paoe A íx THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OUGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER $L 1948. I Escapees From Detention Home Are Picked Up Juvenile Officer Leonard appre­ hended two girls in the county Tues­ day who had run away from a home and they were lodged in the county jail until he could take them back to the home. They are Sylvia Sand­ quist of North Bend and Dorothy Johnson of Cloverdale, Ore. Both girls are 17 years of age. il Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C. 1 BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH 1V--------------- ------------- - ---------- - ---------------- Council Session Monday Evening Granges To Install Here Next Monda Callin« cara» M rar »1.00. Chaiwick l odge No. W y the newly Joint A. F. • A. M. (Continued from Page One) Special Communication officers of the Coauiiie, Fair­ Washington, D. C., December 18— *7----- {------7— -------- a----- m^rjes between Dr. Stark Friday, Dec. 24, 7:30 P. M. We have just about finished* up the Congress—but a Congress that has y the doc- view-North Fork, McKinley, Myrtle, Work in M. M. year 1943—the first session of the not yet found itself. During this first ase Mr. Cary’s property • Broadbent, Bridge, Bandon and West- Monday, Dec. 27, 8:00 £, M- and the latter, whether he meant it ' most Granges will be held Monday i 78th Congress. By the time this let­ sessifn we have, in my u Installation of Officers wjU •jirr‘,*MK^T**‘T"<1 of adjustment or not, agreed to sell his tracts for I evening, Dec. 27, at eight o’clock in ter appears in print the Congress w| Visitors Welcome .be adjourned for the holidays,...— I - ?"< tó lilis new condition. Congress is a what it had cost» when acquired. The I the W. O. W. hall in Coquille. ponderous body and does not accom­ doctor Called on all present as wit­ po n d en bTa'nd^'inie’uf the«new« mag­ modate itself quickly to radical nesses to his offer and Mr. Cary’s ac­ azines will, of course, sum up the changes in its character—and the 1942 ceptance. work of the session. I shall there­ elections did make such a change. What action on the petition may be Consequently there has been con­ taken by the council was not indi­ fore make no discussion of details here. Instead I want to discuss the siderable confusion and what might cated Monday evening but it will be fairly be called fumbling on some of up for some definite decision in the general picture of the session, z The 78th Congress is the first one the major controversial issues. I~ *,ul , near future. ★ ★ since the landslide in 1932 to be on this is a working Congress and a lot' The Community Building and the ; a balanced and independent basis. It of fine constructive legislation has I immediate need of a caretaker there See us for photographs of , is the first one since 1932 that has been acted upon. This has been un- was discussed at some length by the | not I braved instantly to the will of the 1 spectacular, has not made the big council members. There is a provi­ • Family Groups execu' euuve—it is the first Congress headlines, and is generally classified sion ip the budget for the building since the advent of the New Deal that under the head of minor legislation, and Mayor Wood and the councilmen • Service Men cannot be called a rubber stamp Con- but itHias been good constructive considered a salary of $100 a month work. ‘ ¡PW- • Babies for a caretaker now, which salary This situation developed with would be reduced by an agreed-upon • Coptes of Pictures 1 amazing suddenness in the 1942 elec- This is my last letter until the new amount when the caretaker’s quar-' i tions. It seems to me we have gone session convenes in January. , T ters in the building are ready for / 121L For some time I have been wonder­ occupancy, with water, lights and : through this entire year—the entire Santa may have new first session—without being able to ing how I could do what I would so heat furnished. modes of transporta' adjust to the new situation, a condi­ very much like to do—send Christmas GENTLE WORDS, OPEN The request of Rev, H. D. Straver tion totally new to all but a mere greetings to all of my thousands of that e he be permitted to rent the tion in his bag of tricks, HEARTS, WILLING HANDS, handful of old-timers. For ten years friends in the Fourth District. I Junior Auditorium, as soon as it is but our wish is that his thje minority membership has been can’t send Christmas cards — that ready', for a period of three months J SOFT MUSIC, FRIENDSHIP, 1943 pack include a so small as to be entirely powerless would be physical impossibility. What in order that revival services might I and for the same period the majority I would like to do would be* to write be held there, six nights a week, was LOVE...THIS IS CHRIST- great big package of members have, in fact, been equally, each one of you a letter conveying discussed. Council members express­ old'time Christmas MASI MAY IT BRING YOU powerless because they have been Christmas greetings and my very sin­ ed the opinion that, it being a public dominated by the wishes of the Presi­ cere wishes for the New Year—and building where dances and meetings cheer, addressed to HAPPINESS AND JOY dent and his advisers. so this IS my letter to you, wishing , of various kinds are likely to b? you, dear friend—to In other words, for the first time you a pleasant holiday season and the , held at any time, it would hardly BEYOND EXPRESSION YOU. in ten years we have an independent best possible for the year 1944. be proper for them to lekse the room for so long a period. ☆ Too, the building in its uncompleted George E. Oerding Sells state, is still in the hands of the A North Bank Ranch building committee, and the council' The ranch, formerly owned by Mr. passed Mr. Straver’s request on to1 and Mrs. J. A. Belieu, about seven that committee. The Bachelor Oirls Club held