The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 09, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    B.P.W. To Donate To
Chinese Nurse Fund
A short business meeting trans­
pired last Monday evening at the
Guild Hall when the members of the
Business and Professional Women met
for the first regular session in De-
---------- ho. next me eting will be
for the annual Christmas party. At
tills time a donation is to be asked
for, a money gift, to go to the Nurses'
women in China. Twenty-five dol­
lars of our money will be sufficient
for this purpose for one nurse in her
own land to receive a full nurses'
training course. This1 to a project
for Oregon to launch this year during
the evening on which B. P. W. Clubs
held their Christmas parties through­
out the state. .
The club voted to buy active dollar
Christmas Seal Bond for the Christ­
mas Seul Sale fund.
Mrs. Annie Robinson, head of the
Courtesy committee, sent word that
all of her committee were ill except
Ida Owen and she had just missed
breaking her neck in an accident.
There will be an exchange of gifts
at the Christmas party and the
amount paid is not to be over fifty
Inez Rover took the meeting over
following the business session. As
chairman of music and arts commit­
tee, Miss Rover read a brief paper
on the life of Steven Collins Foster
and accompanied on the piano the
community singing of hto- songs, led
by Mrs. Clara Staufjr
I,eah Rover waa elected to the club
membership. 'There were, twenty-
nne members attending.
Ten Initiated By Beulah
Chapter, Q, E. S„ Thursday
Ten were initiated at the special
meeting of Beulah Chapter, No. 6,
O. E S., held last Thursday evening
in the Masonic Hall. E. A. Walker,
Past Patron, assisted with the ini­
tiation ceremonies, which were meet
impressive. Following the meeting,
nearly. 100 repaired, to the banquet
bail where delicious refreshments
were served from a beautifully ap­
pointed table.
Thursday evening, Dec. 9, a potluck
dinnerzwill be held at 6:30 p. m. in
the banquet hall for Eastern Star
members and their families. The
annual election of officers will be
held at the regular, meeting of the
chapter, following the dinner.
Do you need new Tree Lights
Clausen, Mrs. Lute Boone Kardell,
Mr. Ben Chandler, Mr. Claude Nas- Norton's have both indoor and out
door strings. Also extra globes
burg, Mr. Harry Nasburg.
Miss Eunice Howe, bride-to-be in
From CoquiUe—Mrs. Ella J. Nelson.
late December, was guest of honor on
Keys made ior SU locus. Stevens
From California — Mrs. Alice J.
The Woman's Society of Christian
the evening of Dec. 1, when she was
Caah Hardware. CoquiUe. Ore.
Service met last Thursday in the
entertained with a bridal shower by
parlors of the Methodist church, Lena
Mrs. Jean Bryant at her home.
The unwrapping of the many beau- I In the presence of more than 300 McCurdy, president, in the chair.
tiful and useful gifts and the re­ friends and relatives, Miss Yvonne I The morning session was devoted to
freshments left nö time nor need for Lee Kern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ’ business when officers and chairmen
othei diversion
TW table wus ef­ Clifford Mem of this city, became '. of various committees made reports.
fective with its sparkling center­ the bride'of ME~FieO J, Maiineaw, ' i On motion it was decided to hold
''B meeting IhlirsXiy. Uec. 30, at the
piece arrangement. A large bouquet
the son of Mrs. Dora Goodwin of
of pink and white chysanthemums Portland, at a double ring, candle­ ; church for an executive council in
the forenoon, potluek luncheon at
was encircled with twelve pink
light ceremony performed by George
candles in low holders. Above it all Alder, brother-in-law pf the bride, ' noon and the study of a new book in
the afternon.
was suspended a large frilly white at 8:00 p. m. last Saturday.
A potluck luncheon was served at
umbrella. Large white candles were
also used. The living room was dec­ against a' background of huckleberry noon by Mesdames J. L. Smith, S. T.
I Stevens, O. B. Harriman, Noble
orated with the chrysanthemums.
and fern and large baskets of white
| During the buffet supper, Mrs. Geo.
chrysanthemums and standards of i hoatesses.
