The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 09, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
a mm ton is a
1. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------—
are finished,
> items
this session will
Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C. I '
Notice is hereby given that I will]
responsible for no debts contracted
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, ' Harrison E. White, an executive of-
Washington, D. C., December
Deeember 7, 1923)
ficer of the national Boy Scout or- The now fa
tton in- man leadership cannot make war by anyone other than myself, after
At the regular seasion of the city ganization,; has been in the count
quite a stir here. It again, it seems likely that the an­ this date, Dec. 9, 1943.
»100 council Monday evening Mayor-Nos­ the past week seek
Elmer B. Spurgeon.
was discussed on the floor of both nouncement of the results of the con­
ier announced the appoin
-JAL formatiurr a county unit which can Houses of Congress and everywhere ference in Iran—the sentence there
C. T. Skeels, be tied up to the national organiza­ 11 went people were talking about it. passed upon the culprit German na­
If you are looking for a gift for
whose resignation became effective tion. . , Rev. C. S. Bergner, Coquille (Other and more important news has tion-may not look nearly so bad one who loves poetry, remember that
scoutmaster, at the meeting of the now shoved the Patton story aside to the German people as the contin­ Frances HoTmstrom’s book “Rich
i last Saturday.
Commercial club here Wednesday and, I hope, the affair may soon be ual bombing of their cities.
Lady” is still on sale at Norton's Sta­
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as
Towards ISO ladies and gentlemen evening, told of some of the difficul­ I forgot ton.
tioner^ and by Mrs. Holmstrom her­
, Second Class Mail Matter.
were present at the banquet and party ties lye had had, not with the boys,
By the way of a final round-up of
The Congress is getting just about self.
Office Corner W. First and Willard St tendered by the ladies of,the Eastern who are eager to keep the troup go- ■ gossip and comment about the incl­ ready to wind up this session and
Star to the cast which so successfully ine,
In securing help from the■dent, here is the gist of the talk here: adjourn for the Christmas recess
Pinpies Disappeared
staged “The Mikado" at the Liberty father! and men of the town. One ' Patton is known as an exhibitionist- Each Congress is for a two-year du-
' and
J something
___ of
. a < bully;
... . there ____
— This
. . is .. the
. first .___
I___ of I the
man cannot do it all.
Theatre last May, last evening.
were ration.
Over Night
several similar incident»—more than 78th Congress. When this session is
Tss. It Is tree, there Is a safe harm­
At the cloM of the city’s budget
The pupils of the grade building ; two; the Army handled the entire adjourned, just before Christmas, all
less medicated liquid called Klaer«x
that Arlee up plmpies over night.
year, November 30, City Treasurer O. are very enthusiastic over raising affair badly which resulted in un­ pending legislation remains “alive." . Many
report that they had a red sort
one night and surprised
When the second session convenes on
their friend* the next day with a
city’s business for the year. The re- . school library,
mary: Patton incident unimportant, the constitutional date of January
clear complexion. There Is no risk.
flrst application must convince
port shows that the city spent »1097.38
'an isolated, unusual case, is a prob- third, or such other darte immediately The
you or you get your money back.
Only 60c. Join the happy Kleerex
Passengers on the boats from Ban- lem for Army discipline and is not thereafter as the Congress may name
more than the budget estimate a
users who are no longer embarrassed
One-fifth the land area of the year ago amounted to.
. don yesterday reported that the Gal- incase for trial by Congress or com- in its adjournment resolution, com­ • /with unsightly pimples. Mold and
recommended by
United States is owned today by the
lier Hotel had a close call there during menta tors.
mittees will take up their work right
where they, left off, the legislative
A. N. Gould and Lafe Compton, the high tides and that when 30 feet
When Congress' Joint Committee who has the lease for the Hotel Co- on the south bank of the river slid i There is less optimism and “early calendar will go right on. The only
on Reduction of Non-essential Fed­ quille, returned Sunday from Port- off, it looked for a few moments as peace” talk around Washington now change worthy o( note will be the
eral Expenditures found that out the land, where they went last week to though the hotel might go too.
than for the last several months. Re­ fact that all actions taken by Con­
cent conferences have not hai the ef­ gress—all printed hearings and other
other day—with “apprehension”— purchase the furniture and equipment
there followed an immediate de­ lor the new hotel. High grade fur­
Jewel Peart, the 18-year old daugh­ fect of bridging out war-end talk. documents that are produced dur­
mand that liquidation of surplus gov­ nishings were selected for the 42 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peart, died Strangely enough there seems to be ing «he next session will be labeled
ernment holdings be started immedi­ guest rooms, and the promise is that at her home on the highway, just les* interest in these conference* than “78th Congress—Second Session.”
it will be as handsomely furnished a this side of the high school, Tuesday in previou* ones. This i* doubtless
When the second session adjourns
- I
| morning at one o'clock.
