'■v 1 Y < T s • X Fairview News b K IMS. vember 27, at th* Grange hall. At th* business meeting there wa* «lec­ tion of new officer* who are: Master, Fay Holverstott; Overseer, L. A. Ryan; ’ Lecturer, Helen Cheezem; Steward, Glen Thommen; Asst. Stew­ ard, Wayne Cheezem; Chaplain, Gen­ evieve Ellis; Treasurer, Chag, Geii- PAGE NTNF esas—»» tgin to cause a penalty, he should file' I — IA ffiurt* 'Norway News Items [Information On an amended declaration which will JUSl Cc VaOUll Mr and Mrs Vernon Trigg and be a n*ore accurate estimate so that TL„ Pnct* W/splf Filing Income Tax Mrs. Trigg’s parents, Mr. and Mri. will not be liable for a penalty. ▼▼ I he Geo. Gillespie, vfgre Thanksgiving I have no desire to levy unnecessary Manuel n-n, y Reports In December dinner guests of Mrs Trigg's aunt and I P*n*lti*s- penalties, and therafxM» thg reforo Lw a nt I j -_ i . i ta x- Z3»»» m Jususe duh * Mr*. Marjorie Flanagan and daugh­ ter, Marion Briner, of Eugene, visited Mrs. Flanagan's brother, Georg* Brewster, and family last week-end. cou The “School Lunch Club,” was or­ fine and coat* in Ju»tice Bull'* court uncle, Mr and Mr*. \jL T. Woodward. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,'p"TerrU’und?r’t“nd c,early how t0 last Wednesday for fishing without ganized last week at a meeting of 1 a ,K„« r _______ •— today *------------ I orevent < - Robert E. Hannegan, urged all i pr them ^ent license. the mother* held at the school hr».— Mr. and Mn. J. F. Schroeder and i “ Amended Declarations," Mr. Han- ; taxpayer* to determine whether they 1 / . ----- — --- ------- ____ The officer* eiMte3~w*re: president, keeper, Kenneth Holverstott; Ceres, Ray Bower* and Berna Beula Mc­ oenroeoer, spent spent1 1 hl* mumcr, brother, zimen Albert Schroeder, inegan explained, “are made on the; Mrs. Hurry Lindsay; vic* president, Melva Richardson; Pomona, Lindy the day Thanksgiving with Mr and | are required to file either original or I same type of form a* the orieinal Reynolds each paid a $10 fine and amended “Declarations of Estimated Mme tyP* ^rm as the original Coralee Ellis; Mrs. Wallace A. Warner, of Coquille. $4.00 costs last Saturday after being Mrs. Lyman Cheezem; secretary-j ■ Lu Holverstott,' Flora, . ------ Income and Victory Tax” on or be- declaration, and are distinguished _ ‘ picked up by the state police and treasurer, Mrs. Bob Doyle. Theyl I Lad Lady * Assistant Steward, Glenda Mrs. Warner’s sister, Mr*. Wayew fore December 15. ¡only by writing only the word ! charged with being drunk on a public plun on getting started so they can [Richardson; ¡Richardson; executive committee, Hubbard,.and son, Jerry Wayne, wer* ' » Explaining that only a limited per- --------- T - Ly- also present, tentage of taxpayers need make any ¡“amended” at the top of the front' highway. serve hot lunches for the grade school ■ ' Rav ^uy N"- Norris, Charles -- Holverstott, page. Therefore, anyone who must children early in December. ' man Cheezem; musician, Iris Holver- — - Robert James Repass paid $3.00 on Bling” at .Ui- this "^time? m “1* a™nded declaration will find u— -- 7 H^ei«! •• Mia* Bonnie Druliner came in from [ '«II.. , his $5.00 fine and cost* on Monday Mrs. Clarence Gibbons, of Seattle, I stott. Klamath Fall* Thursday of suggested that everyone ascertai ascertain for procedure exactly a* it was in ... . ___ _ . uiuiMuiy evening or and promised to pay the balance later. Washington, has been visiting at th* i j visit bv Mr« ' ma I iu 1 mt!AT“.'*WtJteT • i——___*- a - — parents, Mr. himself whether h* is affected. By s^ptemoar. home of hdr" parents, Mr. and Mr*. visit by Mr*. Mollie Flitcroft at the and Mrs. Harry Druliner, over the far the largest percentage of taxpay-!, Per*°ns having forms left over He wa* driving a car without hav­ ing an operator's license. Charles Holverstott. She came No­ home of her brother, Ray Norri*. She week-end. — — er, A11 have no furtiter filing, ______ to make “*• J___ , . thteV Qlr-marJ»/ hn..