1 POD in xmee It will pay you to look at Bergen's day but expects to be dismissed from the hosp i tal early in February and bffOK YOU hug.--------------------------------- % r mi - t . j ' $ will then return to his job with the Mt.'States Power Co. here. • Bill is Harbison’S myrtlewood for Christ­ Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col- ' g looking well and says he feels 'fine. tectors at Harbison’s. s mas gifle.' s r. ■’ .... ........... - ■ t Homc On Furlough The Guise ths In Town For A Week the technique of safe parachute jump- Staff Sergeant Philip Stem arrived Ing and landing. He has earned the home Monday night for a visit with right to wear the coveted Wings and his parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Stem. Tallant Greenough Home For Boots of the U. S. Army’s most mod­ He is on a fourteen-day -furlough but Couple of Dsys Last Week has wired for an extension, which _ 5?**^ Oulseth, of the Marines, ern soldier. The Para trooper. ('■ Tallant Greenough, Coquille’s city would permit him to remain here attorney who is on leave from that accompanied by Mrs. Gulseth and through Christmas. He came across duty while in the U. S. Army, was their baby, arrived here about mid­ Wm. W. Wilkins Is the continent from Presque Isle, here from Thursday evening until night Saturday. They left their San Now A Paratrooper Maine, in seven days of hectic travel. Saturday last week. He said he could Diego home at 6 a. m. Friday and Private William W. Wilkins, one stretch of thirty-two hours have had a furlough at this time but drove straight through, and are at son of Mr., and Mrs. W. W. Wilkins r of ’’ For ~ he stood or walked the train, with | usked that that yvait until the salmon the Matney home on Hall street. Coquille, successfully made his fifth " They are both enthusiastic about and qualifying jump Friday night, whe( ' about four hours out for sleep run ¡s on nexf year the San Diego climate and say the savs . news item from Fort Benning wh“n he found “ wut’ However’ »* [ He is stationed at an Army office Chambers of Commerce in southern Q*. This tactical night jump com- ’Ute* ther® WM food ,n the diner and ‘n San Francisco, where his duties California do not exaggerate a par­ pleted his Parachute Jump training sandwiches available between meals. are of a nature not to be made pub­ ticle in their publicity extolling that which lasted the standard four weeks I Philip enlisted twenty-six months lic, and he says his drill field is a ago. For the last 20 months he has wide flat-topped desk. Mrs. Green­ section of the coast. and which included jumping from the Both are looking extremely well towers 250 ft. high and learning been located at Presque Isle. At pres­ ough, who is working down there, and the sergeant has the trim, stream­ completely the technique of safe par­ ent he 4s in charge of all emergency did not accompany him home. Tal- lined figure that all service men ac- achute jumping and landing. He has equipment for base aircraft, which lant looks as though Army life agrees His earned the right to wear the coveted amounts to quite a bit of responsi­ with him and he says he likes it. quire after several months, bility. He wears another ribbon leave is for a ten-day period. Wings and Boots of the U. S. Army’s since his last visit home, this one fpr Son of Mrs. John Jayes, Coquille, most modern soldier, The Paratroop- one year of good conduct. Also he Sgt. Albert Rhule Home Decorated for Gallantry wears a pair of wings given him After 30 Months In Army In last Thursday’s Oregonian there ; when he was a crew chief and he has appeared the picture of Raymond E. Sgt. Albert Rhule, who has been Don McClellan Sent To an airplane mechanics medal. Derrick of Holley, Ore., as he was stationed at the Army post near Sac­ Army Hospital In Utah When asked about the weather being decorated yith a silver star ramento for the last two years and a when he left the east, he stated there Don McClellan, who had been with medal for gallantry in action on New half—he enlisted six months before the Army on Guadalcanal for a con- 'was eight inches of ice on the river, Pearl Harbor—came home last Tues­ siderabel length of time and who six inches of snow on the ground Guinea last Jan. 18, by Major-Gen­ day on a 14-day furlough. Whether had spent moat of the last six months and it was ten below zero, which is eral Horace H. Fuller, somewhere in he will be in Sacramento, when he in a hospital down in the south Pa-1 why some people people prefer to Australia. Private First Class Derrick is the returns, for a week or for the du­ clfic, being treated for the malaria live in Coos county, son of Mrs. John Jayes of Coquille, ration, he has no idea. The inen which attacks so many of the boys ----------------- --------- whose husband is superintendent of with that length of time in the service down there, has written his parents, the State Highway Shops jn Coquille. are needed at the.posts and camps to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClellan, that’81,1 Head Home Tuesday drill the new selectees who are con­ he landed in San Francisco on Dec. From Hospital For A Week See "spike" Leslie ior the best in stantly arriving. 