The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 23, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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FAGI five
HontatZ Men XW
IFomen IFfo
Hani Of
Senior Boll Was
A Gay Affair
roar of shotguns there reached our some sixteen summers and in his hand prove a credit to the hunting fra-
ears, which to them is forever a he carried a mallard duck, while [ temity—a swell kid! And we trust
magic sound—the honking of wild st his heels there strode a wet and that it goes without saying that he
shivering dog.
went back up the river with that
Just above us, amongst the sand
“Here's the duck you shot up there drake mallard—that he didnt go tame
With much anticipation and curi­
4 dunes, three hunters crouched as the in the river,” said the lad, extending “skunked" on his first huntin’ trip.
osity those ^prtunate ones who re-
ceived Senior Ball invitations this
We wish
uke thls occasion to V shape flock of birds swung along the dead bird, “my dog went In and
Cam st Thanks /'
awaited the event held last Fri-'| *i*h a11 our readers of this column the river. The birds came directly got him after you left, so thought I’d
night in the High School audi- 1 • M*rry Christmas and a Happy New over them, all three rose to their feet bring him down to you. That’s a
We take thia mean* of expressing
torium. The invitations read as fol- i Year and extend our heartfelt thanks and all three emptied their guns. One dandy goose you got back there. Gee! to our neighbors and 'friends our
lows: “Th« Coquille Senior ci»«« of
thosc whom in the past have com- lone goose fell earthward and the But you're lucky. One of the boys sincere appreciation for their kindly
the -------
rest of the
flock with me got a goose but we haven't1 aid and sympathy In our recent be-
1244 UlVlira
Invites you
you W
tn K»
It« guest at
.t me r ited f a v o rab l y ii nnn our çuiunuu-
contribu- 7~.
W 1U
■--- ------
ths opening of The Skyline Ball Boom , tiona and offered words of encourage- higher and htgheF into the sky and got a duck yet.” -------------------------------- 1 reevement -and - for-the floral dllplay '
a — i
... a — ______
still mm inti n 0 ns thsav -Atwiinff nhnvn
The boy explained further that this . at the services held* recently for our i
• ’ atop Hotel Waldorf overlooking Man­ ' ment which have enabled us to carry still mounting as they ¿swung above
on and maintain OUT-OF-DOORS­ me. But after registering two solid was his first hunting trip. And here daughter and sister, Elizabeth Irene
hattan Square."
hits, the third shot brought down my he had ran down the beach a quar- Peterson.
Guests were in no way let down but STUFF these many years.
ter of a mile to give me a duck that | Mr. and Mrs. Elmore John Peterson
We sincerely trust that the coming goose.
more excited for as they aligted from
I barely had time to reload 'ere a I had given up for lost, after his dog and family.
parked cars, they were reassured to ! year will see the boys who are wear
-------------------- -----
see a neon style sign in blue light ' ing the uniform today, again united big drake mallard swung by. Struck had brought it into him! What a I
Bee Schroeaers Jewelry Stare in
flashing on and off “The Skyline Ball with their friends and loved ones hard by the first charge of shot, the gesture of sportsmanship that was!
and once again be able to roam the bird started on slanting wings across One for a lot of hunters to take heed Coquille for Diamonds and Watch
orchestra hills, the fields and the marshes and the river and it took a hasty second of. Here was a youth that would Straps.
' J !L.-------------------------------------------------------
sounded off for the grand march at streams in pursuit of game and fish shot to bring him to the water. But
9:00 p. m. This was lead by De- in a land once again restored to peace even then, that second shot had been
i Wayne Mitchell, class president, and for all time to come, with the bitter too late, for the drake had landed
Beadie Miller. The line of couples memories of war fading from memory, where the water was waist deep-hnd
i appeared in one way different than 1 to be replaced by the more pleasant the wind was blowing it toward the
i in other years.
There were the ones aquired while indulging in their opposite shore.
