’ Mrs. Hallock read Beyers. , Of most interest to the children was the arrival of an exciting Santu Claus, who distributed gifts und popcorn balls to all present. soprano, Florence Hallock, second The PArrish Hall has boqn the sourano, Clara StaufL and £O*U**^ —Tl ie 58 8 Club had p r epa red ti,. scrne of many festivities »hiFi h.,u- beautiful Christmas tree, arrungqd I Ruth Beyers. A tableau ended the for the pretty fireplace and for Santa day season. On Tuesday evening this singing. Joe and Ruth Vamejt por­ Claus. To Mrs. Hallock goes much week the Junior Women held their trayed Joseph and Mary; Mrs. George, Christmas party. According'|o those Aurora Willard and Frances Detlef- credit for a very fine prbgram who attended it waa-nrToveiy party sen portrayed the three angels and It’s Chysanthem'mi season "See and everybody had a grand time. Inez Rover was the accompanist. About forty-five attended. The pro­ Community singing was led by Ruth Bergen’s for choice flowers. gram was preceded by the serving , the subject of Christmas music. Later of dessert at small tables. Each table i in the evening several Christmas was centered with a re with the Fiddle,” included some good A drawing for the Christmas gift comedy by Morris Williams. A sur­ exchange afforded much merriment. prise number. “O Come All Ye Faith­ Refreshments were appropriate for ful,” and followed by "Silent Night,” the Holiday season with cakes and included Ann Harbison and Rose confections served with hot spiced Marie Peart as a sextette of violins, cider. Thirty'-two members attended. with Jeanne Griggs doing the vocal In charge of the party were two in “Silent Night.’ Muriel Dae Ar- committees, the sociaf Eva Stevens, dath directed and accompanied these Edna Robison, Hattie rLee Holimon, numbers. The quartette included Jim Lelia McCure; music and arts, Inez Howe, Morris and Ronald Williams Rover, Ruth Beyer«, Edna Kern, and Gqraldine Oerding. . Clara Stauff. Little Beverly McBride sang “Paper Doll,” and "Oh, Ma,” accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Vi McBride. Birthday Line Party I Butchy and Bobbye Jean Harris sang The eighth birthday of Marcia ' “White Christmas” and with Beverly Mauney was the occasion for a cele­ , all three sang, “Away in a Manger,” Bed Room Sets in Walnut, Bleached and Maple bration. At her home, Dec. 19, Mrs. accompanied by Mrs. McBride. Guy Mauney entertained with a ! Little Janet Swinney wheeled a I party in her daughters' honor. Ice 1 much decorated and heavily laden ! cream and birthday cake were served -j wagon full of gifts, stopping while available with Twin Beds at one, with a bag of Christmas candy each guest drew from the lot. tor each guest. A Christmas scene was the table centerpiece along with other decorations for Christmas. Fol- Coquille Grange Held Pot Luck -' ' lowing refreshments the children at­ And Christmas Party tended the Judy Garland matinee. Grange, No. 396, started off its Invited were Mary Kistner, Helen evening's entertainment with a pot­ Taylor, Diana Schroeder, Diana Jack- luck supper at seven o’clock last Fri­ son, Denise and Gayla Wynne, Shar­ day evening at the regular grange on Larson, Karen Mauney, Nancy meeting place. The program which Perroft, Bobbye Jean Harris, Nana followed was under the direction of Foss, LeAnna Pownder, Joan Ben­ Florence Hallock, Lecturer. It open­ ham and Marcia. ed with several songs by girls from wood, Phyllis Litzenberger, Donne Rankin, Pat Yarbrough, Vera Bishop. Marianne Rackleff, Jeanne Griggs, The Job’s Daughters group held its Shirley Slater, Laura Emily Ruble. Christmas party at the home of Mr. Marion Moore, Sally Bonney, Ann An enjoyable Christmas party was and Mrs. J. A. Moore, on Wednesday Harbison, Joyce Benham, Barbara held Monday night by the Business evening. The entertainment included an exchange of gifts and a candy pull. Hall. Christmas music by a trio who A pretty tree and festive-- -greens’' presented a cantata was sung by Mes- brightened thF rooms. Mrs. Moore is Bonita Miller. . dames Clara Stauff, Florence Hal- a member of the Guardian Council. I Other guardians assisted. The roleJ ’ Remember — Norton's for office, kick and Ruth Beyers, with a beautiful ' accompaniment by Inez Rover. Miss of members includes: Jessie Sher- ' school and home supplies. 37tfs 1 Rover also contributed a reading on Beautiful Cantata At B. P. W. Party Job’s Daughters Hold Christmas Party lhe approaching holiday season makes us appreciate more than ever before the priceless value of our friends and customers, like yourself. It reminds us, too, of the sacrifices being made by many of our friends now in the service of Uncle Sam. To you, and to all these, go our thanks for your patronage In 1943, and our wishes for a joyous holiday. MISS MAY'S SHOP ■4 Christmas Story. Junior Women ' the story, followed by a prayor dedi- |cated to the men in service. The Celebrate With Party {parts taken in the cantata were: first $54.50 »» $129.50 • Pictures • Mirrors • Plaques • Shag Rugs • Hassocks the Roy School, including Loretta 1 We carry a complete line of V- Maas, Patsy Detlefesn, Doris and Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, Maxine Harrish, Elsie, Leota and '.■.'ashing Machines and other equip­ Louise Johnson. A flute and ac- . ment Washer Service Co., 365 W cordian duet by Dorfs-'and Muxine Front, Coquille. Phone. 16tfs Parrifh was enjoyed. _1 AW, impressive part of the program , was the cantata, which told the OD BLESS YOU, merry gen­ tlemen, let’s get the Yule log burning. Bring on the viands and let the joy be unconfined, for Christmas comes but once a year. At this holiday time, as in the past, we are mindful of our indebtedness to you for your generous patronage, and pledge once more our determination to be still more deserving of your friendship. • Bathroom Rug Sets • Coffee Makers • End Tables • Coffee Tables • Smoking Stands Purkey Furniture /VdmíiifiCj Guinee Through the Holidays J. A. LAMB COMPANY Now is when you young-lady fashionables are desirable collection of super good-looking mod els, perfectly fitted for the lasting wear of tiny figures during active days! Checked for rightness! Buttoned down front, tiny velvet collar on wool $9.95 Fitted jacket - dress, contrast i?i velvet with flower ruffle front and sleeves. $10.95 CASUAL COATS $19.95 up For everywhere wear, in many different style« and cylors. Lorenz THRIFT GROCERY COQUILLE Evslya Allen Helen McKee Mabel Whereat Earl McKee MYRTLE POINT M Miles Adllne 8U wm Jane Perkins Ralph Thrift Since 1887 Southwestern Oregon’s eldest home-owned Store Blouse-like top, self­ tie, ruffles down front