The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 30, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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wore a o n e pi ece powder blue dress
Nuptials Sunday
Miss Eunice Howe became the bride
of Gene Bonnikaen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Boniksen of Broadbent,
at a mid-holiday wedding held Sun­
day at three p. m. in the
Methodist Church.
Goodwin B
“The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George B. Howe, was given in mar­
riage by her father. She wore a floor­
length drees with slipper satin bodice,
length 'sleeves and
sweetheart neckline, the full skirt
being of soft chiffon. The fine net
veil was full and floor-length, caught
under a becoming band of orange
blossoms. She carried a bouquet of
white chrysanthemums framed in a
rosette of wide satin ribbon and cen­
tered with a large orchid. There was
a dainty spray of yellow rosebuds
across the top of the boUquet.
Dorothy Belle Newton was the
bride's only attendant. She wore a
gown of floor length blue crepe with
lace yoke and carried a nosegay in
blue and pink with shower of white.
Mr. Hugh McMahon, classmate of
the groom, was best man and Kenneth
Bonnikaen and James Howe were
Shirley Slater and Eula McCracken
in rose and blue floor length dresses
lighted the tapers. Flower girls were
Bobbie Jean Harris and Marian Alice
Harris. They wore floor length white
taffeta dresses and carried white taf­
feta baskets filled with pink and blue
The church was attractively dec­
orated with large baskets of pink and
white chysanthemums.
greens were also used.
The aisles
were marked with white ribbon
caught with sprays of holly.
The wedding marches were played
by Mrs. Harold Stromquist, who also
accompanied MYs. Roy Barton, who
sang, “BecauM,” and “I Love You
For a going-sway costume the bride
under a darker coat in blue with hat,
shoes and accessories to match, She
wore an orchid corsage.
The groom is a graduate of the
Myrtle Point High school, of the
Fresno State College and the Uni­
versity of Oregon. He is now st
Ing dentistry In the
iriny in Portland.
Eunice is a graduate of the Coquille
High school and attended Oregon
State College. For some time she has
been assistant in the office of Dr.
Jas. Bunch.
Assisting at the reception after­
wards at the home of the bride’s par­
ents were Mrs. Jean Bryan and Miss
Dorothy Belle Newton, Shirley Slater
and Eula McCracken served,
young couple left at once by car • for
a week’s honeymoon. They will re-
side in Portland, Oregon.
Norway News Items
m .
fag «
AAA Committeemen Services For Mrs
For 1944 Chosen
Hurrel Friday
Wince, five sisters, Mrs. Minnie Ro-
mack. Mrs. Amy Hornsby and Mary
Wince, all of Fairbury, III; Mrs. Katy
Van Winkle, of Forest, Ill., and Mn.
Susie Roderick, of Myrtle Point, Ore.
Funeral services were held st *K-
Gano Funeral Home Friday at 2:00
p. m., Rev. Chas. G. Brown officiating.
Interment was in the I. O. O. F Cem­
etery, No 2, of Coquille.
The writer of the Norway News
Items has been quite sick the past
two weeks or more with the flu,
John D. Carl, of Arago, was re­
Isabel! Hurrel passed away at
cfîiiirmrtii ni llujjliomc, 14< Drain St., at 3:00 a. m.
as have Mveral others in the Nor- elected to
committee during 1944 last Thursday, Dec. 23, after an ill­
of a “crimp” in the Christ­ at a county convention held in the ness of one year. She was born in
mas festivities for a greet number of county agent's office in Coquille, on Peoria, Ill., Sept. 15, 1900, and was
folks. However, the Norway school Wednesday, December 22.
Others 43 years, three months and eight days
district held its annual Christmas who will serve with Carl on this com­ of age at pasisng. -
Remember — Norton's for office,
program on Wednesday evening, mittee include F. B. Rood, Coos Riv­
Mrs. Hurrel came to Oregon twelve
Dec. 22, at the school house and it er, vice chairman; D. R. Philpott, years ago, locating at Roseburg Later school and home supplies.
