The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 16, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
H. A. YOUNG. Editor
»3 00
«x Months........... -...................... 100
Three Months............ ..................— <W
tion taken unless paid
t. This rule is impera
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as
Seggd CtaM Mail Matter,-------
Office C
• Fragments of Fact
and Fancg
• ••••••••
registrations to do' so at once to avoid
live to see this very thing done.
1944 Auto Stickers May
late rush period. Inadequate help
Mr. Cheng stated that the* war had i Now Be Put On Windshield
for processing applications and the
made «such strides in air navigation
Windshield stickers validating
Christmas mall rush will cause delay»
that it would be commonplace to
1944 registration of motor vehicles in to those who apply late, he said.
leave the Pacific Coast today and ar-
Oregon now may be used, Secretary
- ’V- " ■
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, for any team of three, anywhere in;*** in fhina ye,terda*! ™a inter- of State Bob Farrell said. The stick­ Hunters Must Mail
December 14. 1923)
ers are valid after December 15.
Check-Out Cards At Once
The tripl of Alton Covell for the claim to have made a world’s record ,ine in th* "»hi-Pacific and to the
When the new 1944 stickers are at­
Monday when forty head of young >reat speed with which big truns-
Those hunters who this fall -held
murder of his step-mother, Mr». Ebba
tached to windshields, the old 1943
Covell, at, Bandon on'the mdtaing of stock were run into the chute, their jport Planes operate.
stickers must be removed. No stick­ special tags for the killing of -<■ -
September third of this year, began horns removed, and out again in forty ‘ Mr Chen« 8tated tho‘ China 18 , ers, except authorized ones, may be deer, antelope. bull ~fTIt~~or cow elk.
_ -
I00* hundred per cent for the U. S.
in Circuit court Wednesday morning. minutes.
displayed on wiRfigh^lits ii‘ 'fr'8’***'* are requested to mail in immediate­
iand trusts us as it d s no other na-
the 1943 sticker will not be au­ ly the attached check-out cards if
M. O. Hawkins, who will tomorrow
It Jg-Jiatefiil fóF lhe help~wel(
The tower which, the city council
thorized after the new one is in” they have not. already done so.
ordered built‘^ome months ago lor night SeVCr hTs connection with the' TTSve given in the past and for our place. The owner whoee car was not
Several hundred persons - have
the fire department, has been erected Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., will ! continued kindly feeling towards the registered- in this state in 1943, and failed to check out although this is
this week. It is 50 feet high and resume the position he left at
who has been operating in this state required by law. The check-out card
will be continued into the I under reciprocal agreements with ad- must be mailed in even if the hunter
i E. Johnson mill a couple of years I
enclosed with sheet iron.
i future.
I ago, next Monday morning.
I joining states, must now take out an did noi kill any game or go out hunt­
: Free China is determined to become |
D. P. Strang, Coquille’s oldest and ;
1 Oregon registration. ,He will receive, I ing.
one of its most respected citizens, i Allen Young was yesterday after­ industrialized- It is launched upon in addition to the sticker, a set of
Hunters are being given this notice
1 a program of intense development of
passed away at his home in the north noon elected captain of next year's
| 1942 license plates. Title of these to comply with the law and the names
part of the city at 11 o'clock this ,high school football team by the let- ; natural resources, the building of I curs ii Iso must be transferred from I of those failing to respond then will
morning. f He was 89 years, three 1 ter men of this year’s squad. He has [factories, the ^paNtruction of rail- i the state of registration in 1943 to be compiled and turned over to the
■ played center on the team for three ! rigids and highways, the establish­ Oregon.
months and thirteen days of age.
game law enforcement officers.
ment of air lines of travel and the
Farrell reminded vehicle owner»
general awakening of its huge popu­
We are creditably informed that
who huve not yet applied for 1944
Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, s
Miss Nissen, director of the High lation to the need for raising the gen­
. !L •------ -------------------- -J'.-.J—.ÜL".
L J —------
The Title Guarantee & Abstract Co.,
___ . . reports
_ _
good .. eral standard of living.
now owned by the estate of the late School orchestra,
*’ This, is most interesting to Coos
H. Sengstacken, will be taken over by progress in' the work. The orchestra
,. ■
E. C. and E. W. Smith, late of Baker, will consist of the following members: county people, because it implies a
Oregon, about the first of the year. Irmen Kime, Edward Johnson, Mar-
garet 'Bell, Kathryn Reynolds, Kath- the war. The Pacific Coast will be
With Don Pierce unable to parti- | ryn Peart, Marian Musgrove, Murray especially favored by geography in
Buy Your
cipate in basketball this year, there Neely, Rolen Musgrove, Myrtle Clay- the participation in Chinese devel­
are only two of last year’s letter men ton, Arthur McAdams, Grace Rich­
out for practice—Layton Nosier and mond, Brica Flitcroft, James Gal­ forded by a nation of 44)0 millions .
defies the imagination. We have but I
/ , and
braith, Lois Morrison, Don Pierce,
Earl Rice.
