The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 16, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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tBBB 14. 1948.
Parents Receive A Card
From Nazi Prison Camp
state. There were six fatalities, two Communications of Chadwick ■
less than in 1941, and Injuries totaled Lodge, No. 68, A. F. A A. M.
a drop of 35 per cent under the
Officers Chosen
A special communication of Chad­
Injury total of IM in 1941. Total
Lodge will be held Friday eve­
Last Thursday evening about 100 accidents dropped from 1145 to 570, ning, Dac. 17, starting at seven o’clock
Eastern Star members and families
with work in the E. A. And on
sat down to a six-thirty o'clock pot­ per cent.
Tuesday evening, Dec. 21, at eight
luck dinner served by the men. Fol­
o’clock another special will be held
lowing .the sumptuous repast, the an­ Former Coquille Resident
for the purpose of conferring the M.
nual election of officers was held at Writes From Oakland, Calif.
M. degree.
the regular meeting of Beulah Chap-
Writing to renew her subscription
Installation of the recently elected
ter, No. 6. The roater of officers for to the Sentinel, Mrs. Helen C. Sperry
officers and appointive officers for
the coming years is;
y s thnt MDaHnnd is an oy er-crowd- the coming year will take place on
W. M.—Leona Bryant.
ed city; more coming in all the time, St. John’s D 8y, Do c. 27, a t ei ght p. m.
W. P.—R. C. Johnson.
and an acute shortage of houses and
The officers chosen at the regular
A. M—Edith McNelly
apartments. It is difficult to get communication of the lodge on Tues­
A. P.—Laurence Lundquist.
anywhere on time, either by bus or day evening this week were:
Sec.—Emma Pierce.
street cars. ’C’est le guerre’ and one j W. M —W. B. (Patj McLarrin
Treas.—Susie Folsom.
can expect nothing to be .normal.*’
S. W—Stanley Ayers.
Cond.—Florabel Boober.
Oakland is just like all other towns
J. W__ J. F. McLarrin
A. Con.—Helen Ayers.
and cities in the western hemisphere.
Trees.—L. H. Hazard
Orvin Gant was the winner of the We have reports from Seattle on the
Sec’y—E. E. Leslie
attendance award. At the next reg­ north to Lima, Peru, to the south,
ular meeting, Dec. 23, it will be ad­ that it is almost impossible to find
See Schroeaer** Jewelry Store in
vance night when the officers move houses to rent.
! Coquille for Diamonds and Watch
up one notch, initiation will follow.
Calling cards, 5u tor *1.00.
Birthdays of those having their na­
tal date in October, November and
December will also be observed.
s b
1944 Eastern Star
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Winegar this
week received a card from their son.
A Ship's Loss
Kenneth, who was reported as miss­
Prefers Oregon
ing after a flight over Europe six
Told In Verse
To Wisconsin
weeks ago and a little later, through
(the Red Cross, was reported as a
Mrs. Ira Baumgartner, of Riverton.
Writirfg to renew hie subscription prisoner in Germany.
The card,
K0dl the following lines of verse to the Sentinel John A. Salimene, ! which was printed as required by
which a pal of her son, R obert H. f ormer ly of C o quill e,
Nazi rules, said that he was well and
Baumgartner—August J. Blumyer—' “I find Wisconsin very cold.
I safe, but did noT'go into tJUltleulara-
wrote after seeing a U. S. vessel de- j would much rather have the Co­ of any kind.
stroyed by bomba, gunfire and fire, i quille climate than the cold climate1
somewhere in the Pacific. Neither of 1 <M Wisconsin.
