PAQK PIVI e Ou t -O f -DoOK S t u ff •Y I _ **WB «1 Mass. VUUlItlCöj nvert, ttrèam s; Ta kes, teiete U13“ Tn Arago-News4tems— h Fairview Hews In Bureauc addition to this, there are numerous Choir practice was held Friday eve­ deadlines, specified as so many feet,' ning at the home of Mrs. O. H. Aasen, so many miles, or quarter of mil^ " ’ "t^foltowing Tt^d«^:' Mes- etc., on various streams and r rivers. n ? 22 Ve”' dam - Alb «rt Lillie, Albert Gulstrom, dames Albert Gulstrom, It is almost necessary for an angler to Wgrd E Stenley Halter. Werner carrv a a surveyor's Slim/Avnr’o steel ctssAl torn» _ carry tape along »»«a on v* Plaep and S. C. McAllister. Mrs. R Roy oy a fishing Up in a lot of districts, in . - ------------------ ■ ------ ~ ; Mast, of Allegany, and Misses Pa- order to find Ou where to fish. Then, |mel, and Maureen Ev>na accompan. too, in certain tide ---------------------------- waters the season led j ied Mrs Mrg Evan> Evang They will meet ------------ ontrout ° CerU!n 'again this Friday at the Aa™ home lenath. while in other water* length, waters nnl. only 1 at 8 00 m those of a certain .length may be | Mr and Mrg Shelby McAllister, taken. Take it all in all, it is indeed, Scott and Marc Wednesday very confusing to the angler who ^ and went yUit a( the home wtehd. to go fishing and ham't put'f Mrs McAlliater., purent8i Mr. and to an evening at home studymg up Mrs Gent R f on U. S. A. fainted-—but recover*! Sufficiently to write “We are con­ vinced That sabotage is camouflaged behind perverted persiflage, Expect me on the 22nd instant.” But first he sent a checker, then he sent a checkkr’s checker, Still nothing was disclosed a. being wrong. So a Checker’s Checker’ checker came to check the Checker’s checker And the proiess was laborious and long. Then fallowed a procession of the follow-up profession Through the records of the firm of Biair and Blair From Breafast until supper some new super-follow-upper Tore his hair because of Morton's questionnaire. Their file is closed, completed, though bur Hero, undefeated, Carries on in some Department as before. But Victory is in sight of, not be­ cause of, but in spite of Doctor Morton's mighty efforts in the War. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holverstott The following from the typewriter spent the week-end at the Walter of Mrs. Ian B. Jamieson of Condon, Norris home north of Roseburg. *' ■ ■ ■■ Ore., who before her marriage was Mrs. Frank McCann had the mis­ Marianne Axtell of this city, will be We have been informed on good fortune to fail and.brtok a limb last appreciated by every business man authority that some fifteen thousand week. 4 who reads it: pounds of elk meat were left to spoil Mrs. L. A. Ryan had a letter from in the woods this season. In addition her son, Bud, last week, the first to this, elk were killed the day be­ she had heard from him for several REFERENCE B and B No. C-24614 fore the season opened and left to FILE INV. FORM A262B-M.C. weeks. He was all right and still rot. Some hunters it seemed, only As Head of the Division for Revision somewhere in England. wished to satisfy their desire to slay of Provision, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Buoy and Mrs. an elk—a bull, a calf, a cow—no R. M. Noah attended the funeral of Was a man of prompt decision—Mor­ matter .which, just so the kill was ton Quirk, Mrs Mary Grove in North Bend Mon­ made, so that in future years they day./ Coming home with them was PhD. in Calisthenics, P. D. Q. in might brag of the fact that they bad Pathogenies, Mrs. Leo Frye, of Powers, who had killed an elk. Other meat was left . ‘S"? 2 T? Catching Creek where they have just come down to attend the funeral. Ee had just thè proper background to rot owing to the fact that it was J“! W,hy‘n e11 ^ recently moved. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Me-1 Me-1 She will stay for several days to for the work. Mr. and in poor condition. And just what one efteh SP*i>nth bUCk* l° Uy “nd AUister left for their home in Reno ' visit in the valley. From the pastoral aroma of Aloma, might expect concerning the meat? a ’’ . t ¡Friday Oklahoma, ¡Friday morning. morning. Mr. Mr. McAllister McAllister is is a a Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler went The season opened right after the to Powers Monday to visit Rev. Mil­ With a pittance of a salary in hand "running season” when especially, In the first place it should His acceptance had been whetted, Glenda Lillie was a Sunday night ton Stewart and family. - the bull’s meat wasn’t fit to eat. And never have been opened in Coos, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' even aided and abetted | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah and Bonnie _____ ________________ counties, and in Ward Evans. as we write this, the season is still Curry and Douglas week-end visitors in the By emolument that exceeded some | 1 Ellen .. were ___ _________ open here in the latter part of Nov. the second place, now that it is open­ , The Arago Ladies Aid will hold valley from Lakeside. five grand, i~ It looks to us as though it is with­ ed, the season is all wrong. __ their annual bazaar Thursday, Dec. 9,; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. D. Brown, of So, with energy ecstatic this fanatic out doubt just a case of downright deer season is too late, the duck sea- j ' at the Arago store. There is quite an { Powers, were week-end guests at left his attic f.ross ignorance on the part of game son is too early; pigeon season is too assortment of dish towels, pillow. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon And hastened on to Washington, D. C. officials to open the elk season as late—it allows these birds to destroy ; leases and aprons. {Bell, ¡Bell. Mr. Brown is a forest ranger Where with verve and vim and vigor, orchards, eat the farmer's i they have done and that also includes young he went hunting for the Nigger See "spixe" Leslie tor ths best in . - . The regular Sunday morning at Powers. were conducted with the deer season, as well. With many grain and then in September, whentchurch Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kline are busi- In the Woodpile of the W. P. B. <7 - ■ - .... big bucks shot that were unfit to the pigeon is about to migrate to his j- Rev. G. A. Gray in charge and with ness callers in Portland, having gone After months of patient process, next door to Coquille Hospital, eat; with thousands of pounds of southern home and after it has in- Rey Wulter Dpff Sr of Portiand, Morton’s spicular proboscis phone 6; residence phon» 95L. s up Friday of last week, expecting to elk meat wasted, with violations ap­ flicted all the damage possible, the J as speaker. Sunday school followed be home the middle of this week. 1 Had unearthed a reprehensible hiatus. parent on every hand, the game com- **„2.12*22^1-• i ■ -i-i-i an alLoiUoov* atttendance m of T 52. 32. There w _ , .. | i with wlU. «... There Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott re- I I In reply by Blair and Blair to his It’s Chysanthemum season. See misitdn should, indeed, feel proud of »2 if". b* 8erv‘c®8 again next Sunday, cently heard from their son, Curtis, thirteenth questionnaire Bergen's for choice flowers. hi at w ’ m and their accomplishment! It is sieken- flaw, in the game laws and regula-| and as the letter came through ih In connection with their inventory . . . .. ing to any red-blooded sportsman in tions. We sincerely trust that more status. j four days, they are hoping he is near- Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, s sensible laws will be made in the fu-| WiUjg Wilcox returned to school Sing the States again. the first place, to see such seasons They hud written “Your directive wished upon them and the waste of when effective was defective ‘ W » .. u a 7, ", ’ Rafter being absent over a month with1 Mrs. T. H. Benham, Mrs. Amanda r whooplng , Johngon and Mrg w j wheeler wefe In its ultimate objective,—and what's meat that goes with such seasons. enact more foolish onto than we j We would be far better off without a ! ave> ' Mrs. Charles Griffith and Mary j business callers in Marshfield Wed- more - » state game commission and just let Neolithic hieroglyphic is, to us, more Anne were Tuesday guests of Mrs. nesday of last week. . - A. F. A A. BL the hunters hunt as they please. And The Christmas program will be { specific It will pay you to look at Bergen’s . Ward Evans. • < Stated Communication while there might be more game before you buy. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish drove to 1 held on Sunday evening, December Then your drjvel you keep dumping TUESDAY, DEC. 1«, 7:36 F. M. killed if such were the case, jt’s a at our dpotvl* ' Gardiner last Saturday and spent 19, at 7:30 o’clock. Several exercises Election of Officers cinch that it wouldn’t be wasted and j the night at the home of Mrs. Martha and recitations have been prepared. This sacrilige discovered, Morton would be killed during Qie seasons Pauli and family. A house warming was held for when it was edible, to say the least. Mr. apd Mrs. Mike Fairchild, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Noah in their Practically every present game and Richard, Billy and Rotha, and Mri new home Thursday afternoon, De­ For trout law should be scratched from To make tills simple, no risk hear­ and Mrs. Wiley Cornwell and family cember 2. Several friends called to ing test. If you are temoorarily deaf ­ the books and a new set installed. The bv ringing buzzing '*er* week-end guests at the home bring gifts to help cheer their little ened, bothered by old laws and regulations should be head noises due to hardened c or ---------- coagu- i of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe. home. Those present besides Mr. tossed into the discard. As it now lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine ; Oliver Myers, of Myrtle Point, vls- and Mrs. Noah were her sister, Mrs. Buy Your Home Method test that so many say |., . . .. stands, these laws regarding the trout has enabled them to hear well again. [,ted at the borne of Mrs. Ida Myers Ed Isaacson; her daughter, Mrs. L. L. and steel head and salmon season, are You must hear better after making and also at the Wayne Woodward Buoy, and Mesdames Harry Lindsay, so complicated it would “take a Phil­ this simple teat or you get your money .home, Monday. ’ * W. J. Wheeler, Oliver Enlund, Aman­ ^and adelphia lawyer” to put the average iilrr»« it« { Mrs Roy M“‘’ °f Allegany, spent da Johnson, Jeff Lynn and two urops tooav at narrow uru< vo. | Frjday nJght home Mr and angler straight on them. Different daughters, H. M. Hall, Tom Benham “ Mrs. Ward Evans. and - Karen, Refreshments of fruit ’ Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and jello, cookies and grape juice were Maureen, and Mrs. Roy Mast drove served. to Myrtle Point Saturday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacson were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester dinner guests at The home of Mr. and l^teæ $15.8® to 135,0« Willson, after which Mrs. Mast re­ Mrs. L. L, Buoy Thursday evening turned to her home at ^llegany. Mias last week. Chloe Willson returned home with Del Hoke had the misfortune to Mrs. Evans and spent the night. < cut his right food as he was ringing $150 to $730 Jack Knife broke a spring on his a tree preparatory to falling it. He We rebuild end have them school bus oh the street at Myrtle is a faller working with Gene Emer­ re-upholstered Bank Bldg. I Point last Monday and had to call son but In Mr, Emerson's absence was LICENSED REALTOR for the help of Wayne Woodward’s bucking. He was taken to Dr. Rich­ and $3.00 to $10.00 school bus tq get his load of children mond's office to have the Toot stitch­ Don’t Forget that this Offices Secures home for several days. Mrs. Ward eq He lives in Coquille. Birth Certificates for You We pay highest possible prices under O. P. A. took one load of high school young­ Dennis, small son of Mr. and Mrs. ceilings as set by Uncle Sam. sters up to Myrtle Point for him L. L. Buoy, is ill with a severe cold Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs. 8. and high temperature, , C. McAllister went up with Wayne W. J. Wheeler, Ernest Hatcher and