The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 16, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    Bachelor Girls Honor
Former Members
The Bachelor Girls celebrated the
anniversary of the founding of their
club at the luncheon meeting last Fri­
day at the Coquille Hotel. Several
un..u hnri heen asked. Former
members present were MesJa tries
Alice Richardson, Jane Martin, Mar­
kle Sherrill, Hazel Sharfer and Jean
Other guests were Helen
Winegar, Ruth Lockwood, Marybelle
Yarbrough, Avis Rickets, Mary Lou
Culver, Jean Watkins, Fsye Dement
of Myrtle Point.
Margaret Belloni opened the meet­
ing with friendly words of welcome to
guests. Response was made by Jane
__ ______
Martin. A surprise
feature ____
was the
appearance on 1 Uie
— table,
------ . of
— a lovely
cake decorated
-—------- with fresh bachelor
button flowers. It bore a card of
greetings for each of the two brides to
be in the very near future, Eunice
Howe and Phyllis Belloni. The cake
was made and presented by Mrs. R.
L. Stewart, whose daughter Margaret,
now a Wave, is also a Bachelor girl.
The party proved to be a very en­
joyable affair—— 1111
were: Aloha Allen, Lydia Holstein,
Margaret Belloni, Dorothea Yar-
Yarbrough, Norene McKeown, Jean
Williams, Lunellb Chapin, Phyllis
1 Belloni, Alys June Fox. Rheo Walker,
1 Elsie Forrest and Eunice Howe.
Interestinc Visitors In
Coquille For The Week-end
Coquille Woman's
Club Honors Relatives
Of Those In Service
Bill Shields is a guest at the F. L.
Greenough home this week, spending
part of a twenty-four day conval­
escence leave from hospitalization in
(Continued from Page One)
Seattle. Bill left the Aleutians Oct.
15 and flew to Seattle for treatment. hall, presented corsages to the mem-
covered now. He was accomanied ’weie lead.—Mrs S anfoi'd nak e d fnr-tr
here by two English men, T. H. Rose moment of silent prryer for those in
and P. A. Terry, and Miss Sylvia {service at the finish of «the reading
Reinertson, whose parents reside at of the scroll.
| A sextette of voices followed with
North Bend.
Mr. Rose and Mr. Terry are living the singing of ‘ “God Save Our Men."
temporarily at the Multnomah Hotel The singing by the assembly of "Joy
Buy your Christmas Records at in Portland with others sent here to the World,” accompanied by
Norton’s now. They have a fine se- from England to bring back lend- Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, with Mrs. San­
lection of carols and other Christmas lease flat-tops from the Kaiser ship- ford’s splendid Christmas message,
i music in both Victor and Columbia j yards.
closed an impressive ceremony de­
| records.
___________ ! The two men from England were voted to War Service.
i pleased with this section of the coun­ 1 “Not every one can wear a uniform,
try and made many comparisons be- but every one can serve right where
1 tween our conditions and those in {l^ey are" stated the president, who
England. They had enjoyed beef- { named the various home front phases,
steak at a Coos county hotel, which ' The president paid tribute to the
•was their first since 1939. One of loved member and past president of
them, who has three children, stated the club, Hettie Leslie who only re-
i none of them had ever seen oranges,' c®ntly passed away, and to quote
i bananas or lemons. These gentle- Mrs. Sanford, “whose beautiful in-
1 men returned to Portland on the train fluence lives on to, bless.”
Sunday night after a week-end visit
Interesting facts . relating to the
in the Greenough home which all Oregon Ambulance Corps weis pre-
sen ted by Miss Jacqueline Braden,
concerned found most enjoyable.
captain iq the Corps from Myrtle
Point, Her platoon holds the plaque
Mrs. Belloni Hostess .
carved by Lt. David Thomas in the
To Royal Neigbors
Veterans hospital in Portland which
I! ■ The Royal Neighbors Lodge held iU
was awarded for outstanding accom­
annual Christmas party and exchange plishment for 1943. This group also
Patrons are requested, if it is at all possible, to
last Thursday night, Dec. 9, gt the has received a citation from Gover­
bring clothes for Cleaning or Pressing to the shop,
home of Mrs. Henry Belloni. The nor Snell. There are 600 girls in the
hostess was assisted by her daughter, Ambulance Corp throughout Oregon.
and call for them when they are ready.
