PAQCTWÖ Eastern Star To Install This Evening Last Thursday evening was another busy evening for Beulah Chapter, No. 6. O. Jesides beinf advance nTgKT ~dffleen, iMree weie initiated into the order and one was received by transfer. This was th* last regular meeting of the year, a year which has been moot successful THE CITY CLEANERS will be closed January 3rd and 4th In order to clean Salvage Clothing and to make Minor unde* the leadership of the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor. Mrs. Florence Simpson received the attendance award. R. C, Johnson, the retiring Wor­ Following the meeting, refresh­ shipful Master of Chadwick Lodge, ments were served in the banquet No. 68, A. F. & A. M , acted as iu- hall from a most attractive-table, StaTITng^officer Tn the Masonic Tem­ carrying out the holiday motif. Birth­ ple on St. John’s Day, Dec. 27, to day cakes honoring those whose natal seat the new master, __ W. _ B. ______ McLarrin. date was in October, November and Yatte?. "listed by -Don McCune December, were served. as marshal, then installed the other This Thursday evening, at 8:00 p. officers. Following the ceremony of m., there is to be installation of new -1 installation a banquet was served in officers for 1944. K the hall below 'at which time many Masons Install Monday Evening therine Trended o Be Wed Saturday Wed Christmas Morning Here Smoke But No Fire Last Thursday a. Buy your office supplies at Nor­ Miss Edith Irene Drake and S/Sgt. ton’s. They have a good line of Loose George M. Menken were united in Leaf ledger outfits, etk Everything marriage at the home of the bride’s for your “First of the Year” needs, s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Drake. The wedding was solemnized at 10:20 a. m. on December 25, Liston Psr- rish of the Church of God officiating. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schroe­ der, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schroeder, Howard Pribble, Misses Gladys Prib- I ble and Wilma Drake and the bride's under the new management of parents. After the wedding cere­ mony a wedding breakfast was served. The bride and groom left Sunday WILL REOPEN i morning for Colorado where he is stationed at Camp Hale. This day also marked the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY T. S. Drake. They were married In from 8 *. m. till 11 p. m. 1918 at Portland, Oregon. equipment Roxy Confectionery Lorraine Rice and Sue Aitken Wednesday, Jan. 5 SUNDAYS FROM 12 NOON UNTIL 11 P. M. B. B. Season To Start Next Week Dinners 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. ICE CREAM IN BULK We Cordially Invite the Public to Patronize the Roxy Confectionery & Lunch Annual Clearance of Foil and Winter Stocks at Hallock’s Dress Shop BECAUSE OF LIMITED SPACE IT IS NECESSARY TO CLEAR REMAINING STOCKS TO MAKE ROOM FOR EARLY SPRING MERCHANDISE GROUPED TOGETHER IN THIS CLEARANCE ARE MANY WANTED ITEMS AND AT REDUCTIONS THAT WILL MEET WITH APPROVAL GROUP 2-------- Winter Coats Selected Frocks Many 100% Wool, some Nylon Fleece and Tweeds In one and Two Piece, Styles, Tailored and Dressy Types Junior and Misses Sizes Corduroy Made by a well known manufacturer A few 100% Wool Plaid Sport Jackets J Less Regular Prices after placing a ladder against the south wall of the plant. Geo. R Johnson says he has not missed anything from the Cream Miss Catherine Trendell, daughter I O’Coos plant which was broken into of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Trendell who Christmas eve by sneak thieves, who It’s Chy san their” im season liv* on Spurgeon Hill, came home last, removed a section of roof covering. Bergen’s for choice flowers. Friday fr oql JUamani F ull», wli e i e she has beep employed for the past! nine months, accompanied by Daley , Robinson of that city, to whom she i is to be married at eight o’clock this I Saturday morning, at the Baptist church. Mr. Robinson is a fireman pr> the , talks were heard “for the good of the Southern Pacific and they will go to 1 Justamere Club ■uorder." San Francisco by train for their | Mrs. Leona Bryant entertained I The list of those instilled by W. M. honeymoon. Then they return to ■ member* of the Justamere Club at McLarrin was as follows: Klamath Falls, they will reside at the her home last Thursday. A U15, S. W Stanley J. Ayres Valley View Hotel. luncheon was served. The housewas , J. W.