i r agi nvr TBB COQUILLE VAlXTï 8CNTINKL. COQU1LL*. OUQON. THURSDAY. DKCEMBRR 1. IMS. I» Norton’s have the following books, wards the right on the part of public both fiction and non-fiction, all rank­ opinion. * ing high on the best seller lists of the By R. T. Moore If our system of free enterprise is A crowd of 45 members attended Nov. 24—Isabel M. Pundt vs. Rich­ nation: “The Walsh Girls," Elizabeth i to be maintained, the investment of The report on the Russian con ­ the Thanksgiving banquet of Town­ ard H. Pundt. Suit for divorce. Janeway; “Bridge to Victory,” How­ LANS LENEVE send Club, No. 1, at their regular Nov. 24—Laura M. Johnson ,vs. ference made by Mr. Hull before the private funds in businesses must be . , i.-ssm, , ■ ard Handleman; “None But the Lone­ ¡encouraged to provide post war jobs Congress, establishes a very good pre ­ meeting at W. O. W. hall. A sAort Raymond C. Johnson. Suit for di­ ly Heart," Llewellyn; “indigo,v Chris- cedent for future relationship between and to expand our economy. The fl- 1 There’s one blessing that a sluirtagn -iMiainM« xession was conducted by vorce. 11 hé Weston! “Journey in the’Dark,” nancina nf suc J j -wwansnm niUfit th a Dn[- nuneni of State and the leg- of shotgun shells has created and that the president, after which a program - Nov. 2 « i . N e llie M. N Omi VL Har~- “Tree Grows in ' provided from some source. „Here- is the fact that it has certainly curbed was enjoyed. The readings were in Margin Flavin; islative branch of government. old P. Norris. Suit for divorce. i! tofore, it has come frqm_private ln- a lot of crazy shooting that has been accord with the day, by the follow­ Brooklyn,” Smith; “Also the Hills,” The original Constitution provided Nov. 27 — Laureatta James vs. s for this very thing, but unfortunate '! dividuals having savings 'to*'Thvekt. witnessed in the marshes for many ing Mr. Tilghman, Mrs. McNair, Mrs. Keyes, and many others. Arnold James. Suit for divorce. 11 Unless there is inducement to risk years past. Heretofore, hunters have ; Collier, Mrs. McCue, Mrs. Von Pegert experience in placing State matters Nov. 30—June M. McIntosh vs. Jas. before Congress, publicly, caused the ' I those savings in free.business enter- blazed away at high-flying birds that and Mrs. Tilghman. Violin music was W. McIntosh. Suit for divorce. | prise, this source will be completely were flying completely out of range , by Messrs. Laird, Harrison, Roth and SPECIAL Nov. 30—Frances T. Allard vs Al­ State Department to drift away from i dried up. The Other source of such and in doing so, spoiled a lot of good Volkmer. the Congress in the handling of its bert £J. Allard. Suit for divorce. affairs. Too many Congressmen were ■ I funds is from the taxpayer through shooting for other gunners. It was Door prize was won by Mrs. John not men of sufficient caliber, mental­ : federal agencies. The use of this nothing unusual to see some hunter McNair. > IDEAL LIFE ■ source will obviously quickly result blast away at a flock of ducks a The caravan of clubs met Sunday We are haunted by an ideal life— ly and morally, to use proper dis- Embar­ j in complete destruction of private hundred or more yards away that in the Coquille hall with the Myrtle because within us there is the possi­ ci’btion in state matters. COMBINATION OFFE* rassment, and often downright harm enterprise and complete enslavement were headed for some other hunter’s____ ______ , Point _____ club _ us ____ host. Seventy-five bility of it.—Phillips Brooks. to national interest, has been caused 1 of individuals to the government, decoys, or that would puss over his members enjoyed the social dinner at Be ye therefore perfect, even as by foolish prattling by members of ' which will then become the master blind. But such shooting as that is one o’clock and about 15 more mem- New Accurate 10BD Rule with rather than the servant of the people.' gone for the duration and we would bers and viistors came in the after­ your Father which is in heaven is Congress. Magnifying Indicator. Also In­ While this important defect in the like tq say forever. This lack of confidence in members i noon for the meeting and program. struction Book and Carrying Case. perfect.—Matthew 5:48. of Congress by the State Department, tax structure was not cured by the Our forefathers, with their old muz­ Mrs. Tilghman, program chairman, nas been the basis for the growing ;, present bill, it is receiving the care­ zle loaders, were careful of their shots had the following prepared program: ! apart of these two vital branches of ful study of Committee members and and knowing that they only had one Readings by Mr. Parks, Mr. Tilgh­ without pencil or paper. For mul­ government, which the- Constitution 'will-no doubt be incorporated in the shot to fire before re-loading, which man, Mr. Wright, songs by Mrs. Nei- tiplying, dividing. proportions, squaring, extracting root, etc.— provided should act together as a 1944 tax measure. The public can, was quite a chore in those days of ti?e deigh and by Mr. Parks, of North and 1,000 other uses. Has A, B. C, team. It lias caused endless strife, , take comfort from the rnere fact that muzzle loader, they were pretty posi­ Bend; harmonica music by Mr: Ben- D. Cl and K Scales. For use no : controversy, and ill will between the the danger of a double taxation meas­ tive that when they touched off the der, violin music by Mr. Roth and I mailer What type of work you do I legislative, the executive and the Ju­ ure is recognized ■ and preliminary trigger that it meant a deer, an elk Bob Harrison. A short play by Mrs. . . . Offtee. Factory, Student, U. 8. Armed Forces, Farm or Home. dicial branches of government, which steps taken to correct it. , or a bear, and that when they pressed Roth, Mrs. Tilghman and Mr. McCue. should work together. Democracy I the trigger of an old muzzle loading No caravan meeting will be held We learn from reports of the Bur­ i scatter gun that it meant that there in-December. canpot be successful unless this team­ , , eau' of Economic Welfare headed by were plenty of birds lined up for a work is strictly maintained. --------- ------ ---------- . Engineers Supply Service The appearance of Mr. Hull before ex-Governor Lehman, that the people pot shot, or were circling low over- Fidelity to his (Jesus) precepts 7S5 Bank oc America Bldg. the Congress and the great ovation he in thé countries of North Africa and I head. We are sincerely hoping that and practice is the only passport to Box 2968 - San Diego, Cal. Etnope who have been freed of the received for his wise tfnd courageous ¡the present shortage of ammunition his power; and the pathway of good- Gentlemen: Enclosed find l.M. and act, have done much t<> bring the German yoke by Allied çrmies, are , has served to teach a lot of hunters nets and greatness runs through the send me post-paid 1 Slide Rule Outfit, with Instruction Book and State Department and Congress to­ being given little trinkets presumed I something and that they will profit by ' inodes and methods of God.—Mary Carrying Case. gether in the post war planning. It to create goodwill towards their Uncle i the experience. It should at least ■ Baker Eddy. * ! teach them the moral that game aügurs well fôr the success and sta­ Samuel. - ------- ------- ;-------- Name These trinkets consist of such arti­ should be within range before firing., Keys madt. Ior -n IOCK8. Stevens bility of the United States position as Address leader towards a post war economy cles as paper match folders, little We are betting our last year’s shell cash Hardware Coquille. Ore. tf City SUte affording justice and- equal oppor­ plastic boxes, pamphlets, celluloid vest (which is empty) that a lot of; battons with the American flag and those high-flying shooting hunters1 tunity to all. Calling cards, 5o ror 91.00 Mr. Roosevelt’s picture on them, and wish that they had just one tenth of the like. the ammunition today that they have 1 The question of subsidy occupied As these peoples are pretty well wasted on high flying birds, with only ' the limelight this past week. The House has defeated the Administra­ civilized and have a national pride one chance out of a thousand of scor- i tion bill to extend the subsidy pro­ of their oWh, it seems a trifle off the ing a hit. And while we are on the subject 115.00 to 135.00 r- gram. The defeat was so severe as beam to treat them as if thej( were to indicate that