“Growing concern” exists in many i as there is in Oregon.
due to the fact that the novelty of at the end of 1944, this Congress ends
See us for photographs of
states, the committee asserted, over
such meetings has worn off. Fact is, —the slate is wiped clear—and all
the situation. It added that “ex- ■ curnference of which consists of job in handling the enormous war > these meetings are the most impor­ pending legislation must be reintro­
ceMive amounts of land" have been , wage* and pricM. It Is very evident traffic.
• Family Groups »
Both railroad tabor and ' tant developments of the war to date. duced, and the legislative calendar
purchased by the government since , that the squirrel has a hopeles* task management have wrought miracles i It is assumed the result of them will , begins new with the new Congress
• Service Men
I of trying to run away from’the whirl­ In transporting the huge quantities I be a flat, clear and positive statement ' January 3, 1945, which will be known,
More than 600 Federal establish­ ing spiral of inflation. Mr. Quincy, of war goods which are now bring- to ®ur enemies as to exactly what of course, as the 79th Congress.
• Babies
ments are on a parity as to admin- i Scott, author of this cartoon, has been ing Germany to its knees and are they may expect for their future,
• Copies of Pictures
istrative control arid responsibility, noted for hi* skill in cleverly de­ striking devastating blows against Japan has already been told—and in
There was no action in the House
the committee declared, and no cen­ picting item* of national Interest. Japan. It is one of the bright spots no uncertain terms. Before this letter this week.' We are awaiting Senate
tral agency keeps track of “how much This is one of his best.
Phone till.
in the present Administration pic- appears in print it is likely the state- disposition of the Tax Bill and the
land the government owns, where
Oftentimes the creation of such ture that the railroads have not been meni to the Germans will have been Commodity Credit Corporation (sub­
it is, or how must it costs.”
¡artists does not receive due recogni­ tinkered with by government offi- j released. It is believed here that this sidies) bill. When these two major
The committee, headed by Senator tion until after their death, and ciala to the extent that their teffi- statement will have a direct and def-
Byrd (Dem. Va.), estimated the gov­ often the very creation that they dis­ ciency is impaired. It proves that to'¡nite bearing upon the length of the
ernment land holdings equal in size carded as being Worthless has turned get best results for the public, Ameri- . European phase of the war. The
to the combined areas of Maine, N. H., out to be the thing that made them can industry should be left alone to German people have never been told,
Vt„ R. I., Mass., Conn., Pa., N. Y., immortal. An illustration of this is work out its own problems; it proves (by us, at least, what unconditional
How change the changeless things! Today
N. /„ Maryland, I. ” W V, Va. Del, North i the “Unfinished Symphony” by Franz that there must be a general retreat i surrender will mean to them and to
olilíq, Ga, Fla., Ohio,
and South Caroli!
Home, which has ever been a compact nest,
.Schubert, which that great master of government from business if pros­ their future liyes. Their own lead­
Ala., Ky., and Ind. -
Safe and enclosed, feels its strong bough asway,
I threw away as worthless, and the perity is to come to us in the postwai ers have apparently told the German
The Byrd committee said that In Christmas hymn, “Heilige Nacht” by period.
Feels its wall thrust toward the East, the West,
people that defeat means slavery and
the last two and a half years alone i the Bavarian schoolmaster,
worse—thus forcing them to accept
For home is, after all, a heart that hovers,
, the government has acquired real Gruber, which the latter wrote and
the lesser of two evils, to keep on
Birdlike its brood, and if the fledglings roam
estate totaling 14,783,000 acres—ap­ then forgot about as.a part of a
fighting hoping for some breaks and
To distant isles, love’s feathering still covers.
proximately the area of seven east- Christmas program for his school
*n ultimate relaxation of terms.
Love's walls, still hold them, in the heart of home.
ern states.
Since we do not, of course, contem­
plate the enslavement of the German
Strangely elastic is the housing heart
These creations by the great mu-
people or of any other people, but
That cannot, will not, let its inmates go,
ter* have done far more to shape
That holds' the lives which of itself are part
the couna of humanity than a)l the
administration candidates, though
By R. T. Moore
Even in lands whose names it does not know.
war* and diplomacy since history be­
just how it would do this was not
We received an interesting bit of gan.
