i I 4* 1 - g*-1' — « - Arago News Items Five Taken Before J. P. By The State Police pagi U. mn t . I Takes A Vacation Tin Can Day Observed At Washington Schoo! f"*“ Mrs. LaVelle Haggith, after seven Z f Rev. T. J. Pryor, of Myrtle Point, Washington school pupils carried, years of steady employment at the Edward Anderson Neil, of Bandon, conducted the regular Sunday mom- ! had his driver’s license suspended for hauled, or dragged nearly a ton of Evans Products Co. plant in Marsh­ ing church service last Sunday. The a year and a fine and costa of 8104 tin cans to their school Friday of last field and then took six weeks’ va­ ladies chorus gave a vocal trio, “In I assessed against him by Fred Bull week. This “Tin Can Day” was in cation, has returned from Miami, the Hollow of His Hand ” Sunday last Friday for driving his car while response to a call from the cqpnty Florida. She made the trip east by school followed with an attendance | intoxicated. WILL OPEN salvage committee which was re­ United Air Lines and returned home of 31. There will be services again ' Floyd Theodore Puter paid |19 fine layed to the pupils and their teachers the southern route by bus. She con­ next Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. I and eosts, Friday, for being drunk on by Burton W. Dunn, local school su­ siders the Air Liner as the most won­ and Sunday school at 11 a. m. The ^public highway. derful way to travel. She says Miami perintendent. i usual Thanksgiving "service will be | A fine of 87.00 was paid Monday for Mr. Dunn states that no prizes, con­ is a most gorgeous city with a-de­ held Thursday at 11 a. m. at the ' Willis Ray Simpson, who was charged test, nor pressure of' any kind was lightful climate, the thermometer Hours: 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. f church, with special music by the with having a trailer overload. used to secure the co-operation of registering from 75 to 85 during the ladies chorus. A potruck dinner will hours (constantly). George LeRoy Hultin’s fine and the pupils in this drive. The pupils twenty-four be held in the church basement fol— I costs of 87.00 were paid after he had were enthusiastic about performing There was considerable rain while I lowing the services, z she was there, quite like Oregon I been stopped for having more than this service for Good OJd Uncle Sam, Laura Minard Esther Williams (f Glen Zeller came in from North weather, only warm and pleasant. three in the driver's seat, on Monday. which they know means all of us. Bend Saturday evening and spent the The court house of Dade county, While pupils from all rooms in the The state police had quite a race y week-end at his home in Arago, re­ with George Ezra Delyria, who passed Washington school brought cans, the which is situated in the heart of turning to his work Monday morning. them on the curve at Green Acres most enthusiastic and ardent workers Miami, stands twenty-four stories Lynn Burtis was moved from the and they had to travel 85 to 90 miles were first grade pupils from the high and is a magnificent structure. Mast hospital in Myrtle Point last ¿n hour to catch and stop him at rooms of Iqez Chase and Alberta Tyr­ It cost one million dollars and is one Friday to his home in Arago.- Al­ Bunker Hill. He was given a ticket rell. of the outstanding edifices. While though he is still confined to his bed, charging violation of the basic rule The cans, all of which were pre­ there she visited with her daughter he is getting along as well as can of the road but had not appeared to pared cans, that is, of the washed and and son-in-law, Floyd Shepard, who of Coquille be expected. is now stationed at Miami, and also >'**'**'* vaa« VMMI a UCtStKlY, flattened variety, were removed from plead to the charge Mil on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sumerlin be- I------------------------------ - - ______ the Washington