»’AGI »YIN CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—1 Tent, 2 Sleeping Bags, Pioneer Methodist Church St. junta’ Episcopal Church 1 2-hole Gasoline Stove, 1 Gasoline Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor Corner E. 3rd A ElHeM Sta. Une Cent a Lamp, 2 Cota. All brand new. See Dec. 15—Melvin W. Garfield and 935 Hour for Sunday School at­ The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar No Adv. H »• B*«k at Southwestern Motor . Verna Blake, both of Bandon. They tendance. Get the habit and enjoy ThursMj : Dea, 23_______ ;_________ Co. I ware married by Rev. Edward Eklof ~ An object le sse n -tn—thevatue of Studying the Bible With us? Gordon ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies are J:30 p, m. Church School Christmas available in limited quantity,, FOR SALE—Girls’ Bicycle, Balloon i at his home down there last Wednes- j proper nutrition is being presented Ashenfelter acting superintendent Tableau and Party. (Relatives and beginning Monday, Dec. 27, in the tires, wicker basket, light; good day. 11:00 Sunday morning, sermon sub­ friends are invited.) have those extra convenience out­ condition. Price $40. Call at 613 i Dec. 16—Leonard E. Pharr, of Pen­ windows of Farr and Elwood’s in Co­ ject will be “Finding stability in an Friday: Deo. 24 (Christmas Evo) lets installed. Phone 193R, E. G. and Nettie A. quille by the Coot County Nutrition unstable World. So. Henry or phone 169R. it sacola, Florida, Opperman. 4fltf 11:30 p. m. Choral Holy Communion Committee under the direction of Mrs. 1 Schwarze, of Marshfield. 6:30 Youth Fellowships. Interme­ Saturday: Dec. 25 (Christmas Day) WANTED — Water wells to drill. HOT SHOTS—Just received a email -¡Dec. 17—J. H. Tucker and Anna M. Dorothy E. Bishop, home demonstra­ diate and Senior. Orville Newton, 8:bb a. m. Holy Communion. shipment FARR A ELWOOD. Have new and up-to-date equip­ Truman, both of Marshfield. They tion agent. Three pairs of rats were Senior adviser. 10:30 a. m. Morning Prayer ani ment and heavy pipe where needed. AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. were married at the Baptist Church obtained from Oregon State College <7:30 Sunday evening worship hour. Ante-Communion with Sermon. and for the past three weeks have Something a bit new will be intro­ Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. Sunday; Dee. 26 (St Stephen's Dey) Bring your car in—we can start at the Bay last Friday by Rev. Elmer 30t4»tf been fed proper and improper! duced this evening. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. work at once. Southwestern Motor E. Rosenkilde. Dec. 17—Wm. L. Morin and Mar­ lunches. The correctly fed rata are ' 7:30 Choir rehearsal hour on Wed­ Monday: Dec. 87th (81 John’s Day) Co. , PERMANENT WAVE 59c! Do your ,__________ ’’ jorie W. McCall, both of Marshfield. strong and healthy with glossy coats, ' nesday evenings. 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. own Permanent with Charm-Kurl For Refrigeration Service phone Dec. 20—Albert E. Solmon and I while the others are thin, weak and , 7:30 Mid-week services, with a spe­ Tuesday: Dec. 28th Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ ■hop, 106J, or residence 168J, Margaret Hagmann, both of Marsh­ irritable. During part of the feeding , cial emphasis on the study of Isaiah. (Holy Innocents' Day) „ ing 40 curlers and shampod? Easy period the rats have been cared for * write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. field. It is bad enough to have the world 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. to do, absolutely harmless. Praised Dec. 20—Sam R. Toups, pf Cor­ by the girls health classes at the wandering in the fog of despair, Gamier, authorised Frigidaife ,by thousands including Fay Mc­ Service. 