« ___________________ _ — ____ _ -- -------------------- «1------ Robert Harvey Thomas wa* sum- vember 18 and returned home the lives in Granta Pass and wa* here '. find Mr*. Frank Southmayd’s [ until the annual income and Victory,U>ey ”•**' Pe”°"a n**ding mone) issuing a check without funds to * ployed in the same plant. from'Carl Hooker, who left here a and son, Frank, and friend, Norman be sent bills by their local Collector* the Collector. In addition, the tax i cover. He settled with the J. P. by The Homemakers Extension Unit'»bort while ago for an east coast Jarvis, * .... came over - j and ... took -- Mn of .internai Revenue. • payer has the choice of two worksheet* paying ’$4.00 costs and making good met Tuesday, November 23, at the, town, He states he is in Norfolk, Lewellen, Mrs. Bryant and Mr*. Holl­ I from which he can calculate thk fig ­ In general, the filing of a declara­ the $4.50 check. home of the chairman, Mrs. Myrtle Virginia and expected to be there for man's parent* all for a drive to Ban- tion on or before December 15, will ure* to be copied on the declaration I Lloyd Genice Ray wa* charged by probably ,a month. Holverstott. “Meat Extenders” was I don. They reported the weather be required of the following: form. One worksheet is a simplified . the state police with hunting water Word ha* been received from Fred ■ 1 sunny but cold at Bandon and also the project, with Mr*. Holverstott 1. Farmer* who have sufficient in­ version that may be used by anyone ! fowl between sunset and sunrise. On and Mr*. June Butler being the lead­ and Warren Dow recently. T Fred has ' said me bar was quite rough. come to require filing and have post­ who wishes to approximate the tax Tuesday he paid $14 on the $29 fine er*. After member* had partaken of been stationed in San Diego since hi* i Mr. and Mr*. J. H. McCloskey, Mr. poned filing under the special pro­ on uny income up to $10,000. The and costs assessed and th* balance the food prepared, a business meet­ leave spent here and Warren is out | and Mrs. Z. C. Strang and Mrs Eliz­ visions of law which permit farmers other worksheet is longer and may be of the fine was suspended. ing was held. The Unit voted to pur­ of New York City. abeth Lett and Leslie Lett were ! to wait U8ed by anyone who desires to make . ___ _ a* late a* December 15. Thanksgiving guest* at the Clarence Thanksgiving dinner guest* of Mr* chase three docen bowls for their 2. Person? wh^ did Tile in S^ptem- “ preA ,e,ti.mate. of Ux „ Norton's have a complete assort­ share in helping sponsor the school Deadmond home were Donna Gil­ L*tt’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Persons using this “ long form ” should ber, but underestimated their tux by ment of stationery in now. Buy yours ■ fUnch club. They also voted to spon­ more, Hoylt Rice and Ray Bower, all Mr*. Emil Petersen. more than 20 per cent and who should deduct all.of the “post-war credit” for I early, both for Christmas gifts and sor the housewarming for Mr. and of Coquille. Victory Tax, in accordance with a Mr. and Mr*. Vernon Trigg drove therefor* file “Amended Declara­ I your own use. For a small additional Mrs. R. M. Noah to be held Thurs­ .recent Act of Congress putting the to Salem Saturday of last week, tak­ tions" to avoid penalties. charge you may have your monogram day, December 2, at the Noah home. ing her father and mother, Mr. and ' 3. Person* who jlld not file tn credit on a current rather than post­ or name imprinted in gold or coloiV s Next meeting will be December 28 Mr*. Geo. Gillespie, with them. They ! I September because their estimated war basis. On the simplified form, at the home of Emma Hall. The sub­ I Incom* at that time was insufficient no change is necessary becuuse the Levi Snyder and daughter*, Pearl ( retuhned Sunday. ject is to be “Wartime Deserts;“ pro­ and Ruby, »pent Sunday vtaiting at t' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simmons t to require filing, but now come with­ form already assumed the taxpayer ject leaders to be Emma Hall and the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl. spent their Thanksgiving with her in any one of the following classes: was eligible for current credit. Roxy Frye. At this meeting mem- Mr. Hannegan also promised that (a) Anyone who expects to have Thanksgiving Day dinner guests of sister and family, Mr, and Mrs. bers are to come prepared to offer a Mr and Mr*. Melden Carl and Doug­ , Adolph Molthu, who live on th* during the calendar year 1943, more the offices of the Collector* of In­ way to raise money to send 4-H than $100 gross income from a source , ternal Revenue throughout the coun- las wer*: Mr. and Mr*. W. E. Cross , North Bank road. scholarship members to Corvallis which ‘T wiU K •«•in Provide taxpayers with Mr*. Herman Detlefaen, of Myrtle outaid* of wages t wnicn ___ ____________ ar* suujeci , .