F f _ • •____ THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1«, 164*. | FOR RENT—Two-room apartment, ’, Attention Farmers! furnished or unfurnished; to adults. The Southwestern Motors have re­ Private bath and garage.. E. O’. celve 9:45 Sunday School hour Study The brotherhood of man is an into- I the Bible with us on Sunday morning. Kral pari Qi Christianity no less than 11:00 Sunday morning worship the Fatherhood of God; and to deny" TfoUK’Seiiuuii subject,—“The—Inner the one is no less infidel than to deny Meaning of Christmas.” the other.—Lyman Abbott. 6:30 Youth Fellowship Group*. En­ g * For both he that sancUfieth and joy this hour with the young people. 7:30 Sunday evening worship hour. they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he (Jesus) is “What shall we do with Christmas?” 7:30 Wednesday evening, December not ashamed to caU them brethren. 22d, the pageant, “The Miracle of the —Hebrews 2:3. v Wooden Shoe,” will be presented. The scientific unity which exists 7:30 Thursday evenings is our mid- between God and man must be week ,^ice wUh a g^ial hagj, wrought out inlife-practice and 'oi the Book of Isaiah. St James’ Episcopal Churdi The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Cantor E. »rd * Klltott Sta. Dee. 1», Saaday 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. FOR SALE—Vetch Hay. baled. Ralph Mr? Guy Lyons, who to in charge oT ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies are equipment sales, and make ar­ L. Todd, »97 North Elliott, Co- j farm ' - 9 4« Cliuieh aatoeol.____________ available in limited quantities; quille. it* j rangements for your needs in the 11:00 <. m. Holy Communion with have those extra convenience out­ coming year. Sermon. • < ■ ■ '■ ■ I lets installed. Phone 193R, E. O. WANTED—Good Cook, man or wom­ I We also have Case calendars. Come Dee. 21, Ttomday - Opperman. ggtf an; good wages and not long hours. in and get yours. 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearasl. See Mrs. Meaning at Coquille Cof­ Southwestern Motors, Coquille. 2t WANTED — Water wells to drill. Dec. XL Wltoatoy fee Shop. it Have new and up-to-date equip­ 2:30 p. m. St. James’ Guild. BREAKFAST Table and 4 Chairs ment and heavy pipe where needed. FLOOR and table Lamps. Believe it Dee. »». Tharaday for sale. Call Mrs. Loveland, Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. 7:30 p. m. Church School Christmas or not, we now have them in stock. phone 53 or 602L. It 30t4*tf Tableau and party, in the Guild hall. A gift that can be used in any home. J. A. Lamb Company. s Anyone Want A Small PERMANENT WAVE, 58c! Do your * Wl11 must k* unlve,kally done, i Christmas will bring little more to Emanuel Baptist Church own Permanent with Charm-Kurl GIVE HER—Something she can use. Acreage Near Coquille? -Mary Baker Eddy. - lug than we find in own hegrtg from An 80-acre tract, two miles Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor visit our housewares department. Coquille, is to be cut up into small' The onlFliope of avoiding war to' . ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy Si adtoy FARR.& ELWOOD. s ■X Church of Christ acreage tracts. Anyone desiring to to accept Christianity as a way of to do, .absolutely harmless. Praised 10:00 Sunday School. East 4th A Coulter Kalsomining, ; purchase a tract of such a size is re- life, not only in 'our private,, affairs, by thousands including Fay Mc2 PAPERHANGING. 11:00 Christmas service. ------------------ Liston Parrish, ----------- Pastor Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex- 1 quested to contact the owner, R. M. but in all public and international f ‘ Kenzie, glamorous movie star. | 7:00 Young People’s meetings. Thursday 7:30 Prayer • meeting. meeting We buy cotton Repass, who live* up the road from contacts.—Cannon Sheppard. Money refunded if not satisfied. , terior Painting. 8:00 Evening service. The Christ­ rag*. Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. l.tb* end of Second street, before the Barrow Drug Company. . 47tl0* Our doctrine of equality and lib- °f mas story on Flannelgraph Board. Henry St. Phone 28«. tfs surveying and platting is. done. It erty and humanity comes from our th* Na“°"al Benevolent Association Tuesday, the three choir* meet at CHILDREN’S TOYS—See our dis­ can be arranged to sent. See him on belief in the brotherhood of man. W‘1‘ _ 7:30. BIKE Tires — We have a limited stoc^ play. FARR & ELWOOD. a the place. 