If one bird flies where winter never ends,
rriade clear in arguments on the floor
It is hoped that this terrible con­
mall from Seaman Harold Mullin
And one keeps vigil where the great nuts fall,
of the senate.
somewhere in the South Pacific. It flict will never be repeated and that
The circle of their keeping only bends.
was our lumber brand whittled with
But still, distorted, compasses them all.
Reports to OPA officials in the na­
jack-knife from a piece of lumber brotherly love will be backed by such
tional capital of eight Waahington
used in construction work at the overwhelming military and economic
. . . The home walls sway, but we who keep them know
power as to be the predominant force
state communities being deprived of
battle front.
They will not break, but only grow—and grow.
milk because of the inability of dair­
' We had heard that our lumber was in shaping the eburse of the world
—Frances Holmstrom
being used by the armed forces In hereafter.
Washington, D. C., Dec. 9—If de­ ies to operate under OPA price ceil­
the several campaigns of the Soutfi,
feat in the senate of th« administra­ ings on milk and dairy stock feed ■
A contributor to a small California tion bill for soldier voting in th« are indicative of conditions which
Pacific, but this is the first tangible
daily has finally succeeded in solving coming presidential election is th« prevail in many parts of the country.
evidence offered to prove it
Mr. Mullin is a valued employe«, the fuel problem, according to their final word of congress ther« is slight Dairy herds ranging from half a
At first he used prospect that any considerable num- d°*en to scores of milk cow* each are
who drove one of our lumber trucks editorial page.
which he obediently ber of the armed force* abroad will being sold by their owner* because
hauling lumber from Bandon to Co­ fuel oil,
quille and to Empire. It is not un­ changed to coal upon advice of the have an opportunity to cast a ballot.
these prico ceiling* and in every
likely that he hauled the very lumber fuel coordinator. Then he changed —
' ‘
Th« measure adopted
by a coalition state small town newspaper* are filled
which he saw in this military base. ; from coal back' to fuel oil when the of republican* and southern demo­ with auction sale advertisements.
It gives a feeling of great satiafac-' first mine strike took place. Then he crats leaves the whole machinery of The immediate crisis thus created is
tion' to have our products used to ran out of coal when the second mine soldier voting in the hand* of the not so serious as the prospect for the
shelter the boys in the army at the strike came on, and not being able to state, and in most states the arrange­ future, and it now seem* inevitable
battle front. No doubt the products get fuel oil in sufficient amount, he ment for absentee voting is so com­ that the 1944 shortage of both milk
of all other Coos County mills are io had to cast about him for a substi­ plicated that it will be physically im­ and meat will be much greater than
similar service at this time. Truly, tute.
No matter
possible to provide the boys in uni- had been anticipated.
He appeared in a happy frame of form with ballots in time to have what change* may be made in OPA
the lumber business is an essential
industry and those employed in it mind one moring, because he had suc­ them returned and counted. ■
rule* and regulation* it is now too
can feel that they are taking an active ceeded in solving the problem. He
Under the administration bill, late to remedy the situation in many
part in the war.
had changed his grates so that he which the senate rejected,
rejected,- ballots
balle: for communities, according to reports re­
could burn government pamphlets, president and members of congress ceived by member* of congress from
There is probably no more effec­ which came in quantity with every would have been distributed and their constituent*.
tive way of teaching people and of mail. Possibly this is a suggestion counted by a bipartisan committee
There is a very definite movement
illustrating a point in question than . that can be followed by other inter- appointed by the president and the in congress to OPA when the
results would have beeif certified to time come* next summer for renewal
through the use of pictures or car- ; ested people,
the states. This plan was resented by of the emergency price control act,
On the cover of the Saturday Eve- I It Is customary for politicians to republicans and southern democrats and so far it hM aroused no deter­
ning Post under date of November : “view with alarm” and I take this as an invasion of state’s rights in suf­ mined opposition from the White
27 is the best illustration of American I prerogative in regard to a bill now ficient number to bring about its de- House. A bloc of some 70 members
Today you can't aliord io take
dependable ar needs recharg­
foreign policy that has been put forth before Congress provided for certain f«*t.