school and trans- visited friends in Arizona on the way came the proud parents of a seven iler, at the Bay. ' ported to Marshfield ,by volunteer home. Her mother lives in Coquille. and a half pound baby son, borij Mrs. Daisy Doyle went to Bandon I workers, „„„ Jim Bunch, Earl Benham to them last Saturday at the Knife .one day last week and helped her|antj aroad all classes, the faculty, and University hospital in Coquille. The young lad daughter, Mrz. Earl Edgmon, pack up Jt is anticipated that another “Tin and Eugene high school girls. Mari­ has been named LeRoy Eugene. Both I to move to Klamath Falls where Mr.- Can Day” will be held in about two lyn Sage, journalism major assisted mother afld babe are getting along Edgmon, who is workin/ for the Shell weeks and after that about once each In the freshman skit. An Oregon Co., has been transferred. <■ Dream Girl was chosen from the nicely. . '' ‘ month: * *Th^ regular monthly W. C. T. U.. Mrs. Ward Evans visited Mrs. C\A. freshman class. She is the daugh- was held Tuesday tit the church with > Keltner, Mrs, Louise Schroeder and ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Sage, Co- Marilyn Sage Was Freshman Mrs. Charles Griffith in charge of the Mrs. Floyd Jackson in Coquille last quille. e Oregon Dream Girl at U. of O. Friday. , meeting. — “WALLY" Mias Pauline Shinkle, of Myrtle Late last week Oregon Coeds held See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl attend the Phone 44| R m . 22pJ Rotary club dinner held at Myge Point, was a week-end guest at the their annual Capers, a strictly femi­ Coquille for Diamonds and Watch home of Miss Yvonne Holycross. nine event. Skits were presented by Straps. Point last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and Douglas were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wi E. Cross of Co­ quille. - . Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller spent sev­ eral days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus’Miller in Myrtle Point. Nile was helping his son, Orvus, with some carpenter work. Mrs. Harold Fish accompanied them on Wednesday. Mrs. Ward Evans drove to Marsh­ field on business last Thursday. 1 ' Mrs. Ida Myers was a Sunday guest ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank j Your income may be a lot higher than k was 4 yean ago—but maybe it's gR the same. Lane. In either cage you should be concerned with getting the most for your money—everybody Mrs. Melddh Carl and Douglas'and Anne is! So why pay more than these typical Safeway prices? Shop at Safeway - Save the Mrs. Chas. Griffin and Mary Suzanna ( were Wednesday visitors of Mrs. difference and put it into War Stamps and War Bonds! Ward Evans. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were Quick Oats, H O, 2 lb. pkg. ...... Duchess Salad Dressing, 8 oz................... 14c »«■■■aMMaMaaBMSBBanaaaaHaBaai Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 10c Oats, Morning Glory, 48 ox. pkg. Mustard, 0% oz.................................—■ Fish in Coquille. They also visited FOOD — Our Mightest at the homes of Mrs. Laura Edmunds Weapen — Don’t 15c Cream of Wheat, quick, large .... Mustard, Crescent, 32 oz. jar:......... Waste it! and Mrs. H. A. Todd . U Grape Nuts Cereal, 12 oj. pkg. 2 for Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at Black Pepper, Schilling, 2 oz......... Sperry’s the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bread, Julia Lee Wright’s 1’4 lb. Vanilla Flavor, Westag, 8 oz-------- a---------- 10c Schroeder of Myrtle Point last Sun­ day afternoon. Lifebuoy Soap, regular bars, 3 for Cheese Spread, Kraft Pim. Amer. (2) 5 oz. 19c Choir practice was held Friday eve­ Swan Soap, regular blrs.._ Grape Jam, Everbest (0 pts) 1 Ib....... .. 