FAO« BLBVBN Arago News Items • Chrifhnaí Barbarian/ from across the seas would, if they could, banish Christmas forever from the earth. But there'll always be a Christmas! May the Christmas season of 1943 find you in the midst of a good old-fashioned Yule celebration. Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you. George E. Oerding ” . 1 . t tamas HAT matter if Santa comes in a jeep, just bo it’s Santa Claus? And it IS Santa Claus ! Arid this IS Christmas. May the 1943 season be an exceptionally happy one för you and your family. W FARR & ELWOOD Norton** »tili have a fine »election of gift* for the laat minute shopper. • Fairview News Mrs. Earl Adams, Jr., spent the Glen Colliar, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collier, was operated on week-end from her home in Coquille for appendicitis last Friday at the at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ryan. Knife Hospital in Coquille. Mr*. Wayne Woodward and Mr*. Mrs. Clara Hoag, of Portland, is Ida Myers drove to Marshfield on visiting at the home of her daughter, business, Monday. * Mr*. T. H. Benham, and family. She Choir practice was held at the home plan* to return to Portland Sunday, of Mrs. O. H. Aasen last Friday eve­ Dec. 26. ning with the fallowing attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson Mesdames Albert Lillie, Albert Gul- were shopper* irW Marshfield Satur­ strom. Stanley Halter, Ward Evans, day • , - Patty Dow, grand dArghter of Mrs. Werner Plaep and S. C. McAllister and Misses Pamela and Maureen I Leona Dow and niece of Mrs. Clarence Evanf. ■ Deadmond, is expected to arrive Wed­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow nesday on the stage tb spend her 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and Christmas vacation here. She attends Ronald drove to Port Orford Sunday school in Salem. evening and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Forty. ter, Uonnie Ellen, were valley visitors Mrs. Ward Evans drove to Myrtle Sunday from their home in Lakeside. Point on business Saturday. Mis* A |hort but nice Christmas program Chloe Willson returned home with was given Sunday night at the church. her and' spent the night at the Evans Recitations, song* and exercises were home. rendered. Mrs. L. L. Buoy gave a “The Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Mrs. chalk drawing, Laura Edmunds, of Coquille, were Candle.” Candy scone* were dis­ Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. tributed at the close of the program. Harold Fish. CpI. G. B. (Beni Holverstott is Oliver ^eyers, of Myrtle Point, vis­ home on furlough from Amarillo, ited at the hothe of his mother, Mrs. Texas, where he is studying in the Ida Myers last Friday evening. Air Corp*. He expects to be here Mr. and Mrs. Nile Millar received about two weeks. a letter from their son, Wallace, from The Jeff J-ynn family moved to Fort Lindenwood, Mo. He said they Coquille Sunday." Mr. and Mrs. Card- were well and that it was snowing well have moved into the Lynn home. there. — Mrs. Leona Dow came out Wed­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and Ron- nesday from her home in Coquille to ; aid were Monday evening dinner visit her daughter, Mr*. Clarence guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Deadmond. Barklow. The Kline logging company started a 1 The Christmas program for the i trucking log* again on Monday. school will be held this Thursday eve­ Tuesday, December 28, the Fair­ ning at the Arago gym at 8:00 p. m. view Extension Unit meet* at the Everyone is cordially invited. home of Mrs. H. M. Hall. Tho meet­ Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller visited at ing start* at 10:30 a. m. and is on the home of Mrs. Laura Edmunds in "War Time Desserts.” All home- Coquille last Monday. makers in the valley are urged to at­ Glen Zeller came in from Reeds­ tend, each one to bring her own poii dishes, siivrrwuic silverware anu and Bugai. sugar. mis. Mrs. port oMiuiuuy Saturday uiiu and spent uic the weeK- week- uisnes, 'end at his home in Arago. He made a 4jall and Mr*. Frye are project lead­ trip out to Albany Monday on busi­ ers. R. M. Noah was taken to the den­ ness for the company he is working tist Wednesday of last week when he for. