PAGI NINI - CLASSIFIED IF YOU are a responsible person and ' Pioneer Methodist Church willing to work, we have a good- Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor One Cant a Ward Each Uwerttae paying milk route for you. Now is Unu» the time to consider a permanent ^0- MOWe CUted 9:45 Sunday ac No Adv. tasa than 25 sonta Btr- a better person, if they pqgt-war job. SWIFT It COM­ LANS LENEVB Co. Geo. B. Howe, Standard Oil The school________________ 25 PANY. it J study God’s word. Join us on Sun­ r.LECTRIC WIRING SuppUw are manager here, hands us the follow-'* -ta taken the several clerks in Coos day available in limitad QM—ojt.-,; i sees a change in the county, with the elimination of 11:00 Sunday morning worship have those extra convenience out­ FOR RENT—5 room modern stucco ing from a Tacoma paper, w an 1 the experi­ models of different automobiles, new Marshfield and North Bend, is 5051. hour. "Learning to Count Correctly.’' house, with basement and furnace, lets installed. Phone 193R, E. G. ences of Red Jordan, nephew of Mrs. designs in motors, clothes, etc. Com­ »These two cities elected to follow a Opperman. aeJ 6:30 Youth Fellowship groups. Sen­ Phone 1R13 or see Randall John­ Howe, who braved freezing and death paring an automobile that was manu­ law which has recently been placed ior and Intermediate. A special fea­ WANTED — Water wells to drill. __________ son, Riverton, Oregon. It in Alaskan waters to save a guards­ factured twenty-five years ago to al on the statutes allowing districts of ture in the Intermediate department 1943 model, with the exception of I the first classes to take the census | will be of interest, man at Cape St. Elias light station: Have new and up-to-date equip­ having four tires, the old model I FOR SALE — 1936 Chevrolet, just ment and heavy pipe where needed. once in a maximum period of five t 7:30 Sunday evening fellowship been overhauled. Very fine condi­ When one of the guardsman at the doesn't even resemble an automobile, j years. The ___________ Fred C. Loe, Route 1, Marshfield number on the census hour. Enjoy the music and the ser- tion, call Mrs. Taylor, 191J. It station was injured severely a radio However it is different with shot- for these above mentiwed 'dirtrTcte \7ce* wi^w 30t4*tf appeal to a navy base was answered guns and rifles. While great progress ' as will be needed in the apportioning I ----- ------ _j on Sunday evening. 7:30 Wednesday evening, choir PERMANENT WAVE, S8c! Do your: LOST in Coquille Sunday afternoon, by Pilot Lt. (jg) Warren Bellafhey of has been made in the manufacture of of funds from the office of the county rehearsal hour. small, short-haired, coal-black oyn Permanent with Charm-Kurl Berkeley, Calif., who brought Capt. ammunition during the past fifty-school superintendent cannot be as- i male dog, weighs about 16 pounds 7:30 Thursday evening mid-week Kit. Complete equipment, Includ­ George Goldstein, M. C-, an army years, the general lines of firearms certained until the cloae of the school and is 5 months old. White mark ­ service, returning to the book ‘ of ing 40 curlers and shampoo, >-»«y medical officer. ~ have not changed to any great extent, year 1943-44, since the law sets up ings on hind foot and chest. Return Despite rough seas and jagged rocks | Take for instance the Parker shotgun, that the census for 1943 shall be Isaiah for a study of his message. to do, absolutely harmless. Prakled to Floyd Wilson, Goodyear Tire by thousands including Fay Mc­ the pilot brought his seaplane down one of the most expensive and great- worked out on a census-average daily I The Woman’s Society for Christian Shop, Coquille. Phone 184 or 152M Service meets on Thursday, January Kenzie, glamorous movie star. , and a dory was sent out from thei est shooting guns on the market. Its attendance ratio. the 26th. after 6. Reward. It Money refunded if not satisfied. station for Capt. Goldstein. The pi-; lines are practically the same today The census, outside of Marshfield This New Year piunilSCT promises us us JUSl Just J M _ ai _ n . —-------------------- ••••• Barrow Drug Company. 