It is always on such occasions that
usual number of bewitching girls and 1 favorite pastimes.
And so, it is with these thoughts in I miss a bird dog and thoughts of
young women with splendid looking
young men but quite a nutfiber of mind that we extend to yqu our sin- Sissy, my best hunting dog, but now
departed, always brings a tinge of
these latter were in the armed ser­ Icere compliments of the season.
sadness that serves somewhat to les­
vice uniforms.
sen the joy of the hunt. For although
A very realistic effect was pro­
The day of the game hog is fast van­ several years have passed since Sissy
duced to give the appearance of a ishing and the man who kills more
departed from this earth, I still catcb
New York roof garden. Murals lined than his limit of legal game is no
myself stretching forth a hand to-
the entire four walls of the auditori­ longer regarded with respect or ad­
stroke her silky head, as I crouch in
um, drawn In excellent perspective miration by his fellow sportsmen as
my blind, or cock an ear for her .soft,
to project the tops of skyscrapers. he once was, in past years. True
expectant whimper as a flock swings
Also running around the four sides sportsmanship is becoming more ap­
in towards the decoys.
wss what appeared to be a marble parent each season in the marsh, in
Seeing that there was no chance
protective wall against which at in­ the fields, in the hills and along the
of the dead bird floating ashore, I
tervals were placed large potted streams. And while it is an impossi- '
left my dead goose and continued on
palms. Under the night blue sky and bllity to educate every one along the •
down the river to a point where it
its silver stars young couples, many of line of sportsmanship, nevertheless
was more shallow. But tho birds had
whom were beautiful dancers, glided the game hog is fast vanishing from ¡ceased flying and I had about de­
| through the glare of colored spot the picture. Lessons and sermons on
cided to go back up the river, secure
lights to lend accents to the dim light ' conservation,
my goose and hit for my car, when I
of a roof ball room. Emblematic of written along those lines, as well as
observed a hunter—one of those
the occasion was the large white ball the actions of the majority of sports­
whom had been above me—coining
suspended from the center of the drop men while in pursuit of game, no
' ceiling, Which appeared to float aloft. doubt have a distinct bearing in the down the river. He held no gun in
Bat Christmas' is more than these...
his hand, but something that I took
The theme of the party was "Man­ case. And we believe too, that the
to be his hat, was flapping about in
how mnch more we cannot put into
hattan Serenade." During an inter­ teachings of the Boy Scouts of Ameri­
one hand, as he raced along the
mission, DeWsyne Mitchell sang the ca have contributed their share in the
river’s edge.
He stopped by my
words but you do know that we are v
song by the same name, accompanied picture.
goose, picked it up. While hunting
It is not unusual to see a beginner
| by Wanita Wardrip. His encore was
wishing for you all that Christinas
in Utah we had a goose stolen from
I “Deep Purple.”
and especially a youngster, in his
us In a like manner by another hunter
at its very best implies, and all that
To the entire Senior class should eagerness to secure a kill, to go be­ and our suspicions were at once
credit go for the success of the yond the bounds at sportsmanship, aroused over the action of this hunter.
Christmas can bring ....
party, stated Miss Lunelle Chapin, and the kid especially shows good But presently he laid the big bird
class adviser, but she added that Ben teachings indeed when he refrains down and continued on down the
Barton and Jim Young, general chair­ from breaking some of the unwritten river in my direction. It was quite a
men, worked tirelessly.
Students laws of the fields. This was brought distance from the goose to where .1
whose talents were displayed in forcibly to us on a recent duck hunt­ was stationed and it was not until
Where there is a kind thought and a good word for everyone.
drawing ths murals were Vernon ing trip down in the New River
several minutes later that the hunter
Leila McClure
Lea & Marjorie Child
Clara Willson
Eldridge, Phillip Clausen, Jim Howe country.
As shooting time arrived, above the arrived. He proved to be a lad of
and DeWayne Mitchell.
