PAGKfilX , ' ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister Sunday.' ’ , Mr. and Ml a., N ile Mdlej v lilted at Christmas udrey Schroeder came in i the home of Rev. and Ara. M. M. were Ray Dead­ from Salem and spent the Christmas Short in Coquille Sunday evening. mond, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dead­ ' holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The J. D. Carl family have all been Gus Schroeder. mond and Patty Dow. ill with the flu the past week. Mr. Fred Dow stopped over long enough j Miss Laura Bernice Lillie spent the Carl was confined to his bed for a to spend Christmas with his mother, week-end visiting at the home of her few days but is some better again. Mrs. Leona Dow, of Coquille, on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lillie. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson and way to Seattle to visit his brother, She returned to- Eugene Sunday to Donald have also been confined to Clifford, who is also on leave. Fred continue her school work* went on to Seattle Sunday. . J 1 Mr., and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward | their home with the flu. Fairview News Paul Harry, who helps on the Ray i and Mrs. George Gillespie drove to Deadm<*>d place, spent Christmas Salem last Thursday and brought Mr. with his parents in Broadbent. Gillespie home with them. Mr. Gil- A Christmas greeting cablegram lespie had been employed out there Townsend Club No. 1 met Tuesday received vihuuikib Christmas^ . by _ with ___ ____ was rereivvu . _ Mr. and but has given up his job and will re-______ evening about ___ 36 _________ present, in Mrs. L. A. Ryan from their son "Bud," main at home. They came as far as gpi^ of coids and flu keeping several Roseburg somewhere in England. _ Friday _ evening _ and spent faithful members at home. Vice Pres. Mrs. Roy Enlund, of Marshfield,' the night there, returning home Sat- i Fred Von Pegert conducted the busi­ spent Christmas at the home of her urday morning ness meeting, Mr. Buckner gave the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beagle. Miss Jean McAllister came in Fri- | opening prayer and this was followed Mrs. Ray Deadmond is visiting rel- day from Klamath Falls,' where she by all singing “America.” atives in Portland and northern has been employed for the past few I This was the last meeting of the She has been gone since weeks and spent the Christmas holi­ year and for the 52 meetings held, points. days at the home of her parents, Mr. we have had an average of 30 persons before Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stillwell, of and Mrs. S. C. McAllister. She re- per meeting. Greetings- were read Portland, are visiting at the Robert turned to Klamath Falls Sunday from E. E. Morgan, a member, living I in Portland. Mrs. Anna Smith drew Holverstott home. Mrs. Stillwell is ' morning. They Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aasen were the door prize. Mrs. Holverstott's Holverstott’s mother. No program was came to spend Christmas here and Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. planned, so after cake and coffee, visit with Ben Holverstott, who is ■and Mrs. S. C. McAllister and Jean. several musicians played for us. Next Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zeller and meeting jello and puddings will be home on furlough from the Air Corps in Amarillo, Texas. He is leaving family weA Christmas day dinner served.—Press Cor. guests at the home of Mrs. Zeller’s Thursday for his camp. Mrs. Lillie Johnson spent the week­ mother, Mrs. Mulkey, in Myrtle Point. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mrs. end at the Ray Deadmond home, caring for things in the absence of Ida Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood­ Mr. and Mrs. Deadmond. Guests for Christmas day * at the ward and Ronnie were Christmas day L. A. Ryan home were Mrs. Earl | dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Law­ ★★ Adams, Jr., of Coquille, and Mrs. L. rence Barklow. A. Ryan, of Marshfield. i Rev. M. D. Rempel, ___ of Coquille, _ ,------ ( Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal, of Marstr- 'Conducted the regular Sunday morn­ See us for photographs of field, were callers at the L. A. Ryan ing church service. Sunday school home Saturday evening. Accompany- followed with an attendance of 23. • Family Groups ing them home was Mrs. L. A. Ryan, : There will be services again next • Service Men Jr. * • | Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and Jack Nicklaus was unable to return Sunday school at 11 a. m. • Babies to work