ship is being Donald Trigg Gets Specialized
the boys could tell the name of their launched this Sunday and should be
Training At University of Illinois
ship nor where it was destroyed. commissioned in a few months. After
Among a new group of selected sol­
Blumyer, whose home is ' in St. I being attached so long to an older
Charles, Mo., likes Oregon very much type submarine, the ’Hardhead’ will diers who have been assigned to the
and plans to come back here when ' be a palace compared to the Pollack.” ' army specialized training program at
the University of Illinois is Donald
the war is over. He wrote:
R. Trigg, of Norway, Ore. His train­
The Dr. S. C. Endicotts
ing, which is by 12-week periods, in­
Beneath a sun kissed tropic sky
Hear From Daughter
cludes the basic course of fundamen­
A verdant mountain island lies
The many Coos county friends of tal college subjects, and courses in
And beached thereon with blistered
the Dr. Sol C. Endicott family of Eu­ foreign areas and languages, ad-
gene will be interested in hearing that vanced engineering, graduate en-
A once proud ship, now flaming
word was brought direct to them from gineering, and advanced areas and
their daughter, Delilah, who has been ^languages,
A funeral pyre for shipmates true.
a Jap prisoner in the Philippines1
Who died beneath these skies of blue.
They little asked. Their all they gave, since that archipelago was taken af- In j p Court Th. w
Coos County Also Awarded
ter Pearl Harbor.
These gay, young lads of heart so
The word
word was
was brought
brought by
by Mrs.
Mrs. H.
Graydon Anderson last Saturday Plaque For Traffic Safety Record
D. Kneedlers, who said that Miss De- pa^ 8600, fine and costs, in Justice
The office of the Coos County
From the sky finned, streamlined, lilah was well; that she is in the Bul,’s court- aftar ^ing summoned
Court has on display a framed plaque,
diving death.
Santa Tomas camp and working In l,y ^e state police for having, no
delivered Tuesday afternoon by A.
Snuffed out their lives in blasting
the first aid office. Mrs.
Mrs. Kneedlers
Kneedlers ic,earance H«hts on hi* W.
F. Lefor, traffic safety division, de­
one __ of ___
the ______
prisoners i1 Robert Hafvey Thomas was sum-
.> Now how may we full tribute pay who arrived in the U. S. recently on "wned Tuesday to appear for having partment of state, Oregon, which has
been awarded to the county fpr its
To all who fell this fatal day,
the Gripsholm.____________________ |a combined overload on his truck.
traffic safety record during the year
That peace and love and happiness
Dr. Endicott, who is a dentist, and |
--------- ----------------
Forevermore our land may bless,
his family formerly resided in Ban-1 Give Books, the ideal Christmas
Coos county was second in Group II
That freedom evermore shall reign,
They had had word through Gift. You’ll find a large selection at (counties with 25,000 ,to 40,000 pop­
They sacrificed—but not in vain.
the Red Cross previously from De- Norton’s from which to choose.
s ulation) in 1942 in the Oregon Coun­
lilah but this is their first word direct.
' ----- - . —-... .
ties Traffic Safety contest. Coos had
In unmarked island graves they sleep
She was a member of the University j Do you need new Tree Lights? a death rate of 1.8 persons per unit
Far out across the rolling deep
... _. ...
From mothers, wives and sw«!theart.:^thte1Ph“ippine8te“h,^,taMwhen Norton,a have
<*•*” of 10,000 population in that year,
the islands were captured.
— ...<
— Also
— globes.
s one of the lowest death rates in the
Who will reap the heartache, sobs
Oran Holbrook Has Seen
and tears,
| Action And Has Been Wounded
While we thé living carry on,
To speed the day when victory’s won
Private first class Oran V. Holbrook
And though we’re left behind to |
writes from Vella, LaVella Island,
one of the New Georgia group. He
Your passing; yet we’ll greefthe dawn has been in the army m<fre than a
Ifhen once again old pals true blue year and completed his course in
We’ll meet and then we’ll live anew, “Parachute Infantry” training at Fort
With hate and war, all bloody strife Benning, Georgia. He received his
Forgotten in eternal life.,
wings Dec. 28, 1942,- and has been
Now, gallant shipmates fare you well i in the South Pacific since March of
Till time for us shall toll its bell. ~ this year.