---------- ---------------------- and Wallace; Mr. and Mr*. Cedric next spring. Those present were Point, had as their Thanksgiving to withholding, and who also expects “ s mucb assistance a* possible Cross Russell, Karen and Marcia, Mesdames Amy Richardson, Myrtle Mr and Mrs. Keith Kribs, Larry and [ dinner guests, her brother, Herman sufficient gross income to require in« t^ie dadarations. Holverstott, June Butler and Larry, Sandra, and J. N. Jacobson, all of , Tadsen, Mr. and Mr*. Henry Detlef- filing an Income tax return: ($500 for Frances Gaslin and Jeanne, Kathleen J Coquille, and Mr. and Mrs. £. D. sen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest a single person, $1,200 for a married i • Lindsay, Audry Enlund, Hazel Ben­ Clausen and family, of Broadbent, couple, or $024 for an individual mar- ' Carl and Herbert. ham and Karen, Emma Hall, Pamelia ried person). Mr. and Mrt. Shelby McAllister, and Ed Detlefaen, of Coquille. Hatcher and Annamae Gibbons. ’ Mr. and Mr*. Harold Pribble and (b) Any single persona expecting Scott and Marc, arrived Friday from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hubbell and Reno, Nevada, and visited at the horn* sons, Jimmie and Johnnie, spent from wages of more than $2,700 during ths Prepaid hospital services for Farm children, John and Marsha, were ofMr. and Mr*. B. C. McAllister for Tuesday till Thursday evening of last year. | Families may soon be realized in Thanksgiving guests at the home of several days. They drove to Marsh­ week with hi* brother and family, (c) Any married person or any ■ Coos and Curry counties, according Mr. and Mr*. Robert Holverstott. field Monday on business and while Mr. and Mr*. Walter Pribble, of Co­ married eoupl* expecting individual­ ■.to Ed Hughes, County. FSA Supervisor • Dorene Frye spent Thanksgiving ly or together, mor* than $3,500 from in Coquille. There are 237 families there they visited at the home of Mrs. quille. at the home of relatives in Sweet Thanksgiving dinner guest* of Mr. wage* during the year. [ who now have their names on file as McAllister's sister and family. Mr. Home, making the trip with her and Mr*. Charite Perkins, and also and Mr*. Harold Dick of Scottsburg, (d) Any person who was required interested in participating in the plan grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Frye, at th. home of Mr. and Mr*. George were her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Wal­ to file an income tax return for"1942 and- 76 families had paid up their of Power»./ ter Schroeder. Mr. and Mr*. Lester and who expects his wages in 1943 memberships on November 30th. Th* , Stovall and Mrs. Emma Stovall. Mr. and Mrs. Faye Holverstott and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers and Coats and daughter, Helen, of Marsh­ to 6* tesa than in 1942. | organization will close its membership daughter, Lorene, spent Thanksgiv­ Mi** Marion Hoxey, of Myrtle Point, field, and Mr. and Mr*. Severt Iver­ There may be some taxpayer* who for first qaurter on December ,4th, ing at the home of Mrs. HoiverstotUk were Saturday callers at the home of son and sons, Roger and Myron, of filed, declarations in September and provided that 150 families have signed parents, Mr. and Mr*. D. W. Rankin, Mr*. Ida Myer*. Rooebur^r paid one-half of th* remaining tax up, Hpghes reported. Annual mem­ of near Eugene. They returned home Mr. and Mn. J. H. Mahaffey, of estimated to be due, but who now be­ berships are being received by mail Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, Con­ Sunday. ducted the Thanksgiving Day ser­ Myrtle Point, stopped by Sunday lieve that the amount for which the or by calling at the County FSA of­ Lula Marie Lindsay visited at th* vices and the ladle* chorus gav* a morning for Mr. and Mn. R. R. Rack- Collector will bill them in December fice in Coquille. Owen Barton home with a friend special vocal number. After the ser­ lea* and all drove over to Millington Is more than they should pay. These The hospitalization plan is spon­ from Roseburg over Thanksgiving, vice* there wa* the usual Thanks­ and spent the day. Mn. Rnckleff tuKpayer* may also file amended dec­ sored