27tfs vallis, and Alice Adeline Parker, of Myrtle Point High Schoo] under the without permitting it to enter into The Assembly of God Kenzie, glamorous movie star. direction of Mrs. Neva Church. The our individual lives. Marshfield. * Second and Heath Sta. Money refunded if not satisfied. Attention Farmers! Dec. 20—Raymond Herbert Fawver j rats created much interest among the L. C. Persing, Pastor The Southwestern Motors have re- 1 Barrow Drug Company. 47tl0* students. and Ida Alice Havens, both of North Sunday: Church of Christ ceived notification of their 1944 al- ' Exactly the same results as noted in Bend. MEN WANTED—Some skilled and lotment of J. I. Case machinery. See East 4th A Coulter 9:45 A Bible study hour you will Dec. 21—Geo. M. Manken and Edith the rata will take place in humans— common labor jobs now open. Mr. Guy Lyons, who is in charge of Liston Parrish, Pastor enjoy with your children. Bertha the only difference being that it taker Umpqua Lumber Co., Myrtle Creek, farm equipment sales, and make ar­ 11. Drake, both of Coquille. Thursday, 7:30, the children of the Byrd. Superintendent. much longer, often years, for the re ­ Oregon. its rangements for your needs in the 11:00 Morning worship, a warm sults to show up. The daily lunch Bible School will present a Christmas coming year. must furnish one third of the daily program. Following the program the welcome extended End the old year ROCKHILL STRAWBERRY We also have Case calendars. Come food requirements for a well balanced young people of the church will go right by attending the house of God. PLANTS—We have them. FARR 6:30 Christ Ambassadors service. i A baby boy named Francis Terry diet. In packing the daily lunch or caroling. A EfcWOOD. — - in and get yours. 7:30 Evangelistic, enjoyable song Southwestern Motors, Coquille. 2t and who weighed 8% nds, was selecting it over the lunch counter,} Bible School 9:45. Clarence Fiser, (1 service and good music. CHRISTMAS TURKEYS — Order . born last Thursday to and Mrs. Mrs. Bishop suggests that the follow- |Sit­ FARMERS—Our warehouse is full of Tuesday 7:30 Prayer meeting. now. 14 to 16 pound birds, 44 ! Richard Allman, of Four Mile.' ing foods be included. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord’s feed. FARR A ELWOOD. Wednesday 2:30 The Women’s Mis­ cents % pound at the ranch. Genzoli John V. Shuck, of Coquille, who Milk—In food or drink. Supper. Christmas music and a sionary Council meets in lower audi­ Bros., one mile from Arage. Phone MACHINERY Repairs — Play safe, 1 was hit by, a car last Thursday en­ Bread—Whole wheat or enriched. Christmas message by the Pastor. torium. Mrs. V. R. Wilson, president. 16R1I-, Myrtle Point. 48t2*s In sandwiches, puddings, or meat ^r‘ ant^ Intermediate C. E. 6:00. Check over your machines and or­ tered for treatment. Friday 8:30 Watch Night service in A. L. Davy, Coquille, underwent a loaves. Young People's C. E. 6: 30. Joyce der replacement parts now. Gen­ TOOLS—Are always appreciated for charge of the officers of the church Meat or cheese or eggs or fish—-in ®®nham, leader. uine IHC parts. J. A. Lamb Com­ ¡major operation lart Thursday, and Christmas. We received an al­ pany | ’ s, 'entering for treatment -the same day sandwich fillings, salads or hearty . Evening service. Come and enjoy and Sunday school. lotment of many items that can be i were Mrs. Lois Ferre, of North Bend, main dishes. an informal fellowship, singing the purchased for gifts. J. A. Lapib Anyone Want A Small Fruit—at least one, plain, or in ! Christmas carols. Message “After I and Mrs. Josephine Hartley, of Church of God Company. a Acreage Near Coquille? Marshfield. « salads or puddings. Christmas. Comer of Henry A Seventh Sta. Mrs. Brown, of McKinley, under­ Vegetables—At least one, in sand- Wed- 7:30 Choir practice, Don Farr, Pastor, A. L. Perry An 80-acre tract, two miles from FOR SALE or Trade—1940 DeLuxe went a major operation, E. A. Schra­ wich fillings, salads, or in hearty director, Dodge Business Coupe, good pre­ Coquille, is to be cut up into small AU are invited to attend. If your der, of Bandon, entered for treatment train dishes. war tires. Low mileage, radio, acreage tracts. Anyone desiring to j child does not go to Sunday School and Glen Dale, the three-year old Teachers of Coos county who wish First Church of Christ, Scientist elsewhere, we urge you to send them, heater, etc. See H. E. Wood, 275 purchase a tract of such a size is re­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collier, of to make use of the rata in teaching N. Henry, Coquille; phone 386. tfs quested to contact the owner, R. M. