FAGI TUBI! his parents. He writes he shares a preamble tent, 18x20 feet, in double (feck bunks, with seven other men * • ■ ■ ——- - ■ ■ -...................... - ♦ and that it is arranged in such a here at the base at Corpus Christi manner that' they are quite comfor­ onri in the .same barracks with Robert, table. he stated. - -------- Young Arnold graduated from Co­ Lieut, and Mrs. John D. Gearhart, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Seeley arrived »it with her son, Chas. E. Mulkey, artd missed going across with the who is taking his basic training as outfit with which he had been in {0 Pilot in the Army Air Corps at training. I" “ ‘ , Bill, «-• — j . His other brother. Gardner Field. ~ Charles was a 1941 who is in the- Marine Corps, is sta­ |C. H. S. graduate who enlisted in tioned, in the south Pacific, although October, 1942, but was not called un- ‘ til February this year. He finished not in Australia. Mark is looking extremely well, 1 his primary flight over the desert the shipyards work evidently agree­ before going to Gardner Field and : will graduate from the basic train­ ing with him. ing school next March. White mists above their valleys rest girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Have you seen the latest in beach And then afar I catch a gleam, Hull on Monday. wear? It can be seen in the Junior A waterfall, its silver stream. Mrs. Howard Cook, McKinley, and Play, “Almost Summer,” to be pre­ When day has given way to night, Helen Howe, of Coquille, were ad­ sented at the C. H. S. Gym on Friday, A Jewelled Southern Cross shines mitted Monday for treatment. The December 3. bright. same day Pauline Allen underwent an And gazing in that starry dome . operation on her foot. —See "Bpihe** LaaUs for the best in I think again of those at home. On Tuesday, H. C. Arnett, of Co­ Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Now out upon this distant sea quille, entered for treatment of a next door to Coquille Hospital, I wonder, do they think of me. broken toe. phone 5; residence phon» 95L. Perhaps on far horizons dim Dismissals the past week were Mrs. A new day dawns’for me and them, Ed Brown last Wednesday, Mrs. Her­ A day when bloody strife shall cease man Sumerlin and baby on Thurs- And flies again the dove of peace. Mrs. Geo. Huitin and baily, When little children laugh and play Mrs. Wayne Sharp on Friday, } A. F. A A. M. Throughout the warm and sunlit day, Mrs. Romena Armand and Mrs. Le- ( Stated Communication While birds sing gaily in the trees Roy Starr, on Monday, Mrs. Raymond TUESDAY, DEC. 14, 7:39 P. M. And flit among the bright green Gibeuu and baby, of Brewster Vai- \ Election of Officers leaves. ley, on Wednesday. Then standing on the cool, green sod. I’ll view anew the work of God, And may I bow my head in prayer And send my thanks to Him up there. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 The Industrial Repair Co. I distant South Sea water blue i My thoughts turn back to old friends true; \. Donna Dean Young was brought in Where surging surf rolls into land from Sitkum last Tuesday for treat­ And kisses gleaming coral sands. of an injured back. And graecful, fronded, tall palm trees ment 1 Mrs. Stanley Fitzgerald was able Sway geptly in the tropic breeze, White water breaks with swishing to leave the hospital Saturday after being brought la on Thursday- for beat treatment. Mrs. Claude Brown, of Upon the jagged coral reef. While shades of blue that catch the Riddle, Ore., was also admitted Thursday for treatment. A eye, _■ Marlin Long, of Bandon, on Fri­ The baffled artist's brush defy. Stanley Graham Made A The jungle covered mountains high day, and Mrs. James Casey, ,of CoJ Sergeant Is Overseas 1 quille, on Saturday, both underwent Reach far into an azure sky. It is now Sergeant Stanley Graham, Their crest by fleecy clouds ca -1 rnt,j°r operations. Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Sturgeon re- A seven and one-half pound baby a letter from him yesterday apprises ceived word Tuesday evening that their son, Marvin R., seaman 1st class, had been injured somewhere in the South Pacific. No information, was given as to the extent of his in­ juries. Marvin who is a radioman third class, had been home on leave in September, his first time a( home since he enlisted Dec. 29, 1941. ’ of Coquille Belle Knife Hospital * MACHINING METALLIZING Marvin Sturgeon Injured In Pacific WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING 0 “WALLY* Phone 44 Vacuum Packed in Glass Sgt. Chas. A. Van Meter Home For Thanksgiving Sgt. Charles A. Van Meter, who is maintenance sergeant of the Motor Pool at Fort Stephens, was able to get home and spend Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Jack Dolan. He returned to duty Friday evening. This is luxury coffee—the same distinguished blend maintained by the Dwight Edwards Coffee Company for over forty