47110» WANTED—Folding steel Utility cot, I lot asked for volunteers to aid him as they were fifty years ago. Tho — d * N *’ °rth '■ — j ’ 8h ■ °W’ " decre“« of- a* 1 M Be"d much as we are prepared to make in getting his ship to safety, r- J only difference being that the Parker 56, frnm and last year 30 inches wide. C. L. Knupp, ______ .___< use of. FOR SALE—“Fanners* lUrpi»," Folsom Apartments. It* Guardsman Ned Jordan took on the of today is of lighter weight. And, Assuming that Marshfield and Pigs — Dogs — Heifers — ft Job of acting as ballast whila the the same may be said of the L. C. North Bend have the same census as Team — Car — See FARR A EL­ Emanuel Baptist Church MONUMENTS pilot attempted to taxi the plane to Smith shotgun. Even to weight this they did last year, which is very WOOD'S “Swap Board." Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor gun is the same in every respect to doubtful, th* total for the county —-------- ---- ----------------------- | Now is the time to order markers, the beach. Jordan climbed out on the wing the model of forty years ago. . | would be 7246, with 3734 boys and Sunday, January 2, 1944 FOR RENT—2 Large Rooms, Fu^- I monuments, or cement work for your Very little change has been made 3512 girls. 10:00 Sunday School. Ben Walton, nished for Light w^weAeeping:' lota at the cemeteries, for spring de­ lip to balance the force of the wind Stoves, Bad, Couch, Chairs and | livery. John S. Sanders, phone 123L, , and hugged it for dear life, while the I in the Winchester repeating rifle. All boys and girls between the superintendent. 47tfs pilot tried for the beach again and And aside from the block In the ac- age, Of 4 and 19 are listed on the 11:00 Morning Worship service. table. Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, 351 ' or call at 541 West Sixth. I So. Henry, Coquille. tfs FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser­ again in the darkness. For two hours I tion and a different composition bar- school census and this even includes New Year's sermon. Communion. he battled with the wind and the I rel, they are exactly the same in every the service men within that age 7:00 Children’s World Crusade. vice—call 2-L. J. A, Lamb Com­ FOR SALE—R. F. I. Gold Seal stock rough sea while Jordan clung to the respect to the model of fifty years group whose parent, reside in Coos 7:00 Young People’s meeting. I pany. tfs White New Zealand Rabbits, Amer­ exposed position. A safe landing ago- county. 8:00 Evening service. Popular song ica's greatest fur and meat strain. I Most everything on the market has The number of persons on each dii- service, led by Wm. Knight. Sermon: For Refrigeration Service phone was finally sighted and Jordan Registered and pedigreed. H. E. I shop,10«J, or residence 188J, ' climbed back into the plane, but it changed — typewriters, sewing ma- trlct census is used in compiling both "The Family Altar.” Wood, 275 N. Henry, Phone 286. Thuesday, Choir rehearsal. write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. I was two hours later before they chines, vacuum cleaners, motors, au- the county school fund and the li- tfs_________________ tomobile tires, etc., etc., but firearm, brary fund. The former wUl be ap- Thursday (tonight) no prayer meet­ | Garnier, authorised Frigidaire brought the plane in.’ Service. 27tfs | Jumping from the ship into the icy in the most popular models remain portioned as soon as the turn-over is ing, instead— NAVAJO INDIAN HORSE BLAN­ i water, Jordan secured the plane and practically the same and it seems made. By law, »100 will be given to Friday, Watchnight Service, 0-12. KETS—Ideal scatter rugs. FARR MILKING MACHINES—It you need for the rest of the night the two men strange indeed that they^hould re- each district with an additional »100 Bring sandwiches. Special invita­ A ELWOOD. s a new one for next year, see us huddled together, both suffering from , main so—that the first, or among the to each of