The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 23, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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♦ .■..
rhe Sentinel
The roster of advisers to Petroleum
. Administrator Harold L. Ickes, he
said, “is a blue book of major oil com­
< pany executives,” and he added, “Can
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, to Archie Walker and associates the 7°“
lot west of the First National Bank on! i thing, advising anything, against the
December 21, 1923)
which her hotel stood before the' best interests of the major oil com­
Coquille High w
m-whauggping panies?” This dominating position
| games last evening, at the high school
has not been an­ ^ h eU 'b y U ie maj o i o il compani es, he
gym here, from Arago Righ. The
asserted, results in the strangling of
girls game was wort 18 to >10, while nounced.
| the independent operators, their ex-
the boys had to play an extra five
. elusion from potential productive
¡minutes, the result being four all at go up in Coquille the coming year is fields and a consequent shortage of
Entered at the Coquille Pestoffice as the end of the fourth quarter. The
oil and gasoline at a time when an
! final score was 8 to 7. The girls team the Coquille Mercantile Go. is expect­
Second Class Mail Matter.
| abundant supply is needed for war
l‘was composed of Clarabelle and Ger­
Offiee Corner W. Flrat and WUtard Et trude Mintonye.Dena Ellingson, Brica their present site.
The Coffee comments and criticism
Flitcroft, Myrtle Olsen, Katheryne
were made in connection with dis­
Peart, Dulce Jorgensen and Alice
cussion of a second proposed agree­
(Collier. The boys’ team: Nosier, w ing that he had made a deal for the
ment between the navy and Standard
¡Laird, Robinson, Rice, Young, E.
for development of the Elk ^iilis
Messrs. Oscar Gulovsen and C. A.
I Laird, Levi Wilson, Pownder.
Baer, of Marshfield. The deal also naval reserve in California, the termi
includes the sale of the machine shop of which were strongly condemned as
After being out 45 minutes last in the Highway Garage and a lease on being unfavorable in California. The
first agreement which had been de­
Saturday morning, the jury in the that building.
nounced on the floor of the house
Alton Covell case brought in a ver­
• ••••••••• dict of murder in the first degree,
Jas. W. Laird and Don Pierce were was finally declared illegal by the
^ justice department. Two-thirds of
I with u recommendation that he be high guns Wednesday, so far as re
A good many years ago, upon our
confined in the penitentiary for Jife. ported, they bringing In a bag of 42 the Elks Hills field is within the.
entry into the first grade of school,
naval reserve while the remaining
we were informed by one of the less
one-third is owned by Standard Oil
I Many new buildings are being
fortunate or our schoolmates that there
Dr. C. A. Rietman intends leaving “f California.
■planned for next year and more yet
was no Santa Claus. This was mo­
>to be announced. The first of this this evening for his old home in Troy, I
mentous news for well we can re­
T1‘ere “ a P^ibility that two in-
week J. D. Graham & Sons purchased Idaho, where he was born and grew
member carrying the report home to!
w.ll be made of the li-
of Mrs. Hattie T Bledsoe the, lot, 65x up. He will return about the first
the family^dinner table, where our
iquor industry to determine the cause
100 feet, adjoining their Front street of the year
indulgent father assured us it wus
of the shortage of whisky—one by the
garage on the east. It is their inten­
false but added the warning that
tion to erect thereon a building cov­ j One of the cleverest and best staged committee of house members and the
Santa Claus did »not remember the
by a District of Columbia grand
ering the entire lot, two stories in plays ever put on by the Coquille other
little boys and girls who failed Jo
' height.
High School, seems to be the practi- • ¡u r^' The latter is certain, the for­
proposed. Under
ueueve in
... him.
mm. Needless
««me» to
w say that
Another building planed for next cally unanimous opinion of the 550 ’ mer
ner has been
uwn P*
stopped any more outspoken .kept -|
— * ---------
who saw “Safety First" at the Liberty ' -----
law the
nterna 1 * revenue tax
cism on our part and whatever doubts___ . . ....
-- J.____ nt___« a__ .. ri.„. e*P«cts to build on the córner east Theatre last Monday evening. Every whisky is not collectible until
we had on the reality of Santa Claus
of the postoffice, [corner of Hall and seat was taken and 25 or 30 chairs had liquor is released from bond,
we kept to ourselves. If our parents
to be brought in. . . . The cast con- i was asserted in house dicussion of
did substitute for Saint Nick, as al- |
Wimer Bros, last week purchased sisted of Earl Rice, Maxine Paulson, the subject that the distillers are
leged, it would be very foolish to
I the south 50x100 of the hundred feet Mary Watson, Margaret Beyers, Tyler* holding whisky in bond an undue
make a show of our sophistication.