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Coquille, Osegon Arago, underwent an appendectomy, their nutrition classes may make ar­ Repass, who lives up the road from Preaching service 11 a. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. all last Friday. FUR COATS, cleaned and glazed. the end of Second street, before the rangements to borrow them, states Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Mrs. Leroy Starr, of Lampa creek Mrs. Bishop. Have pre-war Satin Lining at pre­ surveying And platting is done. It or better still bring them. Subject for next Sunday, “ Christian entered for treatment on Sunday, war prices. Inquire about Muff- can be arranged to suit. See him on The rata will be on display in other Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Science." Purse forms. Pearl Marquette, 678 the place. 48tf and Mrs. Albert Butler, of Myrtle parts of the county early in January. I the Only Cause and Creator. ” Point, entered for treatment on Tues ­ East Third, Coquille. 47t4»s ,, ... „ „ . Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 The Holy Name Catnolic Church FOR SALE—Majestic Radio in good day. Coquille Home Economics o’clock Maas at S:30 a. tn. every Sunday. ' FOR RENT — Modern Furnished Dismissals have been Mrs. Laura condition. $30—can hear it eve­ House, electric range, breakfast Extension Unit Met Thursday Free public Reading Room at 355 Oakes, of Bandon, last Thursday, nings at Geo. Gilman residence, Norton's still have a fine selection nook, garage. Call at 367 West The Home Economics Unit of Co- I W. Second. Roxy Bldg., open every 209 South Coulter. lt*s “Chick” . Burgnolia on Friday, Mrs. Fifth, corner of the highway. No Pat Mullen on Sunday, J. D. Ames, quille met Thursday, December 16, in I day except Sunday and holidays fion> of gifts for the last minute shopper, s pets and no children. 48t2s BILL FOLDS—Ideal Christmas pres­ of Bothwell, Wash., and Della Lee the Woodmen Hall. Mrs. Dorothy i 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. f enta. FARR A ELWOOD. s Hoke on Monday. ! Arnold and Mrs. Thelma Burgess had I ----------------r*------ d WE SPECIALIZE on permanent re­ charge of the meeting. The subject PmhntP C-Dlirt ItemC pairs for cut or broken casings and FOR SALE—505 South Coulter St., A WELL PLANNED s.,h.nh,tln.. r’Ltuuic vuun iiciiia discussed was “Food Substitutions Four Traffic Cases In tubes, any size or type. All work Coquille, Oregon. SERVICE in War Times." The problems in Rachel Davis was last Thursday fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire Modern stucco dwelling; six rooms Justice Bull’s Court using substitutes for sugar, coffee, appointed guardian of. Arnold Jalo can do much in lessening Service. 22tfs with dinette, den and bath; hard- While Justice Fred Bull has been tea and seasonings were suggested in junvenile court. wood floors and stairway. the grief of the bereaved at home with the flu this week four and those attending were surprised . Arthur R. Bennett, of Norway, was CLOTHES DRYING RACKS — New First floor consists of large living lagging truck cases were filed in his to know that Coos county myrtle leaf on Tuesday appointed executor of shipment just arrived.