48tf through the fatherhood of 1 Bible School L45. Clarence Fiser, Thursday, All-Church Christmas - on hand. J. A. Lamb Company, s Calvin Coolidge 1 Sup‘ A cordial welcome awaits you program, 7:30. Everyone welcome. MILKING MACHINES—If you need DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ ¡in any class. a new one for next year, see us WANTED—Full time Housekeeper, ers. Parts and Dally Supplies. Get The Crest and crowning of all good. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Spe- room furnished or can go home now. J. A. Lamb Company. s them at Pacific Feed & Seed Co. tf» Life’s final star, is Brotherhood. I cial music. Lord’s Supper and mes­ First Church of Christ, Scientist nights. Top wages. Phone 159R —Edwin Markham. Coquille, Oregon sage by the pastor. > FOR SALE—Wood Heater, in.good or call at 341 South Heath. Mrs. GLASSWARE—Rock Sharpe Crystal, Jr. and Intermediate C. E. 6:00. condition. See Glen - Church, 582 Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Pyrex and Fire King ovenware, W. H. Fortier. Its See ■ apnee" Leslie fdr the best in Young People’s C. E. 6:30. Carter Ave., Coquille. lt*s Sunday Service at 11 a. m. also Thermo Seal top of stove , . . , __ , . . , ,,, 'Liability, or other Insurance. Office, bEvening service 7:30. This «is an FOR RENT — Modern Furnished Subject for next Sunday, “Is the glassware make ideal gifts. We v WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We next door to Coquille Hospital, I informal, Inspiring evangelistic ser- Universe, including Man, Evolved by House, electric range, breakfast have a large assortment to choose service all makes of washers. phone 5; residence phon» 95L. s : vice. Message: “Changed Men Change Atomic Force?" nook, garage. Call at 367 West ! from. J. A. Lamb Company. s Washer Service Co. 365 West Fifth, corner of the highway. No I. a. World.” the Only Cause and Creator.” Front St. Phone 17. tfs pets and no children, t 48t2s SINGER CANARIES-Ideal CHRIST­ CIRCULAR SAW BLADES—We have | Wed. 7:30 Choir practice, Don Farr, Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 MAS GIFTS. New shipment. them. FARR & ELWOOD. s director. o’clock. FOR USEFUL Christmas gifts—«hop FOR PLUMBING Repair» and Ser FARR A ELWOOD. s Thursday, Dec. 23, 7:30. The chil­ Free public Reading Room at 255 here. J. A. Lamb Company. s vice -call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com- FORECLOSURE BALE dren will present their annual Christ­ W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every HAVE you seen the Corey Coffee I p-ny Mi BALLOON-tired Girl’s Bike, in good ¡ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, HAVE you seen the Corey Coffee I________________ _________________ mas program. Following the pro­ day except Sunday and holidays horn Makers at Purkey’s? You can’t go HOT WATER TANKS—30 gal. and ' condition for *40. Inquire at «12 That under and by virtue of an Exe- gram the young people will carol to 12:30 to 5:00 p._ m. I ! »o. So «enry, Henrv or nr pnone nhone ibmk 188R , uoquiue. Coouille nf cution and Order 04 Sale issued out th> ripi,11H Cnllrt fh. of the Circuit Court of the State of shut-ins. wrong in giving one of them for 40 gal. standard and extra heavy,1 It’s 1 Oregon for the County of Coo* on the Christmas. s also 20-year guaranteed tanks. I Church of God j T ---------------- ” 30th day of November, 1943, in a FARR & ELWOOD. . , *' SHAG RUGS and bath room rug . certain cause in said Court pending Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. . HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy The Assembly nt God ..... - ——- ..... — -1 sets i% just what you have been' wherein COOS COUNTY, a body Pastor, A. L. Perry and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed TOOLS—Are always appreciated for Seoond and Heath Sta. ,r looking for. Purkey Furniture ho and corporate of the State of A Seed Co tfs AU are invited to attend. If your Christmas. We received an al­ L. C. Persing, Pastor, lotment of many items that can be ' child does not go to Sunday School ‘ WRIST WATCHES—Just received a choose. s his wife; R. H. BRYANT and E. Sunday elsewhere, we urge you to send them, purchased for gifts. J. A. Lamb j 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Come and ------------- iGERALDINE BRYANT, his wife; shipment of men’s and ladies' Sunday School, 10 a. m. Company. s THE STOCK vs of • Pictures, Mirrors and MAEJRACKLIEgF ttHU and 111« the W UNITED about WW the 014111 birth OI of the Saviour Fl A1 BOJ ( ¡study NIUUJ UDOUl watches. FARR A ELWOOD. s Plaques at Ptorkey Furniture to still: STATES, a body politic and corpor- | jn our Christmas lesson Classes for Preaching service 11 a m. quite complete. They mato. glft, ^ ^t^d ’ «5.