Howe, mother of the honor guest, white tapers.
At the afternoon session Mrs. Chas.
poured the coffee. Favors for each t-' Miss Kern was lovely in ivory
guest were small umbrellas. The two satin with beaded yoke, fitted bodice, Brown led the devotional service and
i small daughters of Mrs. Bob Harris
: Dorothy Harris had charge of the
long sleeves,' full skirt and long train.
study program, assisted by Fern Pe­
presented the gifts to Miss Howe.
Her veil, loaned by Mrs. Harold
The following attended: Mesdames Withnell, was very long and full with terson.
Attending during the several ses­
R. G. McBride,
Harold Withnell,
coronet of orange blossoms. She car­
George Howe,
W. E. Bosserman, ried her maternal grandmother's lace sions were Mesdames Brown, Ellis,
, Way, Carlill, Minard, Laws, Harri-
Muriel Anderson. Markie Sherrill, wedding handkerchief.
iman, McCurdy, Skeels, Helen Peter-
Jeanette Collier, Bob Harris, Geor­
Her wedding bouquet was of gar­
son, Richmond, Harris, Londy Peart,
gianne Perrott, Chester Price, Jean­
denias and bouvardia, centered with
: Fern Peterson, Kesner, Bosserman,
ette Pierce, Geo. Laird and Misses
a white orchid.
| Nosier, Rogers, Rultin, Esther Taylor,
Margaret Belloni, Phyllis, Belioni,
Mrs. George Alder, sister of the
' Savage, Nelson, Oddy, Zeigler, Stev­
Maxine Johnson, Yvonne Marineaus,
bride, was matron of honor, and Miss
Dorothea Yarbrough, Helen Winegar, Nadine Koehler, of Portland, maid ens, Lundquist, Gillespie and two
visitors, Mrs. Earl Avery and Mrs
Jean Williams, Lunelle Chapin and of honor.
Bridesmaids were Miss
J. E. Malone.
Glenda Clinton.
¡Jane Kramer, of Portland; Mrs. El-
At the regular meeting the first
Vera Kolkhorst, of Coos Bay; Mrs.
Thursday in January, the 6th, the
Royal Neighbors
Chester Price and Mrs. Bowden
Silverware—odd pieces
newly elected officers for the com­
Elect Officers
Bryan, of Coquille. They wore sim­
ing year will be installed.
Election ot new officers was held at ilar frocks in fall shades of plum,
the regular meeting of the Royal green and gold and carried con­
Neighbor lodge last Wednesday eve­ trasting bouquets of chrysanthemum».
ning. Belle Belloni was elected Ora­ Frances Ann Kern and Maryann«
cle and Nellie Martindale, Vice Ora­ Culver, dainty in floor length dresses
cle. Others elected to office were of blue and green taffeta and ngt,
Agnes lighted
------ the
— taper».
The list below of new members ot
Schroeder, receiver; Ruby Johnson,1 The bride was given away by her the Coos-Curry Pioneer Association
marshal; Hattls Gaffey, inner sen- father. Edward Marineau, of Port- brings the total number now on the
tinel; Pearl Kinsey, outer sentinel. Iand' old,r brother of the groom, was membership roU to 272:
Agnes Lewis, ceremonial marshal, , best man and the ushers were the fol­
Sent In by Empire chairman —
is to be installing officer at the meet­ lowing Coast Guard buddies from Daisy Wasson Codding, Laura Was­
ing to be held Jan. 5. Assisting her • Bandon: Fred Lucksinger, Vernon son Metcalf, Henry Ames Metcalf,
will be Ann Hocamp. Following the i Luster, Peter Steenland, Jack Turner, Chas. Wanter Baker, Tho*. L. Met­
business session and election of of­ Sterling Wham and Edward Wham. calf, Nellie Metcalf Younker, Frank
ficers, an Inviting supper was served 11 Muriel Dae and Harold Withnell Younker, Maggie Sachi, Elena Sacchi
by Agnes Lewis and Agnes Schroeder. played the wedding music and Mrs. Chase, Mary J. Bartholomew, Mrs.
| Liston' Parrish sang, “Because."