by the United States Depart­ making the trip over with Fay* Hol­ giving Day dinner held in the church and Mn. Mahaffey visited with Mrs. larations correcting their previous es­ ment of Agriculture and is being pro­ verstott and home Sunday evening basement, which wa* very well at­ Archie Rackleff while th* men folks timates and recompute th* amount moted in seven counties of Oregon went fishing. R. R. Rackleff was th* of their installments to be paid in this year. Coos, Curry, and Joseph­ on the bus. tended and enjoyed by all pasted; Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler re­ Rev. M. D. Remp*l, of Coquille, only one who succeeding in landing December. In such cases th* amend­ ine counties now have active organi­ turned home Saturday evening from I conducted the regular Sunday morn­ any fish and he caught one large and ed declaration should be accompanied zations. Llv* Oak, California, where they ing church service. Sunday school one small baas. by the bill received from the Collec- Mrs. Sara H. Wertz, Field FSA Su­ Mr. ad Mn. Rufus Rylsnder were Itor, together with the remittance for pervisor, has charge of launching the went to visit his parents and family. followed, with an attendance of about Wm. Byerly and his sister, Mr*. 25. There will be services again next in Langlois Friday of last week on any revised amount due on December program which, in Oregon, has been Clara Kibler, are sick with the flu. Sunday, preaching at 10 a, m. an business. 15. actively promoted by the Oregdh Mr. and Mn. Don Schmidt gave a The physician wa* called out to see Sunday school at 11 a. m» Th* “The December 16 filing," Mr. State Grange and in Coos and Curry Mr*. Kibler last Saturday. ladies' quartette. Mesdames Albtet Thankskiving dinner for the follow­ Hanngen said, “is in reality a follow- 1 counties by Pomona Grange. In Coo* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brownson, Lillie, Albert Gulstrom, Werner ing: her mother and father, Mr. and up to the September 15 filing. Both county, neighborhood Extension of Salt Lak* City, Utah, called at Plaep, S. C. McAllister and Mr*. O. Mn. Louis Mullin of Bandon, Mr. and filings were steps in ¿he transition leaders have been active in distribut­ the Cha*. Holverstott and Tom Ben­ H Aasen, accompanist, went in to Mn. Martin Schmidt, Mr. and Mn. to the pay-as-you-go system of tax ing information and securing names ham home* Wednesday and Thurs­ Coquill* Sunday evening and gave a Tom Detlefaen and family, Mr. and collection, in accordance with the of interested people. Each of the Mn. Fred Scmidt and two children. Current Tax Payment Aot of 1943. day morning. He is on a furlough ¡couple of special vocal »el'cl‘on’ eleven Grange* in th* county have Sunday Mr. and Mn. A. R. Bennett from the army and is a cousin of the Baptist church and also ,tUnd®d “I want to say a special word," Mr. devoted a lecture period to a study Mrs. Holverstott and Tom Benham. the services being held there, with and Mn. Julia Leep spent the day at Hannegan emphasized, “to those who of the prepaid hospital plan. Mrs. Gordon Bell has been ill with Rev. Nell J. Barnes of Marshfield th* T. J. Fish ranch. Mr. Fish t^nd filed -in September. Any taxpayer “This prepaid service is the same Shirley Pettenglll went on an elk who filed in September, and who be­ a* industry ha* for its employees the flu. as the speaker. The birthday offering, with addi­ Mi«« Laura Bernie* Lilli* and her hunt the 21st and each bagged a two- lieves that his estimated tax i* not and their families,” Mrs. Kertz stated tions, wa* voted to be sent to a home house guest. Miss Joan Smith, came polnt buck th* 13rd but it took them substantially underestimated, need this morning. “It is a war-time missionary, Roy Parker, of Agnes*, in from O. 8. C. ThUrtday morning till the evening of the 25th to get not file any new or amended declara­ health emergency measure and is de­ Oregon, and it amount to over RIO. .nd spent the Th.nl«givln | hoUttay. in with them a* they had to wal)^ tion this year. The correct tax will, j signed not only to help now but also The birthday offering is always »pent at th* horns of Mr. and Mrs. Albert all the way and lead the three horses of course, be determined on the an­ to serve as * forerunner of improved on missionaries and the former of­ Lillie. They