rAGEUGHf THE COQITLLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OKKOON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25, IMS. -------- 11 .?!J i.’.LL!----------------- ! ■-¡■.■■.'I' ......... -Jl'g»- . Personal Mention < VS! p,ov,Set, Home-Coming At Pioneer I Spurgeon Hill Birthday Club The Home-coming held at Pioneer , The birthday* of Mrs. Hattie Gaffey Church on Sunday was genuinely en- ' and Kathrine celebrated _______ _____ Lemon ______ were ____ _____ __ Mrs. Fred Bull and Mr*. Mary B. joyed by a number who gathered for ’ last Friday pfternoon when the Spur- Cross went up to Tacoma last week to The Junior class has every avail­ this occasion. A noon day luncheon geon Hill Birthday club met at the attend the funeral service* for aL able member working on prepara­ was held in the Pioneer hall. A large home of Mr*. Gaffey for luncheon. friend -- -! tions t of t h eir annu a l *!**« pl a y Th* ■ „-hnr ,Mp,wui»d u> the i nvitation of Mr*. Lemon was a co-hostess. Mem­ ' date has been set för Friday, Decem- Ernest Purvance who presided at this bers who attended were Mesdames Mrs. Betty Gaither is the name of j. at ejght o’clock. Admission I time and all expressed their appre­ Ealie Oddy, Hazel Goodman, Susie the new employee in the Mt. State*, wjy fifty cenjg fur udulta and ciation of the opportunity of gather­ Hardenbrook, Ada Humbert, Agnes tri suc «sairv ­ — ... Power Co. office here, who is is» to Jessie Adorns, Margaret twenty five cents for students, in­ ing thus in their home church for Lewis, ceed Miss Phyllis Belloni who is to cluding the tax. Tickets may be ob­ fellowship. In the evening service Spores. Guests attending were Mes­ be married Jan. 1 and will leave the tained from student ticket salesmen the young people held a large part dames Venita Battey, Hazel Flan­ office soon. Mr*. Gaither, who*« next week, or al the door. of the attention and were a credit nery, Teen Yarbrough und Miss Ve- husband is in the service, came here \ The stage managers are working on to the church. An opportunity to lita Bailey. a couple of weeks ago from Indiana. a suitable setting for thia hilarious pledge to the Institute work was giv­ comedy, which take* place in the liv­ en .and a very generous response was Mrs. Folsom Entertains Club Erwin Waite, of Toledo, Oregon, __ _ just redeieved. The Little River Insti­ ing ____ room _____ of the ______ Jone* ______ family The Justamere club met last Thurs­ visited over the week-end with the {]iree day* before school is dismissed tute, of which this church is a part, day at the home of Mrs. Bert Fol­ Rev. and Mr*. Chas. G. Brown family., Ior lutnmer vacation. To set the has a forward-looking program and I som. Salad and coffee were served stage for any amateur production is funds are now in sight with which at one o’clock. This is the new war­ Mrs. Chapin, who has been^here a problem these days for the to make some substantial improve­ time change from serving luncheon. for the past month with her daughter, usual source of the furnishings—the ments as soon as war conditions will Members present were'Mesdames O. Mr*. Hugh Lancaster, returned Mon­ used furniture department ofc some permit. C. Sanford, J. A. Lamb, H. A. Young, day to her home in Mill Valley, Calif. local stores—just isn’t as well sup­ J. L. Smith, L, H. Hazard, M. O. Haw­ We carry a complete line of V- kins, H. W. Pierce, A. J. Sherwood, plied with furniture as it used to be, The quilt for which chance* were ___ and sq __ all _________ furniture ____ must ___ be bor- Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, and Jane Williams. sold a* a benefit for Royal Neigh- rowecT from private home*. (P. S. Washing Machines and other equip­ bora was won with a ticket sold to If any patron of the school can help ment. Washer Service Co, 385 W. Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col­ A. F. Bush, of San Diego. Mr. Bush 1 out class by letting them have the Fronts Coquille. Phone. 16tfs lectors at Harbison’s. however, had given his tisket to his ■ uge a davenport, occasional chairs, niece, Sally Anne Gable, of Sanford tabieg, a Urge rug, a chest, etc., Heights, who is now the fortunte pos- | WOuld be very much appreciated.) sessor of the fine quilt. Stage manager, Leland Waterman, |and hi* assistant Don McLarrin re- G. C. Ashenfelter js how the rep- j^rg goon in esentativ* of the Watkins Co. in Co- ; piace an{j everything ready for the i quiile and will be pleased to have movabie parts of the setting. ’ those desiring any of the Watkins , The director, Mrs. Ruth Beyers, re­ » produce contact him or see him «‘[port, that the members of the cast CASTOR OIL IM South Division. 