ì F AOK TtW ■ T « I 4 City Receives Plaque For Traffic Safety Standing Personal Mention Home of Freedom Fred C McNetiy, manager of the Coos County Farm, came home last week from Portland where he under­ went a serious operation last month and is noW feeling much improved. antasd le i mm i gr a nt «nd native citizen alike since the founding of ha Republic Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Fish left by stage Tuesday for Parker. .Arlz., to visit until after Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Lewis English, and family. Mrs. Fish became seasick on the way south and they had to stop overnight in San Francisco. Mr. English was formerly chief of police in Coquille. fe In th* capitals of con- fl quered Europe freedom and liberty are hollow, o c k i n„g words mouthed bv lackal pup- X pets like Mussert, Quis­ ling, Laval. Deerelle or Laurel. Mrs. Lillie Johnson, who had been . gone since Nov. 4 on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Nevin at Belle- < fourche, South Dakota, arrived back : home last Saturday morning. Mrs. Bess Wasson and Mrs, DeNoma intend leaving by stage thia evening for Pullman, Wash., to see their sons who are receiving Army training there. Cantata To Be Given At Assembly of God, Dec. 21 Coquille won third place in Divi­ sion III, cities of from 2,000 to 5,000 population, in the 1942 Oregon Cities traffic Safety Contest, sponsored by Secretary of State Bob Farrell as a means of stimulating greater interest : in accident prevention activities. ! Standings in the contest are based -f -iin 11.« improvement or lack, of im­ provement shown ip t(>e current acCK dent experience of Inc city, as com­ pared to its own previous three-year Eagles Christmas 1 average. , , | The plaque, awarded for this . Party To Be Tuesday I achievement, is framed for display I «A potluck dinner will be held on I and Was presented the mayor and I : Dec. 17 at 6:00 p. m. for Eagles and | will be hung in one of the city of- ■ | , their ... »families. _______ _____ Each ___ family is asked | fices. The Dresentation was made | to bring'a covered dish l. There will | Chadwick Lodge Mo. 68 A. F. & A. Mr* Special CutUlUlinicaliou Friday, Dec. 17, 7:®0 P. M. Work in E. A. Tuesday, Dec. 21, 8:00 P. M. Work in M. M. Monday, Dec. 27, 8:00 P. M. Installation of Officers — Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baumgartner, of Riverton, left last Friday for Oakland tp see their son, Robert H. Baum­ See Schroeaer's Jewelry Store in GOOD SERVICE makes Good III gartner, M.M.M. 2/c, who had just Coquille for Diamonds and Watch surance. I give service. F. R arrived there after seeing service in Straps. ' tfs Bull. I the Pacific war section. Mrs. D. B. Keener will leave on Friday for Seattle where she will spend the holidays with a daughter, Mrs. Robert J. Carter, and a'* son, Bruce.. Mr. Keener plans to join his family shortly before Christmas. be a ' program and Santa Claus. Mothers of children should bring a wrapped gift with the child's name on it The Eagles and Auxiliary are B. P. W. Notice giving ' sacks of candy. Next Monday evening, Dec. 20, the The annual secret sisters’ exchange B. P.W. Club will hold its Christmas and the revealing of names wil be party and gift exchange. Donations held Dec. 17. will be taken for the Chinese nurses training fund. Eva Stevens, chair­ man of the social committee, and Inez and the revealing of ruunes will be here by A. F. Lefor of the Traffic Safety Division. SAT "Thay tan change you T Info tomafhing you hato I" dgtSL. -Here Is the story •f one conquered woman’s revengel Days Till Christmas and we still have a very good stock from which to make your gift selections. Better hurry, though. May we suggest: Xmas Cards Stuffed Toys A cantata-drama, entitled “The ■ Prince of Peace” is being given at the Assembly of God, 2S7 E. Second ■ street, Tuesday evening, December 21. The story of Christmas is told entirely by a narrator and the music furnished by the choir, while the colorful pag- | eantry Is dramatized by the young people of the church. This cantata­ drama is preceded by a brief program given by the children of the Primary department of the Sunday Sphool. ' Christmas Stationery Box Candy Toilet Sets Jordan Almonds LATEST NEWS EVENTS Matinee lie - 30c Fuhrman’s Pharmacy THUR. FRI. SAT Adults Year. I 48t2a y maß«« ' Uggii «m# It’s Chysanthem’im season. Bergen’s for choice flowers. Remember—Norton’s for school and home supplies. 30c »IMI »COMES office, 37tfs — Buy your Christmas Records at I Norton's now. They have a fine se- , lection of carols and other Christmas ' mugic in both Victor smd Columbia 1 recoids. Harbison’s myrtlewood for Christ­ mas gifts s Stationery is a much appreciated gift. Buy it at Norton’s and for a small additional -sum have it im­ printed in gold with name or mono­ gram. _________ See "aptke” Leslie for the best in i l.iability, or other Insurance. Office, next door to Coquille Hospital, phone 5. residence phon» #5L. s r?"l>AUL LUKAS Remember — Norton'» for office, •37tfs school and home supplies. la hU f«m*d •t*C* ”>'• Give Books, «the ideal Christmas Gift. You’ll find a lasge selection at Norton’s from which to choose. s GERALDINE 61TZGERALD We carry a complete line of V- Belta for all nyikes of Refrigerators. Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. .Washer Service Co., 305 W. Front. Coauille. Phone. l«tfs Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col lectors at Harbison’s. I NEWS 4. CARTOON CARTOON Matinee Sun. 1:45 NEWS 4. COMEDY