The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 30, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
December 28, 1923)
Assessor J. P. Beyers this morning
furnished the Sentinel with some fig­
ures compiled for next year's tax
. Coquille city levy will be 87.9,
| from which it will be seen that in-
, «iwurl nf having the higehst rate of
any of the five principal "cities itl the
county, Coquille now has the lowest.
Office Corner W. First sud Willard 8t
F iilis ^
The old folks at the County Farm
I were treated to a reel Christmas treat
last Tuesday through the efforts Of
I the county farm superintendent and
I matron, Mr. and Mrs. George Battey,
with- the assistance of Mrs. Ida Owen.
States Power CarexpeCts
I to Mountain
spend from >800,000 to $750,000 on
I improvements next year. '«■
Timely Topics
By R. T. Moore
in 1942
take an­
other year to finish Japan; that the
of note that general war news would be much bet­
EsIsIllJF DClllUvUtl, aa VHIIIUII lacillCi his predictions for 1943, published a
ter during 1943 than in 1942; that
and Laurence Woodward returned year ago, were 94 per cent correct.
creeping inflation would continue
last week from O. A. C. at Corvallis, Forty-seven of his predictions were
to spend Christmas vacation at home correct and only three were wrong
with their parents at Arago.
They were:
His forecast on farm income which
Reuben H. Mast, Jr., who is an in­ he underestimated. -
tern at the U. of O. medical school
His forecast on business failures
•W ftJlfl ll Hl si nm-tlunrl ruma in Siin- -Which he Stated----would inrrcaw
day morning to spend Christmas with { whereas in reality they decreased,
his parents.
His forecast that a sales tax would
be passed in 1943
Among those which were correct
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sherwood came
home from Portland Monday morn­ was the one (hat throughout 1943
ing. Misses Helen and Delia, who there would be continued pressure to
have been attending U. of O., came in pierce price ceilings. Others were:
¡that there would be the greatest crop
with them.
of new scientific developments ever
Pete Miler and Alton Grimes drove witnessed during 1943; that there
in last Sunday afternoon from a fish­ woujd be some legislation on strikes,
ing trip on the river between here (The Smith-Connolly Bill shows that ■
and Myrtle Point. They had a num­ Mr. Babson was OK on this); that the 1
ber of trout measuring 10 or 12 Federal Debt, standing at $90 billions
inches and had three steelheads over in December, 1942, would be increased-'
two feet long, the largest about 32 during the year to about $150 billions,
Of all the Christian observances,
S. M. Nosier has given a contract
that of Christmas has the greatest in­
to H. E. and Marc Shelley for the con­
fluence for good on the character of
struction of his concrete building at
our people.
' the corner of First and Hall strets. inches. Jem Laird was called on to • i ___________ _____________________ ;-------- r-
The annual exchange of gifts and
witness the exhibit so that he could
greetings, the joyous homecoming,
Pimples Disappeared
verify the boys' fish story.
the re-uniting of old friends and fam­ I
Over Night
ilies, the general atmosphere of good­
Miss Marian Norton was hostess to
will and good humor, are a needed lne*» was larger here than ever be-
tonic to revitalize the nation and to ^ore-
the younger set Wednesday evening
that dries up pimples over night.
Those who .followed simple dlrec-
I when she entertained 111 a "500”
re-kindle the spirit of brotherly k>ve I
tlone and applied Kleerex upon re­
tiring were surprised
For, several months past Judge R. party. Those present were Misses
that has made this the land pf the
when they found their pimples had
|H. Mast haX been investigating camp Mary Esther Johnson, Maxine Paul­
disappeared. Those users enthulai-
free and home of the brave..
tically praise Kleerox and claim they
Particularly at this time is there sites over the county with the idea of son, Mary Watson, Marguerite Her­
are no longer embarrassed and are
now happy with their dear complex­
need for recognition of spiritual having a number of them in different sey, Georgianna Johnson, Alice Col­
ions Don’t take our word fAr It. use
values, when the country is wracked sections available for tourists and pic- lier, Erma Price, Helen Lyons and
Kleoroz tonight. Only »Ac. If one ap­
plication does not satisfy, you get
by struggles for power between well- nic parties. The first one to be ae- Walter Paulson, Eugene and Wilford
rr money-back. There la no risk so
not hesitate. Sold and recom­
organlzed minorities. Superficially, cured is near McKinley. It will be
mended by
\ it would seem as if the only concern known as “Cherry Creek Park and Tyler Walker, Hadley Curts and Allen
1 Young.
of those engaged in these frantic Campsite.”
maneuvers was the acquisition of “■>
money and political might, at the ex- I of meanl 40
cent of the M40 mH.
pet^e of their les. «•vo^Ny placed Uon remalnlng after
or |176
fellow citizens. All of this is happen­ million, would have been paid by the
ing while millions of our boys are fac­ »stockholders individually and should
ing death—or, what is worse, per-' be subtracted from the $2200 million
manent disability, for the sake of I total.