45t4*s I are a)| driving to give the best possi- For December^ t Card ut Thank* Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thank* for the sympathy expressed and for the many beautiful floral of­ ferings at the services held for our loving husband and father. Mrs. Lola Dale Sherwood, Fred Sherwood, Harry Sherwood, Ivy Fox, Lillian Matthews, Bonney Lucas, F. G. Leslie, Earl E. and Keith L. George Sherwood, Marie Sanders, Leslie and families. Eva Huddle. ' We lake'this means of expressing • OU1‘ sincere ’ t appreciation of th* kindly helpfulness and sympathy , shown us during our recent bereave- ment and for the beautiful flower* at the service* held for our wife and mother. NOV. 26 - 27 - 28 Its brwoth-tok*0®. ^.ttinO, “ primitiv« told«» of our Arctic fi„ed of grípf»** , termi and hi®»» headin Loo s COUNTRY Week End Specials 1 ble interpretations of their role*. ¡Practice has been going on every night Eagles Notes _ j after school, and every effort is being Among those going from here o attend th* fortieth anniversary u. f made to make sure that friends at- the Eagles Lodge in Marshfield were ' tending the play will be able to hear the following: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'and enjoy every word. Feature* . chairman, Gaffey, Mr. and Mr*. Cha*. Lewis, , • Sherman Gre- Mr. and Mr*. Van Spores, Mr. and and h»« «“"'tant« «re working Ain Evan Alburn. Mr. and Mrs.!™ something quite different for Austin Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl I entr’act number*. We should look for Schroeder, Mr*. Molly Kaufman, Mr*. 1 several surprise* there. In fact everything points to the Jessie Adams, Mrs. Chas. Roberts, and fact that no one can afford to miss Jim Jacobson. seeing this Junior play—a whirlwind k.__ , - ■ The Eagle* Auxiliary will cerebrate made up of the joys and troubles of November birthday* at their meeting Paul Jones, high school senior, and Friday, Nov. 26 These will be initia­ ! his-friatkis. tion of candidate* *Mo. Marriage Licenses 'Fishing Was Good Out On North Fork Sunday J. O. Beagle, who was in from • . Nov. 18—Arthur T. Nelson, of Haw­ Fairview Monday morning, said that thorne, Nebr., and Dorothy E. Cue, 1 the trout were taking a fly almost as of Marshfield. They were married fast as he could cast out the day be­ last Thursday by Rev. Cha*. G. fore, that he had never before had Brown at the Pioneer personage here. such fishing. He caught five, from Nov. 20—Roscoe Roland Aplin and 15 to 18 inches long in a short time. Hazel Ethel Hatch, both of Coquille. The Chinook he hooked were all Nov. 23—Norman Alfred Gignac dark and had to be thrown back in and Dagney Ericksen, both of North the river. Band. At Roxy Sunday, Monday, Tuesday With almost every other branch of th* service represented in story, song and screen play, th*. Army nurses come into their own via Paramount’s great Mark Sandrich film, “So Proud­ ly We Hail,” which will be shown at the Roxy Theatre, Sunday Monday, and Tuesday Claudette Colbert, Paulette Goddard and Veronica Lake, are co-starred, supported by George Reeve*, Barbara Britton, Walter Abel and Sonny Tufts. The plot of “So Proudly We Hail” concerns itself with the romances— and the work—of three lovely young nurses, part of a group who are sent to Bataan. What happen* to them there, and subsequently on Corregi­ dor, is said to make the picture one of the great film stories of all time*. Based on actual occurrence* on the 1 besieged island* a* told to Producer- Director Sandrich by nurses who were flown to safety, the picture is packed with thrills and breathtaking action, background to the love stories of Claudette Colbert and George Reeves, Paulette Goddard and Sonny Tufts. Both men, incidentally, are expected to emerge as full-fledged stars as a result of their work opposite the two glamour girl*. Both are extremely attractive. FOR SALE—Complete Pi peleas Fur­ nace, with coal-burning grate*. In­ quire at 500 North Coulter. It If it is Insurance, see me.—F. R. Bull. * See “Spike” Lesli* for the best In Liability, or other Insurance. Office, next door to Coquille Hospital, • phone 5; residence ^hon* 85L. Norton’s hav* wonderful children's books in this week.____ only one of a kind. Shop early for ■ Christmas. See Schroeder’s' JewefFy^Stdre In Coquille 'for Diamonds and Watch Straps. It’s Chysanthemum season. Bergen’s for choice flowers. Remember Norton’» for school and home supplies. office, 37tf* 9tevena Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. 26c TINCTURE OF IODINE 26c 2 for ............... ................................. MARTEL’S HAIR OIL 26c 2 for. _...............>.......................... — PEROXIDE, pound size 36c 2 for ............................„................... CHRISTMAS CARDS, 21 cards 51c 2 for. ............... YEAST & IRON TABLETS 76c 2 for. ... —....................... . DISH CLOTHS 6c . 2 for.................. ..... c KLENZO BRUSHLESS SHAVING CREAM i 2 for..... ........................—...... -....... ................ . 36c e DENTURE ADHESIVE POWDER 51c CARICA BILE TABLETS, 100’s $1.01 2 for............................. ............... 2 for ................ 'I 8 j .... 7- c W We re never just out L Georgeous Chorus Beauties Dance in Gay Musicál! See Lupe and Duane Loop-the-Loop in New Com- edy . . . Tropical Tornado Kocks Blase Broadway! Song and Dance Fiesta, Roihance, Fun and All the Rest-a! Lupe Velez "Red Heads Manhattan" Matinee Sat. 1:45 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open Evenings until 8:06 It will pay you to look at Bergen’* before you buy. THUR. FRI. SAT. ».T:» | LATEST NEWS EVENTS