‘11 jtorUm'r-figve the following books. " both fiction and nun-fiction, all rank- 1 ing high on the best seller lists of the nation. “The Walsh Girls,*’ Elisabeth Janeway; “Bridge to Victory," How­ Miss Harriett, daughter of Fred ard Handleman; “None But the Lone­ E. Lorenz, and a friend of hers. Miss ly Heart,” Llewellyn; “Indigo,” Chris­ Betty Lou Schoewe, were here from tine Weston; “Journey in the Dark,” Portland last week and were present Martin Ravin; "Tree Grows in at the family dinner held at the Brooklyn,’’ Smith; "Also the Hills;? Henry Lorenz home on Thanksgiving Keyes, and many others. s day. Watch for announcement of date and place of the Catholic Altar So­ ciety annual fancy work and Christ­ mas gift sale. Included in the ar­ ticles to be sold will be a hand-em­ broidered linen luncheon set. Jess Catton, proprietor of the Min­ ute Cafe at Bandon, will remain open on Sundays during the Winter months, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schatzman, of Port­ featuring turkey and steak dinners. It land, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Laura Brandon enjoyed a visit their daughter, Mrs. J. LeRoy Starr of No. Henry street, from Monday from her daughter, Mells Ramsay, of Sacramento, Calif., who spent all until Saturday of last week. of Thanksgiving here with her chil­ Doris Ann Wood was home for the dren, Marlin and Jack. holidays from Portland, where she is Miss Margaret Stewart, who went attending Northwestern School of Business. She likes her residence at east early last month to take Waves 'training at Hunter College in New Martha Washington Hotel. I York, has just been released from Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stewart went up quarantine, she having been in the to Cottage Grove last Wednesday af­ Naval Hospital in Brookly suffering ternoon. to spend Thanksgiving with from an attack of scarlet fever, i • KEEP ON Keystone Home WAR BONDS KEEP ON ■ WITH WAR BONDS ‘ Notice Ex-Service Men! For the purpose of forming a Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars Post, a meeting will be held in the Union hall on Sec­ ond/ street in ^Coquille, starting at 2:00 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 5, 1943. s Keys made ror sll locus. Stevens Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. If lectors at Harbison’s. i friends. Mr. Stewart returned Fri­ day but Mrs. Stewart visited in Eu­ Martha Jane Oerding Married gene until Tuesday this week before November 28 In Florida returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Oerding an- nunce the marriage of their daughter, Martha Jane, to Mr. Leslie E. Croff at Jacksonville, Florida, November 28. The ceremofiy took place at the Methodist parsonage Sunday after- noop at two o'clock. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Croff, of North Bend, and is now stationed at Cecil Field, U. S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, as a flight instructor. The young couple will make their home in Jacksonville for the time being. -------- !' ' "" If it is Insurance, see me. Bull. ‘ . "■ ' Remember—Norton’s for • school and home supplies. Is more of a problem than, heretofore but we have a good assortment in many lines, now displayed for your inspection. Here are a few suggestions Stuffed Toys' Christmas Stationery Box Candy Toilet Sets Jordan Almonds Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open Evenings until 8:M See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in CoquiUe for Diamonds and Watch Straps. tfs I THUR. FRI. SAT Adults \ ífcWtÍN.’. Harbison’s myrflewood for Christ' mas gifts. I Latest News 4. Popular Science office, 37tfs 4. He - 40c LATEST NEWS EVENTS