years. No other coffee is it better, richer, fresher than Edwards. Try — ■ today. Unless you like its quality, flavor, freshness—your money will be refunded! You can’t lose! DRIP and REGULAR GRIND r* Cliff Gulseth, Marine Sergeant, Is In the Classification Section Staff Sargeant Clifford J. Gulseth, 34, of Coquille, is now stationed at the Marine Corps Air Depot, at Camp Miramar, near San Diego, California. '/’The former manager of the South- 1 western Motors company holds a re­ sponsible position with the glassi­ fication section, which is in charge ( of placing the right men in the right i places. His wife, the forrher Rose Matney of this city, resides near her husband in San Diego, California. Joseph Fetch On First Furlough In Two Years P. F. C. Joseph W. Fetch, son of Wendelin Fetch, of Riverton, who has been home on a 20 day furliugh left Thursday night to resume his duties at Fort Lewis. This was the first furlough he has had since he joined the service two years ago. Seventeen months of these two years were spent in Alaska and the Aleutians. Mrs. Carolyn Johnson, formerly Carolyn Fetch, left Wednesday night to join her husband, Sgt. Roy John­ son, who has recently been trans­ ferred from Camp Gruber, Oklahoma, to Fort Lewis, Washington. Louis Gilbert Has Completed His Intermediate Training Carl L. Gilbert, Jr., 19, of Co­ quille, has completed his primary flight training as a Naval Aviation Cadet, says a bulletin to the Sen­ tinel. He has been at the U. S. Naval Air Station at Livermore, Calif., a unit of the Naval Air Primary Train­ ing Command, and has now been transferred to another station for in­ termediate training. A son of C. L. Gilbert, 390 E. 7th St., Coquille, he is a graduate of Coquille high school. Sergeant Jas. Liebhart Sends Christmas Card From Iceland H. E. Liebhart reports receiving a Christmas card from his son, Sgt. James Liebhart, who has been in the, army case in iceiami tut inme uian two years. In letters home he has said he hadn't seen a tree since he left the states. He’s saving money though. Says he j hasn't had a date since he was there.' Robert Arnold Home For A Week On His First Leave Robert Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold, left by bus Tuesday morning to return to hi» base at Corpus Christi, Texas. He Was on a seventeen-day leave and spent a week at home, his first visit since he enlisted in the Navy a year ago last September. 7*. Robert reiterated what so many have reported on the travel situation, ncfttpfortal crowded and uncoqifortable old trains, adding that bus thsyel triucl is much sins. > better than the trains. V There are a number of boys from Hot Sauce Ration Calendar Thia Week Use i.. Adds zesty tomato flavor—4 green points can BROWN STAMPS Com G-H-J-K (Expire Sat., Dec. 4) BROWN 5c 7A4 oz. Can Del Monte Cream Corn — 13 points a can STAMPS Pears Juice L and M (Expire January 1) No. 2^4 can Harper House — 24 points can Green Stamps Sugar Stamp A-B-C No. 29 Good true Dee. 20 Good thro Jan. 15 14c No. 2 Cans 27« z y ' /’ 30c 46 oz. can V-8 Vegetable Juice — 4 points per can SHREDDED WHEAT Kelloggs 2 packages AwC FLOUR 25 lb. Kitchen Kraft sack AW I odt Z SAFEWAY MEATS MILK Cherub (1 pt.) tall can TOMATO SOUP, Campbell (3 pts.) can 9c PRUNES, Sunsweet Lge. (8) 2 lb.... PEACHES, Rio Rita (27 pts) No. 2Mi BEANS, Gardenside (8 pts.) No. 2 CATSUP, C H B (18 pts.) 14 oz. bottle 17c BEEFSTEAK Sauce, Heinz (no pts.) 8 oz 25c PORK & BEANS, Dennison (14) No. 1 can 12c LIMA BEANS, Cal Large (10) 5 lb. pkg 63c SOUP STOCK, Mixpd (no pts) 2 lb pkg 10c SHORTEN’G Snowdrift (15) pts) 3 lb. 71c FLAPJACK FLOUR, Albers 2*4 lb pkg 22c BAKING POWDER. Calumet 25 oz. 27c VANILLA FLAVOR, Westag 8 oz. bot. 10c WHEAT HEARTS, Sperry’s 46 oz RY-KRISP, Ralston 13 oz........... KRISPY SODA CRACKERS 2 lb. SUNBRITE CLEANSER per can ... OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 cans SILK TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls PALMOLIVE SOAP Large ban DOG FOOD, Red Heart 12 oz. THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE FRI. & SAT., DEC. 3rd ad 4th SUBJECT TO AVAILABLE STOCKS A GRADE VEAL ROAST - - LOIN PORK ROAST, Rib End Cut PORK CHOPS.................................. SHOULDER PORK ROAST, Center cut SHOULDER PORK STEAK - - - . SIRLOIN STEAK, Grade A - - - TURKEY HENS, Grade A - - - OYSTERS.............................................. HALIBUT ....... Peanut Butter Beverly 2 lb. jar - Skippy Chunk 1 lb. . - 46c 43c Help Speed Our Boys Home lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. PL lb. 29c 31c 38c 31c 34c 40c 52c 65c 39c SAFEWAY PRODUCE SWEET SPUDS - - SPINACH Fresh, Crisp CARROTS Topped BEETS --- - CELERY Utah Type^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16. lb. lb. lb. lb. 12c 8c 5c 6c 9c ' ■ ■ U« 4M ■ V* pkg. 12c A UwW Wisely! SALADS, assorted vegetables ADD A WAR BOND OR STAMP TO EVERY GIFT THIS CHRISTMAS