* « F AGÌ FO UM.- i “• rhe Sentinel « asso mhi ia a sees TWENTY YEARS AGO ] tows I ............................. I and woman who travel into this territory and is universally popular with them. It is expected that the hotel will be ready for a formal rtuee Months--- --------- ------------- .60 at thé December meeting for surrfic- opening soon after the middle of Jan- No subscription taken unless paid ing the Bandon road the entire dis­ uary. . ku u> advance. This rule is impera tance, and it is expected that work live. will be begun during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wilson enter- itained at a six o'clock dinner Tues­ Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as Another auto went over the grade day evening. The occasion was the Second Class Mall Matter. at the Albert Schroeder place, a mile 24th wedding anniversary of Mr. and or so beyond Johnson's Mill. Sunday Mrs. Wilson, also the Uth anniver­ afternoon, und plunged through the sary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Batfey. same hole in the fence that the Tom Berry Buick made a month ago, tak­ The Coquille contingent at O. A. C. OlE ing cut one more poet. The accident —Fred Wimer, Wm. Oerding, Fred »TU« PUILIS resulted in the death of one of the Harlocker, Lorin Schroeder and Miss i five men in the car, Joe Zachary, Dorothy Bean, of Riverton, came in STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP whose back was broken, and the in­ from Corvallis by auto Wednesday The Coquille Valley Sentinel la pub­ jury of the other four men. evening to spend Thanksgiving at lished at Coquille, Oregon. H. A.! home, Young and M. D. Grimes am the own- ers and publishers. H. A. Young is, There were ovel thirty Coquille Talking about the unusually fine editor and manager. i people at the O. A. C. - U. of O. foot- There are no bondholders, mort- ball bame at Eugene last Saturday fall weather we have been enjoying gagees or other security holders own-. afternoon mo8t of whom went (>ut here in the Oregon coast country al­ ing or holding any stock or interest,, , ’_ . . _. ,. . in the Coquille Valley Sentinel. by “ut°- Friday evening; The list most all of this month. D. C. Kruntz . H. A. Young, Editui;. ' included: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leslie, recalls plowing on Christmas eve Sworn and subscribed before me ___ | Mr. ________ and Mrs. Otto Davis, Mrs. Philip . about ¿3 years ago and turning up' this 2flth day of November, 1943. | JoAnson, Misses Marvel Skeels, Janet ' lots of dry earth. Arthur Ellingson J. E. Axtell, Notary Public for Ore­ West, Ruth Woodward, Maxine Paul- recalls that he could walk out over gon. My commission expires Mar. 7, | son, Alice Collier, and H. N. Lorenz, the marshes across'the river with 1947. L. H. Hazard, G. Russell Morgan, Dr. slippers on his feet at that time. • ♦ ♦ • FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND MM I hc . s Ì