cent of the pupils in reputation of being one of the best
1943 was $12,907.20, with marriage
the court.
The members of the board then Marshfield Wednesday afternoon.
some classes and rooms of the Co­ conducted in the state, were guests at
licenses issued producing $702 of it took occasion to present Chairman
Maps prepared by the land depart­
quille schools absent, and several of the Rotary luncheon in the coffee
Recording fees collected during the Berg with a beautiful
ment to show location of lands, tim­
neautnui set of
or book
ixxjk -
the teachers down with the flu, the shop on Wednesday this week.
year aggregated $8,183.20; miscellan­ ends, the presentation being made
ber, areas leased for oil, chrome, etc.,
school board ordered that school
The board members are J. Arthur
eous items totalled ^1,301.50, while
are used to advantage in handling the
by George Burr and Don Gillespie.
be discontinued Tuesday unt|l next ,Berg, of Coquille; Wesley Chappell,
circuit court cases produced $3,703
business, and a complete property
Several birthdays were celebrated
of Bandon; O. L. Finnie and H. E. D.
and probate and county court
register is kept up to date. Further
and it was brought out that this was
The epidemic has been quite wide­ Brown, of Powers.
Chairman in
E. T. Stelle, at the bank here, has
, improved methods are under consid-
also the birthday of Markie Smith
spread mi
all over
southwestern Oregon charge of oil rationing is R. L. Stew-
uvci »mawawva
received information that the Coos bprcau
Sherrill, of the ration board staff.
the past two weeks but the rains, art; gasoline, Don Gillespie, E. A. I | eration and may be put into effect
I (rradnallv ■« time permit* Ope ide*
county quota for the Fourth War
Secretary Hode Caushell read let­
Cnn» Cnn^y Tn Ree«ive
»Lid« W
uuudia-ivu lu hcult!;
heult!; . W«dirai anti Geo. i. Burr, price panel,
— - a.u.c uuuduuivù
i> tub« >i,5ik,«uv, which wLklt
is to .have lists of the more desirable
ters from Stillwater, Oklahoma, in re­ U o . k I
Nice Check In A Few Days
is somewhat less than the thirgl drive than sub-freezing weather, will, it is Mr*, . Maxine Jeub, Mrs. George property in the various sections of
gard to the activities of Donna Dean
County Trea*urer Stauff received Bosserman; one from the lieutenant quota.
the county prepared for ready sale,
The drive is to start Jan. 18, but all of the air.
notice thi* week from the Interior in charge of the 2nd Cadet Battalion
Scores, perhaps hundreds, in Co- I The office personnel is composed which means they would be checked
Department at Washington, D. C., at Cabanisso Field, Corpus Christi, E bonds sold between now and that
as^to legal status, appraised and
with the of Mrs Carla Savage, chief Clerk;
that a check for Coo* county, amount­ Texas, also one from H. L. Gilbert date will be applied to the million and quille have been afflicted
priced. Local committees may be
scourge which has been traveling Mrs. R. H. Ziegler, price clerk; Rheo
ing to $17,380.44, would be mailed from the Naval Air Station at the a half quota.
asked to assist in the appraisals.
westward since last fall.
Walker, gas clerk; Mrs. Markie Sher­
soon. It is the payment the govern­ same place both expressing apprecia­
It is the purpose of the County
rill, tire clerk, and Mrs. Colleen Ire­ court to systematize the handling of
ment makes in lieu of taxes on Coo* tion of the club's Christmas remem­ Little Improvement Noticed
land, counter clerk.
Two Infant* Buried
county lands to such extent as is nec­
Bay Wagon Road lands.
In Mrs. Hersey’s Condition
essary to assure orderly business ad-
Mayor Wood told of the launching
Mrs. Emily Hersey, is not showing
Making VF.l
Of JLrlc
trtlnlstratlon. Not tally is it desired j..
of the U. S. Tanker fpquille *4. the thj*Improvement hoped f<fr and wheri
• irtfant baby of Mr. and Mr»lR^ y, - ,
R¿ »«iiimeJ
3,000 Pounds Of Clothing 2
( ross 1O ■»<* KCSlim (1
to get the land back on the tax "rolls, .
kaiser yards in Portland, Dec. 16, and the spasms caused by the intense pain Reuben Wilford Brown
of McKinley
Salvaged Here For Needy
Mrs. Dix, county chairman, called but to get a fair price for the land
passed around a number of pictures inWr arms come, she suffer* terribly. passed away the same day it was
Coquille is furnishing about a ton that he had received showing various Last week she asked for “her boys” born, last Friday, and interment was Mrs. J. R. Bunch, Coquille chairman, when it is sold. Any profit the county
this week to announce that material may realize in some of these trans- - ——
and a half of salvaged wearing ap- phases of the launching and follow- and her son, Ben, and grandson James in the Dora cemetery on Jan. 3.
pare! which is to be distributed in this ing banquet.
Another baby girl, Karen Katherine for making Red Crass dressings are actions offset losses sustained in
were called from Portland Wednes­
county and in foreign countries where
Rotarian guests were J. E. Rich- day night. She was feeling a little Sponsel, born to Mr. and Mr*. Ger­ again available and Mrs. Bunch states others. The interests of the 'tax­
needed by the national salvage organ­ mond of Eugene, Harry Nasburg of , bettter Sunday and the two left for ald Bernard Sponsel of this city, on that the work will be resumed next payers as a whole are considered
of the indi-
along with the inf iteresta
Marshfield and E. J. Hughes of Grants home that day.
Dec. 28, died at jhe hosiptal on Jan. week.
of county property.
The City Cleaners here had to Pea»-
1, and was buried in the Catholic
Mr. and Mrs. Loal Hickcnhottom,
close their plant to commercial busi­ ‘ Special guests were Ensign Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fensler, who cemetery at Bandon on Tuesday thi*
Erwin O. Waite, of Toledo, spent f
formerly of Coquille, now of Cres­
ness a few days in order to take care Laird of Pensacola, Fla., and Bill have been house guests of the Theo. we ek.
of the cleaning of this vast amount of Lehmanowaky of the U. S. Navy in 1 Clintons returned to their home at
Schroeder Bro*. Mortuaries were well, were h.u*e guest» of Mr. and the week-end here, visiting his wife -
Mrs. Alborn over the last week end at the hospital.
discarded and salvaged garments.
the south Pacific area.
| Tulelake on New Year’s day.
in charge of each' Interment.
Riverton Gym
Again Destroyed By
Fire Wednesday
Coos Electric Co-op
To Operate In
Northern California
Mrs. Henry Ware
Buried Today
- **
Ration Boards
Honored January 5
Ration Board
Honored By Rotary
Thermometer Down
To 26 Again
Flu Closed The
Schools Tuesday
Coos 4th Bond Quota
To Be $1,518, 700
Coos County's
Monthly Land Sales
Averaged $8,459.68
.¿,'r 1