- FARM A room with fireplace; dining room court for truck overloads, Those is just as good as bay leaves for sea­ the will of his mother, who passed ELWOOD. s and kitchen, den, breakfast room; summoned to appear were Robert soning. away at Myrtle Point, Nov. 30. Her lots of built-ins; toilet and lavatory WANTED—To share an apartment or Hatfield on the 15th, Robert Harvey Those attending felt the afternoon estate is estimated to be worth 32,- off kitchen. board and room in private home, Phan« IM Coquille Thomas and Milton J. Mast on the well spent, and are looking forward 879.92. « Second floor consists of three large 17th, and Oscar Dulaney on the 20th. close in. Jane Martin. Phone 198 So. Coulter St to the next meeting when ‘Mrs. Dor­ A petition for probating the will of bedrooms with large clqsets; three 169-R Evenings. lt*s othy Bishop will discuss “Pattern Al­ Geo. W. Robertson, who died at North fixture bathroom with tub and FOR SALE—Philco Cabinet 11-tube teration.” Alfwomen interested in FOR RENT—Apartment at Ko-Keel shower; laundry chute, linen closets Radio. Call at Duplex 19, Richfield the smoother operation of their homes Bend, Nov. 29, was filed on Tuesday. The estate consists of $5,000 in per­ Village. N. A. Kent. lt*s and trunk storage. Auto Court on Marshfield High­ are invited to attend. Notice of the sonal property. Basement: Full concrete with fur­ way. it* time and place will be announced TENDERQUICK IS HERE — Farr A Oregonian Subscribers: Please nace, distributive pipe system; Elwood. ■ later. If it is Insurance, see me.—F. R help your carrier by having your FOR RENT—Furnished Apt. Quiet laundry trays and fruit room. Bull. s paper money ready at his first eall. place for quiet people. No pets. Lot 75x110, with rock garden, fish FOR SALE—11 New Hampshire Red A Remember be must pay his paper Couples preferred. Hailingstad pool and outdoor fireplace; large Laying Pullets and one rooster, obligation before the 10th of the Apts., phone 96R. 49t2s lawn; fruit trees and shrubbery. choice. $2.35 each or $22.00 for all. « f Coquille Townsend Club No. 1 had month. Thank you. Double garage and finished room Guy Torrey, Mfld. Hiway, next to R. M. Repass, who has put his 80- a short business meting Tuesday eve­ upstairs. Coquille Auto Court. It’s Street improvements and sewer all acre tract, tWo miles east of ning, followed by the Christmas party, Lucille Donnelly Phone 141M WASHING MACHINE REPAIM—We in; good neighborhood; fine location the end of Second street in Co­ which was enjoyed by 46 members Coquille, Oregon service all makes of washers. quille, on the market, reports and four guests. On the program $3600.00 will handle—balance on 365 Wert Washer Service Co. easy terms; full price $6850.00. that Small acreage tracts are be­ were two Christmas songs, “Silent tfs Front St. Phone 17. ginning to move, being purchased by Night” and “Away In A Manger,” Shown only by appointment. . ' J. S. BARTON, Realtor prospective home builders, and that by Diana Schroeder, other Christ­ Out-of-Town Shoppers! FOR SALE — Round Electric Baby there are many choice sites left and mas songs by Mrs. Roth and daugh­ Why net buy your Sunday Journal Chick Brooder, 550 to 750 capacity; JEEPS — Sturdily made of wood. anyone desiring to buy a small lot, 3, ters, LaVelle, Lucille and Maxine; while doing your Saturday shop­ also St. Helens hot water incubator, Ideal gift for small ehild. FARR A 5 or 10 acres, should see him on the readings by Mrs. Westbrook, Mrs. ping? They asay be purchased at 560 egg capacity. 601 No. Taylor ELWOOD. place before the best ones are gone. McCue and Mrs. Dean. the following places: Christmas or phone 75L, Coquille. It* Henninger's Market carols were sung by the group; Mrs. FLOOR and table Lamps. Believe it lt*s- Boxy Fountain FOR SALE—A Grey Persian Lamb or not, we now have them in stock. GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ Hatcher at the piano and Mr. Harri­ son playing the violin. three - quarter length Fur Coat, A gift that can be used in any surance. I give service. F. R. Tip Tap Then Old Santa came in to dis­ sizes 16; also Black Seal Fingertip home. J. A. Lamb Company. s Bull. s Farmers’ Grocery tribute gifts, and sacks of treats were Jacket, size 16, both in good con­ nu matter how large and elaborate Phone 14SM dition. 