THt ooQunxR valley sentinel , coquille . ougon , T hursday , N ovember ». 1943. CLASSWED- RAGE SEVEN -S— Anyime W«at~ft~SinaII Acreage Near Coquille? ' I Circuit Court Cases An 80-acre tract, two miles from Oxe Cent a Word Each iMertiea Nov. 17—Mary Ann Embree Ne Adv. lees than 25 eento Coquille, is to be cut up into small Leon Ernest Embree. Suit, for I own Pioneer Methodist Church ----- Rt- r‘h«rle« Goodwin Brown, Pastor 9:45—Sunday school sessions. Cap­ able teachers and pleasant class­ rooms for all. 11:00 — Sunday morning worship hour. “The promise of Christ for a lonely people." 6:30—Intermediate Fellowship and Senior Fellowship hour. Aileene Hunt leads the topic discussion for Intermediates and Don McLarrin leads this part of the service for the Senior group. 7:30—Sunday evening worship hour. Combined choir of Senior and Intermediate Fellowship groups. 9:45—Thursday Thanksgiving ser­ vice. A brief service of Thanks for those who enjoy worship on this day. 7:30—Thursday evening a special mid-week Bible study hour. Why npt find a church home in some church and give yourself to helping build for the future of Amer­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ica. STATE OF OREGON IN AND The Auxiliary of Townsend Club, No. 2, held its meeting at the home I of Mrs. Mary Keck on Nov. 19, with , 12 members present. Articles for the bazaar were turned in at this time. The bargain will be held on Dec. 3 I and 4 at the Florist Shop on Second ¡street. The beautiful rayon i*ug, made by j Mrs. Maud Brockman, brought *9.80; * Mrs. Grace Keck was the lucky win- | ner. A potted plant was sent to Mrs. Redifer, who is ill, and Christmas 'cards were sent to our service boys overseas. Others will be remember­ ed later.' We are glad that Mrs. Er­ nest Buckner, who has been confined to her bed for some time, is up and around again. Election of officers at our next meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Elsie Hickam on Dec. 2.—Press Correspondent. «s St. James’ Episcopal Church The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Ceraer E. 3rd A Elliott 8to. >y: Nov. Day acreage tracts. Anyone desiring to i vorce. purchase a tract of such a size is re­ I Nov. 17—Lola June Young VI. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. quested to contact the owner, R. M. Charles L. Young. Suit for divorce. 10:30 a. m. Thanksgiving Service Repass, who lives up the road from with Sermon. Nov. 17—Floyd E. Rigby vs. Paul­ the end of Second street, before the ine Rigby. Suit for divorce. Friday: Nov. 2« surveying and platting is done. It Evening—High School Group—In­ Nov. 17—Reva Jane Walker, vs. WANTED — Water wells to drill. can be arranged to suit. See him on Miller DeWitt Walker. Suit for di­ vitational Dance in Pariah House. Have new and up-to-date equip­ the place. 45t3s I vorce. Sunday: Nov. 2*— First Sunday in ment and heavy pipe where needed. Advent Nov. 18—Belma Fenley vs. John Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. WANTED—Lady to do laundry. Call 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. A. Fenley. Suit for divorce. 30t4*tf 101 Cafe. Ask for Phyllis. It* 11:00 a. m. Shortened Morning Nov. 18—State Industrial Accident BUNK SETS—with springs and mat- 1 FOR SALE—4-wheel Trailer, good Commission vs. Walter F. Paulson. Prayer with the rites of Holy Baptism' resses, per pair. *66.50. Purkey • rubber, new stake body; 5 ft, 8 in. and Confirmation. Bishop Dagwell Nov. 23—H. H. Coleman, Sr., vs. Furniture. s of Oregon will officiate and preach by 15 ft., 6 in. Can be seen at Sadie Sheridan et al. Suit to quiet Travelers' Auto Court, Myrtle title. WANTED—To Buy 1 h. p. motor, al­ Point ’ • 45t2s* First Church of Christ, Scientist ternating current. Phone 23IM. Coquille, Oregon lt*s PUREBRED Collier Pups For Sale- Price *5.00 each. Phone 13R2 Co­ Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. FOR SALE—Lady’s All-wool, dark Walter A. Stambrough was on Mon- quille. Forrest Tomlinson, Fish-. . , "7 , . . Sunday Service at 11 a. m. gray, tailored Suit, size 20. Practi­ trap Road, Coquille, Oregon. i v s v. Subject for next Sunday, "Ancient cally new. Phone 222J, or call at ___________ ____________________ • j >1750 estate left by Frank A. Vitale, and Modern Necromancy, alias Mes­ 924 North Elliott. l*s WANTED — To trade 1940 DeLuxe who died Nov. 15. Appraisers named merism and Hypnotism, Denounced.’’ Dodge Business Coupe, good rub- ! were C. B. Sundbaum, L. B. Chappell Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 WANTED—2 Buggy Wheels with FOR THE CXIUNTY OF COOS ber, low mileage, for Panel De­ and Leo Dickinson. o’clock. Axle In good condition. Address, Ethel C. Littler, Plaintiff, Monrod Monsen was appointed ’ Emanuel Baptist Church livery or Pick-up. Address 275 vs. Free public Reading Room at 255 Box 144, Marshfield, Ore. lt*s Nbrth Henry. H. E. Wood. It Tuesday as administrator of the es­ Roy Ware Littler, Defendant. Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor W.-Second, Roxy Bldg., open evefy tate of Johannes Monsen, who died BARB WIRE—Extra heavy and light day except Sunday and holidays from GOOD-LOOKING, Sturdy Davenos, at Marshfield Nov. 13. The estate, I To Roy Ware Littler, the above named I Sunday, Nov. 28, 1943 gauge both on hand. FARR & ' 10:00 q . m. Sunday School. The 12:80 to 5:00 p. m. with (jedding compartment, *59.50; which is estimated to consist of *1000 defendant: ELWOOD. s I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Sunday School will operate in two in tapestry and mohair velvets, in real property and *2500 in per­ i OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ *89.50, at Purkey Furniture. s sonal, will be appraised by Chris Lee, quired to appear and answer the separate departments in the opening LOST*—Sunday, Nov. 4, Ration Books The Assembly oi God complaint filed against you in the service, beginning today. There will • bearing the names of Eula Z. Miller ARE YOUR HENS LAYING? — If Anton Monsen and Edward Monsen. 'above entitled suit, on or before Fri­ be many special features to interest Second and Heath Sts. and Wm. F. Miller. Finder please Anna 1’. Horne was named Tues­ day, the 17th day of December, 1943, the boy? and girls up to 12 years. not, ask us about our money-back L. C. Persing, Pastor return to them at 482 Carter Ave., guarantee to make them lay. FARR day as guardian for Barbara and said date being after the expiration ol. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship service Sunday four weeks from the date of the Coquille. , lt*s 4 ELWOOD. s Thomas J. Horne. 'The appointment ‘ I first 9:45 One hour of Bible study for publication at this Summons, 1 7:00 p. m. Young People's meeting. was made in order |hat Mrs. Horne and if you fail so FOR SAI?E—22-ft. Fishing Boat and appear and an- k. 8:00 p. m. Hear Rev. Neil J. Barnes, you and your children is very profi­ BRING Your Tire Troubles to Thorn might be authorized to accept the *125 swer said complaint, or otherwise evangelist, radio pastor and pastor table and a good investment for eter­ Float House. *175 cash. L. A. ton’s, the most completely equipped offered by J. T. Grimes for a release 1CUU UICICIU, 4VI4 want UICICUL VIIC nity. Bertha Byrd, Supt. FitzGerald. See him at Bill’s «hop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ of all indemnity claims against him. fllaintiff will apply to the Court Every night except Saturday at 11:00 Morning worship. Pastor Per­ Place. Its or the relief prayed for in her com- perienced workmen. Beet quality •----------- -------— iwu iihiiuib wmuii p] The two minors were in a car which -ilaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolv- 7:30 o’clock—Mr. Barnes and evan- sing will speak. You will feel at home. materials and equipment used. All'-collided with that driven by Mr. In OFFICE DESKS—2 sizes, »42.50 and ■ ««1‘stic service. You are invited. 