Miss Margaret. Decorations of the
A musical treat was the Christmas
reason for thia is that we are short of help and
home carried out the Christmas theme cantata, “ A Vision of Scrooge.” taken
rushed to the limit.___ .
at every turn. A tiny tree, bright from Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,”
with color and lights on the buffet | and directed by Mrs. M. O. Hawkins,
and the fireplace with its candles and. The chorus included sopranos, Mes-
cedar boughs were only
of - the
». - part
— dames Liston Parrish, L. C. Persing,
pretty effect. GifU were piled high Chas. Stauff; altos, Mesdames Birdie
on a lace-covered table in the din­ I Skeels, Leona Bryant,and Miss Aileen
ing room where the hostess served (Wilson - Each of them are talented
her traditional Christmas pudding, 1 singers. There was opportunity for
the recipe of which was printed last each lovely voice to be heard indi-
! year in the Sentinel.
1 vidually during the rendering of the
Guests who attended were Mes­ , parts,. As a group the voices blended
dames A. L. Burch, Guy Torrey, Earl beautifully. Special praise was heard
Schroeder, A. A. Kyle, Wm. Peart, ' for the work of Mrs. Hawkins as ac­
Wm. Gaffey, Frank Mulder, Melvin companist. Many expressed a wish
Giles. Oscar Larson, H. Whitney, that t(ie cantata might be repeated
Clifton Noble, Ernest Batty, Ernest severai times before Christmas.
Wardrip, Marianne Embree, Mary
.Mrs. D. B. Keener, club chairman
Kautman, Ellis Martlndal.e Wm. of War eSrvice, was in charge of the'
Jones, Ernegj Jones, M. D. Sherrard. program.
_ .
We Need
City Cleaners
Three Kasharouk, All-Wool—Beautiful $OO Sil
Patterns—Domestic, Oriental Rugs, 9x12
All Wool Faced
$£4 CA and
RUGS................................................................................. up
50 per cent Wool, 50 per cent Cotton
Heavy weight
*^O CA
V <
Bed Room Sets in Walnut, Bleached and Maple
$54 50 f $129 50
Purkey Furniture
(When You Think of Furniture Think of Purkey)
On the • subject of decorations, it
A correction of an item in Iast‘can
the Guild
can be said the
Guild Hall
Hall never
week's Sentinel should read Mr^ looked more handsome. The stage
Chas. Lewis will be installing officer and frOnt of the haU had been dark.
at the Royal Neighbors meeting io be., •nqd and a red, white and blue ef­
held Jan. 5. Mrs. Harry Hockmp wiA
fect achieved by clever planning and
be ceremonial marshal.
arrangement. On either side of the
stage there was a Christmas tree, one
W. (7. T. U. Hears Report
with entire red lights and the other
with blue lights. The white of the
On Children’s Farm Home
silver decorations and stars in tribute
11 The W. C. T. U. met at the Baptist
to our service men and women, used
Church for the December meeting
1 to center the stage on a large screen,
'and love offering'for the Children’s
Christmas at the Children Farm Home was an effective contrast which tied
in artistically with the symbols and
at Corvallis, Ore.