601 North Taylor or phone DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ FOR SALE—Used Dining Table, in given to all present. the scale upon which the funeral ers. Parts and Daily Supplies. Get Noble Chewnlng Jr„ Journal Agent The door prize went to Mrs. Jim good condition, at 457 North Taylor. 75L, Coquille. _____________ lto • U»em at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. if» arrangements are to be made. That Mrs. B. L. Tracy. lt»s Childs. Mrs. Callie Leach was pres­ LATE CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS— ent for the first time for several is our policy — that is our proud MONUMENTS MILKING MACHINES—If yeu need We are receiving new shipments months. claim after many yeafs of experi­ Now is the time to order markers, a new one for next year, see us of gift items every day. FARR A Sorry several members are ill with Dr. De La Rhu* .monuments, or cement work for your ence A conference with us will now. J. A. Lamb Company. s ELWOOD. the flu. Also Mr. Chuck is in the lota at the cemeteries, for spring de- ur advantage. Eyesight CABIN For Rent at 408 South Elliott,. ttvery. John S. Sanders, phone 123L, NAVAJO SADDLE BLANKETS — Knife hospital for about 10 days. Specialist Next week the committee will serve Mrs. Sarah Walker. u** or call at 541 West Sixth. Shipment just arrived. FARR A 47tfs ELWOOD. s cake and coffee, so try and attend. Eyes Examined - Glaaaea Fitted GLASSWARE— K ock Sharpe Crystal, P eoples market now has in —Press Cor. Reception room jointly with Pyrex and Fire King ovenware, stock a good suply of Codfish. Get FOR SALE—2-story House in Myr­ tle Point, in good location, six Dr. J. R Bunch also Thermo Seal top of stove yours while orders can be filled. It large rooms and bath. Price $2400.! llandon glassware make ideal gifts. We (Oquilk tt-J Laird Call at 261 North Elliott, Coquille.J have a large assortment to choose CEDAR SHINGLES—No. 1’s and No. 1083 2's on hand. FARR A ELWOOD. Mrs. Walter Barklow. 47t4*i from. J. A. Lamb Company. » Marriage Licenses ¡Rats Show Proper Nutrition Benefits Belle Knife Hospital r I ------ ----- GANO FUNERAL HOME NOTICE Townsend Club No. 1 Ì The Oregonian Agency /Attentioni \to Details/J Kalsomining, j CHURNS—Half and one gallon vic­ FOR SALE—House and acre of land PAPERHANGING. Wood FlnlsWJnfc Inferior and Ex- tory ciHuiik auw au stuck. J. A. on hill across nignway from Smith terlor Painting. We buy cotton Lamb Company. s plant. Five rooms and bath. Newly rags. Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. roofed. $1500 cash for my equity; Henry St. Phone 286. tfs t LAIKI U AKTERS tor Crown Dairy balance $17.50 per mo. for 48 and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed months. Garland Rock at Capps RANGE BOILERS—30 and 40 gallon A Seed Co Motor Co., Bandon. galvanized and Fowler Porcelain- lined tanks in stock. J. A. Lamb Acreage Tracts Are FRUIT TREES—Place your orders Company. • « Beginning To Move now. FARR A ELWOOD. FOR RENT—2 Large Rooms, Fur­ nished for Light Housekeeping; Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs and table. Mrs* Flora E. Dunne, 351 tfs So. Henry, Coquille. Phone 83 Night Phone «00X to Buy-LateModel Tracks, Pickups and Cars. Southwestern Motors See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick , Coquille FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser- vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ pany. • tfs ' ROSES—Beautiful Oregon grown two year olds attractively packaged /or Christmas gifts. FARR A EL- i WOOD. MIS3 INEZ ROVER I nat ructor of Piano High 105 W. 2nd We’ve tried to say tt in a hundred different ways but “Merry, ^hriat mas” still sounds the best, and says precisely what we mean. The Coquille- Valley Sentinel Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Farr At Elwood Bldg. 5 W. Second St.