“ and%g mi to!chi,dren and adulU- FOR SALE—505 South Coulter -St., Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. FOR SALE—2-wheel Trailer with Coquille, Oregon. springs, good tires. . Can be seen which would be appreciated s hereinafter described real! 11:00 a. m. Morning wi worship. Pas­ or better still bring them. Modern stucco dwelling; six rooms_________________________________ Preaching service 7:30 p. m. ------------------------------------------------- ----- “?property to satisfy the sum of *300.00 At Coquille Auto Court on Marsh­ with dinette, den and bath; hard- SHOE LASTS—Sole * leather, nails, '• I with interest at 8 per cent from Oc- 1 tor speaking on the subject, “Good field highway. lt*s will to men.” 1 fnhar OK 1 QQ 1 6*>a>«> «K a ^.0 • 1 Q nn hammers, awls, heels for your own tober 25, 1931, teas the sum of *13.00 wood floors and stairway. 8:30 p, m. Christ Ambassadors' The Hely Name Camelie Church home repair use. FARR A EL- P»id thereon; an Attorney fee of First floor consists of large living 192» CHEVROLET Pick-up for Trade, # none and costs and disbursements Young People’s hour. Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. WOOD. s ! ’ room with fireplace; dining room for 1933 Sedan. Call Harold Peak, *.................. together with accruing 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic song ser­ and kitchen, den, breakfast room; Fairview route, Coquille. lt*s / FURNISHED Apartment for rent. coste, I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE vice. Choir singing, “Holy Night,” «th DAY OF JANUARY, 1944, at the lota of built-ins; toilet and lavatory Three rooms, bath and garage. Co- hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of , arranged by Ira B. Wilson from the *5.00 REWARD for information lead­ off kitchen. ' quille Auto Park, phone 185J. said _ day _ , at _____ the _____ front door ___ of „ the 1 "Cradle Song” by J. Brahms. Pas- ing to the arrest of the boy who has Second floor consists of three large c _/ Court z__ _ :: ___ “ in zz County House the City of | tor L. C. Persing is speaking on the It*» been committing depredations at bedrooms with large closets; three Coquille, _ , gubject “Where is the King?" CoquiUe, Coo* Coos County, Oregon. Oregon, of- Do mor* for others. my place, tearing off step banisters fixture bathroom with tub and FOR SALE — Blltwell Davenport, fer tor sale and sell at public auc­ Sincere belief in others. I Tuesday 7:30 the annual Christmas tion, to the highest and best bidder and throwing fruit at door. Sam A. shower; laundry chute, linen closets tapestry and mohair. Phone 279L. for cash in hand, all the right, title I program given by the Sunday school, Do my be et te en • Utile mere. Briggs, 876 North Henry. lt*s and trunk storage. I»« I «nd interest of the said Defendants i A pageant entitled, “The Prince of Basement: Full concrete with fur ­ in and to the following described real FOR SALE—Westinghouse Electric Peace,” is being given by the young nace, distributive pipe system; FOR SALE—Trailer House in good property, to-wit: Range. N. A. Kent at Ko-Keel Vil­ people of the church under the di­ The Northeast quarter (NE¥4) condition. Fair Rubber, *85. Can • laundry trays and fruit room. lage, phone 77M. lt*s of Section Twenty (20), ' Town- rection of Margaret Swanson. This be seen at Coquille Auto 'Court, . Lot 75x110, with rock garden, fish ship Twenty-Nine (29) South, cantata-drama depicts the Christmas Phon. 166 Coqnlito north pf town. lt*s BABY CHICKS—Place your order Range Eleven (11) West ___ _ of ____ pool and outdoor fireplace; large Wil- story from the scripture* by a reader IM 80. Coniter Bt lametta Meridian, all in Coos now for Spring delivery. FARR A lawn; fruit trees and shrubbery. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS—Have you while the choir renders the carols. County, Oregon. ELWOOD. a y Double garage with finished room seen the Jarge displays of Christmas Said »a|e being mads subject to j ujMtai'rs. redemption in th* manner provided gifts for everyone at FARR A EL ­ FOR RENT—2 Large Rooms, Fur­ t — Beautiful Oregon grown, law. Street improvements and sewer all I ROSES WOOD? s by Dated nished for Light Housekeeping; at Coquille, Oregon, this premium budded, 2-year old plants, in; good neighborhood; fine location 7th day of December, 1943. Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs and attractively wrapped for CHRIST­ Oregonian Subscribers: Please *3500.00 will handle—balance on CHURNS—Half and one gallon vlo-| table. Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, SSI MAS PRESENTS. FARR & EL­ tory churns now in stock. help your carrier by having your easy term*; full price *«850.00. So. Henry, Coquille. tfs WOOD. Lamb Company. . paper money ready at hie first call. Shown only by appointment. Remember ho must pay his paper It J. 8. BARTON, Realtor WANTED—To buy Piano. Must be MONUMENTS obligation before the 10th of tfce in good condition. N. A. Kent at Now is the time to order markers, FUR COATS, cleaned and glazed atter of th* Estate of month. Thank yon. Ko-Keel ViUage, phone 77M. lt*s Have pre-war Satin Lining at pre­ monuments, or cement work for your „Robert Henry Bryant, Deceased. I war prices. Inquire about Muff- lots at the cemeteries, for spring de-' 1 Notice To Creditor! AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lucille Donnelly Phone 141M Puree forms. Pearl Marquette, 676 livery. John 8. Sanders, phone 123L, Bring your car in—we can start the undersigned has been duly ap­ 47tfs pointed by the above entitled Court Coquille, Oregon East Third, Coquille, 47t4*» or call at 641 West Sixth, work at once. Southwestern Motor y Co. • OIVE HIM—Tools for Christmas. Our 1 SEPTIC TANKS—Steel tanks asphalt ! as Administrator of the Estate of ’ Robert Henry Bryant, deceased, and coated, 200 ga). sis,, On hand. has duly qualified as auch. stock Is fairly complete yet. FARR For Refrigeration Service phone Out-of-Town Shoppen! NOW THEREFORE, all persons FARR * ELWOOD. S 1 A ELWOOD. * ■hop, 108J, or residence 1MJ, . having claims against said estate are' Why not buy your Sunday Journal write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. FOR 8ALE^R. F? L 6old Seal stock while doing your Saturday shop­ BRING Your Clre Trouutea to Thorn­ hereby notified and required to pro- I Garnier, authorized Frigidaire •ent tn* same, together with proper' White New Zealand Rabbits, Amer- ton's. the mo*t completely equipped vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, ping? They may ba purchased at Service. tlth ica’i greatest fur and meat strain. the following places: shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ at the office of J. Arthur Berg, in ORCHARD SPRAYS—We have Bor- j Registered and pedigreed. H, E. perienced workmen. Be*t quality Coquille. Oregon, within aix months Henninger’s Market deaux Mixture, Lime Sulfur, and! Wood, 276 N. Henry. .Phone *86. Roxy Fountain materials ihd equipment used. All from the date hereof. I Dated thia 6th day of December, work fully guaranteed Thornton 1943 Brandon's all kinds of spray materials. FARR ; tfs NOTHING OVERLOOKED Kdeli Bryant, Tip Top * ELWOOP-____________ _____ * DUCK DECOYS—Any hunter would FERTILIZER—Place your order now, |4Tti Administrator, Farmers' Grocery FOR SALE—Two Milk Goats, on* to | appreciate thorn tor ■ Christmas We expect a shipment in January. no matter how large and elaborate Phone 14*M ------ •' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE freshen first of year. Mr». John Mar- gift. J. A. Mmb Company. s DON’T WAIT. Farr & Elwood » 'he scale upon which the funeral Noble Chowning Jr.. Journal Agent STATE OF OREGON IN AND 1 queue, «7« Easi‘Third, the f°™«’rOR SALE — Strawberry Plants, FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS arrangements are to be made That PIANO TUNER and Technician, tun­ Schaer place. Phone 141M. It ■[ Im?roved O iw*on. Carl Shore on I Ethel C, Littler, Plaintiff, benaer place. ■ Improved Oregon. Carl Shor* on ing. cleaning and repairing. Ltosve to our policy—that to our proud VL CHRISTMAS TURKEYS - Order: Marion -- ------------ ranch ~ ,"1' Georgo oh " Rink orders at Coquille Auto Park, Roy Ware Littler, Defendant. claim after many yean of experi- creek. 