The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 02, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    their newly purchased home and the
Woodruff. have gone to Rockaway,
Oregon, where Mr. Woodruff is en-
Said From Japón-
Beautiful Tea Given
By Job's Daughters*
the Donald Farr home with a bridal
■hower last Friday afternoon, Nov.
26. Mrs. E. E. Nosier and Mr*. Ar­
thur Hooton were other hostesses
with Mrs. Tarr. On the table where
the gifts were placed there was a full-
rigged boat used to complete a well-
designed marine scene, which includ­
ed a light house and rocky beach on
which stood a Coast" Guard.
boat was made by Donald Harden-
book, of Oakland, Calif., formerly of
Coquille. Mr*. Nosier designed the
acene. There were games and the un­
wrapping of lovely gift* before re­
Guest* attending were Mesdames
E. EF Benham, Guy Kelley, Paul
Simpson, Harold McCue, Collier, Ray
Buckle, Fiser, Clifford Kern, Miss
Frances Anne Kern and the guest of
, ..
The following, from last week’s
Mr*. X R. Bunch, in charge of th*
surgical dressing* being made in Myrtle Point Herald, tell* what Major
Coquille, has the following report Gene Laird Mid a couple of week*
on the work to far accomplished here ’ ago when hi* voice was heard by Mr*,
and this announcement of individual Laird in Portland:
awards Workers have made to date
22,510 dressings,
- • the
. number made I Mrs. Eugene Laird of Portland had
during November being 5,246
Ida the f{ t direct word from her h
- .
b I
Owen ha* the distinction of being the I band, Major Eugene Laird, Jap pris­
first to be awarded the Red Cross oner in the Philippines, last Friday
pin given for one hundred hours of
,he ho’hadin' almost a’ year',
surgical dressings. Th* award for ; when he w„
to mak, a
fifty hour* in the daytime group broadcaat which was heard in Port-
haa been made to the following: Delia land Mrg
had g ietter from
Bonney, Harriet Greenough, Helen her huaband ln August, which was
Howe, Catherine Norton, Katherine j written Jan „ ltHS( the lajt ghe
Slack and Catherine Ruble.
; had heard until Friday
Mrs. Bunch states there is need for
»ybe broadcast, which came over
more workers to complete the quota the ghort wave radio from Japan
allotted for this section monthly. She ■ and waa repeal about ten time*
emphasized her desire to step, up during the day and evening waa heard
production in December so as not to by Mrs. Laird and the following tran­
have to work during the holidays. The script sent to Major Laird’s sister, Surprise Shower
hours are 1:20 to 4:30 Mondays, Wed­ ,Mr». ¿Elton Schroeder, and other
Mrs. Chester Price was a hostess
nesdays and Friday*.
1 relatives here:
last Friday evening, entertaining at |
» ___________ « •
j "This is Eugene Laird, Major, Unit- a surprise shower for Mis* Yvonne •
Two-Year-OId* Celebrate
i ed States Army, speaking from the Kern. The honor guest had attended ;
Prisoner of War Camp, Zentsuji, ' dinner at the home of Mrs. Harold
Their Birthday*
...... .J ‘ Withnell and arrived at Mr*. Price’s
Host and hostess last Friday after- ‘ ' iaPan- UFill
hearing this U broad-
noon at the home of th* hostess were la8‘ Pleu,c send this message to my quit* unaware of the party waiting
Gall Schroeder, aged two on Nov. 27. wife, Mr»- ®¥«ene Laird. 850 Norl­ for her. The evening passed quickly
and Bobbie Harbison whose birthday,east Floral plaee- Portland, Oregon, with conversation and the unwrap­
fell on the 25th. Children of Mr. and i 1 have written as often a* possible ping of the many beautiful and useful
Mrs. Elton Schroeder and Mr. and ( afl<l trust you have received a letter gift*. Refreshment* were served. In- '
Mr*. Bob Harbison, their birthdays;irom me l*,(>re now. Don’t worry vited were Dorothy Belle Newton, I
were celebrated together. On the I abou‘ me' for I
in good health and Eui$ee Howe, Jean Williams, Glenda
long low table there were two birth-I Just waiting patiently for the day Clinton, Marybelle Yarbrough and
day cakes, one for each child. At the' when I can return to my loved ones, Mesdames H. Withnell, Bob Harris,
place of each guest there was a va.e ‘ k"ow you are keeping in touch with Allie Best, E. Ostrander, Robt. Bry­
decorated with squirrels and dogs add
th* iami‘y» »°
‘hem * «»ink an. Clifford Kern and Miss Frances
filled with flowers—-these doing of ‘henl a11 daily »nd would like to Ann Kern.
double duty as table decoration and as hear from them.
individual favor*. The center piece, | 1 d|dnt forget you on our tenth
a Scotty dog vase, was filled with wedding anniversary, and I trust we
Refreshments were ice will be together for the next one.
Nov. 24—Edward R. Schnaith and
cream, cake and pink lemonade, '1 lThere >» nothing I need except word
Dorothy Rosner, both of St. Paul,
Small guests were Marilyn Ander- .irom y°u» “hd I am hoping ror a
Minn. They were married by Rev.
.on, Jon and Jean Carlson, Marian >«“*«• ln ‘he near future.
Geo. W. Mathiason at the Lutheran
Alice Harris, Coraleen and Sharon I °<’ ‘he honor* and remembrances
church at the Bay last Wednesday.
Cochran and Karla Schroeder. A*- t* both of us during the approach-
Nov. 24—Edmund V. Fuller, of
sisting th* mothers were Diana ln« holiday season, remembering me
Marshfield, and Alice Marie Baldwin,
Schroeder and Bobbye Jean Harris.1 *o ‘he boy. at the office a* well as the
of Camas Valley. They were mar­
Mothers of the children who attended ‘“«W- Go *» Mother and Dad
ried by Justice F. R. Bull at his office
were Mesdames E. L. Anderson, Carl- when you can and Vdl them to be of
here, November 24.
good cheer for I am well. ■
Cochran and Harbison.
Nov. 26—James R. Baker, of Seat­
These officers are with me and
and Lucille DeVali,- of Marsh­
The Meaning* at Thanksgiving | are also well: Captain T. E. Robin­ field.
son, 4875 Northeast Mallory Avenue,
Nov. 26—Thole L. Sanford, of Co­
1 Dinner at Monmouth
Portland, Oregon; Lt Chester Olcott,
A Thanksgiving dinner» was given Portlund, Oregon; Captain Eugene quille. and Lois Mclvor, of Marsh­
in the honor of Albert Menning, Sr., Rosemount, 1725 Van Ness Avenue, field.
Oregonian Feature* Picture
Nov. 26—Wm. H. Spry, of St. John,
from Loa Angeles, Sunday, Nov. 28, ( San Francisco, .California; Captain
Of Former Coquille Girl
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Manneschmidt, Eldorado, Ar­ Kansas, and Betty V. Barklow, of
Monday’s Oregonian carried an at­ Vem Kenison at Monmouth, Ore. A 1 kansas.
Telephone “or write their Coquille. They were also married
by Justice Bull at hi* office last
tractive picture featuring a* on* of a bountiful meal wa* enjoyed by all, folk*.
trio of Portland matrons, Mr*. F. M. with James Menning carving two1 With all my*love, I am wishing Friday.
Nov. 27—Fred A. Noah, Jr.,
| I and
Sercombe, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. large turkeys. Those present were you a happy holiday seasbh well cel­
L. H. Hazard of Coquille. The picture . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Menning, Sr., of ebrated for us both. I will close by Flora Rose Hammond, both'of Dell­
showed 'them in costume* they will' Portland; Mr. and Mr*. Gene Men­ repeating I am in good health and wood, Ore. They were married by
wegr in the skit, “Mr*. Jarley's Mu- 1 ning and sons, Wally and Clifford, waiting for word from home. Please Rev. Chas. G. Brown at hi* home hgre
sical Waxworks," to be presented at'ml
OTI, , Vem
¥WB„ Kenison and send this message to my wife, Mrs. last Friday.
and Mr*.-
the Parish House of Grace Memorial duufihter, Lorrain, all of Monmouth; Eugene Laird, 850 Northeast Floral
See “Spike" Leslie for the best in
Episcopal Church Friday night, a* a Mr and Mrs Fritz Menning and son, Place, Portland, Oregon."
Liability, or other Insurance. Office,
special feature ot the church’s annu- Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Men-
next door to Coquille Hospital.
al holiday festival.
ning and children, Phyllis and Robert
phon* S: residence phon« SSL.
'Chard, all of Marshfield; Mr. and
See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in
CoquiMe for Diamond* and Watch Ralph Menning, all of Coquille, and
tfs Albert Mennings, Sr., of Los Angeles.
An important social event of last
week was the Jobs Daughter* tea
. given by member* of Bethel No. 15,
on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5
p. m. at the Masonic Temple. Num­
ber one hostess of the affair Was
Jessie Sherwood, Honored Queen,
wno with Mr*. J. A. Moore. Phyllis
Litzenberger, Gwendolyn Elrod and
Vera Bishop was in the receiving
The banquet room decorated at­
tractively as a garden scene with fall
flowers and branches from berried
shrubs presented a pleasing setting
for the delightful affair.
Music and songs mostly by mem­
ber* of the order provided entertain­
ment which continued throughout the
afternoon. Jeanne Grigg* and Ben
Barton in duet sang “Paper Doll,”
and “I’ve Got Sixpence,” accompan­
ied by Shirley Slater.
Vocal solo* by Marianne Walker
’ were “Angels of Mercy.” and “Deep
Purple,” accompanied by Laura
Emily Ruble.
There were piano
solos presented by both Dorothy
Beagle and Laura Emily Ruble.
Jeanne Griggs contributed several
songs during the progress of the tea.
The party was formal and <he
young girls, dressed in keeping with
with the occasion, were gracious host-
■csses, Donna Rankin and Marianne
Rackleff assisted with serving and
receiving. Others assisting about the
room were Vera Bishop, Jeanne
Griggs, Pat Yarbrough, Shirley Slater,
Laura Emily Ruble, Roberta Medley,
Marion Moore, Ann Harbison, Rose
Marie Peart, Alene Hunt, Leota
Neely, Neta Belle Henricks, Bonita
Miller. Pouring were Marybelle and
Dorothea Yjgibrough, Doris Anne
Wood and Glenda Clinton. Mr*. El­
ton Schroeder and Mr*. R. G. McBride
member* of .the guardian council,
poured during.the fir*t hour. Other*
of the Council assisting were Me*-
dame* Ruble, J. A. Moore, Alton
Clausen, E. L Schroeder, R. E. Harbi­
son. and Litzenberger.
A number of members from the
Marshfield order and their guar-
dian attended. A sijver offering was
taken for the educational and pro­
motional fund.
residence, located at 507 East
11th street und owned by Mr. and
It will pay you to look at Bergen’s
Mas. Harley E. Woodruff? has been
sold bv George E. Oerding, Coquille before you buy.
realtor, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L.
Calling cards. So ror il.00
Smith. The Smith have moved into
Two large, luxurious
Davenport & Chair Suites
with spring cushions
Large assortment Swing Chairs
$27.95 to $49.50
Large siie, 4x6, extra heavy, and smaller sixes in
1 -
All Pastel Shades
$2.95 to $19.95
Scenes—Floral, Tropical Birds, Marine «'
Mirrored Frame»—Will make appropriate Christmas Gilts
$1.95 to $15.95
Marriage Licenses
(When yon tnink of Furniture Think of Purkey)
Hoppy at His
Hoppy Tricks The Crooks
into his own bailiwick
Airport Plans For Northern
Curry County Now Complete
To Wood Users
Curry county judge A. H. Boice has
thi* week received from the Civil
Aeronautics Administration detailed
plan* of the airport that is to be con­
structed in the northern part of Curry
county. The plans have been com­
The Coquille Wood Co. is now pleted and the ground work outlined
delivering on third priority down to the last bush and pebble
orders and those wishing a that is now on the proposed runway*,
half year’s supply may order and it is stated that the sponsors
now ready to call for bids for
actual construction of the airport.
So far a* now known, all the legal
obstacles have been removed, satis­
factory rights to the site have been
turned over tp the county, and
that remains is for the work to
>4 done.—Curry County Reporter.
Frank Cox, Jr.,
Having taken over the operation and management of the
Coffee Shop
1 wish to extend an invitation to all my former patrons
and customers to come in for
just as you are, whether Logger, Mechanic, Mill Worker
J-.'.;-.. .
Our prices are no higher than they were at our former
location and excellent service is guaranteed.
Banquet Room is now available for club or group meetings.
Gertrude Menning, Prop
Phone 103R for reservations
9* *1*ikd*
SAT. 1:45