6:30 Christ Ambassadors service. work fully guaranteed. Tho.ntoo I Grimes. They were injured some- tract * now and heretofore existing be-' *64.50. Purkey Furniture. s ------ 1——, ■ I Arthur Hensley, president. 4 tween plaintiff and defendant, and | what but not severely. 7:30 Evangelistic; a song service of TRIS WEEK’8 SPECIAL for such other and further relief as Church of Christ FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser­ to the Court may seem just and equi­ spiritual power. Pastor Persing brings I have oraers for several two and vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ East 4th Sc Coulter Harbison’s myrtlewood for Christ­ table. the message. three bed-room houses. If you de­ Liston Parrish, Pastor pany. s ' The ground upon which said relief Tuesday 7:30 Prayer meeting night. sire a buyer for it. If you desire to mas gifts. ia based in said complaint is cruel Thursday 7:30. Service of prayer WANTED—To buy Used Child’« Tri- sell, list your property with me now. ' and inhuman treatment. Thursday 7:30 Choir rehearsal; and praise for Thanksgiving day. Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull. This Summons is served upon you i cycle, in good condition. Call Mrs. The demand is good and prices are Aileeri’Wilson, director. This will be held in the social rooms by publication thereof in the Coquille Lloyd Rosa, phone 39M, os see her right. Friday 7:30 Bible study with in­ WANTED—Services of someone to Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of the church. at 917 W. 4th, Coquille. lt*s I have several new listings of of the Hon. Dal M. King, Judge of the care for two and a half year old Bible School 9:45. Clarence Fiser, formal discussion. ranches, some large, some small, but boy moenings. Call Mrs. R. A. above entitled Court, made, dated and Supt. Will you join us in the study GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ entered on the 46th day of November, all priced right, and most of them CANARIES—Singers for sale. FARR Wernich, 136J. 1943. and which order requires that of the Word of Life. surance. I give service. F. R. may be purchased on very easy terms. & ELWOOD. s the date of the first publication of Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord’s Bull. . • If you are looking for a loan on BURBANK POTAOES for sale, *2.35 said Summons shall be on the 18th supper, special music and message by per saek field run. At old Busy da> ot November, 1943, the date of the pastor.. AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. that home or .farm of yours, tell me ?5UIT TREES — Place your order the last publication thereof being Corner on Front street, next to I Thursday, the 16th day of December, Bring your car In—we can start about It I have money available Jr. and Intermediate C. E. 6:00. now. FARR & ELWOOD. s hotel building. Open every after- 1943. work at once. Southwestern Motor for that purpose. Young People’s C. E. 6:30. J. ARTHUR BERG, J. S. Barton, Realtor, Coquille, npon 1 to 5. Anderson Bro«., Co.________________ ■ Evening service 7:30. An informal Attorney for Plaintiff, Phone 21J. a phone 13R21. It Residence and P. O. Ad­ fellowship, good singing and mes­ HEADQUARTERS tor Crown Dairy 44t5 dress, Coquille, Oregon. sage, “The Saved Man.” and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ FOR SALE — Strawberry Plants, Wed. 7:30 Choir practice, Don Farr, ers. Parts and Daily Supplies. Get Improved Oregon. Carl Shore on A Seed Co IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE director. them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tfs ; Marion-' George ranch on Rink - STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR RENT—2 Large Rooms, Fur­ i------------ - ------------------ - ■" ■<------- 4- 1 creek. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 45tfs nished for Light Housekeeping; For Refrigeration Service phone |__ __________________ ;_____ 4 _ In the Matter of the Estate of Church of God " Deceased. shop, 108J, or residence 188J,, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIM M McKeown, Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs and . Corner of Henry & Seventh Sts. Notice of Ovcreo STATE OF OREGON IN AND write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. < t 4 ts nr osmov w axt . table. Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, 351 Pastor, A. L. Perry To M. McKEOWN and TO WHOM IT THE COUNTY OF 0008 Garnier, authorized Frigidaire Fay FOR So. Henry, Coquille. tfs Caran Chini, Plaintiff, MAY CONCERN: All are invited to attend. If your Service. 37tfs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That vs. PAPERHANGING, ’ Kalsomining. Defendant- application for administration of the child does nol go to Sunday School Louis Chini, I estate of M. McKeown haa been filed elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex- ROSES—Just received jumbo two- Si _ Phone 1*9 CoqxUle in the County Court ot the State of year old. some patent roees. FARR TO LOUIS CHINI, DEFENDANT: We buy cotton Sunday School, 10 a. m. teridr Painting. T”: 1H So. Coalter 81 | Oregon for Coos County, and hearing & ELWOOD. s In the name of the State of Oregon Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. Preaching service 11 a. m. ragi _____________ : you are hereby required to appear held thereon In said Court pursuant tfs I FURNISHED 2-room Apt. for rent. I “nd, answer the Complaint filed to the provisions of Section 19-1401 Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. Henry St. Phone 286. vui uz».» ath ikrm «««Inst you in the above entitled suit to Section 19-1409 inclusive, Oregon or better still bring them. r Adults. 560 West 6th. Phone 156M. |on the jg ot December, Compiled Laws Annotated, at which WANTED TO BUY OR RENT— Out-of-Town Shoppers! Preaching service 7:S0 p. m. 44t2*s 11*43, that being the time prescribed hearing testimony was offered for the I small ranch on good road and near Why not buy your Sunday Journal purpose of asserting whether the pre ­ — — ----------------------------- — --------- — ~ in the order for publication of this town preferably. Must have fairly while doing your Saturday shop­ FOR SALE—Pigs, 2 and 3 months ! Summons, and if /ou fall to po appear sumption of death of M. McKeown la The Holy Name Catnolie Church good house. Give complete descrip­ ping? They may be purchased at old. Third house on left, Big Creek 1 and answer for want thereof plaintiff established. Maas at 9:30 a. rrf! every Sunday. _______________ That baaed uopn the said hearing tion, including price, terms, etc.— the following places: BMdo. Or.. implaint, namely: and the evidence produced thereat, Address P. O. Box, 941, Marsh­ Henninger's Market of the Court Court dissolving dissolving the Hon. L. D. Felshelm, County __________ field. <»«*• WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We for a decree Roxy Fountain — ' I Court of the absolutef ly the marriage contract be- Judge of the County service all makes of washers. tween pL... ______ _______ :oos County did, ilalntlff and defendant and State of Oregon for Co Brandon’s ___ , _ __ __________ ..Ji RANGE BOILERS—Standard, extra 365 Went for such other and further relief as on the Sth day ut November, 1943, Washer Service Co. Tip Top heavy, and 20 year guaranteed tfs to the Court may seem just and equi­ duly make and enter a Decree in ac­ Front St. Phone 17. Fanners’ Grocery cordance with the proviaiona of Sec­ table. tanks FARR 8c ELWOOD. « Phone 148M This summons is served upon by tion 19-1403 Oregon Compiled Laws DAIRY AND STOCKMEN’S SUP­ publication thereof pursuant to the Annotated, whereby said Court did Noble Chownlng Jr., Journal Agent A REAL NICE 1941 Plymouth Special PLIES—Consult our specialist, order of ot the Hon. Dal M. King, Judge order, adjudge and decree that the I?