Gasoline Range
Reed Set
- 6 pieces—$12 Jt)
Gas Water Heaters
Oak Dining Sets ’
$8.50 — $15.50
7 pieces—$18.50 to $29.50
Day Beds
$5.00 to $7.50,
$5.00 to $25.00
8 Ak
Wanted all kinds of HJsed F Imiiturc, Linoleum, Stoves, •
Pumps, Motors, Bed Springs,
Welpay prices
allowed under P. W. A. ceilings.
Brooks Used Fu rniture, Phone 119L
NOT Rationed
SAVE YOUR POINTS withcitems like these
Sig Peterson Soon To
Be Sent Overseas
He has met several Coos county
boys there, including John Heffley, a
sChool-mate of Riverton high school. I
I He has been in action several times ,
against the Jape and has been wound- I
ed once in action. The last word re­
ceived from him he was in a rest
1 camp.
He has not had a furlough at home
^ince entering the arnty in September,
1942. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Holbrook of Riverton.
Friends of the Sig Petersons, who
left here in March, 1942, when Sig
resigned his position in the local bank
to enlist in the Navy Air Corps, have
this week received word from them at
Chicopee Falls, Mass. Sig got his
commission Jan. 2 and was kept at
Mather Field In Sacramento as an in­
structor. On Oct. 2 he received his
orders to go into combat training at
Tucson, Ariz., and from there in a
short time was sent to his present Party Last Thursday
location. He will be there until Jan.
Mrs. Blanche Mast was hostess to
1, soon after which he will go over­ the members of the Zodiac Club at
seas. Mrs. Peterson will return to her home last Thursday and Mrs.
Feather Falls, Calif., to remain with Ruth Schmidt was an honored guest,
her family and small year-old daugh­ she receiving a birthday gift from the
ter, Ileen. Mrs. Peterson writes she | club.
wishes they were back in Coquille.
Each lady brought a Christmas
wrapped gift for her club pal and
Gladys Jacobson was the lucky win- I
Wayne Jacobsen, On Duty In
ner of the club prize. The evening
The Pacific, Is Promoted
> was spent in sewing and dainty re-
Wayne Jacobsen, of Coquille, who 1 freshments were served at the ve-
is attached to the 38th Naval Con­ I ning*s. close.
struction Battalion, (Seabees), has
The next meeting will be Jan. 12,
been promoted from Machinist Mate at the home of Jane and Verna Burch,
2nd Class to Machinist Mate 1st Class, when the birthdays of Edith Jacobson j
effective December 1. This rerate | and Florence Schmidt will be cele-
was given in recognition of his ability brated.
in his work, his devotion to duty and
the part he has played in the military
Fred Veltum On Carrier
activities of the Battalion while on J
foreign duty, says an item from his Bataan In The Atlantic
commanding officer.
Fred Veltum, a Coauille boy who
has been in the Navy for the past two
Richard (Happy) Rice has been years and who was on the carrier
home this week and will return Sat­ Lexington when it was sunk, is now
urday to Georgia, where he is sta­ I on the carrier Bataan, which operates
tioned at Marietta Army Air Base, in the Atlantic. His rank is that of
fourteen miles out of Atlanta. He en­ a fireman first class. Prior to his
listed in the Air Corps fifteen months present assignment he was on
ago. He is an armorer on one of the smaller carrier, the Card.
new B-29s, previously having spent
several months as military police.
Leroy Gilbert Has Completed
Low on ration points? Look­
ing for ideas on non-rationod
foods? Thon road ovfry item
in this “no-ration-points” ad.
Como to Safeway — whoro
variety of non-rationod as
wall as rationed foods is so
extensive you can really be
Harold Leroy Oilbert, 80, of Co- j
quille, haa completed his primary
~*Mrs. Annie Smith, whose son, Ezra, flight training as a Naval Aviation
has been stationed with the Army in Cadet. He has been at the U. S. i
Alaska for some time, has received Naval Air Station at Livermore,
from him a table cloth on which ap­ j Calif., a unit of the Naval Air Pri-
pear»" a map of Alaska and other items | mary Training Command, and has
concerning that U. 8. possession. It [ now been transferred to anotner sta­
is an attractive piece and shows that tion for intermediate training. A
the territory has a lot of industries son of Carl L, Oilbert of this city, he
and resources and is not a waste la a graduate of Coquille high school j
and attended Linfield College, Mc-
land of snow ar.d ice only.