the districts which have tion to parents of service men for now. J. A. Lamb Company. a exposure. The water calmed near [first models patented years ago, consolidated within the last five the Candlelight service at 11:00 p. m. WANTED—Voung Woman for after­ 1 noon the next day and’the pilot took should have proven masterpieces in years, for each former district it has noons. Bergen’s, phone 64. s FOR RENT—Furnished Apt. Quiet off with Jordan, arriving safely at the art of gunsmithing. annexed. The remaining money in first Church of Christ, Scientist FUR COATS, cleaned and glared. ’ place for quiet people. No pets. the navy base, while other planes1 The old Parker shotgun that my the fund is divided according to the Couples preferred. Hallingstad Coquille. Oregon Have pre-war Satin Lining at pre- > I dad still often uses (*a nine pound children on the census from the re- 49t2s were out searching for them. war prices. Inquire about Muff- j ; Apts,, phone 96R. Sunday School at 0:30 a. m. The first words of the pilot on I gun) is built along the same line, sepctive districts, the back tax being Purse forms. Pearl Marquette, 676 GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ splashing through the water to the , and pattern as the latest Parker to- Sunday Service at 11 a. m. distributed on the basis of the census East Third, CoqulUe. 47t4*s Subject Cor next Sunday, * God." surance. I give service. F. R. beach were, “Get Jordan to the hoe- day, and it has seen service tor over ¡for the year in which it would have Bull. a pital.” Both men received hospital fifty years. During all that long been distributed had the money come the Only Cause and Creator.” WANTED—To rent small modern -- Wednesday evening meeting a« 8 00 | treatment but suffered ho ill effects. period It has functioned perfectly and in at the regular time. Fqrnished House, 2 or 3 rooms. RANGE BOILERS—30 and 40 gallon o'clock. not one dime has ever been spent The census, as has been reported by Couple with no children. Call Mias galvanized and Fowler Porcelain- Free public Reading Room at 255 upon it for repairs. And the old each individual clerk, has been com­ Rippey, phone 23. lt*s lined tanka in stock. J. A. Lamb I L. C. Smith that the writer has shot pared by the secretary in the office W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Company. s day except Sunday and holidays X>uu: FOUND—Lady's small purse. Can be I Iris Elrod and Etta Sacchi were last over a period of thirty-five years is of the county school superintendent, obtained by identifying. J. H. I Wednesday named as executors of the exactly a duplicate of the latest field Mrs. Idyle Godard, in order- to elim- 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. FOR SALE—1942 Studebaker Cham­ i Boots, 443 North Elliott St., Co­ »5000 estate left by their mother, grade model put out by that concern ■ inate any duplications. pion 4-door Sedan. Edell Bryant, Mary Julia Elrod, who passed away ! today. quille. lt*s Church of God 160 W. 12th. Phone 237-M. 50tfs Oct. 17* Appraisers appointed were It certainly is a lot of sport catching Corner of Henry 8c Seventh Sta. FOR RENT—Furnished House. Elec- F. A. Sachi, M. A. McLeod and Frank a royal Chinook and many anglers Pastor, A. L. Perry trict range, 2 bedrooms, sitting FOR RENT—5-room Modern House, Denning. travel far to do so. Besides the 4 miles from Coquille on Bandon . AU are invited to attend. If your i Rosemary Creath was appointed room, kitchen and bath, large yard. Dec. M—J. D. Van DeHey vs. Isa­ thrill in landing one, when one is road. Phone 1R13. lt*s child does not go to Sunday School Call at 997 N. Henry. Its I Wednesday as administrator of the caught it means meat in the pot, so belle MacCamp. Suit for accounting. elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Dec. 33—Ella H. Braly vs. Louis FRUIT TREES—Order now. FARR CLOTHES DRYING RACKS — We »3,833.33 estate left by Edna Richard­ to apeak. A bi» Chinook canned will Sunday School, 10 a. m. v have them. FARR A ELWOOD, s son, who died Nov. 26. Albert Mat- last an ordinary family through a Clark Braly. & ELWOOD. a Preaching service 11 a. m. Dec. 28—d^ollie O. Frickey vs. Con­ son, Joe Williams and John Ferguson winter. Besides the,price of salmon, Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. ROCKHILL S T RAWBERRY rad L. Frickey. Suit for divorce. will appraise the estate. whan purchased at a dealer's is some­ or better still bring them. PLANTS—True everbearers, un­ Dec. 28—Luria B. Ray vs. Earl w. Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet- thing to consider. We are wondering Preaching service 7:30 p. m. excelled for strawberry barrels, Ray. Suit fqr divorce. anchor of your liberties; write Ito pre­ why the OPA has never Investigated bear all summer with water. FARR cepts in your hearts, and practice Dec. 29—Clarence McCullock vs. the salmon market and put a rea­ A ELWOOD. s them in your lives.—Ulysses S. Grant. Suit for di sonable price on salmon. Groceries Mamie L. McCullock. vorce. are curbed with ceiling prices, al ­ Acreage Tracts Are Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col­ lowing a very small profit and pastry DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ Beginning To Move See -opixe" Leslie tor the best in R. M. Repass, who has.put his 80- lectors at Harbison's. s comes under the same heading. And en, Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get yet the commercial fishermen on the Liability, or other Insurance, Office, Oregonian Subscribers: Please acre tract, two -miles east of them at Pacific Feed k Seed Co. tfs Callin« caras. 00 ror »1.00. Coquille river, at the date of this next door to Coquille Hospital, help your carrier by having yew the end of Second street in Co­ ----------- ?---------------------------- writing are receiving thirteen and one phone 3: residence phon* ML. gaper money ready at Ma first call. quille, on the market, reports Anyone Want A Small FORECLOflUR* SALK half cents a pound for their salmon, Remember bo must pay Me paper that small acreage tracts are be­ Acreage Near Coquille? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, and this same salmon la sold the obligation before the 10th ef the ginning to move, being purchased by That under and by virtue of an Exe­ An 80-acre tract, two miles from prospective home builders, and that cution and Order of Sale Issued out public over the dealer's counter at month. Thank you. Coquille, is to be cut up into small there are many choice sites left and of the Circuit Court of the State of 55 cents per pound. Taking into acreage tracts. Anyone deairing to anyone desiring to buy a small lot, 3, Oregon for the County of Coos on the consideration the dressing and cut­ Lucille Dohnelly Phene 14 IM purchase a tract of such a size is re­ 5 or 10 acres, should see him on the 30th day of November, 1943, in a ting up of the fish and giving a mar­ certain cause in said Court pending Coquille, Oregon quested to contact the owner, R. M. place before the beet ones are gone. wherein COOS COUNTY, a body gin for waste that may oocur in the y Repass, who lives up the road from lt*s .politic and corporate of the State of dressing process, it is being very con­ Oregon, Plaintiff, and JOHN VAN servative, we believe, to state that the end of Second street, before the CAMP and CAROLINE VAN CAMP, surveying and platting is dene. It DAIRYMEN A STOCKMEN—We his wife: R. H. BRYANT and E- the dealer la making at least three stock Red Water bacterin and GERALDINE can be arranged to suit. See him on BRYANT, his wife: hundred per cent profit on salmon other vaccines and bacterins. Visit MAE RACKLEFF and the UNITED steaks. the place. 48tf Ye gods!—no wonder the our animal specialties department. STATES, a body politic and corpor­ poor angler hies himself for the river FOR SALE—2-story House in Myr­ ate, Defendants, Case No. ------- of FARR A ELWOOD. a said Court and commanding me to and streams in order to catch his tle Point, in good location, six sell the hereinafter described real canning salmon! large rooms and bath. Price >2400. FOR SALE—6 room House, modern, property to satisfy the sum of »300.00 full basement, and three lots and Call at 231 North Elliott, Coquille with interest at 8 per cent from Oc­ chicken house and garage. Inquire tober 25, 1931, less the sum of 213.00 Mrs. Walter Barklow. 