—J. F. McLarrin Miss Trendell, who was employed in festive in it* decorations. Attenaing Treas.—L. H. Hazard the Coos tax department prior to were Mesdames J. A. Lamb, M. O. ■ Sec.—E. L. Leslie going to Klamath Falls, was honored Hawkins, F. L. Greenough, J. L. I S. D.—Geo. Sherwood with a shower at the Trendell home Smith, Bert Folsom, A. J. Sherwood, J. D.—Elton Savage on Monday this week by the ladies O; C. Sanford and R. A. Wernich. Chaplain—Oscar Hendricks of the Baptist church. S. S.—Fay Holverstott Out-of-town guests for the wedding J. S.—L. A. Lundquist include Mrs. Trendell’s sister, Mrs. J House Party At Gardiner Ann Lantry, who arrived last eve-1 • A party of Coquille people left | Marshal—R. C. Johnson 9 Tyler—R. H. Mast ~ ., .ening by bus from Aurora, Ore., and here Christmas morning to be holiday Organist—Donald Farr Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Holbert who will I guests of the E. D. Webbs at Qardiner. arrive from Klamath Falls on Friday 1 They were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lamb, 1 ■' - . • Mr. and Mfs. C. J Fuhrman, of Sixes River, and Mrs Jane Williams. They returned Monday. Repairs to building and GROUP 1-------- Thieve* Break late C O’Ceoe But Take Nothing I Coquille schools will re-open Mon­ day morning, after the ten-day holi­ day vacation, and the Coos county basketball conference gets under­ way next Friday evening when th* North Bend Bulldogs meet th* Co- quille Red Devils on the gymnasium floor here, and Myrtle Point Bobcats meet the Marshfield Pirate* at the Bay. J Coach Spike Leslie has been prac­ ticing the Red* Devils the past week by dividing the squad into two teams and has played no games with out­ side teams. The fire department has been called out twice the past week. Last Thurs­ day afternoon the call was to Mrs. Ida K. Owen’s home pn Moulton street. Mrs. Owen had been smell­ ing smoke all afternoon but when Mr*. M. F. Pettit, who lives next door, told her that smoke was seeping through the roof, the department was called. There was no blaze, * partly moved brick allowing the smoke to collect in the attic, but the firemen had to cut a hole in the roof in order to get at it. At 6:45 Tuesday morning the call was to the old Gardner house, east of the Roxy Theatre. It was a chim­ ney fire. At the same time there was another chimney fire at the rear of one of the building* on Front street which the fire laddie* knew nothing about. George E. Oerding Sells Acreage Near Coaledo A tract of 19% acres, located near the summit between Coquille and Marshfield, was sold this week by George E. Oerding, a Coquille real­ tor, to M. Heath, who is employed by Jiarr It Elwood In their Coquille store, Mr. Heath will take possession at once. The former owners were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Noah, who reside in the Fairview country. Mr. Heath in­ tends to make Improvements buildings. Ward McReynolds will be Coquille city hall again next Tues­ day, Jan. 4, from 9:00 until 4:00 See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in o’clock, to receive applications of Coquille for Diamonds and Watch those desiring drivers’ licenses and Straps. tfs to conduct examinations. T' i soon we h6pe to thank you personally for your kindness to us during 1943. But right now, with the Spirit of New Year's in the air we want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR May the Spirit of Peace and Goodwill Suggest " ' and direct the way * to Universal Peace (jano funeral CHome ^T€L£PHOn€ 100 -JfNWLMa S€W!C€ • COQUILLE £Less GROUP -Short Lines of Skirts, Blouses Housecoats H01W GRHnOGS 1'he hum of those Liberator* high in the sky is a portent of progress—e glimpse of the reality that, speed the day I lies beyond the turn of the road. and Sweaters 1 Less Freedom is on the march! 1943 has been a pleasure That you may participate in all of the good things that 1944 may bring is and a privilege. We hope our sincere New Year’s wish for you. To have served you in GROUP 4- Every Winter Hat In stqck for a quick clearance are priced $1.99 Lorenz Dept. Store Since 1887 Southwestern Oregon’s eldest home-owned Store we have served you well EXCEL DRESS SHOPPE Where there is a kind thought and a good word for everyone. Leila McClure Lee & Marjorie Child Clara Willson