Woodward's bus and brought them Faye Holverstott cut wood Tuesday home at night. Jack has his bus for the church, Mr, Kline having fixed and in good running order again very kindly given a wood log for the now. purpose. Mrs. Ward Evans visited at the Ray Deadmond was a business home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hazel­ caller in the Willamette valley last wood at Myrtle Point last Saturday week. afternoon. Mrs. Dow came out Tuesday to Mrs. Chester Willson, of Myrtle her place to attend to some things Point, was a Sunday dinner guest of about her farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans. Mias Clarence Deadmond is ill at his Chloe returned with her mother, after home with a severe cold. spending the night at the Evans' Mrs. Harry Lnidsay was in Coquille home. Tuesday to visit a physician. She Misses Glenda Lillie and Pamela is taking treatments for variocae were Sunday guests at the S. C. Mc­ trouble in her right limb. Allister home. 4 Mrs. Ida Myers was a Sunday din­ Seventh-Day Adventists ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Make Post-War Plans Woodward. ‘ •. The problem of postwar rehabili- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg, of Norway, were Sunday guests at the tation of their churches, hospitals. publishing houses, and other mission George Gillespie home. Messrs. Wayne Woodward, Law­ properties destroyed by war in for* rence Barklow and Roy Martin came eign lands, is now to receive special in from Powers Saturday evening and attention in every Seventh-day Ad­ spent the week-end at their homes in ventist church, Mr. Stever, the dis­ trict pastor here, said today, in giv­ Arago. ing Iwal members a report of an ex­ tensive session of church leaders just W. A. B^aUain Hurled held in Washington, D. Q, — Al Florence, November 1» Property damaged by war has run Mrs. Ralph 8. Stephens returned into may million« of dollars, dele­ a few days ago from attending the gates tu this meeting were told, and, fqnera| of her son-in-law, Wilbert beginning now, budgets must include Alfred Brattain, ( husband of her appropriations for rebuilding, it was "Thia will call for larger daughter, the farmer Bessie Harry), urged. who'Was killed November 36 near liberality and sacrifice on the part of Albany, Ore., when his truck toft every Seventhly Adventist congre- I lite giaUe. it is thougnt very pos- nation.’1, Mr. Stever said that plans were laid sible that he had expired before the accident. The driver of another truck for opening a medical training school had passed him on a straight-away in Chungking, China, to qualify Ad- and. upon looking in the rear-view1 veptist Chinese young people, and mirror, remarked to himself, "He the nationals of other countries in couldn't have gotten out of sight the Orient, as physicians for their hospital staffs, this to be sponsored already." The funeral services were held by the College of Medical Evangelista, meuivui , Adventists medical at Lebanon, Nov. 29, and interment the Seventh-day Adventista and Loe An-J was W US at 4. Florence 4VIV11VV where nilVIV IIV he was W UIO buried MUI 1VM [ college at Loma Un4| 1 ' ' WSinWr a-.A'!« . _..ts. -i-j . .--- ;*,___ tnt* nrxty Or nt!F TITOTfWr. LAN« LENEVE 2" Chadwick lodge No. 68 I Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing Service and Protection Auto Fire Ufo Accident and Health INSURANCE WANTED Rockers . Day Beds Oak Tables GEO. E. OERDING Bia Chairs Dressers a Mr. Brattain, who left here a couple 1 Steps w«» also taken at this na- of years ago, was bom at Camp tioRal meeting of leaders. Pastor Creek, Ore., Nov. 15, 1905, being jvwl Stover said, looking toward revising past 38 years of ag? 'and strengthening the Bible instruc- ■ — ■_ tion given in elementary and second- We carry a complete line of V- ary schools, and the training of a larg- Belta for all makes of Refrigerators, er number of young people of the Washing Machines and other equip- ohurch as teachers and ministers to i inent. Washer Service Co., 365 W. meet the growing demands now and Front, Coquille. Phone. IStfi I after the war.