Tuesday because he has Mrs. Ida Myers visited at the home been ill with the flu since Christmas! of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane last Sun­ • Copies of Pictures night. \ | day. Tom Benham, Bill Northup and son, I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg, of Nor­ David, spent Monday fishing at wax were Sunday dinner guests of Broadbent. They returned home with Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fleming and a good catch of steelheads. ' There will be election of Sunday family, of Scott's Mills, near Salem, school officers next Sunday, it being visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. postponed from last Sunday. Officers Gus Schroeder over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ted King and family, to be elected are: superintendent, as­ sistant superintendent and secretary­ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Neil, of Reedsport,' Mr. and Mrs. John McNair, of Fat treasurer. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler left Elk, were Christmas dinner guests of early Monday morning for Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Robison and fam- They were joined in Coquille by, ily. Rev. and Mrs. Milton Stewart and , Mrs. Earl Edgmon and Kenneth vis- baby, of Powers, who also went to ited at the home of Mrs. Daisy Doyle Eugene. All four are former resi­ the past week. They returned to dents of Eugene and all went to their home in Klamath Falls Monday. the Bible Standard Training School Everett Doyle came in from Fort at Lighthouse Temple. They plan Lewis on a few days' furlough and to stay tor the rally held on New visited relatives and friends in Coos Year's day at the Temple. county. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle came r*; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah and Bon- over from North Bend and spent You know the man who has plans to save the world, while his nie Ellen are moving back into the Christmas Day at the home of Mrs. own clothes need mending. The one who bellows about bureau­ valley from Lakeside, where they Daisy Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur have operated “The Spot,” camp­ Doyle and family, of Myrtle Point, cratic waste, while his tires are running on threads. The one ground, for several months. Thpy came over and joined Mrs. Daisy who can tell General Eisenhower or General MacArthur how are moving into their new home, the Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doyle to wage the war without loss, while beetles eat up his garden. forme/ Amanda Johnson home. Mrs. and Mrs. Earl Edgmon and Kenneth The one who scream» about scarcity of foods, while he wastes Johnson will move this week into her for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. new home near the Hap Boone home. Art Farrier and Jack came up from gasoline on needless driving. He’s worried about a new front Several family reunions were held Bandon Christmas evening and vis­ opening up before he has solved the last one. There are a lot in the valley at Christmas time. At ited with the entire family. of fronts to think about. the Amanda Johnson home were her Glendon Zeller was a Monday vis­ children: Mr. and Mrs. Alfie Saylor itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'X' and daughter, Loree, of Nehalem; Nile Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fairchild, Rich­ ter, Bonnie Ellen, of Lakeside; Mr. ard, Billy and Rotha, of Scottsburg, and Mrs. Hap Boone and sefiVMerle. and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Cornwell At the L. L. Buoy home, spending , and family, also of Scottsburg, were Christmas eve and Christmas day Christmas week-end guests at the were: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Frye, of Pow­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm." Knabe. ers; Mr. ancfMrs. Ed Isaacson, of this Mrs. Betty Spry came in from Cor­ valley; Mr. and Mr«. Don Noah and vallis and visited st the home of her children, Donna Jean and Rodney, ’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe of Kentuck Inlet; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ' over the week-end. ence Miller and children. Rose and i Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Frye, of Pow- Clarence, Jf„ of Gravel Ford; Mr. era, visited at the home of Mr. and We have a responsibility, too. We know tire repair and That’s a pretty important front. It calls for coperation and Mrs. H. F. Krantz and sons, Bill Mrs. John Widmark over the Christ- recapping. It is up to us to tell you when a crack or and Jim, of Gravel