Mary Ferris, Mrs. Mary E. Miller,
Miss Kern is .a graduate of Coquille Arthur Roy Norton, Wm. Iris Noble.
See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in
Sent in by Bandon chairman —
CoquiUe lor Diamonds and Watch
tfs versity of Oregon. Mr. Marineau la Mrs. J, W. Sweet, Mr. J. W. Sweet,
a graduate of Portland schools and John P. Devereux, Theresa May Dev­
1« the Coast Guard one and ereux, Jean Ruth Slate, Annie Still­
Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col
lectors at Harbison's,-
I a half years ago, He ha« been sta­ well Barrows, Katherine Leuthold,
tioned at Bandon. The young coulee Hulda Strang Morras, Mrs. Gareld
Will make their home in the “Kern Russell, Mr. Gareld Russel, Edna
■ j Beach Home" below Bandon.
Simpson Fahy, Virginia M. Davis.
Following the wedding service aW?
From Marshfield — Eva Wilson
’ ceptlon was held at the home of Mr.
Carrie Noan Kronholm,
and Mrs, Kern- Mrs. George Lars-
son of Coos Bay, served the wedding Edna Kronholm Rourke, Mrs. Stanley
Smart Bridal Shower
For Eunice Howe
'W.S.C.S. Met
Lost Thursday
Pioneer Ass'n Now
Has 272 Members
The Opening
This Week —' Of The
455 W. Front St.
24 - Hour Service
John Roberts, Prop.
Family Home Style Service
I cake and Mrs. Bob Harris and Mrs.
Harold Withnell poured, at a table
centered with white chrysanthemums
and white tapers. Assisting in serv­
oing were Misses Jean Williams, Eu-
' nlce Howe and Mrs. Allan Rhay. It
was Jane Kramer who caught the
bride's bouquet.
Out-of-town gudsts included the
' mother of the groom, Mrs. Goodwin,
' and his brother, Edward, Nadine
■Koehler, Jane Kramer, all ot Port-
! land; Mr- and Mrs. George H- Alder,
sister and brother-in-law of the
bride, of Eugene; Mrs. Lloyd Jarvis,
ot Myrtle Point; M*r, and Mrs. Willard
Kelsey, Mrs. George A. Larsson, of
Coo» Bay, and Mrs. Ida McGeorge,
of Reedsport,
For going away the bride wore a
fuschla crepe dress, black woof coat
and hat with White orchid corsage.
Betty V. Barlclow And
Wm. H. Spry United In Marriage
Mias Betty V, Bark low, of Arago,
was united in marriage there last
Sunday to P, F. C. William H, Spry,
whose home is in St. John, Kansas,
but who to'stationed at Camp Adair
near CorvajUs. He returned to camp
on Tuesday af>d Mr*. Spry will leave
Friday to join him.
The bride is well known in this
community, she having lived in the
valley fort 16 years, attending grade
and high /school at Arago. She was
with the Coquille Hospital last year
and has since been employed at the
Smith Wood-Products pjapt.
many , friends are wishing her mpeh
happiness in extending congratula­
Grdnge To Have
What a Friendly American
Gift Can Start
Matejka's Jewelry Store '
Coquille, Ore.
Patrons of Grange, No, 296, are
reminded to attend the annualChrist-
maa tree party to be held at the
Cringe hall, Friday evening, Decem­
ber 17. A potluck supper will be
served at 6:30 o’clock.
. You are requested to bring enough
bread and butter sandwiches for
your, family , endjt. covered dish.
Pfease bring a gift far each of your
children and your guests with their
names on the packages. There wttt
be the usual exchange of gifts among
Grange members.
Florence Hallock, Lecturer, has ar­
ranged an interesting program for the
entertainment part.
Sixes U - 44
In Plaid Taffeta
White Rayon Satin and Hand-screened
priced from $4.95 to $22.50
Oldest Home Owned Store
Coquille, Ore.