47t4*s E. E. Benham at Benham’s Trans­ rid thereon; an Attorney fee of none and costs and disbursements fer. »tfs no matter how large and elaborate »..._............. together with accruing Dec. 23—Carl L. Main, of North costa. I WILL T on SATURDAY, THE NO SHORTAGE OF FEED AT FARR the scale upon which the funeral Bend, and Hester A. Jacks, of San 8th DAY OF JANUARY, 1944, at the A ELWOOD. • hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Francisco. They were maaeied last arrangements are to be made. That CHURNS—Half and one gallon vic­ said day at the front door of the Thursday by Justice F. R. Bull at his- is our policy—that is our proud tory churns now In stock. J. A. LOST—Springer Spaniel Pup, female. County Court House in the City of office here. 9 months old; brown and white; Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, of­ claim after many years of experi­ Lamb Company. * ■ Dec. 23—Millard T. Hendrix, of Dr. De La Rho* gone since Dec. 22. Finder please fer for sale and sell at public auc­ ence A conference with us will tion, to the highest and best bidder Marshfield, and Maggie B. Dowling, ARE YOUR HENS LAYING’—Ask call Julius Ruble, 107R. lt*s for cash in hand, all the right, title to your advantage. Eyesight of Claremore, Okla. They were us about our money-back guarantee and interest of the said Defendants married last Thursday at Marshfield Specialist PAPERHANGING, Kalsomining, to make them lay. FARR A EL­ in and to the following described reel by Justice Allan A. Hall. Wood Finishing. Interior and Ex­ property, to-wit: WOOD. • __mined - Otasses Fitted The Northeast quarter (NEV«) Dec. 24—Harold Arnold, of Marsh­ terior Painting. We buy cotton of Section Twenty (20), Town­ FOR SALE or Trade—1940 DeLuxe field, and Bernice Johnson, of North Reception room Jointly wlUi rags. Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. ship Twenty-Nine (29) South, Dodge Business Coupe, good pre­ Bend. They were married by Rev. Henry St Ptjone 286. tfs Dr. J. R. Bunch Range Eleven (11) West of Wil­ war tires. Low mileage, radio, Edward Eklof at his home at the Bay lamette Meridian, all in Coos (oqeilte heater, etc. See H. E. Wood, 275 WANTED TO BUY—410 gauge shot­ County, Oregon. w last Saturday. •’MR 1088 Said sale being made subject to gun shells in either broken lots or N. Henry, Coquille; phone 286. tfs Dec. 24—George L. Dey, of Lorane, redemption in the manner provided full boxes. Call 9R31, Coquille. lt*s Ore., and Maxine Pauline Guggisberg, by law. MACHINERY Repairs — Flay safe, rrf Mnrshff*ld They , were e»errber Norton s Regtai Library when you need a good book for has duly qualified as auch. wlwn heed h™* fnr that NOW THEREFORE, all persona ________________ lonesome evening, . Mystery, adven­ having claims against said estate are ture and romance are all to be found hereby notified and required to pre­ sent the same, together with proper on the Library shelves. vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, Night Phone MSX at the office of J. Arthur Berg, in We carry a complete line of V- Coquille, Oregon, within six months Agents for Oregon-Nevada-Cntiforniu Fest Freight B*lts for all makes of Refrigerators. from the date hereof. Dated this Sth day of December, Washing Machines and other equip­ Farr & Elwood Bldg. ment. Washer Service Co.. 365 W Jf. Second St. Edell Bryant, ldtfs ■ ■tad ■ ■■■■■■■. i ■ ■ Administrator [ Front, Coquille. Phone. Nephew Of Mrs. Out-of-Doors Stufi l i ,CíUnty School Census by Probate Court Items Circuit Court Cases NOTICE The Oregonian Agency Marriage Licenses MIO INEZ ROVER WRECKER Southwestern Motors Instructor ofPiano Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire . SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — 8TORAGE