returned to Corvallis packed with the meat. The Bennetts nual tax return which will be filed, health services in rural districts ferings have gone to the Armstrong Sunday morning. •_ and Mn. Leep at* of the elk steaks as usual, on or before March 15, 1944. after th* war.” family who went to Sumatra and the Mabel Hughes is acting secretary­ Mr. and Mr*. O. H. w.ro at dinner with a relish as the meat “However, I would like to empha­ Adams family who expected to go Sunday dinner guest* al th* S. Q. was very good. treasurer of the newly former Board size to the persons who filed declara ­ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey spent to India but on account of th* war McAllister home, at which time th y of Director* for th* Coos County Ru­ th* day Sunday at Power* visiting tions in September, that they should ral Health Protective Association, went to South America. qephew visited with Mrs. Aasen * Maw AUTO SERVICE clearly understand the law imposes Mr. and Mr*. L. L. Buoy and Dennis and family. Mr. and Mr*. Shelby his niece and her husband, Mr. and a penalty against sny taxpayer whose known a* the RHPA. Other board Mn. Paf Easley, and Mn. Easley’s spent Thanksgiving at th* Ed Isaacson McAllister and sons. members are Harold Potts, Pomona estimated tax is below the allowable home. Mr*. Isaacson is Mr*. Buoy'« Th* Arago pad« *chool gave • father, W. T. Brady. Mn. Elizabeth 20 per cent margin of error, unless an Grange Master, C. H. Christiansen, Ed Detlefsen and J. J. Geaney. After at the Uett accompanied them •* far a* aunt. Thanksgiving program . i hJ-e Day Wednesday afternoon Broadbent when she spent, th* day amended declaration is filed on or The Ivel Fry* family hav* moved six months successful operation, the before December 15, which brings the into their new home, the Perry Neal which was very much enjoyed by all visiting wiht her sister, Mn. Emma membership will elect directors. , , estimate within the permissible mar­ Herman. place. * Mr’wdiS* George M“°"' Jhyl' gin of error. In other words: if a Mr. and Mr*. Rufus Rylander and I1 . „ ... Engagement? Guest* over the week-end at the COQUILLE SERVICE STATION A. L. Lane home were Mr. and Mr*. li* Dennis and Becky, drove to North Mr. and Mn. Guy Grant and their he underestimated hi* tax payment* Rumor has it that Miss Mary Jones, two children were Thanksgiving din ­ Let u* share our year*_of car-care ex­ Lee Hoffman and twin daughters Bend Thursday and' en)oy5d in September by a wide enough mar- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones perience with you. We are especially from Gaston, Ore. Mr*. Hoffman and «‘vin-^X’i^Sl’^Si ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton of this city, will soon announce her Schroeder at Myrtle Point. well equipped to serve you—to keen I M t T ant are wwln« SlulvcT and femtty w “1l‘g'*g*" '1 “ plUtuiucUl i'UUMii your car rolling—to keep America's Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Haughton Thanksgiving day with hi* mother Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geitner vis­ Daugherty and faggily . , man who lives in the same neighbor­ ited the Fred Lemery’s at Lebanon Mrs Herman Sumerlin and infant spent th* day Thanksgiving with and sister, Mrs. Lena Kellenberger hood. Come and see romance grow car clubs rolling to work. their daughter and family, Mrs. Alden and Mr*. Russel) Hank. The grand­ over Thanksgiving, returning Sun­ sol> LeRoy Eugene, came home from between Mary Jones, played by LORENZ DEPARTMENT STORE Knife hospitel in Coquille Tute- Mast, of Myrtle Point. Mr. Mast children remained until Sunday. day. Phyllis Litzenberger,.and Jack, played Share your shopping pleasure a* well. couldn't be home with the family as Mrs M. B. Bennett, widow of the Billy Griggs and family, of Sweet by Wallace Cross, in “Almost Sum­ It has always been our policy to an­ d,lGlen Zeller spent the week-end vis­ he was working at Power*. . U Bednett. ____ ,l._ well „ known .... late . J. pi- Home, visited friends in the valley mer,” the Junior Play, on Dec. 3, at ticipate your wants—to carry the Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bredi* «ted her . oneer carpenter «nd bridge builder Friday. They ar* former resident* iting at hi. home in AragEar Drop* today at Harrow Drag C*. Coquille Post No. 36 American Legion SPONSOR «