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller attended has some teeth extracted. He had to the Christmas play, ‘‘Christmas is a return for more extractions in the Miracle,” at the Brethren church in hopes his health will improve. "" Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler ex­ . Myrtle Point last Sunday evening. Rev. T. J. Pryor, of Myrtle Point, pect to leave Monday morning, Dec. conducted the regular Sunday morn­ 27, for Eugene to spend a belated ing church service and at the Sun­ Christmas with her parents, Mr, and day school hour the annual Christmas Mrs. M. O. Edward*. They will stay program was given as follows: open­ to attend the annual rally at the ing hymn, “O Come All Ye Faithful" Lighthouse Temple on New Year’s and "Angels from the Realms of day. They will be accompanied by Glory;” vocal solo, “O Holy Night," Rev. and Mr*. Milton Stewart and by Mrs. S. C. McAllister; scripture baby of Powers, who will join them In reading, Luke 2, 1 to 19, the story of Coquille. the birth of Jesus, followed by pray- ' er by Nile Miller; song, “Holy Night,” Remember — Norton’* for office, i by the ladies’ chorus; girls’ quagtette school and home supplies. 37tf* numbers, "To a City in Judea" and ¡“Angels were Singing;” Misses Pa- Pimples Disappeared i mela and Maureen Evans and Glenda Lillie, assisted by Mr*. McAllister; Over Night ; recitation by Alan Halter; skit, "The ¡Gifts,” Mrs. Anna Smith, Maureen 'Evans, Lillian and Jaylene Simmons; song, ”O Little Town of Bethlehem,” ¡by the ladies chorus; recitation, Pa­ mela Evans; recitations, Donald and ¡Lloyd Fish and Tommy Griffith, fol- I lowed by song, "We Three Kings of Orient Are," while all the children | brought gifts up and laid them at the ¡manger, and the audience joined in singing “Silent Night,” recitations by I Loretta Griffith, Ronnie Halter, Darwin Gulstrom, Donald Peterson and John Leeper, after which the audience joined the children in, sing­ ling, “Away in a Manger.” Closing j hymn was "It Came upon a Midnight Clear.” T imes have changed , but Christmas remains unchanged— the year's outstanding holiday in the timeless cycle of love and gooc| fellowship. In the same old familiar way it gives us pleasure to wish for you in this season of 1943 the most in Christmas cheer and enjoyment. ★ * a pimply ,r»c» on» night and surpris»» lh”r frisada th. n»«t day Kîy U’-Jotr tK-LTpTkÄÄ STEVENS' HARDWARE users Who ar» no longer embarra»»»* with un»ljMl^plmj>l»a. SuM and BARROW DRUG CO. Commission To Act On Game Regulation* Jan. 8 ,H. S. NORTON Music & Stationery The Oregon State Game Commis­ sion will hold its annual hearing in regard to angling at ten o’clock Sat­ urday morning. January I, at it* of­ fice*, 610 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Ore. Consideration will be given at that time to regulation* affecting seasons, bag limit* and method* of taking of game fish. The hearing la open to the public. ■.'ailing caro«, 5u tor *1.00. » TRIANGLE r.r.s N lill.imook St . Pot Hand. Orel At Christmas play and make good cheer For Christmas comes but once a year UTTERING more fantastically than the jew­ el* of Aladdin** cave are the Christmas trees in the windows of this town and adjoin­ ing farm areas. Everywhere, everywhere Christ­ G mas, and the spirit which Christmas bring*. Sends you its th« far comers of the A globe go the Christmas wishes and packages to our boys in the service. With the new world of the. future in the making we look forward hopefully to the Christmas of tomorrow, while .wishing you the happiest of Christ­ mases today. SCHROEDER'S JEWELRY Sincerest CHRISTMAS GREETINGS We love this town and it* environs. We have grown up here and have come to regard our­ selves as "a fixture." We have a great many friends, "but not a friend to spare," and pt this time we want to thank them, one and all. ygS, CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR, SO » BE­ HOOVES US ALL TO MAKE THE VERY MOST OF IT. ON Through the past year with its trials and its shortages we have appreciated your continued pa­ tience and loyalty to our prod­ ucts. We join our many Triangle dealers in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happier New .Year. THE EVE OF THIS JOYOUS SEASON WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS THE FULLEST MEASURE OF CHRISTMAS JOY AND HAPPINESS. Bod Creager, Mgr.