Allen Young, Elva Willey, Lola Ball, to extend a friendly hand and ' the
J. If. Smith, H. E. Hess and C. C. Walter Paulson, Harold Peart and opportunity is ours.
Of ail the pernicious bills ever pre­
sented to the congress that drawn up
by administration forces for soldier
voting takes the prize. In every way
its provisions are favorable to per­
petuation of the New Deal politicians
in office. The mere fact that the sol­
diers would have to write in the
name of their choice for president
gives the present incumbent in of­
fice the lead over any other candidate.
No opponent’s name would appear
on the ballot and all members of the
armed forces are well aware of the
identity of their commander-in-chief.
Also such a large percentage of the
soldiers abroad are under thirty years
of. age that it means Roosevelt is
the only president many of them
remember. A twelve-year term for a
president makes it possible for nine-
year old boys to reach their majority
with only one occupant in the White
House during that time.
Let it be increased to sixteen years
and it is too much like a lifetime job,
with the danger of hereditary succes­
sion in the office.
It is now hinted that the new “Phil­
ippine Republic” may be forced by
the Japanese to declare war on Unit­
ed States.
' /" I
Service and Protection
Accident and Health
Jorgensen are out with a challenge Maxine ‘Paulson..
You will be interested in a bit of
wisecracking that occurred at the end
of Mr. Chenc's speech. *It was pointed
out that China was fas't replacing the
U. S. as the leading champion of
women’s rights, because of the four
chief executives, Chiang Kai Shek
was the only one who brought his
wife. Someone then suggested that
we should not be too hard on F. D. R.
sjnce Eleanor was never 'home long
enough for him to take her anywhere.
dollars paid in wages is valueless to
the laborer.
We must change our thinking from
By R. t. Moore
the constant endeavor to secure more
The history - making conference dollars to a constant endeavor to
held in Cairo and Teheran by the re­ produce more goods. We will be de­
spective heads of the allied powers pendent upon foreign trade for post­
promises to result in a quickened and war prosperity. We will not be able
intensified attack upon Germany, to hold this trade unless we can pro­
which may develop by the time this duce goods of superior quality et low
goes to press.
enough cost so that other peoples
This meeting is valuable more for can buy them. It is only through the
the moral effect on the enemy than process of mass production at low,
It will pay you to look at Bergen's
for its policy making for the armed cost that we c^p assure a" high degree before you J>uy.
forces of the allied powers. It is of prosperity after the war. Labor
symbolic of the common will to de­ leadership must therefore courag­
stroy naziism and fascism through­ eously and diligently mold the think­
out the world.
ing of the laboring public to stimu­
With prospects for an early vic­ late desire for continually increas­
tory over Germany comes the plans ing output per man; in this lies the
for poetwar economical adjustments
A recent report on traffic fatalities to re-orient the world’s commerce true gain for labor because it will
indicated the pedestrian, were more and‘^i; each nation to a state of resullt in the laboring public en­
joying more of the good things of life
deaths than
~ blame
------— - for
— these
—_ were
— - [ self-respect
and prosperity.
The al- i
the motorists. Here in Coquille we ~
wïÜV'lwked To fw’lead- t and of maintaining steady jobs for all.
are' heading for trouble. To save two enhip in this great undertaking and The war has shown that steady em­
Is the best social security
or three steps dozens and dozens of it U well that »«TJi“tion_te taking ployment
[ha't hw y'ej tain de'
people daily cut across in the middle stock
of itself u before
• the
- times comes
lower Incom/ groups.
of the block on their way from or to for action.
has drastically reduced demands for
the business section. They come out
From where I sit, it looks as if a government relief because every em­
. -from behind, parked cars in front of reversal of- trend in public thinking
traffic and take the right-of-way as is going to be necessary if propet I ployable person is busy. The same
their due, although it only belong} leadership is to be developed along thing will happen during peace times
to them at the designated intersec- these« lines. Commerce is the result if we concentrate every effort on high
‘‘on,u Ji
arr“tS m‘<ht ehanT ^ teamwork betwaen’l^or, capital production.
In regard to capital and lhe man-
the habita of all of us oldsters, the a^d government.
oi r
these | gement, little need be said because
children in this case setting a better
I------------------------------ —------- -- ----------
Now building lorq
. pal t I i, mere
example for their elders. As a pe-
¿“J" ment and Stenance
‘y P1
“y’ th- annyn Bccordin
uanfitirs of Cyclan<
destrian «» wm.M nr./., . ...mrJX 1 "
deve*<>pmen‘ a"d maintenance
the rulea lald down by labor and
destrian, we would prefer a summons i of the nation’s business, and we
for the Rot*
from 'oI
n,Uon ■
government It will adjust itself au-
for jaywalking to an accident f
lying Fortress..,
Tl [ should
lh°uld reorganize each so that it will tomatically to almost any set-up that
exercising our God^given right _ fit into the general program with the
drive military trucks
........... .
r'rr'" has to face. The only thing it will
walk where we please.
same care as that used by an artist ask is that it is left free to function
other vital weir
In the making of a mosaic pattern.
Our better half bought a few fil­
There is still a disturbing tendency
berts recently for holiday goodies. among labor leaders to regard the either labor or government. Govern­
We noted how much better quality continual increase of wages and de­ ment must retreat from its present
they were to nuts of this variety on I crease th working hours as a gain for position of entering too far into the
the market ten or twenty yean ago. labor in general. The fact is that life of the nation. Those who can
In our imagination we fancied the I the only road to prosperity and to think of no remedy for social ills other
hazel nuta of this year came from ! general security for tabor lies along than a lavish outpouring of taxpayers'
Senator McNary’s orchard and, being the way of increased production. The funds must be supplanted by those
an Oregon product, accounted for , dollars paid in wages mean nothing who will zealously guard the taxpay­
ers' money and resolutely eliminate
their superiority.
i if their buying power is decreased, every unnecessary government ac­
j The man received »5.00 per day,
The present punitive system
Looking over an old book recently with expenses of M OO, is as well off l tivity.
of taxation
________ ,__ less must be elim-
we found in it a list of proper names ' _
00 per day |lnated . It is ndt wise to tax the seed
as _
a man who receives »20
with their meaning in their original with expenses of ...........
0- The
dollar I
language. Of course, everyone knows i is merely a symbol of production and instead of the harvest, for such taxa­
Abraham means “father of a multi­ means nothing unless backed by ac­ tion dries up the source of revenue.
tude.” Adam derived his name from tual goods. If the goods themselves The result would be a tremendous
the “red earth” out of which he was are not produced, the increasing of stimulus to private enterprise and
would insure the long-time leadership
created and probably there was the
of the United States in world com­
prophetic reference to the fact that
This ceasar it was who once ex­ merce, with insurance of continued
he would return to dust if he trans­
Appropriately Eve, the pressed the wish that "all the Roman prosperity at present levels. These
mother of mankind, means life. It people had but one neck so that I matter» are worthy of the careful
is not strange that David is a favorite might behead Rome at a blow.” He 1 consideration of every American
name for it means beloved or dear. ordered ail prisoners to be thrown to | voter and taxpayer. We are at the
wild beasts and took delight in pro- 'crossroads, and the Impending danger
Other names with their meanings
are: Adah, an ornament; . Daniel, trading the sufferings and torture at the peace is even greater than that
judgment of God; Elizabeth', she of his victims in order, as he said, of war. Let the people consider care­
worships the Lord; Esther, a star; that they might know they war» dy­ fully and act wisely, both'at the polls
James, the-Greek form of the Hebrew ing. Not only were criminals and and through their representatives.
name Jacob, which means supplanter; political enemies given to wild ani­
It was my pleasure to attend the
Judith, praised; Mary, exalted of the mals but at public games spectators
meeting of the City Club in Portland
Lord; Paul, little or small; Philip, were sometimes seized at random.
He named 'limself a god, had a on December 3. The speaker of the
loving; Priscilla, ancient, old-fashion­
temple erectec to himself, with priests day was Mr. Cheng, a representative
ed simplicity; Ruth, beauty. *
mlnhrtering «1 the «hrl»» Tn this re of Fre» Chin» Mr Ch-nj fr nnw n
For more than one reason the sped his story is a counterpart of member of the faculty at University
powers-that-be do not like Drew Hitler who, as fuehrer of the German of Washington and his family is pre­
Pearson. His is the statement that nation, tried to supplant the worship sumably interned at Hongkong. Mr.
Cheng speaks English fluently and is
“not every Administration blunder is of Christ.
However, history gives Caius Cae­ a man of keen intellect. He is-easy
a military secret.'*
sar the benefit of doubt that he was to listen to and his speech was very
Among things he sug­
The first half of the twentieth cen­ truly responsible for his atrocities. As effective.
tury will probably go down in history a boy he was the pet of the Roman gested in his talk, was,, that a road
as an age of barbarity and savagery, legions and received the nickname of would be built from the United States
when civilization appeared ready to Caligula, due to the little military, through Canada and Alaska to the
destroy itself, ^¿f course, we have boots he wore. Wben he became em­ Bering Stea its. -AcrossSthis waterway
faith that right and justice will pre­ peror, at twenty-six years, he was large ferries would be operated dur­
vail and an order of decency be es­ an amiable young man of a generous ing favorable connect with
disposition. .He was soon thereafter a similar system of roads in Siberia
tablished for the whole world.
The dark and bloody years when I stricken with a severe illness which and China, reaching every point in
Hitter sent his Gestapo over Europe probably disordered his brain and , Europe, Asia and Africa. This seemed
to torture, enslave and massacre ! after that his excesses began. As fantastic, and yet, great progress has
In that diredion to date,
helpless people provide a page in ' for Hitler, the only excuse offered been
unludy optimistic to be­
history as black as the short four for him is that his childhood was not It is
lieve that the present generation may
years of the reign at Caius Caesar. ta happy one.
Timely Topics
/ ’
Don’t Forget that this Offices Secures
Birth Certificates for You
Coquille Auto Company