—- ------- y-..........
was thought by those who attended Bullards route, Coquille, regular she moved to Dora where she lived
It’s Chysanthem<un season.
to be one of the best given in many member; Roy L. Shull, Myrtle Point, for seven years before coming to
■Bergen's for choice flowers,
years. There was a large attendance. first alternate, and C. M. Conner, of Coquille..
Mr. and Mrs. Severt Iverson and North Bend, second alternate.
her ‘ husband,
I include 2.„
__ '___ 2. '
sons, Myron and Roger, came in
George H. Jenkins, county agent, Clarence E. Hurrel of this city; two* If it is Insurance, see me.—
from Roseburg Friday last week and will serve the 1944 committee as sec­ brothers, Freddie Wince and Eddie Bull
took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ retary and Aloha Allen, secretary in
ter Schroeder to Reedsport and all the county office, will serve as treas­
spent Christmas day with Mr. and urer at the appointment of the new
Mrs. Schroeder’s other daughter and committee.
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dick.
To administer the AAA program
Emmanuel Baptist Church
They returned Saturday evening.
and to assist with other war time ac-
Christmas Program
Mr. and. Mrs. Adrian Schroeder and tivities committees were elected in
The Emmanuel ¡Baptist Church had family came up from OjJhlr Saturday each of the five communities at meet­
its “All Church” Christmas pro­ evening, staying all night with his ing held during the past week. Those
gram on Thursday night. It included parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroe­ elected to serve in that capacity in
a welcome by the Primary depart­ der. Adrian has sold his store at each community are as follows: “
Coquille Community—J. D. Carl,
ment and was the debut of the Junior Ophir and bought one at Gold Beach
Choir, which sang a number of and is moving this week to his new chairman; L. L. Bunch, vice chair­
. ’
map; Leland Peterson, regular mem­
group and individual numbers. The place of business,'
Major Darrell.. E. Brodie and fam­ ber; K. E. Pettengill, 1st alternate;
Finley quartette was aided by a
pageant dramatization. The Men’s ily came in Wednesday of last week O. H. Aasen, 2nd alternate.
Myrtle 'Point Community — Roy
Chorus sang two numbers and there from Temple, Texas, to spend the
were two instrumental numbers, the holiday week visiting with relatives Shull, chairman; P. F. Bartlett, vice
first by Glenn Knight, clarinet; Bob and friends but are having to return chairman; E. L. Clausen, regular
member; M. M. Schmidt, 1st alter­
Kuenzli, cornet; Clovis Knight, trom­ Friday of this week.»
E. F. Brodie and all his mill crew nate; A. R. Davenport, 2nd alternate.
bone, and John Knight, comet. The
Bandon Community—Dave Phil­
second was by Richard Parrish, ac­ are sick with the flu, consequently
cordion, and Ted Parrish, piano. the shingle mill is having a holiday, pott, chairman; J. Q. Corrie, vice
chairman; Roy Kay, regular member;
White Gifts were brought by the too.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison came up B. I. Randleman 1st alternate; E. L.
boys and girls and were sent to the
Children’s farm home.
Kenneth Thursday of’last week from Weed, Strader, 2nd alternate.
North Bend Community—C. M.
Talley sang a solo, accompanied by California, and spent Christmas with
his wife at the pieno. Gifts for the their daughters, Mrs. Harold Pribble, Conner, chairman; Abe Grossen, vice
children from the tree and treats for and family of Norway, and Mr. and chairman; Ben Monson, regular mem­
Mrs. Carl Holland and family of ber; August Witt, 1st alternate; Hugo
all closed the evening’s service.
Johnson Mill, returning Sunday.
Reiher, 2nd alternate.
Mrs. Earl Hoover and Miss Mavis
Marshfield Community — F. B.
