PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT Helen R. Graham ..... ....«....— Harvey Minaret ... „...J. Payroll .Marie Beiiah, Saluty, Stenog, Edpa Danielson, Salary, Dep- Commission, Sheriff ’—...... ...... 50.87 Muriel Anderson. Salary, Dep- aoal U‘y Sheriff. Tax .............. 09.4# Juliene Freeman, Salary, Dep- uty Sheriff Tax ■ 150.00 Marie Clinton, Salary, Clerk Helen vinegar, Salary, Clerk i-'78 Emma M. Pierce, Salary, Clerk Muriel Herman, Salary Clerk 16.20 j w Leneve, Salary, Deputy Ferries Clerk ....................................... Huggins Insurance Agency, In Georgianna Vaughan, Salary, surance .......... •..... -.... —...... 163.86 Deputy Clerk ........................ H. C. Getz, Salary, Deputy As­ Nasburg Insurance Agency, sessor . ............... ........ .—...... Insurance ...................... ........ 14.71 E|)is Selandm-, Salary, Deputy Dependent Children Assessor X............ Boys and Girls Aid Society, ___ May Ensele, Salary, Deputy, care of children....................... 15.00 Assessor .............. District Attorney Jean Schroeder, Salary, Clerk Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, films •86 Elda Ostrander, Salary, Clerk - Assessors Office Idyle A- Godard, Salary, Marchant Calculating Ma­ stenog....... ............................. chine Co., Maintenance Ser­ J. N. Gearhart, salary, Coun- vice ....... -.......... ty Surveyor ......... Circuit Court Dr. G. E. Stark, Salary, Health City of Marshfield, rent of Officer .............. Court room ........... :........ 20.00 Leia Elrod, Salary, Health Bounty I Nurse ...................................... Clifford Munson, 1 bob cat .... 2.50 Ether C. Littler, Salary, Health R. S. Thomas, 2 bob cats........... 10.00 1 Nurse,.................................... C. E. Mullins, mileage, Hunter Carolyn Huff, Salary, Sten­ and Trapper.............. ’...... 40.00 ographer,, „.. a .... .. ....... Depindsnt Children James H. Leonard, Salary, Children’s Farm Home, care • Probation Officer................... children ...... 50.00 Earl L. Schroeder, Salary, County LaiMb Janitor. »..’..I..........<................ Coos County Fire Patrol Assn. Chas. Roberts, Salary, Jani­ Forest Fire Protection.........2570.46 tor & Jailer ........................... Assessors Office Belle Whitsett, Salary, Matron Smith Wood-Products, Inc- & Cook ».................................. Lumber .............................—. 22.94 F. C. McNelly, Salary, Supt. E. L. Perrott & Son, Filing County Farm •.... Cabinet ....................... 58.70 Edith McNelly, Salary, Matron County Farm . ................ T.... Tax Department H. R. Clark, Salary, County Koke-Chapman Co., Collection Land Agent ...................... .... Register ................................... 32.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures County Court State Dept of Agriculture....... 25.63 L. D. Felsheim, County Judge, Expense to Convention Ration Board West Coast Tel. Co, Services 26.03 P. W. Culver, Salary, Commis­ sioner ................................... Treasurers Office and Jail Fuhrman's Pharmacy, supplies 4.14 P. W. Culver, Co. Comm., ex­ pense to Convention ........... Indemnity Health Dept. Kate B. Winsor, Sheep killed by dogs .................... a ....... 6.00 Leia Elrod, Mileage 8i exp... Clerk’s Office - 181.34 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. H. S. Norton, supplies ....... .. z-is Chas. Hofer, lgbor...-?x.'...^-......„ 149.25 That under and by virtue of an Exe­ adding machine paper......;" .97 W. H. Kay, Salary and mileage - ,n Wm. Dinsmore, labor ... 180.11 cution and Order of Sale issued out The J. K. Gill Co., supplies 4.86 cruising timber ............... '•‘“i Cecil Hartley, labor,, ..... 202.09 of the Circuit Court of the State of County Court !, Jail ¡Coll McLean, labor.... 182.91 Oregon for the County of Coos on the Western Union, services........... 3.06 Pioneer Grocery Co., Grocer- . .. Carl Shore, labor..................... 140.07 30th day of November, 1043, in a Probation Officer | ies ........ ............... .................... 2 Ben Wigle, labor........... -........... 123.93 certain cause in said Court pending James H. Leonard, mileage and Igloo Locker Plant, cold locker Jason Smart, labor .......... „.... 142.39 wherein COOS COUNTY, a body expense _....... ;...._ 52.99 Bandon Foundary, stove grates Ben Kuhnert, labor .............. 44.81 politic and corporate of the State of County Farm Circuit Court Van A,1 Spores, labor ............. 124.30 Oregon, Plaintiff, and JOHN VAN 10 00 Union Oil Co. of Calif., gas and 97.50 . Louis P. Fugelson, services....... Berlyn Billings, labor............ 179.71 CAMP and CAROLINE VAN CAMP, I oil ............................................ George Huther, operating Rlv- his wife; R. H. BRYANT and E. nn c<,urt Hou,le 76.80 | Qjy Coquille, water.......... . 18.90 Jail ‘ >n Ferry ........................... 133.20 GERALDINE BRYANT, his wife: Fairy Gregory, hauling gar- 1 Stevens Cash Hardware, jani- Young, labor.......... M.... . 186 39 MAE RACKLEFF and the UNITED I tors supplies ......................... 4.30. ......................................... Christian, labor____ ____ 129.62 STATES, a body politic and corpor­ 21.55 ! Carter Rice & Co. of Oregon, Bounty (Teen Miller, labor......... „........ 182.80 ate, Defendants, Case No. ...... , of i Janitors supplies ................. 10.00 Lewis Risele, bounty on 3 cats 7.59 Chas. Wolff, labor.................. , 163.39 said Court and commanding me to 63.00 i Publishing and Advertising County Employees | Chas. E. McDonald, ______ ... operating _____ _ sell the hereinafter described real First Natl. Bank of Portland, Coos Bay Times, Pub. Pro- Bullards ........... .7 187.20 property to satisfy the sum of »309.00 * ” Ferry “ 16.35 ' ceedings ................................... 