a i miles from Coquille, has been told by Payment of $58 was ordered made George E. Oerding, a Coquille real­ Christmas dinner party in the ban- to.the Coquille Rebekah’*lodge for the Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Yarbrough tor, to Mr. and Mrs. Antoni Giorgis. j I quet room of the Coquille Hotel Tues­ meal they served at the time of the who have been tenants on the Belieu day evening. Individual holly cor­ League 61 pregon Cities meeting in * ranch and so will stay on and run sages tied with a red bow were at the hall here a few weeks ago. / it as their own. The ranch consists of each place on the table. The center­ A restaurant license was granted to piece was also holly tied with red eighty Seres. «--- ribbon, ¿inner was served in the Mrs. Grace Gilkey for her cafe on A Coquille home was also sold by Front stret, and the applications to Mr. Oerding, a completely furnished light of big red candles. Following the State Liquor Commission for re­ dinner there was a gift exchange. The home owned by Mrs. Margarete Hare, newal of beer licenses were approved located at 227 W. 10th St. The prop­ table where the gifts were piled was for S. H. Donated, Safeway, Bran­ decorated and looked especially at ­ erty was sold to Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. I tractive. Records of Christmas songs don’s and the Coquille Auto Park. Seeber, who recently arrived here The report of the special commit- were played during the evening on a from the middle west. He is employ­ ( portable phonograph. Two guests I tee named to confer with “Shady" ed by the Southwestern Motor Co. I were Yvonne Marineau and Rose Gul- Howell in regard to garbage collec­ The Seebers have moved into their seth, a former member visiting here tion was made by Dr. G. E. Stark, new home and Mrs. Hare has moved Geo. F. Burr and M. F. Pettit Mr. with her husband from San Diego. to the Coquille Hotel. Margaret Belloni, club president, Howell had informed the committee announced the appointment of Lydia that he did not care whether he con­ Royal Neighbors Holstein, chairman of the nominating tinued as collectdir or not, that he had realized very little .profit from committee. Celebrate Christmas Members attending were: Maxine the business, and that he was willing The regular lodge meeting of the Johnson, Aloha Allen, Norene Mc­ to sell the equipment if some one Royal Neighbors held last Wednesday Keown, Lydia Holstein, Alys June else would take over. He also stated night became a Christmas party. Be­ Fox, Phyllis Belloni, Lunelle Chapin, that with help practically impossible fore the social part of the meeting a Eunice Howe, Margaret Belloni, Glen­ to secure that he could not carry new member, Inez Smith, was ini­ da Clinton, Jean Williams, Dorothea ashes up from basements alone. tiated. It was the committee members’ Yarbrough, Rheo Walker. Names of the Secret Neighbors opinion that if Mr. Howell had been -------------------------- were revealed, with the addition of a I charging for the collection as much gift exchange for those not having Luncheon Hostess as his franchise with the city permits | Mrs. Norman Carlson entertained held secret names during the year. that it would be a more profitable A lace-covered table piled high with i friends for luncheon at her home on business, and they also suggested the gaily wrapped gifts and the color on Tuesday. Individual Christmas tree collection rates might be increased the bright tree, all added to the place cards marked each luncheon without working a hardship on any­ plate. The home was decorated with cheer of the evening. one. greens and a Christmas tree. During Hostesses entertaining for those the afternoon a drawing was held for with birthdays in October, Novem­ a gift exchange. Visitors included WANTED—Maid at 60 cents per hour. ber and December, were Ruby John­ Apply in person to Mrs. Lafe Mesdames Dale Flippo, U. E. McClary, son, Anne Hocamp and Jane Burch. Compton at Coquille Hotel. Marion Hale, Geo. Maynard, Hugh Refreshments were enjoyed at a Lancaster and Ted Horn. candle lights and holly set on a cloth See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in of purple and white, the lodge colors. Norton's still have a fine selection Coquille for Diamonds and Watch Corsages of mistletoe were at each of gifts for the last minute shopper, s Straps. tfs place. Birthday cake and ice cream Were served. Twenty-two members attended. weve been thinking, GoquiUe Stu() TMAS 8£$r IW$H£$ Girls'Chrismas Dinnerparty YUL£TIP£ JOY RACKLEFF PHARMACY Cow Bell Dairy MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND GOD BLESS YOU EVERY ONE STEVE'S GROCERY "Wintertime," Dazzling Musical, Starring ' Sonia Henie and Jack Oakie folks, that you've been very good to us during 1943, and right non is the most appropriate time to thank you. So thanks, everybody, and a very happy Christmas! Hardware will be closed for Inventory from Monday, Dec. 27 M & W Auto Service Monday, Jan. 3 LIST as surely as there’ll always be little boys and girls, and big boys and girls, too (espe­ cially around ClirUlmastime), that surely there will always be a Christmas. Our wish for you is that this Christmas season of 1943 be the most memorable you have ever known. J The Industrial Repair Co of Coquille ♦ MACHINING METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING J. L. STEVENS BLACKSMITHING Repairing Aids Victory “WALLY" Phone 44 i Melody and romance, blended with sensational skatin*, combine to make 'Wintertlme." the scintillating new 29th Century-Fox musical, at the Roxy Theatre, Sonja Henle's outstanding hit. Woody Herman and his band pro­ vide the tunes, while the cast of the film Includes Jack Oakie. Cerar Romero and Carole Landis. Easily the top musical of the year. Wintertime" is «etlin* records wherever it has been shown. your Ideal Mealing PlaceL *•__________________________ _