e,.itu. CLASSIFIED page reven ' LOST—Child’s Navy blue Hat last St J Episcopal Church Pioneer Methodist Church Sunday. Finder please call 225L. Now is the time to order markers, The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Rev. Cha*. Goodwin Brown, Pastor Mrs. W. E. Boeserman. It* One Cent • Word Each bmerttoa monuments, or cement work for your 9:45 Sunday School hour. If you Cera« # »rd A Elliott Sta. No Adv. lees than 35 cento Thursday \tonight). Dee. 9 lots at the cemeteries, for spring de­ FUR COATS, cleaned and glazed. enjoy learning of God, you are in­ Judtfe Dal M. King granted di- i 7:15-8:30; High School Young Peo­ vited to attend this period of study livery. John S. Sanders, phone 123L, Have pre-war Satin Lining at pre­ Anyone Want A Small or call at 541 West Sixth. 47tfs with us. war prices. Inquire about Muff- vorces in circuit court here Tuesday ple will meet in the Guild Hall- | Acreage Near Coquille? I Purse forms. Pearl Marquette, 676 to the plaintiffs in the following cases: j g, unday. Dee. 13 11:00 Sunday morning worship FOR SALE—505 South Coulter St., Margaret N. Denton vs. Kenneth E. j 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. An 80-acre tract, two miles from East Third, Coquille. 47t4*s hour. The subject for Dec. 12th will Coquille, Oregon. Denton. Coquille, is to be cut up into small be, “The Christ of Prophecy.” 0:45 Church School. 1 Modem stucco dwelling; six rooms RANGE BOILERS—30 and 40 gallon Robert E. Mills vs. Margaret E.! 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with acreage tracts. Anyone desiring to 6:30 Youth Fellowship hour, with dinette, den and bath; hard- 1 galvanized and Fowler Porcelain- Milla. termediate and Senior groups. purchase a tract of such a size is re­ ; sermon. wood floors and stairway. lined tanks in stock. J. A. Lamb Dorothy Gobel vs. Ivan B. Gobel. quested to contact the owner, R. M. 7:30 Sunday evening worship hour. Wednesday, Dee. 15 ... First floor consists of large living Company.__________________ s Russell, H, Brendle vs. Dorothy . ■1 0*00 « m. -Uuly rnmmuniAn ftepasa,-wh^1tv^_up'the~roa matter how large and elaborate » 14SM ing the marriage and marriage con­ Christmas. * the scale upon which the funeral Jr., J SHOWER STALLS — Prefabricated, To—Fred C, Whitt, the above named tract now and heretofore existing be­ tween plaintiff and defendant, and arrangements are to be made. That CHRISTMAS GIFTS—Shop at ran­ defendant! easy tq install. FARR A ELWOOD. such other and further relief as IN THU NAME OF THE STATE for is our policy—that is our proud ge Elwood’s, » to the Court may seem just and equi­ OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ table. ELECTRIC WIRINQ Supplies are claim after many years of experi­ PAPERHANGiNG, Kaltominlng. quired to appear and answer the The ground upon which said relief available in limited quantities; complaint filed against you in the Dr. De La Rh$>* ence A conference with us will Wood Finishing. Interior «nd In­ is based in said complaint is cruel hays thaw extra convenience out­ above entitled suit, on or before and inhuman treatment. We buy cutton Eyeaight be to vour advantage. terior Painting. lets installed. Phone 193R, E. O. Friday, the 10th day of December, This Summons is served upon you 1943, said date being after the expira­ Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. rags. Specialist Opperman. 46tf tion of four weeks from the date of by publication thereof in the Coquille Henry St. Phone 286. tfs the first publication of this Sum­ Valley Senticeli pursuant to order Eyes Examined - Glasses MILKING MACHINES—If you need mons, and if you fail so to appear of the Hop DalM. King, Judge of the DRIVE IN and let us inspect your a new one for next year, see us and answer said complaint or other­ above entitled Court, made, dated and Reception room jointly with entered on the 16th day of Nov , tire« for hidden defects before you now. J. A. Lamb Company. h wise plead thereto; for wabf'Uierouf, 1943, and which order i Dr. J. R. Bunch take that trip. This service Is free the Plaintiff wiU apply to the Court the date of the first m Coquille and may save you trouble and ex­ WANTED — To trade 1*40 DeLuxe for relief prayed for’ in her com­ said Summons gpaU fee Laird Dodge Business Coupe, good rub­ plaint, tp-w«: 1*83 pense away from home. Thornton date of __________ Fof a dedree dissolving the mar­ ® being ber, Jow mjleage, tpf Papel De­ riage and marriage contract npw end Tife Service- __ tf* Thursday, the 16th day of December, livery or Pjck-qp. Address 275 DISHES—We have a large assortment liorth H««ry. » E. Vfood •« J ARTHUR RRRG, ' tor LHftÚM ¿ttOJTEjW- RTT Attorney for Plaintiff, Whitt, thy minor fl Elwood- ________ 11 FOR SALE — Strawberry Plants, Residence and P. O. Ad­ defendant, and M such other an.V- ' dress, Coquille, Oregon. -sir' 4® Improved Oregon. Carl Shqrp pn relief ! as to tft< the Court may seem just 4418 FOR RENJ—2 Large Rooms, Fur­ Mariop Qeorge ranch on Rink and equitable. nished fpr Light Housekeeping NOTICE TO CREDITORS The ground« upon which said re­ crr*k: *5‘i* Give« i Stoves, Bed. Couch, Chairs and lief is based in «aid Camplaint is In The County Court ef Coos County Oregon yoyr desertion from the plaintiff for Phone 38-L 165 W. 3«d table. Mrs- *• P* ” “ )** SHOE LASTS — For home shoe r®- So. Hen*, Coquille. eata1 of itter of the estate more than one year prior to the com­ In the matter pairs. FAW A ELWOOD Zattlln, Deceased r- mencement of this suit, without Bessie I. F The undersigned cause: iermgned has been appoint­ This Summons is served upon you ed administrator of the above entitled by publication thereof in the Coquille estate by the County Court of Coos Valley Sentinel, nursuant ta an or- County, Oregon, dated November 8, Al! persons having claims der ng. Judge 1943 agafnsf said rathte are required to County, ____ Oregon, made, dated and entered on present them to the undersigned, with the 9th day of November, 1943, and proper vouchers and duly verified, which order requires that the date at the Baxter Hotel, Marshfield, Ore­ of the first publication of said Sum­ gon, within six months from the date Night Phone ***X mons shall be on the 11th day of No- of the first publication hereof. itember, 1943, the date of the last I Dated and first published Nov. 11, publication thereof being Thursday, 1943. See Archie Bushnell at Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Date of last publication, Dec. 9, the 9th day of December, 1943. 1943. Southwestern Motors F. E. McCracken, Office Farr & Elwood Bldg. Jonas August Zattlin, Attorney for Plaintiff, Chevrolet — Buick W. Second St Coquille Administrator of Estate of Residence and Poetoffice Address Bessie I. Zattlin. deceased. Coquille, Oregon. MONUMENTS Five Divorces Granted Tuesday Circuit Court Cases Probate Court J terns GANO FUNERAL HOME NOTICE Oregonian Agency fAttention Wo Details SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, tae. MISS INEZ ROVER to Buy-LateModel Trucks, Pickup* and Car*. Southwestern Motors Inetructor of Plano Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE