: F • a I X c . L I page eight S, IMS. I Is ' ” | To trade 1940 DeLuxe FOR SALE—One 6-tube table type Ralph Cope, J r , of Langlois, St. James’ Episcopal Church Church of Christ - Dodge Business Coupe, good rub- j Radio. $25.00 cash. The Rev. Robert L- Greene, Vicar See L. A. w;n« IM War Bond / East 4th A Coulter — Corner E. 3rd A Elliott Sts. Greene, evenings, at 166 South .• Liston Parrish, Pastor One Cent a Ward Each Insertion I ber, low mileage, for Panel De­ Coulter. It* i John Reith’ 15- of Astoria, and five livery or Pick-up. Address 275 December 5. Sunday: Second in Ad­ Thursday 8:45 church fellowship Na Adv. lesa than 25 oeata North Henry. H. E. Wood. stf ________ L,__ L.___________________ - other Oregon boys and girls who have night. Bring a basket dinner and vent; I FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment, made substantial wartime contribu- 8:00 Holy Communion (Corporate WANTED — Water wells 'to drill WILL TRADE—Freight qnd Passen­ Mrs. Geo. Chaney, phone 52L. lt tions by increasing production of milk come and enjoy a service of inspira­ Communion of all confirmed men and Have new and up-to-date equip­ tion and prayer. ger American Flyer Electric Train, have been named as the state’s blue ment and heavy pipe where needed. Bible School 9:45. Clarence Fiser, boys). Depot, 40 ft. of Track, 75 watt FOR SALE—193« Ford V-8 Panel! award group of winners in the 1943 9:45 Church School. Deliivery. Good rubber. U. E. | Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. Supt. ( Transformer, for Child’s Tryk and {national 4-H dairx production con­ 11:00 Holy Communion with ser­ 30t4«tf ~---------------- —---------- McClary. Phone 2R23 between Morning worshjp 11 o ’ clock. Lord's wagon. H E. Wood, 275 Jiurtb test. Each receives a $25 War Bond mon. b : uq and 4:ro. ‘ ------------ ■ ---------- «U-. supper, s pec ial mus ic and message by Henry, Coquille. 46t2s TTOIH the IOafl Cee -Go.—Among Anyone Want A Small T>8Sembei^We»i»axy:--------- the other five was Ralph Cope, Jr., the pastor ““ FOR RENT — Furnished 2-room Acreage Near Coquille? 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. TEAM HARNESS—Just received a Jr. and Intermediate C. E. 0:00. apartment, with private bath and Langlois, An 80-acre tract, two miles, from 2:00 p. m. Study Class. full set double harness. FARR & Young People’s C. E. 6:30. Earl —«------------------- I garage; to adults. Phone E. G. j Coquille, is to be cut up into small 2:30 p. m. St. Jumes' Guild. ELWOOD. ■ I Benham, leader. Young people's fire­ Opperman. 193R. r It Two Divorces Granted In acreage tracts. Anyone desiring to Thursday; side social hour following the evening December purchase a tract of such a size is re­ SURGE MILKERS — Stainless steel BURBANK POTAOES for sale, $2.35 Circuit Court Here Tuesday 7:15 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. High school service. pails. On hand for immediate de­ quested to contact the owner, R. M. Evening service 7:30. A service of young people will meet in the guild per sack household size. At old Busy Judge Dal M. King granted divorces livery. FARR & ELWOOD. s Repass, who lives up the road from Corner on Front street, next to to the plaintiffs in two cases heard i fellowship, singing, inspiration and • hall. the end of Second street, before the Notice Ex-Service Men! hotel building. Open every after­ by him in circuit court on «Tuesday, evangelism. Message, “God Remem- surveying and platting is done. It Pioneer Methodist Church noon 1 to 5. Anderson Bros., separating Jos. E. Morris from Pearl bers.” For the purpose of forming a Vet­ can be arranged to suit. See him on Rev. Charles Goodwin Brown, Wed. 7:30 Choir practice, Don Farr, - phone 13R21. It E. Morris, and Josephine H. Delyria the place. 45t3s erans of Foreign Wars Post, a meeting , Pastor director. will be held in the Union hall on Sec­ FOR SALE—1930 Model A Ford. from Geo. E. Delyria, 9:45 Sunday School. WE SPECIALIZE on permanent re­ ond street in Coquille, starting at Good transportation. For cash. 11:00 Sunday morning worship. pairs for cut or broken casings and 2:00 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 5, 1943. The Assembly or God s I. S. Pershall, 557 North Carter. 1* IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE .Sermon subject: “World Temper­ STATE OF OREGON IN AND tubes, any size or type. All work Second and Heath Sts. ance.” FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire MILKING MACHINES—If you need FOR SALE—Old fashioned lounge, L. C. Persing, Pastor Ethel C. Littler, Plaintiff, 6:30 Youth Fellowship groups. a new one for next , year, see us Service 22tf* tufted upholstering, in very good vs. - Sunday 7:30 Sunday evening service. now. J. A. Lamb Company. s It I Roy Ware Littler, Defendant. condition. Telephone 13tfJ. 9:45 Bible school hour full of gdod -, - - - .„I ——— - 7:30 Wednesday choir rehearsal. FOR SALE— “Farmers' Bargains”— 7:30 Mid-week services. Horses— Pigs — Used Separators For Refrigeration Service phone ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies arc To Roy Ware Littler, the above named things. Selected and capable teach­ ers. Bertha Boyd, superintendent. shop, 106J, or residence 168J, A million dollars doesn’t make us Pullets — Cows — DC motors. See available in limited quantities; defendant:. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 11:00 Morning worship; the pas­ rich. write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. True riches are an inner FARR A ELWOOD’S “Swap have those extra convenience out­ OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ I Garnier, authorized Frigidaire Board. s lets installed. Phone 193R, E. G. quired to appear and answer the tor will speak. This is missionary quality not outward quantity. Service. > 27tfs Opperman. ’ 4fltf complaint filed against you in the Sunday. TARPAULINS—Several sizes, water­ 6:30 Christ Ambassadors service. ! above entitled suit, on or before Fri­ Emanuel Baptist Church proof. FARR & -ELWOOD. s CHRISTMAS GIFTS — Be sure to MERCHANDISE that will make ideal day, the 17th day of December, 1943, Arthur Hensley, president. i Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor visit our salesroom, gifts for all the said date being.after the expiration of Christmas gifts, arriving daily. 7:30 Evangelistic service; you will four weeks from the date of the WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—W« family. FARR A ELWOOD. s Shop now. J. A. Lamb Company. first publication of this. Summons, enjoy the lift spiritually and the Sunday, Nov. 28, 1943 service all makes of washers. 10:00 Sunday School. ’ , Kalsomining, FOR RENT—A one-room Cabin and and if you fail so to appear and an­ music. The pastor will speak. - Washer Service Co, 365 West PAPERHANGING, 11:00, Morning worship service. swer said complaint, or otherwise Tuesday 7:30 Prayer service. You Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex­ Front St. Phone 17. . tfs two Trailer Houses, near Smith plead thereto, for want thereof, the are invited. Communion. Message by pastor. We buy cotton terior Painting. Wopd plant, just off the highway. iilaintiff will apply to the Court 7:00 Young People’s groups. Thursday 7:30 Choir rehearsal; FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser or the relief prayed for in her com-, rags. Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. E. E. Morgan, owner. Call G. M. i plaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolv­ Aileen Wilson, director. 