Ford; Mr. and mas holidays. Elvin Widmark came from everyone. It means that you should have your Mrs. Robert Noah, Rose Marie and in from Camp Peterson, Farragut, cut should be fixed—and do it right. It is up to us to tires inspected regularly. It means proper tire infla­ Kenneth, of Sweet Home. Idaho, and visited at the home of his tell you wheh tires should be recapped and give new tion. It means driving sensibly and carefully. It means A Christmas day family reunion parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Widmark tire mileage to old tires. It is up to us to act as your conserving every ounce of gasoline and every ounce oL- was held at the home of Mr. and a few days over the Christmas holi- Tire Advisor and be at your service whenever the oc­ Mrs. Chas. Holverstott when 30 rela­ days. rubber’on your tires. It isn’t a job that you can do by tives gathered to enjoy a lovely din­ Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and casion demands. yourself. ner and exchange of gifts. From Douglas were Christmas day dinner Bridge came Mrs. Melissa Brownson, _ __________ ___ guests of Mr. and ____ Mrs. ... W. ___ E. __ Cross grandmother of Mrs. Holverstott, who ' of Coquille. On Christmas eve Mr. last June 1 celebrated her 93rd birth- and Mrs, Carl and Douglas and Her- day, she being able to be up and about, bert Carl visited at the home of Mr. but being in poor health for the 1 and Mrs. Keith Cribbs and family, ■ • last few weeks; Mrs. Carrie Ben- Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl attended heading right into the most critical tire period in the nation’s\istory. Tire service is more important now than ham, Harry Brownson, Henry Brown- I the wedding ceremony of Mrs. Carl's We are son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brownson, j cousin. Gene Bonniksen, of Broad- C Ilf ford Brownson and Wallace, all of bent, at the Pioneer MMhrwU«t «hurrh ever tx-fnr«. Don’t he too optimistic about getting new tires very soon. It takes time to produce the synthetic rub- Bridge; Mrs. Amelia Mill, of Rose­ in Coquille Sunday. ■ ", ber and convert it into tires. And don’t forget that the needs of our armed forces come first. Let’s take care of your own burg, who is visiting at the home of Steve Hemstreet came in from her - mother, Mrs. Brownson, from Portland last Thursday and visited at tire problems before we settle all of the OTher world problems. After all, they do go hand in hand. We must be able Eugene, Ray Benham; from Coquille, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wid­ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Benham, Joan____ mark _________ over the _______ holidays. He left to settle all kinds of issues, and the tire ¡..sue is one we can help you on. and Dean; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ben- Monday for $an Francisco, where he Townsend Club Coquille Siu()io ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE ARM CHAIR STRATEGISTS? - r There's the Jap Front, Russian Front, Alaskan Front, Sicilian front, China Front, Solomons Front, Balkan Front, and Home Front How About the "Tire Front" Repair and Recapping Time Is NOW! ham, Earl, Joyce and Leighton; Mr. will be employed for a while. and Mrs. Ray Brownson, Mary Jane Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis, and Carrie; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ben- Alice and Orvus, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. ham and Karen; Mrs. Benham's moth- Harold Fish spent Christmas eve at er, Mrs. Clara Hoag, pf Portland, and the hpme.of .Mr, and Mrs. Hile Miller, the host and hostess, Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrt. ' Nile Miller were Charles Holverstott and Kenneth and Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. Lindy Lou. ’ ‘and Mrs. Harold Fish. A Christmas tree and exchange of 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister and gifts were enjoyed by 28 members Jean visited at the home of Mr. and of the Grange at their regular meet­ Mrs. Wayne Woodward Christmas ing last Saturday evgping. Birthday evening. ’ I _ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg, of Nor­ cakes, of which three were served, way, and Mri: George Gillespie vis- and coffee were the refreshments. Guests over the w«ek-end for Christmas at the Gordon Bell home Vancouver, Wash., and lister, Miss were his mother, Mrs. Olive Bell, of Mildred Bell, of Seattle, Wash. WE'LL GIVE YOU EXPERT INSPECTION, SOUND ADVICE AND HONEST WORKMANSHIP . — ———------------- ———■ THORNTON TIRE SERVICE Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. <52