¡square which C. W. Gardner pur­ Walker, Clarabelle Mintonye, Errol length of time to avoid paying this
As we grew a little older we re­
chased of Geo. A. Robinson a few Sloan, Marguerite Hersey, Allen tax and that this practice is respon­
gained our belief in the apirit of Saint
for the shortage. The distillers
weeks ago.' These are the lot« at the Young, Wayne Robinson, and Eugene sible
Our conception of the
east end of First street paving where Laird. A great deal of credit is due I insist that the shortage is actual be­
world broadened and it became evi­
: the street jogs. The Wimer Bros, in­ to Mrs. R. E. McCormack for the sue- cause
v“u*e the
™ '
nu*J capacity
c“pac,‘* of
« their
dent that no one man could play the
ide™t*dthe Production of
tend building a 40x90 sheet iron cess attending this year's school play ■
role of the good saint and cover the
i industrial alcohol for war purposes,
blacksmith shop there next summer
whole earth, remembering all the
thi. week
nurehMeit I |-*
«hould “ reveaieo
revealed by
, and Mr. Gardner is planning to erect
’w truth
Dy me
boys and girls everywhere. In time
Mr. E.
r f
Fr»drir.k what
wh.t is
<■ known
irnnu/n 1grand JurX probe even if the house
a machine shop structure of the same of 1 Mrs.
we came to realize that Christmas
dimensions on the other lot /
as the Knowlton place, across the; does not proceed with its plan for an
was a holy day when gifts were the
1 investigation.
Mrs. Sarah Wickham this week sold street east of the court house.
outward expression of a universal
The G. O. P. high command w<?re
desire to bring joy to others.
very jubilant when the battle broke
Sometimes we think the child
gress and particularly among con­ out between Senator Guffey, demo­
growing into the man has the same
from the states of the mid­ crat of Pennsylvania, and the conser­
difficulty in religious beliefs, as we
dle west. It is considered just an­ vative anti-administration democrats
had with the Patron of Giving. When
other blunder by WRA, and one con­ of the south over the soldiers’ vote
he has to discard his chilhood idea of
gressman charged that it is an at­ bill. The big-wigs of the republican
God naturally he doubts the very ex- ,
tempt to foist on the midwest the Jap­ party thought the battle would split
istence of the deity. If his educa­
and bring them from the Pa­ the democrats wide open, which
tion and spiritual development con­
cific coast. Mostly the legislators are would give them a chance to capture
tinue he may later affirm his faith
infuriated by the assertion that farm some *nf the southern states for the
in a Supreme Being; the fact that
G.’Cl 1*. in next year's presidential
workers do not keep themselves clean
man did not create himself nor the1
and next to that by the appeal to the election. However, theyxton't think
world in which he lives makes a I
Japs that they teach the farmers how so now. While the anti-new deal
greater-then-human power necessary
to be industrious, grade crops and democrats will continue to holler
to explain his own being.
prepare attractive packages of food their heads off against “that mail,*'
The savage who asks why the riven
they will still stick and vote the
for the market.
flow unceasingly, who sends the rain,1
why does the grain sprout, who up- ( ”
u. v.,
m — mm-
holds the stars is groping toward a be-
Frontlen,” issued for the Jap- pears to be pleased at this appeal
llef in a world governed by an imman- anese by the war relocation admlnia- to become teachers to farmers and
ent God, but, on the other hand, the ‘»'»“on in Cleveland, O., carried -an instruct them in sanitation.
civilized man who spurns man-made article In which the Japanese were
Dec. 17—Earle P. Livingston vs.