45tts phone 185J. It*» now. 14 to 16 pound birds, 44 Dr. De La Rhn* enee A conference with us will To Roy Ware Littler, the above named ♦ cents a pound at the ranch. Genzoli | ---------- , y U nit U re has Smoking FLOURESCENT DESK LAMPS A defendant: your advantage. » Eyesight tie to Bros., one mile from Arago. Phone pURKEY IN THE NAME OF THE STATE! _ . . **.<**_ Atonda Stands which make Idea) Christmas handsome gift for somebody's desk. Specialist 48t2*s OF OREGON, You are hereby re-1 16R11, Myrtle Point. FARR & ELWOOD, • ■ quired to appear and answer the1 gifts. They are all reasonably Eya* »—Ultori - Gtaaoe* FHte* ! complaint filed against you in‘_the1 FOR SALE or Trade—1940 DeLuxe SCHROEDER BROS. priced. Have to be seen to be ap­ Calling caros, au tor »1.00 above entitled suit, on or before Fri­ Dodge Business Coupe, good Pre' I preciated. • Reception room jointly with MORTUARIES, m day, the 17th day of December, 1943, war tires. Low mileage, radio, Dr. J. R. Runet. FOR RALE—2-story House In Myr­ j IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF-THE said date being after the expiration of STATE OF OREGON IN AND heater, etc. See H. E. Wood. 275 I four weeks from the date of the 1 tendon Laird Bulldins rhono 82-J tle Point, in good location, eix FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS first publication of this Summons, N. Henry, Coquille; phone 38«. tfs 1083 Plaintiff, large rooms and bath, Price »2400. Fay Caran Chinl, and if you fail so to appear and an- VL I swer said complaint, or otherwise Call at 261 North Elliott, Coquille. FOR SALE—“.Farmers' Bargain*”— Louis Chinl, Defendant plead thereto, for want thereof, the Mm. Walter Rarklow, 4?t4*s Horses — Cows — Chickens — ) plaintiff will apply to the Court I to tot hr rwTNi™orwKTfnANT Used Separat«** — Pigs — Pupa. 1 for the relief prayed for tn her com ■ «2 TARR A ELWOOD'S "Swap HANOIS bUlLWte—40 -ud 4u galio.. In the name of th* State of Oregon plaint, to-wit: For a decree dtoaolv- See FARR & ELWOUW » ow-p galvanized and r^u/l.r Fowler Porcelain. Porcelain, ¡you are hereby required to appear ing the marriage and marriage con- Board." lined tanka In stock. J. A., Lamb and anawer the Complaint filed tract now and heretofore existing be­ High School ! against you in the above entitled suit tween plaintiff and defendant, and MACHINERY Repairs — Play aafe, i Company. Credito on or before the 18 day of December. for such other and further relief as 1943, that being the Ume pieecribed to the Court may seem just and equi­ Given , in the order for publication of this table. der replacement parts now, Gen A Z Lamb lov*,> "'«Um «M rolom. Summons, and if you fail to eo appear ground upon which said relief uine IHC parts. j. ¿. a . Ï Com- " . Mimo 1 rARR gLWOOD. . • and answer for want thereof plaintiff to Th* based in said complaint to cruel pony apply to the Court for the relief and Inhuman treatment. Si will prayed for In her complaint, namely: This Summons is served upon you for a decree of the Court diaeolving by publication thereof in the Coquille ■ absolutely the marriage contract be- ' Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order ! tween plaintiff and defendant and of the uue Hon. nun. Dal M. ».ui*. King, auu«. Judge of th* tlor auck other and further reliel aa., abovqwntiVed Court, made, • Sited and •to the C%irt may seem just and equi- (.ntered on the 18th day of Nov ______ fovember, table. 1943, and which order requires that Thia summons is served upon by the date of the first publication of Phone 83 . publication thereof pursuant to the said Summons shall be on the 18th My Creed GANO FUNERAL HOME NOTICE The Oregonian Agency I . MIS3 INEZ ROVER WRECKER" Night Phene 600X Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick JVJUITEP Benham’s Transfer. to Buy-LateModel Trucks, Pick opt and'Cars. Sea Archiu Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Coquille Instructor ofPlano Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Harold A. Olson, Attorney for Plaiptif, I Residence and Postoffice Address 44t5 North Bend, Oregon , 4415 J. ARTHUR BERG. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. Ad­ dress, Coquille, Oregeo. Agents for Orofma-Novoda-Callfornia Fast Freight Farr A Elwood Bldg. W. Second St. J