8:00, Evangelistic service. vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ Henry St. Phone 286. ■ tfs Deyoe, 285 East First, the Lee Hand ing _ the marriage _ and __ __ Thursday and Friday, 7:30, hear marriage con- | Friday 7:30 Bible study. pany. tfs residence. It’s , tract now and heretofore existing be- Neil Barnes, evangelist. RANGE BOILERS—Fowler Porcelain ___________________________ ;______ tween plaintiff and defendant, and GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ lined. Guaranteed 20 years. J. A. FERTILIZER—Place your order now. for sucn other and further relief aa First Church of Christ, Scientist surance. I give service. F. R. u»mo Company. s ». Church of God Coquille, Oregon Our Spring shipments is expected to the Court may seem just and equi­ table. Bull. ' ■ Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. soon after first of year. FARR 8i THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. The ground upon which said relief Pastor, A. L. Perry ELWOOD. s is based in said complaint is cruel DAIRYMEN & LIVESTOCK OWN­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. I have oroers for several two and and inhuman treatment. All are invited to attend. If your ERS—We have a -full line of vet- three bed-room houses. If you de­ Subject for next Sunday, “God FOR SALE—’37 Ford Coupe, good This Summons is served upon you child dues not go to Sunday School terinary supplies and instruments. sire a buyer for it. If you desire to the Only Cause and Creator.' condition and rubber. Ed Hughes, by publication thereof in the Coquille FARR & ELWOOD. s sell, list your property with me now. Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Apt. 5, Nosier Apt., Coquille. lt*a of the Hon. Dal M. King, Judge of the Sunday School, 10 a. m. o ’ clock. AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. The demand is good and prices are above entitled Court, made, dated and Preaching service 11 a. m. BROODER, round electric, 500 chic« entered on the lflth day of November, Free public Reading Room at 255 right. Bring your car h>—we can start Young People’s meeting, 0:45 p. m. capacity, a bargain at $30.00; 560- W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every 1943, and which order requires that '1 have several new listings of work at once. Southwestern Motor egg Petaluma Incubator, also 340 the date of the first publication of din' except Sunday and holidays from or better still bring them. ranches, some large, some small, but Co. • Preaching service 7:30 p. m. ‘ Master Incubator. Also closing out | said Summons shall be on the 18th 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. all priced right, and most of them day of November, 1943, the date of other poultry equipment, 601 N. the lMt* ’ pubi ‘ i c7tton ’ ’ therrof “ “ ¿Zing 1936 FORD — Heater, good rubber, may be purchased on very easy terms. $350.00. 39fl E. 11th. it*s The true idea of God, unfolded The Holy Name Catnolic Church Taylor or phone 75L, Coquille. lt*s Thursday, the lflth day of December, If you are looking for a loan on clearly within us, is the noblest that home or farm of yours, tell me --------------- -------•----------------- -------------- 11943. Mass at 9:30 a. tn. every Sunday. FOR SALE — 1930 Chevrolet con­ J. ARTHUR BERG, HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy growth in human nature.—Channing. about it. I have money available Attorney for Plaintiff, »nd P-'ultrv Feeds at Pacific Feed verted Pick-up, good tires, a bar­ r for that purpose. Residence and P. O. Ad­ A Seed Co tft gain at $183.00. See at Prince Auto 44t5 ' dress, Coquille, Oregon. J. S. Barton, Realtor, Coquille, A man cannot have an idea of per­ Electric, Taylor Street, Coquille. • Phone 21J. - s fection in another which he was FOR RENT—2 uarge Rooms, Fur­ lt*s IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE never sensible of in himself.—Steele. nished for Light Housekeeping; LOST—Child's 2-snap Galosh, size STATE OF OREGON IN AND Filled with dignity and FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs and Cullina caros oc Tur *1.00. 8^4, last Saturday, Nov. 27. Finder trained to care for the ■ In the Matter of the Estate of Calling cards, ou for 81.00. table. Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, 351 please return to Mrs. Orville Roady, ; M. McKeown, Deceased. \ slightest details IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE So. Henry, Coquille. tfs Nirtioe of Doorm Fairview, Rt. s NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF OREGON IN AND To M. McKEOWN and TO WHOM IT — Notice is hereby given that the FOR THE COUNTY OF OOOR - MAY MACHINERY Repairs — Play safe, WANTED—To buy small child’s size CONCERN: undersigned was on the 1st day of Fay Caran Chini, Plaintiff, Check over your- machines and or­ NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN That November, 1943, duly appointed by used Tricycle, Wagon .and Doll vs. application for administration of the der replacement parts now. Gen­ the County Court of Coos County, Defendant Buggy. Call after fl p. m., phone Louis Chini, estate of M. McKeown has been filed Oregon, as Administrator of the Es­ Phone 196 Coquille uine IHC parts. J. A. Lamb Com­ ■i_______ 139R, or see Mrs. Chester Price, in the County Court of the State of tate of Leona E. Foley, deceased; and TO LOUIS CHINI. DEFENDANT: IM Bo. Coalter 8L pany s Oregon for Coos County, and hearing 522 East Tenth street. lt*s In the name of the State of Oregon ! held thereon in said Court pursuant all persons having claims against ROSES—Beautiful two-year old pre­ DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ you are hereby required to appear to the provisions of Section 19-1401 said Estate are-hereby required to S present them to me, with proper and answer the Complaint filed mium roses. FARR 8i BLWOOD. s ers. Parts aqd Daily Supplies. Get against you in the above entitled suit to Section 19-1409 inclusive, Oregon vouchers attached and duly verified, r Compiled Laws Annotated, at which them at Pacific Feed & Seed Co. tf » on or before the 18 day of December, hearing testimony was offered for the at my office in Coquille, Oregon, Out-of-Town Shoppers! STOVES—Ranges, Coleman Oil Cir­ within six months from date of this 1943, that being the time prescribed Why not buy your Sunday Journal culators, now in stock. See us FOR SALE — Rocker, spring-filled in the order for publication of this purpose of asserting whether the pre­ notice. sumption of death of M. McKeown is while doing your Saturday shop- Dated and published first time Nov. and if you fail to so appear established. about New Stove Purchase Regula­ tapestry seat; living room table; Summons, 4, 1943. and answer for want thereof plaintiff ping? They may be purchased at tions. J. A. Lamb Company. a That based uopn the said hearing 42t5 both mahogany finish. Inquire will appljuto the Court for the relief O. C. Sanford, Administrator. the following places: and the evidence produced thereat, at 550 N. Henry St., Coquille. It ’ s prayed for in her complaint, namely: FOR SALE — Strawberry Plants, for a decree of the Court dissolving the Hon. L. D. Felsheim, County A Improved Oregon. Carl Shore on FOR SALE—Modern Home, three absolutely the marriage contract be­ Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Coos County did, Marion George ranch on Rink tween plaintiff and defendant and room house, good lot, fruit trees; for such other and further relief as on the 8th day of November, 1943, creek. 45tfs also a Stradivarius violin over 180 to the Court may seem just and equi­ duly make and enter a Decree in ac­ cordance with the provisions of Sec­ years old. Frank Dibble, 961 North table. GOLD FISH—Suitable CHRISTMAS tion 19-1403 Oregon Compiled Laws This summons is served upon by Heath St, Coquille, Oregon. It ’ s GIFTS. Farr A Elwood. s Annotated, whereby said Court did publication thereof pursuant to the T— —----------- --- —— order, adjudge and decree that the MIDDLE-AGED Couple wants mod­ order of the Hon. Dal M. King, Judge Sresumption of the death of M. Mc- h ern, two-bedroom house to rent of the above entitled Court, which ieown is made out and established order was made and entered herein f and that the said M. McKeown is de­ January 1st See or call Lou Braly on the 13 day of November, 1943. Modern t ceased; and by which Decree the at Southwestern Motors. Phone 83. Harold A. Olson, Court further adjudged and ordered Attorney for Plaintif, Oregonian Subscribers : Please « FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished Residence and Poetoffice Address the publication of this notice, advis­ help your carrier by having your ing you of the entry of said decree North Bend, Oregon I and directing that it be published and Apartment at 341 So. Heath, auto­ 44t5 Phone 83 paper money ready at his first call. matic heat, electric stove, refriger­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1 inserted for two successive weeks Remember he must pay his paper Night Phone 600X STATE OF OREGON, IN AND | in ■ newspaper published in Coos ation. Adults only. W. H. Fortier, obligation before the 10th of the FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 I Co “ n > Oregon Its month. Thank you. Christie D. .Whitt, Plaintiff, he.rfl7. *lven the **‘d vg M. McKeown, if alive, or to any other CROQUET SETS make an ideal Fred C. Whitt, Defendant. | Person for him, that he or such other Christmas Gift We now have 1 person shall and is hereby required 1 no matter how large and elaborate Lucille Donnelly Phone 141M Chevrolet — Buick several type sets to choose from. To—Fred C. Whitt, the above named ! ?n“r before the 17th day of February, Coquille, Oregon the scale upon which the funeral defendant- produce to the said County s J. A. Lamb Company. J IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Court satisfactory evidence of the I arrangements are to be made. That K TOILETS & LAVATORIES — We OF OREGON, You are hereby re-1 continuance in life of the said M. is our policy—that Is our pr ud quired to appear and answer the McKeown, and if such evidence be have thçm. FARR 8a ELWOOD, s complaint filed against you in the 001 produced within said time that | claim after many years of experi­ above entitled suit, on or before an order will be entered by the said I ence Dr. De La Rh»»* A conference with us will WANTED—To buy an Electric Train. Friday, the 10th day of December, Court directing the issuance of Letters I Write Ambrose Caudle, 199 South 1943, said date being after the expira­ Testamentary to Leo J. Cary upon' be Jo vour advantage. Eyeaighl Moulton. ' It’s tion of four weeks from the date of the estate of said M. McKeown, as ! Specialist the first publication of this Sum­ provided by law. This notice is made and given pur- ! We can t sell you a new car, BARRELS—Suitable for meat or mons, and if you fail so to appear Eyes Examined - Glass«-« Filled and answer said complaint or other­ 'suant to the above mentioned decree but we have an exceptionally kraut. FARR A ELWOOD. s wise plead thereto, for want thereof, ! and order of the County Court of the I Reception room jointly with fine selection of Oregon for Coos County by the Plaintiff will apply to the Court State of C FOR SALE—4-wheel Trailer, good for relief prayed for in her com­ Hon. L. D. Felsheim, Dr. J R Runet, Late Model ________ County Judge, which decree is dated the 8th day of Coquille rubbe;, new stake body; 5 ft., 8 in. plaint, to-wit: Handon Laird Building Phone SI-J November, 1943; the date of the first For a decree dissolving the mar­ by 15 ft., fl in. Can be seen at I Ut» II 1083 Kblication of this notice is Novem- riage and marriage contract now and Travelers’ Auto Court, Myrtle r 18th and the last day of publi­ k heretofore existing between the Point. 45t2s* plaintiff and defendant, for the care, cation hereof is November 25th, 1943. Leo J. Cary, custody and control of Lloyd A. 1941 Buick Super Touring Sdn Whitt th* minor rh WANTED 1938 Plymouth Coupe 1937 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1936 Ford Touring Sedan to Buy-LatcModel Trucks, Pickups and Cars. SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS USED CAR LOT Coquille Oregon Se« Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Coquille M. King, Judge.U943,. ■el the» of 6ooe County, again» Oregon, made, dated and entered on present them to the undersigned, with the 9th day of November, 1943, and proper vouchers and duly verified, which order requires that the date at the Baxter Hotel, Marshfield, Ore- i of the first publication of said Sum- gon, within six months from the date 1 mons shall be on the 11th day of No- '