Remember Norton’s Rental Library
ONE LOT-----------------
when you need a good book for that Barklow came in Thursday of last Rood, chairman; Dennis McCarthy,
lonesome evening. Mystery, adven­ week from‘Corvallis to spend Christ­ vice chairman; Clyman Collver, reg­
ture and romance are all to be %und mas with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prib­ ular member; Everett Messerle, 1st
ble. They returned/home Sunday. alternate; A. O. Rogers, 2nd alter­
on the Library shelves.
Herman Tedsen is expecting his nate.
daughter, Anita, on Sunday from Cor­
Committeemen located in different
vallis. She will not return'till Jan. sections of the county will- serve an
II, the beginning of the mid-year important function in agriculture dur­
ONE LOT-----------------
ing this year in connection with ra­
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fish, of Bridge, tioning of farm machinery, coopera­
were overnight guests Tuesday of last tion with the O.D.T. and the O.P.A.
week of the A->. Bennetts.
on truck and gasoline rationing, dis­
Mr. and Mrs.'Raymond Thompson tribution of farm supplies, priorities
and family were Christmas dinner on farm construction, farm slaughter
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. permits, and selective service investi­
Bert Claver.
gations and reports.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lett and son, Leslie,
While all conservation practices
and Mr- *nd Mrs. Emil Petersen and which will be included in the 1944
son, Donald, were all down a(t once program have not yet been announced
with flu the week preceding Christ­ reports from the state office indicate
Mrs. J. H. McCloskey was that benefits will be available for
helping care for them but by Christ­ the application of agricultural lime
mas she, too, was a victim of the and phosphate fertilizers, for seeding
malady, as were also six of the four­ perennial grasses and legumes, for the
teen invited dinner guests for that construction of draining ditches, and
day at her house.
for land clearing.
The hard wind storm Thursday
night put the telephone line out of
commission so when Mrs. Emma Her­ Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M.
Special communications of Chad­
man tried to call her sister, M™. Mc"
Closkey, she could not but she had wick Lodge, No. 68, A. F. 8c A. M.,
ONE LOT-----------------
an opportunity to catch a ride .down will be held at 7:30 Tuesday, Jan. 4,1
and on her arrival at Mrs. McClos­ with work in the F. Q, and on Friday,
key’s home, found her very sick and Jan. 7, with work in the E. A. Stated
also another sister, Mrs. Lily Dement, communication Tuesday, Jan. 11.
sick in bed. Mrs. *Herman has re­ Visiting brothers welcome.
W. B. McLarrin, W. M.
mained with the flu patients the past
six days. She and Mr. McCloskey
have been the only ones in the house
Gallina cards, bu for »1.00.
to escape so far and the Christinas
dinner has been indefinitely post­
Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Haughton were their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Haughton of Sweet Home, and Mr.
and Mrs. Alden Mast and family of
Myrtle Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Southmayd had
as their Christmas dinner guests her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Ekholm,
and son, George, of Coaledo, and her
cousin, Fannie Carlaon, of Marsh-
Mrs. Maggie Simmons was A din­
ner guest Christmas of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har­
old Simmons.
Mrs. Rufus Rylander had invited
Christmas dinner guests but the flu
arrived ahead of the guests so she
spent the day In bed; therefore an­
other dinner was postponed.
December 18, Larry and Ilene
Thompson, of Norway, attended a
birthday party given in honor of
their cousin, Gary Claver in Coquille, j
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore and
daughter, Marian, of Coquille, were
last Friday "afternoon callers at her
uncle's A. R. Bennett.
Mrs. Lena Kellenberger was a
Christmas dinndY guest of her son
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kel­
lenberger, of Coquille. v
Mrs. Russell Hank left on the bus
Dec. 13 (or Los Angeles to spend
Christmas with her husband’s peuple
and then go on td |bfri her husbani
in TexM.
Year End
$1.00 -75c «"J 50c
Washer Service Co.
r. Front
Phone 17
Buy your office supplies at Nor­
ton’s. They have a good line of Loose
Leaf ledger outfits, etc. Everything
for your “First of the Year” needs, s
See “»piae" Leslie ror rhe best in
Liability, or other Insurance. Office,
next door to Coquille Hospital,
phone 5; residence phon* DSL.