15. He was on his way to a hospital | w. J. B. (Bill) Head came in Tues- Liability, or other Insurance. Office, in Utah and after six months’ treat-, day morning from the hospital at next door to Coquille Hospital, ment there he expects to be home 'Walla Walla to spend Christmas with phone 5; residence phon** 0SL. George Wilson Is Now s on a 30-day furlough. Mrs. Head and their six months baby An Army Paratrooper boy. He will return there next Mon- Calling cards. 5c ror >1.00 Pvt. Uriel G. Wilson, son of Mr. ■V— Many thanks tor the grand Christ ­ and Mrs. Frank G. Wilson of Coquille, successfully made his fifth and quali­ mas and New Years business given me fying jump Friday night. This tacti­ during the holidays, and I wish one cal night jump completed his Para­ and all a very Merry Christmas and chute Jump Training which lasted a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 48t2s the standard four weeks and which —V. R. Wilson. included jumping from the towers 250 ft. high and learning completely MulicLu^ Clieer I B leak D ecemberi *Tla paaalng atrango that thia month which fur­ nishes the least light out of doors, should fur­ nish the most light with­ in. It’s ths Spirit of Christ­ mas. and ths Merriest of Christmasss to youl BROOKS COQUILLE COFFEE SHOP Used Furniture “So tint pfatt mag prrtail for all mankind-’ Calling cards, au tor Ii.00 O TOMATO JUICE Christmastide, hallowed season of joy and happiness, thia year finds all of ua in America striving con­ stantly to hasten the day of Vic­ tory. Nevertheless it is fitting that we should pause both to re­ call our Christmas days of yester­ year and to look forward into the future with profound confidence and hope. We people of Safeway —including those who have taken leave of absence to join the fight­ ing forces— unite in sincerely wishing every one of you a Merry Christmas! May your families be happy and well. May your din­ ners be hearty. And may the Christmas prayers cf all of us be answered, “So that peace may prevail for all mankind ...” r Hunny Dawn <6pta) 46 os GRPFRUIT JUICE Town House 46 os. can FCY PRUNES Î Red Tag (15 pts.) No. 2 Vi 23c CHERRIES Maraschino, Marasca 5 PINEAPPLE H lb. Candied War or peace, « bravo new world It in the making — a world in which better opportunitiet will be had for all. The Spirit of Progrett it on the march, and we may all look hopefully to the future. At thit time it it fitting that we count our many friendt and recall the happy relationthipt of 1943. We with all of you the choicett blett- ingt that C hrittmattime can bettow. pkg. FILBERTS 25c CUT BEANS Briargate (5) No. 2 can FANCY PEAS Sugar Belle (IB) Ns. 2 ean TOMATOES Exquisite (Ml Ns. PEANUTS eaa BABY FOOD 26c CATSUP Red Hill (18 pts) 14 os bol. 14c TOMATO SAUCE Buffet can (5 pta) BEEFSTEAK SAUCE 32c Per Lb......... 2H Clapp’s Strained (1 pt) eaa 39c Per Lb. . ........ 16c lieins S os. 25c fAKM-fnesu pnpuci SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR COMPANY POTATOES 79c CABBAGE - - - - CELERY Utah, Green - GRAPES Tokays - - ORANGES Sunkist Naval APPLES Fancy Ortley lb. 4c lb. 9c lb 15c lb 10c lb 10c NibletCorn Tl ID 1/CV 1 UIXIXL. I grade a Fresh Killed Pork Chops - - - Pork Steak - - , Ib. 38c - Ib. 34c Weinies Oysters Halibut - - - - - - - - - - Ib. 34c - Pt 65c - Ib. 39c - - - 2‘Í7 25c Salad Dress g Cranberry £x? ‘"”2'^,"25c Ripe Olives Hi-Ho Crackers Lb. PKG. IQf* Almonds LB. 52c - ** 19c £ 28c SALTED While they ROASTED last •/, lb. ÔQ JVC to riet cumaaf teet sur™ uair-ewn itn-nuten ctomF^f, TO EACH AND ALL t ___________________ Spärkling Water, Canada Dry, 28 oz. 20c MARGARINE, Parkay (6 pts) 1 lb 26c COFFEE FILTERS, Dependable, pkg 10c Edwards Coffee BREAD, Julia Lee Wrights’ l'/j lb. 13c in the new vacuum­ pack glass jar COFFEE, Schilling’*, 2 Ib. jar 63c Oats, Mom’g Glry, reg or quick 20 oz 24c M’ COQUILLE SERVICE STATION Reg. Drip r ’ COOK Bookt.m .™,« tei. ► < .< ■ V 29c SHORTENING Snowdrift (15) 3 lb 71c Shortening, Royal Satin, (5) 1 lb. 64c VINEGAR, Old Mill, quart battle 13c »