■ ■
-r1 ■
Out-of-Doors Stuff
Holiday Cheer
It’s about time for us to
wake up sad thank our
many friends and customers
for their valued patronage
during IMS. We cannot tell
you how much we appre­
ciate your kindneee. May
your Christmas be very,
very happy.
...a candle in the window
... the gleam of a star on a tree
... the light in the eyes of a
child on Christmas morning
The decoration committee incltlded:
Barbara Barrows, Jim Young, Louise
Butler, and Vernon Eldridge; refrqph-
1 ments, Donna Lu Bayle; tickets,
' Phillip
Jeanne Boyle; programs, Jssie Sher­
wood; invitations, Maxine Whereat.
Ken Hooton was the craftsman who
made the palms.--------
Patrons and patronesse.1 were Mr.
and Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Berg, Mr and Mrs. George Howe, Mr.
and Mrs Clarence Osika and B W.
Townsend Club No. 2
Bergen's Florist
Myrtlewood Shop
Townsend Club, No. 2, met at the
' home of Mrs. Viola Llday, Dec. 18,
for election of officers for the coming
year, with a large crowd of members
in attendance.
One new member
was taken in. Officers for the coming
year will be:
President—Mrs. Alma Halter.
Vice President—Mrs. Maud Brock­
1 Second Vice President—Mrs. Viola
! Llday.
' Secretary—Mrs. Esther Briner.
Treasurer—Mrs. Elsie Hickam.
Christmas cards were sent to all
members unable to attend meetings,
to out-of-town members and to aU of
our boys in service.
At the next meeting, officers will
be elected for the Ladies Auxiliary,
which is very aeUve, trying to make i
the lives of the old people In town ,
who need it brighter, by sending them i
flowers and cards and other tokens
After business meeting luncheon was:
served by the hostess and an Invltg-.
tin was extended to meet with Mrs.
Anna Smith on December 20, at the
first house after crossing the bridge |
going toward Bandon —Press Cor.
Five Divorces Granted By
Judge King Tuesday
In Circuit court on Tuesday decrees |
of divorce were granted to the plain­
tiffs in the following cases:
j Robert L, Fulmer vs. Mary B. Ful-
Ethel C. Littler vs. Ray W. Littler. I
Rose Mary Burgess vs. Kenneth W, |
Lets Pearl Rteebuerg vs. Ralph L. |
Edna Mae Martin
Thos. E.
Chet Summers, fined by Recorder
Leslie last Thursday for being intoxi­
cated, paid half of his fine, 2S.00, in
cash and the other half by carrying
wood into the city hall basement.
Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col­
lector at Harbison*!.''
s i
s/ Hand tome
HIS year our memories of other happier Christ­
mases are more vivid than ever. The stockings,
the trees, the carols, the family reunions—memories
of all of these make us yearn more strongly than ever
for the safe return of our husbands, brothers, eons
and daughters who are far from home.
So the foremost hope of all of us is that peace shall
once more return to this earth—and soon.
You can help to speed tfie day of victory and peace
by giving War Bonnie and Stamps this Christmas.
Every War Bond, every Stamp, you buy and give
helps mould more bullets—load more shells—launch
more ships—lift more planes into the skiesl
Every War Bond, every Stamp, you buy and give
will help to dictate the terms of the Armistice—and
write a peace that will endure.
So give U. S. War Bonds and Stamps to everyone
on your Christmas list. Give and give generously I
Remember—«very War Bond and Stamp is more
nun a jtresent for the one who receive* it. irs a gift ■
of peace and happiness and safety for some soldier or
sailor besides!
Or Neat
Just in time for the holiday season!
fiSC^^Fine wools, silks and rayon mix-
tures in proud patterns or stripes.
So Lou, Priced —Buy Him
Good-looking and they cost so lit-
lit' SB
tie! R.yon mivlnre. 1 in .tripe., /LU
M m RM 1
neat figures or splashy ar m
a S