the expected presi­ primitive bush people or. Eskimos. It of shotguns, it might not be amiss to would seem wiser to give them the discuss duck loads, shot and patterns. We rebuild dential veto would be over-ruled. The arguments for subsidy assume food and equipment that they need to Many go on.the say-so of would-be $2.50 to $11.00 the premises that the subsidy pro­ place themselves on a self-sustaining, experts, Who glean their knowledge ; gram proposed by the Administra­ self-respecting basis so that they can from ballistic charts. It really takes ; We rebuild tion would in fact.control cost of liv­ ‘again take their places in world experience -along these lines to really get the proper dope, and while we do | ing and that wages and salaries would economy. It is nice to five them celluloid but­ not wish to appear all wise in such 1 118.50 be correspondingly ' controlled to tons and chocolate bars, but in doing things, we do know for a settled fact maintain proper balances. These premises are false, in that so we are not building up any respect that the firearms expert, whether he iMment of the program proposed covered only for Uncle Sam, but exactly the con- u, nt the head Df a gurç, depaMment 118.50 a very small portion of living costs trary. It would seem beneath the a big outdoor magazine, the head of and by ny stretch of the imagination dignity of our gavernmeht and ut­ a sporting goods department, or what, could the moderate sums mentioned terly at a vuriance with American is certainly "all wet” when he issues even began to cover the expense of tradition of self-reliance to spend the statment that number 5 chilled properly controlling general living taxpayers' money in such fashion. shot is the best shot to be used in costs. Even the most amateur eco­ Considerable criticism has arisen ovet, bagging ducks. We have read this nomist can see that it would take these reports, and it is probable that statement many times from such sums at least ten times as great to this well-meant but ill-advised prac­ persons as listed above. The all-synthefic Hre yot have any effect whatsoever. tice will be discontinued. The fact of the matter is, that num­ ber 5 shot is the poorest shot to cham­ want —B. F. Goodrich The promise of stablized wages, ber properly?to give an uniform pat­ without which subsidies are futile, Ameripol Silvertown. tern of any shot manufactured. There was destroyed in the surrender to E HAVE the only synthetic tire John L. Lewis, There now appears to (Clip and keep ror handy reference) isn’t one scatter gun in fifty that will j that is backed by these actual be no hope of maintaining present Ration Book No. 3 really lay down a good uniform pat- | records of the experience gained (Brown stamps) For purchase Of tern with this sort of shot. While on : wage levels and a general and sub ­ from car owners — the B. F. Good the other hand, we believe that sixes, ; rich Silvertown. Back in 1940, thou stantial raise in both wages and costs meats, fats, butter, cheese, oils. December 4— Expiration date of sevens, atyi sevens and a half, and sands of Silvertowns in which more is inevitable. titan half the rubber was synthetic even number fours will pattern much It should be noted that a subsidy brown stamps G, H, J and K. were rolling pn all types of roads in January 1, 1544 Expiration date of better than fives in most any shot­ all kinds of Weather. To date, more does not freeze the cost of an article; than 80,000,000 miles have been it merely postpones a portion of pay­ brown stamps L, M, N, P and Q. gun. In the old days shotguns were rolled up by these tires. “At least ar' ment for that article and adds to the N becomes valid on December 5, patterned before being sold and we good as natural rubber" is th' original cost such charges as interest P on December 12, and Q on Decem­ hqye purchased several ourself, as opinion of the hundreds who bought .well as seeing the patterns sent in to and bureaucratic overhead accrued ber 19. them. January 29 — Expiration date of dozens of hunters with the guns they If yon are eligible for synthetic in the enforcement of the subsidy. tires, get a tire in which you can Thus the cost after subsidy is some­ brown stumps