Charge that failure to enforce anti­
churches and insists all-outdoors is | invited to settle In the midwest and
Helen Livingson. Suit for divorce.
his church expresses a pantheism lim- I teach the farmers in-that section fine trust laws and the appointment of
Dec. 17 — Daniel Barklow vs.
ited in spiritual value. The Moham- P°‘nts on agriculture and also teach oil company executives as advisers Dorothy Barklow. Suit for divorce.
medan praying to Allah bows to his the importance of taking baths. The i to the petroleum administrtaor have
Dec. 20 — Edna Mae Martin vs.
idea of a ruler of the universe, al- PaPer explained that many of the placed the major oil companies in Thomas E. Martin. Suit for divorce.
though his belief in a future paradise i f«rm houses are old and were built position to dominate the industry and
leaves much to be desired. Buddha ! before the days of bathtubs. The eliminate independent operators was
is the name the Hindu uses in his Japs were also advised that many sea­ made on the floor of the house in a
worship of his creator and his con­ sonai workers in the midwest do not speech by Rep. John M. Coffee of the
ception of the perfect hereafter is toke baths because they regard the sixth Washington district. Further,
practice as unhealthy.
RepresentaUve Coffee declared that
eternal rest.
The paper, which was not intended the Vacuum Oil company of New
There are other great religions and
there have been many devoted fol- (
*nto ‘be hands of congressmen York and the Standard Oil company
lowers of God, Jehovah, Jove and------------------------------------------------------- of New Jersey, together with their
Zeus, the name varying according to dier is a fanatic when fighting for English affiliates, furnished the oil
the nationality of the worshipers, his emperor-god but he embraces for Japan's stockpile built up in the
God reveals himself in many forms self-imposed death when his trickery period immediately preceding Pearl
to those who commune with him.
\ or valor fails for he has no conception Harbor. On May IS, 1841, he said,
these companies agreed to increase
Here in America we claim to be a of mercy or compassion.
Imagine, if you can, the homes of Japan's quota from 400,000 tons of
Christian nation but of our more thaq
131 million people, only SI million ' America if there had never been a petroleum products a year to 1,800,000
profess to belief in the tenets of Bible. Think back for two thousand tons “during the year then next en-
Christianity. Eliminating the young years and picture the human family
children that would still mean less developing without the fundamental
than half of our people are affiliated principles of love and mutual service
with any religious organization.
as found taught in'the New Testament.
For an instant let us try to imagine
Again we would quote our father
what this world would have been who wished to prolong the myth of
without Christianity. The pictures Santa Claus for the pleasure of our I
which have been inspired by the life infantile life and this time with his
of Christ comprise some of the most words of faith in the. verity of the
treasured paintings in the realm of New Testament. At a much later
art. The cathedrals and the humble date we remember his statement that
houses of worship alike have been no outside authority was needed for I
designed by men who sought to glor­ belief in Christ and his teachings.
ify Christ in architectural stone. Take The truths Jesus of Nazareth taught
Christianity out of the world with all are self-evident and indisputible in
of its influences upon the great writ­ themselves, they are genuine in
ers, thinkers and poets, and the rich­ their own right and they are the
ness ano lusptraUon ot literature since words of eternal lite,
★ Linde Sam is to be con­
the birth of Christ would be so re-
Thus the proof of the Christian
gratulated, for he has
duced that our books would be religion is found, not only jn the
done and is doing a mag­
meagre and dull. What music owes fulfillment of its promises in the his-
nificent job. This is, in­
to the influence of Christianity is im- tory of civilization for the past two
deed, occasion for Christ­
measurable. The life of Christ and centuries but also in the heart of man,
mas cheer.
the faith of our fathers have given which is ever seeking to know God.
us hymns, carols and folk songs, as
The day of Christmas is a holy one.
Our compliments to
well as operas and majestic melodies. It commemorates the birth of this
■you, friends, our thanks,
How the teachings of Christ have Christ whom we worship even as
and our most hearty
molded mankind's idea of law and did the shepherds two thousand
wishes for an enjoyable
justice may gauged, by the horror we years ago after the angeWigd ap-
and truly/ happy 1944
' feel when we hear of the sadistic pea red on' their Judean hills lei •lling
ChristirAs season.
cruelties practiced by the anti-Christs them: “Behold 1 bring you good
of today. Christ did hot denounce tidings of great joy, which shall be
the institution of slavery but in his to all people. For unto you is bom
name slaves have been freed and the this day in the city of David, a Sa-
inalienable rights of man affirmed [ viour, which is Christ the Lord. . .
Without Christianity patriotism is;Glory to God in the highest, and on
a hollow virtue; the Nipponese sol- earth peace, good will toward men."
It will pay you to kxÄ at
• Fragment» of Fact •
and Fancy
Circuit Court Casis
Christmas Cheer
Drug Store