I spirit of Christmas. Two well placed
A very fitting devotional was given
by Mrs. Helen Remple, using the American flags completed the beau­
tiful and impressive decorations.
words: "Thou' hath found favor with
The tea table was all in white and
Mary, the mother of Our Lord and
a contrast was produced by the use
Savior Jesus Christ. Carols were
of two eight-inch bands of red run­
sung during the afternoon.
ning lengthwise. Presiding during
A report was given in regard to
the tea were Mesdames Parrish and
the Farm Home. In iU 21 years of
existence 1,000 children have lived
The hostess and decoration com­
there. Of these 129 are now boys
mittee consisted of Mesdames Harold
in the service of our country. There
McCue, N. F. Carlson, Hale Eubanks,
is one gold star on (heir. flag and
Qeo. Gilman, G. E. Howe, E. D. Mc­
two boys are missing. The Farm
Cune, R. F. Milne, D E Rackleff,
Home writesto’ each boy antkknows
Annie Robinson, O. C. Sanfor^, J. L.
where he is located. — ,
' **
Smith, Geo. Taylor, J, C. Williams
There are 163 children in the
During the business session the
Home at present and the local wishes
group voted $500 to the new Inter-
to thank those who contributed so
Club committee, the work of which
liberally to the Christmas box to be
Mrs. Sanford explained to the mem-
sent to the Home.
Those attending were Mesdames
Richmond. Ellis, Persing, Parrish,
i Remple, Harriman, McCue, Laws,
Skeels, Cooper, Holverstott, Card-
well, Billings, Wm. Peart, Ross, Hous- '
! ton, DeNoma and Erickson.
The Smith Wood-Products Volun­
teer Fire Department annual get-1
. Luncheon Honoring
toegther was held last Saturday eve- '
1 Mrs. Maynard
ning at the home of the president, !
Mrs. Ted Horn and Mrs. Hugh Lan­ Austin Kyle. After a short business '
caster were joint hostesses at lunch- ( meeting and refreshmenu, they ad­
l eoK last Thursday at the Horn home. journed to the Coquille Coffee Shop, '
A plan carried out with the aid of where they were served a most ex­
1 the invited guests, which was at the cellent chicken dinner.
1 expense of one of them, proved to be
Returning to the Kyle home they
most amusing to everyone concerned. enjoyed an evening of cards and an
1 Mrs. George L. Maynard had to pay especially fine juggling act put on by !
Mor her de/ntion to two pet wire- • Jay Carter.
haired dogs. When calm was re- j Besides the host, those present were 1
: »ivieu, tvuowuig liie uecusion for near the company’s fire chief, Ted Snyder;
1 hysterics, -Mrs. Lancaster sought to Sec.-Treas. Jack McLarrin, F. R.
| further convulse those present with a 1 Hubbard, Gene Cole, Jay Carter,
series of impersonations, which in Henry Burr, Zed Kinley, J. E. Kim-
eluded a- take-off on Truth and Con' sey, A. F. Dungey, Ernie Johnson,
w®re Mesdames Rudy C. Johnson and as a special
Dale Flippo, U. E. McClary, Norman guest - for
the evening, Craig Perrott,
A'i»111 z. Fire
la'l« Department
TA a .. m
Ä S ’
Carson, G. L. Maynard, Marion Hale chief of the Coquille
and R. E. Harbison.
, I
Carter Clever
As A Juggler
George E. Oerding Sells
_ Stationery. is a much appreciated
gift.- t
small i
f-1 The twenty-seven acre ranch, lo-
>- cated on the North Fork of the Co­
quille river and owned by Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Bridges, was sold by
is Insurance, see me.
I. George E. Oerding, a Coquille real-
s tor, to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Bunch.
Mr Bunch recently sold his ranch
Remember — Norton's for office, and will move on his new purchase
| school and home supplies.
37tfs at once.
Watch ’Em Fly!
Quiet fascination for the houi
before bed. 20 cards of heads,
arms, bodies that fit together:
blimps, planes and scores of
other sketches. With tracing
pad, crayons, pencil and eraser.
Young Patriot
Navy Invasion Set
Invade by land, air and sea!
Watch your young "general”
mold the heavy cardboard cut­
outs into a str eng armada of
11 moving boats, planes, tanks
and guns for many thrill-
packed landings.
Mounted, revolving machine
gun lifts off to make a realis­
tic "Tommy” gun. Peep g»rM
makes a hit every
Ratchet action makes s’xrcau
shooting noise. Harmless. <