28.50 Witholding Tax ................... W. M. Williams, labor ......... 175.54 with interest at 8 per cent from Oc­ Sheriff’s Office Coquille Valley Sentinel, Pub. G. C. Ashenfelter, labor........... 186.28 tober 35, 1931, less the sum of >13.00 39.60 etc........ ,.................................... 85.75 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, Mile- Raymond Barklow, labor ....... 159.40 rid thereon; an Attorney fee of Clerks Office ' age .............. ........................... 49.00 Wm. Burbeck, labor ...... . 169.12 none and costa and disbursements Claude Lemon, Jr., labor........... 52.00 •.................. together with accruing Robert S. Fahy, Asst. Bullards costs, I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE I Ferry ...................................... 8th DAY OF JANUARY, 1944, at the i H. Z. Young, labor ................ hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Arlyn Barklow, lubor............. said day at the front door of the ! Pauline Dorland, Relief oper. County Court House in the City of Bullards Ferry ................ .... Coquille, Coos Count/, Oregon, ut­ Harold Roberts, labor ter for sale and sell at public auc­ I Alice Robb, Asst. Clerk tion, to the highest and best bidder j C. F. Bessee, surveying ....... for cash in hand, all the right, title Howard T. Henderson, survey and interest of the said Defendants i chainman ........................ ..... in and to the Tollowing described real G. E. Cornwell, labor ............... property, to-wit: I »ester Strader, labor The Northeast quarter (NEy<) Kenneth L. Baker, labor ..... of ' Section ~ Twenty (20), Town­ ! Vivian Cook, labor ...^.... ship Twenty-Nine tag) South, ¡Stanley Steinhoff, labor...... Range Eleven (11) West of Wil- ■ Clarence H. Platt, labor ..... lamette Meridian, all in Coos Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash County, Oregon. adv. Roadmaster office .... . Said sale being made subject to First National Bank of Port­ redemption in the manner provided land, Witholding Tax........... by law. War Bonds Dated «t Coquille, Oregon, this Chas. Stauff, Treas.................. 7th day of December, 1943. Coquille Medical Service Bur­ Wm. F. Howell, eau, Hospital Dues ............ 47t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon Mutual Benefit Health & Acc, Insurance ....................... ....... IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Coos Bay Stationery Co., Of­ STATE OF OREGON IN AND fice Supplies ....................... FOR THE COUNTY OF.COO8 Mnuntaiu States Power Co., In the Matter of the' Estate of lights and power.... ........ ...... Robert Henry Bryant, Deceased. Coquille Wood Co., wood .... Notice To Creditors Oregon Pacific Co., Inc., ma­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that terial for Bullards Ferry. the undersigned has been duly ap­ West Coast Telephone Co., ser­ pointed by the above entitled Court vices .............. ,........................ as Administrator of the Estate of B. & R. Service, grease ____ Robert Henry Bryant, deceased, and Harer Hardware Co., couplings has duly qualified as such. Oregon - Nevada - California NOW THEREFORE, all persons Fast Freii -eight, freight having claim* against said estate are Stevens C :ash l _ Hardware, mate*-' hereby notified and required to pre­ ial ..............................„...J.L... sstit the same, together with proper Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., auto vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, supplies .................................. at the office of J. Arthur Berg, in Feenaughty Machinery Co., Coquille, Oregon, within six months material................................... 148.31 from the date hereof. y', mHE millions of tree seedlings growing Coos Bay Salvage Co., pulleys Dated this 8th day of December, und belting ........................... •- 8.94 1943 S JL on mountain sides are the timber of the Universal Road Machinery Co, Edell Bryant, roll bearings ......................... 33.60 Administrator p future. A Douglas fir may grow from McNair Hardware Co, mater­ ' • Christmas-tree size to a 125-foot tree in 50 ial ........................................ 2.15 NOTICE AND CALL FOR BID8 J, A. Lamb Co, material .. ...... 60.29 NOTICE is hereby given that Coos years. The yearly growth of its young trees .geopies Water 8t. Gas Co. County will accept bids for its re­ water ..... • 2.88 ’ is the gift of the forest to the future of the quirements for gasoline, approxi­ Floyd A. Robb, expense to Pacific Northwest. Every additional year Portland ................................. 19.80 mately 110,000 gallons, for the year F. S. Slover Co, material...... 372.56 1944, on Monday, January 3rd, at the } of growth is a promise of payrolls, taxes, Gregg Hardware, material 3.70 hour of 10 o’clock A. M. in the County V local business and local farm markets for Coquille Service Station, auto supplies ................................... 33.23 Court Room in the County Court ’ tomorrow. More than 8,000,000 acres of jun- Union Oil Co. of Calif, gas House in the To«m of Coquille, Coos and oil ................................ 917.99 County, Oregon. Coos County reserves Z. ior forests are already growing on the West Tide Water Asso. Oil C dustry nursery has a capacity of 5,000,000 supplies ............................ 18.45 TODAY. ft F £ £ seedlings per year for planting on bumed- over lands.'YES—lumbermen and hature are together increasing the gifts of the growing forest for tomorrow’s citizens! Smith Wood-Products, Inc S unny B rook