,_i has been loosely formed in the house
chances with an old battery.
ing. Our Protective Battery
to date. It tell* the whole story in. a ' adjustments in the railroad
rate - In most states the law for absentee t0 iight for continuance of the price
For U it iaile. the car you need
Service ie absolutely FREE.
very striking manenr and should be schedules,
voting requires the prospective voter control agency, but no similar sup-
Why pot plan to use this serv­
for OMential driving will be
a very potent influence in shaping^ This question should not be tin­ to make application for a blank bal- P°rt *» observable in the senate. Just
ice soon?
tied up . . . possibly for days.
public opinion.
kered with by the Congress because lot, which is mailed to him if he is wh®t the administration plan is can­
That's because emergency
If you look at the picture, you will it is the result of years of adjust­ otherwise qualified. The ballot is not b* determined from present indi-
service is hard and costly to
note that it is of a young Italian I ments, compromises and speciarcon- then returned by the voter in a , catlops, but there is a rumor that the
get The smart thing to do is
woman presumably sitting upon
_ __ __ a I cessions of unequal geographical sit- roundabout way to his local election (a8encX> because of its unpopularity,
to let us take battery worry
broken column in the ruins of Naples, i uations. The work of years of stfen- board in time to be canvassed witfr^T become the victim of political
off your mind. So bring in
A V. S. army sergeant seeing her uous effort by the railroads and by the other ballots and included in the expediency. It is expected the situa-
shivering in the cold dawn of the I the I. C. C. should not be destroyed general count. Because the deadline t,on ma> b* clarified when President
your car. We'll teat your old
day has thrown his overcoat about1 by an ill-conceived, although well for filing by candidates is so near Roosevelt returns,
battery and tell ycu if it's still
her shoulders and has given her a meant, act of the Congress.
the election day there is not time to
of biy fo.-,d ritiui; lu Lia G. I.
Thg iüllioüd structuré ha* tfccn
balluu to útet- jii pat is of the
Announccn.c nt or the purenase of
frying pan. She, being thankful for ; up in traditional American demo- World with any assurance that they 19,687 acres in Grays Harbor county,
this unaccustomed kindness on the cratlc manner.
The railroads, the will be returned before the votes are Washington, it.r the purpose of estab-
part of a soldier, is offering up her shippers and representatives of the canvassed as provided by existing lishing another “tree farm” serves to
thanks^ to God for the goodness he public, have met many times to de- statutes.
call attention to a movement inaugu-
has wrought.
bate the rate qeustion, and they have
the older -your
The administration bill provided rated in 1941 by the Weyerhaeuser
When you think of this picture; can always arrived at conclusions which, that ballots for federal officials should Timber Co. and consistently carried
battery goto . . .
you conceive of a better way to il- though they favored no particular be sent in advance to army command- out since that time, under the aus-
the quicker it's
lustrate the American foreign pol- ; group, were a compromise acceptable ers and by them turned ovér to indi- pices of the West Coast Lumbermen's
B. F.
icy which would embody the true to all. For Congress to upset this vidual* in the armed forces. The association and the Pacific Northwest
apt to quit
feelings of the American people to- i procedure would be a long step back­ marked bailóte would then be re- Loggers association, for the protec-
ward the Voor suffering ones in Itjjy’ ward. anÆ would. invite chaos.
turned- to-the bipartisan Vommixsion.^tion and consensetlon ' of jjrtvfftPTy
Tru|y this is a masterpiece and Mr.
The western states would suffer counted by the commission and by it ' owned timber. To receive the destg-
Norman Rockwell is to be congratu­ severely because the proposed bill certified to the secretaries of state nation of “tree farm" definite stan-
lated upon his creation.
embodies the wishes for more fa­ in time to be included in the regular dards of planting and protection must
Another «outstanding picture, a vorable rates for southern states, sueh canvass.
be maintained and the tyork is eare-
cartoon, appearing in the Oregonian as Texas. It injects power politics
Southern democrats objected to fully supervised. These tree firms
of November 28, illustrate* the econ- into this vital and important portion what they termed federal control of are becoming more numerous in the
|.r<e*t and most Complete Tire Service
onomic feature* of the subsidy pro­ of the nation’s business economy.
elections and the republicans insists 1 1 Pacific northwest and the movement
gram. It shows a squirrel galloping
Full credit should be given to the that the arrangement would, in some is attracting much attention in the
madly in a rotating cage, the cir- railroads for their truly remarkable manner, redound to the advantage of 1 south and middle west.
—r---------------- '
Goauille Studio
RetnembeJi !
Thornton Tire Service
340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel, 270
Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, T«L «51