/* « DeLuxe 4-door Sedan. It is a "Doc” Heath, no charge. FARR & of the above entitled Court, , which presumption of the death of M Mc­ Has beautiful maroon in color, ____ was _____________________ made and entered herein Keown is made out and established a s order ELWOOD.. & -- and that the said M. McKeown is de­ radio, heater, seat covers and on the 13 day of November, 1943. fifl ceased; and by which Decree the Harold A. Olson, 1 CASH REGISTER FOR SALE other extras. It’s really a beauty. Oregonian Subscribers: Please i Court further adjudged and ordered 4> • rVl 11Vj lui a assaaawaaf *-***vna * *M**e*we — Attorney- for Plaintif, One Add-Index Cash Register in See it at Southwestern Motors Residence and Postoffice Address the publication of this notice, advis- help your carrier by having your working condition. Machine operates Used Car Lot. » 44t5 North Bend, Oregon Ing you of the entry of said decree paper money ready at his first call. and directing that it be published and manually. Prints on paper roll. Can Remember be must pay his paper IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE JUST Arrived—New Assortment Toy be examined at State Highway De­ inserted for two successive weeks STATE OF OREGON, IN AND ’ in a newspaper published in Coos obligation before tho 10th of the Games, also limited quantity Out­ partment Office, 590 W. Front, Co­ FOR THE — —— - — ------------ COUNTY OF COO8 County, Oregon. month. Thank you. door Christmas Lights. Shop now. quille, Oregon. NOTHING OVERLOOKED Its Christie D. Whitt, Plaintiff, Notice is hereby given to the said J. A. Lamb Company. • vs. i M. McKeown, if alive, or to any other ; | USED Bed Room Sets, with twin Fred C. Whitt, Defendant. , person for him, that he or such other nu matter how large and elaborate Lucille Donnelly Phene 141M FEED—We have a good stock of most ( beds, *59.50 at Purkey Furniture, s Summons person shall and is hereby required i Coquille, Oregon To—Fred C. Whitt, the above named on or before the 17th day of February, the scale upon which tbe funeral kinds, no rationing. FARR 8t EL- _ ______ J defendant: I 1944, to produce to the said County WOOD. • MACHINERY Repairs — Play safe, • IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Court satisfactory evidence of the - arrangements are to be made. That Check over your machines and or­ OF nDVnnM Vzvi. oro hnmkw 1 __ 41 ______ 41 _ OREGON. You are hereby re­ continuance in life of the said M. Is <>ur policy —that is our proud FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment, der replacement parts now. Gen­ I quired to appear and' answer the McKeown, and if such evidence be claim after many years of experi­ adults only; no pets. Electric range uine IHC parts. J. A. Lamé Com­ complaint filed against you in the not so produced within said time that Dr. De La Rhue above entitled suit, on or before an order will be entered by the said ence A conference with us will and refrigerator; hot and cold water pany ■ Friday, the 10th day of December, Court directing the issuance of Letters furnished.- Call 40J. Mrs. E. A. 'e- io your advantage. Eyesight 1943, said date being after the expira­ Testamentary to Leo J. Cary upon Wimer, 588 So. Henry. Its VERY FINE Used 8-piece Dining tion of four weeks from the date ot the estate of said M. McKeown, as Specialist Sets at Purkey Furniture. a the first publication of this Sum­ provided by law. RANGE BOILERS—Fowler Porcelain Ryea Examined - Glasees Fitted mons, and if you fail so to appear This notice is made and given pur­ STOVES — Ranges, Coleman Oil Cir ­ and answer said Lined. Guaranteed 20 years. J. A. Id complaint or other other- - suant auulll to vo the u,c above auuVc mentioned decree Reception room jointly with culators, now in stock. See us wise plead thereto, for want thereof, and order of the County Court of the Lamb