protecting us from the living death | Also, the cost of renegotiation is
of dictatorship. It is depressing to deductible as an operating expense
think that any citizen of America and federal interest would therefore
could be capable of the personal self­ j be 80 per cent. If we assume that
ishness, greed, and utter callousness corporations subject to negotiation
these acts imply.
liad roughly two-thirds of the total
Yet, the universal Christmas spirit, ! national corporate income, and assume
manifest everywhere, shows that all that cost of the hire of attorneys, ac-
of this sordid worldlineas is but a way , countants, extra helps, etc., was
4* '■
of letting off steam. Beneath it all
I about one-half per cent of the total
the spirit of Christ rules the hearts of sales for the year, we arrive at a re-*
our people more surely than ever
negotiation cost to the government of
before. We can enjoy our Holiday
about $250 million. Then, we must
SEASON secure in the knowledge
further deduct the cost of Bureau op­
that when it comes to the real test,
eration, which we can place at
our people will be found united and
around $50 million, because every
resolute in supporting our armed self-respecting Bureau costs about
forces. Again, with God’s help, gov­
that much per annum. After you
ernment of the people, by the people, have dMucted the four items listed
for the people shall not perish from above from the $2200 million, you
the earth.
will find that the government is $36 I
million in the red on the whole deal.
One of the unexpected results of
Now, It might be that these es­
the Teheran Conference has been the timates are , somewhat out of line,
increase of public distrust over fed­ but they are approximately accurate
eral news releases. For some time j because they are based on actual ex­
there has been the growing tendency ' perience with which I am familiar.
to heavily discount news releases
So, I think it is safe to say that the
from OWI and other federal agencies ■
| net results of the renegotiation to
because of unreliability.
Blame date has been only the recovery of
for this unhappy circumstance lies {the $2000 million which was given
not with the agency itself but with | voluntarily at no government expense
the source of its information.
. whatever
Newspaper men who attended the ! «.»„„J,
Returning to the original state­
Conference made the most of what*
ment, decide for yourself whether
news they had at their disposal. They I
¡the release of $4200 million was the
emphasized such item, as the quanti- ,
. Technically it is true;
ties of wine drank at many toasts toI
but obviously it is very misleading,
this and that and in the food con- I
and the Bureau for its own health
sumed at tha several banquets over
1 could not very well go on to give the
the week-end. News reports indi­
i taxpayer the whole story. If it did,
cate that the Big Three” made quite ! the taxpayer would naturally want to
a week-end of it, a fact which is not
know why we have such a bureau.
particularly creditable to any one of |
This is one type of press release
the three.
that is creating this feeling of dis­
As an illustration of what is hap­ trust. The people should be informed
pening in the way of bureau news fully and simply so that they may
releases, let us analyze a recent re­ have confidence in their government.
lease by the Bureau effecting rene­ Our theory of democratic rule is based
gotiation of war constracts.
Ion frank and open operation of gov-
This Bureau reports a total re- "n"~7 and we are going to meet
covery . of
. $3200 million.
------- ------- I'
11 »imply
with a lot of trouble if we stray from
lets the statement go at tiiat, without that straight and narrow path.
any word of explanation. The public
naturally believes that the Bureau
actually did recover that much for
service all makes of washers
the U. S. Treasury,
Washer Service Co. 385 West
If you will use pencil and paper,
Front St. Phone 17.
here is what actually happened.
First, $2000 million of this amount
was voluntarily repaid by those firms
whose profits were so large as to be
an actual menace to their fiancial
•hrwwdly deelr"ed that rather than '
run the risk of having an astronomical
income tax liability hanging over ;
them in the postwar period, and since j
their equity in the profit was small
after income tax, they would volun­
tarily reduce their profit to a mod- '
1944 holds ■ promise for a
erate level to insure the safety of __
their business, if for no other reason, happier year—a year in which
And so, we can subtract $2000 mil- many of your trials and shortages
lion from the totalla... um v*hich the
The Triangle
government would have recovered
without any act of Congee« and M«hng Company joins its many
wishes you a
without expense. This leaves a total
of $2200 million to be accounted for
by the Bureau.
.... .
From this lesser total the income
tax would have taken 80 per cent,
or $1760 million. Then, assuming
that such corporation would have
paid dividends to stockholders, and
.««■■ming that the latter were men
dealers in wishing that the new
year brings you the most in hap-
, piness and prosperity.
G65 N. Tillamook St . Portland. 0^
ICK, tock! Tick, tock! 1943
is wearing out. Another and,
we hope, much better year, is
ahead of us. Let us enter it with
new seal, new hope, new objec­
tives. Looking forward, we wish
you all the blessings the bright
New Year can possibly bring.
Crystal Henninger
Graydon Anderson has been receiv­
ing so much joshing since the Sentinel
stated a couple of weeks ago that he
was fined 1800 on a traffic charge in­
volving the clearance lights on his
truck, that a correction should be
made. The omission of a period made
a lot of difference. Justice Fred Bull
$6 that Graydon paid.