R. S, T and U. R series purchased and we never saw a gun have the utmost confidence — the what greater to the taxpayer than valid December 26, S on January 2, patterned with anything larger than B, F. Goodrieh Silvertown. the actual cost at the time the sale T on January 9, U on Januare 16. number six shot and more often with Easy Terms Available was made. The subsidy insures that Each weekly series good for 16 |x>ints. seven and a half». Personally, when we meet a hunter the cost will be greater by the above Ration Book No. 4 (Processed fruits If You Desire — with a vest filled With number five! amounts. But if an economy can be and vegetables) December 20—Expiration date of shot shells we figured that he isn't a Closely controlled by government, real duck hunter. The idea is to pat­ such as in England, and wages frozen green stamps A, B and C. January 26. 1944— Expiration date tern your gun yourself, on a 24 inch at given levels, a subsidy program circle at 40 yards- with different size can be made to work and will result of green stamps D, E, and F. shot and select the dtie that lays down ; in considerable ultimate saving to the Sugar January 15, 1944—Expiration date the most dense and uniform pattern. I taxpayer. However, it must be com­ plete and universal in scope and con­ of stamp 29, Book Four, good for 5 Of course, you will get more shot in j the circle from sevens and a half, but ; trol over wages and salaries made pounds. note carefully the difference between | Shoes absolute. Stamp No. 18, Book One, and “Air­ 6’s and 5’s in the pattern. Neither of these prerequisites for plane ’' stamp No. 1, Book Three, valid The chances are that half the fel- a successful Subsidy have been met by the Administration's plan, and this for one pair each for indefinite period. I lows who write about the number 5's I being the best duck shot have never , fact probably has caused its defeat. Stoves LIMITED Purchasers must get certificates nt ' had a# lot of actual hunting ewer- l The powerful farm blocs, coupled I ience. But regardless of this facY we STOCKS with those opposed to federal regi­ ration boards for most new stoves. | know they are dead wrong in recom- I Oaly ■ & C Book Hol do re Who I Wood. Sawdust. Coal mentation processes, have united to Quality For Tiro» For E.- .octia I Fuel dealers must deliver by pri­ j mending number 5 shot to all duck DriTiug Can Got Those defeat the measure. In my opinion, Ameripol SHverlcwns 1 hunters. the subsidy program, even if passed, orities bused on consumer needs. There «11 Is it critical rubber _______________ ■ sliortage. Most Bynthetir rub­ would not have had much effect on Fuel Oil ber is needed for vital wn»- January 3, 1944 — Expiration date of advancing costs of living. We are reuuiremcnti«. Every America» Burglars? must continue to conserve headed for higher prices and higher period 1 coupons in new fuel oil ra- rubber I Follow th«» five bqpj.- It has been reported that the office j rule« of tire conservation from wages, and the only hope is that the i i tions. the Office of the Ruhlter Di­ of the local high school wai broken February 9. 1944 Expiration date increases will be moderate enough to rector : into recently and that the marked y who*» our economy and not ser­ | of period 2 coupons which became nt the questions tor the finely •• lately nc e eoa ai y. f F iously depreciate the value of public vol id November 3«. examination in history was taken. A under 35 mBofl an Gasoline I Keep 'savings. hour. January 21, 1944— Expiration date senior, Paul Jones, was blamed for I Keep jour Uses properly the theft. See how Paul, played by The tax measure has finally come of No. 9 stamps in A book, each good Jack Axtell, gets out of this one, in J Hare them Inspected regu* for three gal lorn. before the Congress in greatly modi­ larly. the Junior Play, “Almost Summer,’1! fied form. It is being debated this Tires Share your cm with oth­ GOOD clothes are the only clothes you can afford I at the C. H. S. Gym Friday evening, i er». Cars with C ration books must week and will probably pass substan­ Dec. 3. to own these days! You must have the long, long tially as reported out of Committee. have tires inspected every three /* unti