' Minnville, Oregon.
Prices Effective
Dee. 17-18
(Subject to
Available Stock)
Sea Mussels, Mainesail 10’4 oz. can 32c
Clam Juice, Halferty 8 oz. glass 14c
Tamales, Stidd’s No. 1 can ......... 23c
Molasses, Ren Hen, 18 oz. glass___ 13c
Honey, Bradshaw’s 16 oz. glass
Skippy Pnut Bttr, chunk or erm Ib 35c
Salad Dressing, Duchess 16 oz jar 23c
24 os. pkg.
15 os. rissa
ROOT BEER 12 oz. 6 for
Gro Pup ,
8 oz.
Cucumber Pickles, Heinz 24 oz jar 25c
Harvest Mix Pickles, quart ........ 33c
Olives, Lindsay, Jumbo, pint .... 28c
Queen Olives, La Sevilliana 21 oz. 57c
Kitchen Bouquet, 4 oz. bottle ....... 41c
Anchovy Paste, Vittoria, 2 oz....... 23c
3 lb. pkg.
Leg, thigs
LB 69c
Beef Roast -
lb. 27c
Sirloin Steak
lb. 40c
Short Ribs -
lb. 20c
Sugar Cured Picnics
lb. 32c
The Armod fates
need woste fats
"fa moke qunpow-
o dei: Save yourr
qt. jar
Buckwheat Fir, A’nt Jemima 2*4 lb 27
Muffin Mix, Duffs 14 oz. pkg....... 23c
Boiled Oats, Peacock, 9 lb. bag..... 49c
Quaker Oats, 3 lb. pkg.
Oats, Morning Glory, 48 oz. pkg. . ..24c
Corn Meal Ylw or Wh. Albers 20 oz 10
Cream of Wheat 1 lb, 12 oz. ...
Malt-O-Meal Cereal 26 oz.
Puffed Wheat, Quaker, pkg.
Wheaties, Gold Medal, 8 oz. pkg......11c
Shreddies, Nabisco, pkg....... ........... 12c
Post Toasties, 18 oz. pkg. 2 for 25c
7 oz. pkg.......... 12c
Cheerioats Cereal
Buy ’em by the lb
N O W I We will pay 2 brown ration points per pound
for every pound of used kitchen fats — In addition
to cash (4c per pound). Help fire those guns!
Preston Edward Moy, of .Coquille,
r F»* r
W ■nin 1 <> 1
Fancy Calavos
slay .tn the Exoel Drees Shoppe here received wings and appointment as a
flight officer, Dec. 5, frqm |hp Marfa,
Texas, AAF Pilot School, |t has
been announced by Co|. Donald B.
Phillips, commanding officer.
Mr. Moy completed a oourae in
training in twin-engine planes and
was aasigned to the Marfa Field
from Polaris Flight Academy, Lan­
caster, California. He graduated in
1938 from Coquille High school. ,
Preston Moy Receives Wings
Mrs. Les Child, who came over Of A Flight Officer
until after Christmas, says that her
son, Raymond Rowland, called her up
just before she |eft, from Kingsville,
Texas, to say that he had completed
his flying training and was one of
the boys at the Corpus Christi base
who had been granted his wish to be
an air pilot. He was however, for
the present, sent to Kingsville to act
as a flying instructor.
SOUPMIXES»“„ 2Pl,15c
Raymond Rowland Is A
Flying Instructor In Texas
Sunday evening from Grants Pass to
^OUR plqf.
His Primary Flight Training
Ezra Smith Sends Mothev
Nice Christmas Gift