The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 09, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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Northwestern Christian College
Quartet at Church •! Christ
Minor Mention
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ray were here . Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hosier intend
— •-----
•» aaa 7,000-sc leaving
by train this evening for San
last Saturday
-Dtego, calif., where two df his broth-
are very enthusiastic about their re­ ers and a sister reside, expecting to
cently purchased ranch on which be gone a month of more. The three
there are three nice houses,
They down there are former Coquille resi­
dents, Mrs. Minnie Hartley, I. H.
came over on business.
and Alva Nosier.
Mr and Mrs. Lafe Compton re­
Mrs. W. M. Steward returned last
turned Tuesday afternoon from Port­
land, where they went last Saturday Thursday evening from a ten days’
to attend hte hotel association ses­ visit with her daughter, Margaret,
in San Francisco. <■
Mr«. Carrie E. Benham was a Co­ Altar Society Sale To Be
quille visitor from Bridge last Satur­
Held Saturday, Dec. 11
day and caHed at this office to extend
Holy Name Altar Society Fancy
the date of her Sentinel subscription.
Work, and Apron Sale, next Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lake left day at Thrift Grocery Store, Beau-
Wednesday for Seattle again to make tiful hand-embroidered Linen Lunch­
their home there. Mrs. Lake had eon Set will be given away at the
been living here while he was in sale. The quilt was given at the
November sale to
the Army.
Mrs. David B. Biegger arrived home
Monday morning after spending a
week with Dave at the Farragut
Naval camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Drue Cunningham
were on their way to Coquille from
their present ranch home near Vale
last Wednesday night when the fire
'* damaged the building in which the
No-D-Lay Cleaners operate.
Cunninghams still own the building.
They were at Cottage Grove Wednes­
day night and arrived here last
Thursday. They expect to be here
until around the middle of December.
Ernest Purvance arrived home
Monday from Salt Lake City where
he had been for a week attending a
meeting ot a committee planning for
the Jurisdictional Conference of the
Methodist church to be held in Salt
Lake City next July.
The quartet of Northwest Christian
College, Eugene, Oregon, will pre­
sent sacred numbers in connection
with the morning worship wvic* at
th e- Chu r ch uf ChHst, Dec712.This
group of young men is known all
over the Northwest for their musical
ability. Mr. Kenneth Johnston, the
field man from Northwest Christian
College, will speak op “Christian
The public is cordially
invited to hear the quartet and Mr.
' *
Following the morning service the
young people of the church wiU be
hosts to their visitors at a potluck
dinner in the social rooms of the
One Hundred Per
Cent For November 1
At the Rotary Club meeti
_ n read
a letter^ from district Governor
CheynO of Rotary^ congratulating the
local club on its outstanding record
of four 100 per cent attendance meet­
ings during the month of November.
The club has previously had a num-
Eagles Notes
Lin Swain spent the week-end at
Eugene with Mrs. Swain, whom he
expects to return home soon. Lin
anticipates his call to service will
come in the next few weeks.
\tk« '' '
ebff,.r,- e.u
C m U b Y
bloom of the Old South's fabulous
King Cotton” . . . equal parts
pure sunshine and enchanted
moonlight. Subtle witchery to
complement your loveliness. Old South
Cotton Blossom sequence includes
Cologne »1.25 and »3.00,
Dusting Powder $1.25,
A potluck dinner will be held on
Dec. 17 at »:00 p. m. for Eagles and
their families. Each family is asked
to bring a covered dish. There will
be a program and Santa Chtuii.
Mothers of children should bring a
wrapped gift with each child’s name
an it The «Eagles and Auxiliary are
giving sacks of candy.
The annual secret sister’ exchange
und the revealing of names in the
Auxiliary will be held Dec. 17.
Mrs. L. P. Fugelson, who has been
visiting her daughter, Blanche, in Ta­
coma, for the past ten days, is ex­
pected home the last of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ellingsen, of
Sutherlin, spent the last week-end
here visiting his mother, Mrs. Pearl
Mrs U. E. McClary returned last
Sunday night from Los Angeles and
San Francisco. She left here five
weeks ago to accompany her mother,
Mrs. Bunch, to her home in Holly­
wood after having spent part of the
summer here. Mrs. McClary had not
anticipated remaining so long a time
in the south but did so in order to
see relatives about to return from
the east. Her timé was divided among
friends and relatives at Loa Angeles,
Van Nuys, Compton, San Francisco,
Berkeley and other places. Travel
was not so crowded now she states as
it was during the summer.
Club Women Are Looking
Forward To Tuesday's Program
The Coquille Woman’s Club will
hold its December meeting next
Tuesday afternoon at the Guild Hall.
Assembly singing starts at 2:00 p. m.
Mrs. D. B. Kesner, chairman of War
Service, will be in charge of the pro­
gram. Honors will be accorded to
mothers, wives and daughters of ser­
vice men and women. There will be
remarks by Miss Jacqueline Braden,
I'iipialn Of the Oregon
Corps; an address by a Spar speaker
from Portland and a Christmas can-
tata, “A Vision of Scrooge,’’. taken
from Dickens “Christmas Carol,”
Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, director. Mrs.
O. C. Sanford, club president, will
~ ’Notice To Junior Women
The Junior Women’s Club will meet
next Monday nigM,*Dec. TO.- CTiir-
man in charge of the program will
be Jean Williams of the War Service
committee. Gertrude Swinney and
Marie Silverton will be in charge of
WANTED—2 good Air Rifles for cus­
tomers for Christmas.
Used Furniture.
Harbison's myrtlewood for Christ­
mas gifts.
If it is Insurance, see me. .—F. R.
Inspired by the delicate, evanescent
Mrs. May Barton went up to Port­
land last Saturday to spend a few
days with Mr. Barton, who is now
stationed there.
signified their intention of attending,
Rotarian guests present were J. E.
Richmond of Eugene, Jno. D. Carl oL
-Myrtle—Point—and Ed Hughes of
Grants Pass.
Other guests were E. D. Webb of
Gardner and Geo. H. Jenkins und
Ben Bar top of Coquille.
Folks! This Big Double
Feature Program Is Tops
Members of Eagles, who wish to
have cards sent to husbands, broth­
ers or sweethearts in the service at
Christmas tim^xall Mrs. Van Spores.
Give Books, the ideal Christmas
Gift. You’ll find a large selection at
Norton’s from which to choose.
ber of 100 per cent meetings but
never before had it had four succes­
sive ones in one month.
Mr. Çaughell also called at
y of Coquille
a tanker will be launched from, the
Kaiser yards on Dec. 16, and asked
all that intended to be present at the
ceremony to advise him as the in­
vitations are to be sent out im­
mediately. He stated that there al­
ready were about fifteen who had
Talc - 60^, Perfume
»4.00 and »7.50,
Sun Dial Gift Box »3.50.
Fuhrman's Pharmacy
Open at 8:30 A. M.
Closes at 6:00 P. M
«»tu k> Chic Young
LAKAI SIMMS • * m imm < « aon»» ««a
Eves. 11c - 40c