Company. • state of Oregon for Coos County by about New Stove Purchase Regula­ the Plaintiff will apply to the Court State Dr. J. R Bunch for relief prayed for in her com­ Hon. L. D. FelshCim. County Judge, CROQUET SETS make an ideal I tions. J. A. Lamb Company. Bandon s plaint, Coquille Laird Building Phene 62-J which dated the 8th aay day ui of anil, to-wit: iu-wn.a wmcn decree aecree is aaiea me om Christmas Gift We now have "IMK For a decrÄ dissolving the mar- November, 1943; the date of the fiist 1083 several tvœ sets to choose from. SPECIAL on an 18th century styled riage and marri: irriage contract now and publication of this notice is Novem- iype , ! B4Klroom 5 piecet( at Bedroom Suit. 5 pieces, at $129.50. heretofore < skisting between the ber nth and the last day of publi- j. A. T,.nmb r*mjw»y These pieces will be in good siyie plaintiff and «Mendant, ior the care, cation nereot is Nuvenibei AMU iMJ. • I -...................... Leo Leo J. J. - Cary, Cary, inn years v».rs hence, hence t-urxey Purkev rurniure. Furnture. whj custody and control A.' SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS have a 100 ^ ch.jd of Lloyd plalnMff ■ ' - plaintiff Petitioner for Letters Testamentary very nice 1938 Plymouth 4-door and defendant, and for sucl _____ Instructor of Piano :h other (> n the estate of M. McKeown, De- FOR SALE — “Farmers’ Bargains Sedan for sale at a reasonable price. 44t2 relief as to the Court may seem just ceased, Hogs — Milk Cows — Saddle High School Classical and equitable. Tires, finish, motor, etc., will stand ________ upon .............. . ............. NOTICE TO CREDITORS horse — Puppies — Work horses — The . grounds which said ...... re­ Credito rigid inspected. Large trunk space. DC Motprs — Used separators — lief is based in said Complaint is In The County Court of Coos County, On the used car lot.____________ * , y™ desertion from th; z~ Oregon your the plaintiff ‘ for Weaner pigs. See FARR & EL­ more than one year prior to the com- In the matter of the estate of » WE BUY HIDES—Farr & Elwood, a I WOOD’S “Swap Board.’’ s mencement of this suit, without Bessie I. Zattlin, Deceased. __ The undersigned has been appoint- ___________________ 1 cause. • This Summons 4» served upon you. ed administrator of the above entitled to/puMiMdiaathe«rt ta‘tt»e**ciquiM6 Cvuri of Coos. Valley Sentinel, pursuant to an or- County, Oregon, dated November 8, der of tbe Hon. Dal M. King, Judge 1943. All persons having claims said estate of the Circuit Court of Coos County, against ‘ "*** are required to I Oregon, made, dated and entered on present them to the undersigned, with the 9th’ day of November, 1943, and proper vouchers and duly verified, i 111 the Hie Baxter DdXlUI nuici, which order requires that the date at Hotel, iviaisimviUi Marshfield, Ore- Phone 83 of the first publication of said Sum­ gon, within six months from the date Night Phone 272X mons shall be on the 11th day of No­ of the first publication hereof. I Dated and first published Nov. 11. vember, 1943, the date of the last i publication thereof being Thursday, 1943. I Date of last publication, Dec. 9. the 9th day of December, 1943. Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight 1943. F. E. McCracken, Office Phene Farr A Elwood Bldg Jonas August Zattlin, Attorney for Plaintiff, Administrator of Estate of Chevrolet — Buick Residence and Poetoffice Address 5 W. Second St. Bessie I. Zattlin, deceased. 43t5 Coquille, Oregon. 43t5 40-ACRE Ranch for Sale, in Fairview district. Phone 5R24 or call eve­ nings. Also one good Trash Burn­ er for sale. J. O. Beagle. It* Probate Court Items 'X »- GANO FUNERAL HOME Attention to Details NOTICE The Oregonian Agency SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, lac. MISS INEZ ROVER WRECKER Southwestern Motors Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire ' SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE < J a