20c This week use ning at the home of Mrs. O. H. Aasen Corn Starch, Kingsford, 1 lb. pkg. 3 for ?25c with the following attending: Mes- Scotch Cleanser, Pkl.............. BROWN STAMPS G-H-J-K-L dames Albert Lillie, Albert Gulstrom, Good thru Dec. 4 Vano Cleanser, Qt ......... .. ....... Corn Bread Mix, lb. pkg... .......... Ward Evans, Stanley Halter, Wer­ Clabber Girl ner Plaep, S. C. McAllister, Charles Dog Food, Calo Dehyd., 8 oz. pkg Molasses. Red Hou 18 oz. bottle GREEN STAMPS A-B-C Griffith and O. H. Aasen. They will Book Matches, carton of 50, 2 for Chinese Noodles, Gold Grain, 12 oz. meet at the home of Mrs. Aasen again Good thru* Dec. 20 • this Friday at 7:30 p. m.. SUGAR STAMPS NO. 29 Mrs. Ward Evans went to Coquille on Business Wednesday. While there Good thru Jan 15 Guaranteed to please—or your money back! she visited at the home of Mr. and J z Mrs. Ar.sey Willson. CARROTS—Topped Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doyle came WESSON OIL LB...... t..................... in from Fort Lewis pnd spent one 5 pts per pint SQUASH—Danish day visiting at the home of Mrs. i • NOB HILL Delirious, winey Lb. bag LB........................................... Daisy Doyle. Mr. Doyle returned MAZOLA OIL • AIRWAY Mild, whole roast, Lb. bag 20c to Fort Lewis but Mrs. Doyle is stay­ ONIONS—U. S. No. 1 Yellow 5 pts per pint ing with her mother, Mrs. Alden But- LB....... ............ .......................... Quelle Cafe Wednesday, Dec. 1 Under New Management The Industrial Repair Co * —n- MACHINING METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING i * Repairing Aids Victory I NOT madjL z/RUBBER f Pantake Flour ÄT.. 1.15c Pancake Flour ÄT I 28c Ration Calendar Baking Powder 21c Safeway Produce PARSNIPS LB______ __________ ___ .... SPINACH—Long I^eaf LB......... .............. ...... CABBAGE—Loral, Green LB.... ................................ RUTABAGAS LB............................. COCOA NUTS—Fresh LB........... ................. SWEET SPUDS LB.___ _____ (her Might .that ***•• up pimple« over Sig—. Many report that they had a rad sore rImply .face ona ulght and »urprleed hair friend« tha next day with a •tear complexion. Thara 1« no rlea. The Brat application mwt convtnoa you or you get your mono/ haoa. Only itc. Join th« happy Klooroz «•er« who are no longer emharraaaod with enaiahtly plmplas. tkild and racommandad by BARROW DRUG CO. EDWARDS COFFEE 29c 32c (5) VALID TUNA for hors d’oeuvres SARDINES, (11) Belera Tomato RAVIOLA RIVIERA PEANUT OIL No. Vi can ............ .... 13c 15 oz. jar ... a................ 15c MALTED MILK, CUT BEANS, Horlick Gardenside SPINACH, Emerald Bay PRUNES Red Tag Fancy plain (8) (19) Howdy Folks: TOMATOES Just a word of caution this week about being too hasty to have your engine worked on if It suddenly starts using oil. NO. 24 Solid Park Can Sugar Belle KKfeS^^tib points) SHORTENING V-8 JUICE - Ropal Stain (15 points) 2 lbs............. It is important that all preventive measures be taken for neglect may place millions of cars on dry dock during the next year. ERNIE M & W Auto Service Nucoa Margarine MARGARINE 1 lb. Sunny Bank—lb. 6 pts No. 2 No. 2'/j (10) 21c 1A- MILK No. 303 26c Cherub Brand—tall IWrC IP*- _ Safeway Meats (21 points) ÄJI(21) points As you should know bv now, present driving con­ ditions are doubly hard on car engines and there are scores of filler caps and crankcase breathers plug­ ged, to the extent oil is . forced out of the main bear­ ings. We’ll take time to check it for you and the .. cure. is simple. _ _________ AMZY Gardenside 33c Planters 5 pts per pint lb. pkg................... 6 pts per lb. PORK A BEANS V. Camp (21) No. 2'/, ..... GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Town House (3) 40 oz. We have a large supply of seasonable Fruits and Vegetables for your winter menu. r I 5c 3c 5c 12’/2C 5c . 2’/2C 5c 21c 11’/2C ..15 c 64c 15c Pork Steak - Pork Chops - Grade AA Veal Steak Veal Roast - - - Grade A Beef Roast Short Ribs Oysters Halibut Salmon Ib. lb lb ib. ib. lb. pt lb. lb. 34c 38c 30c 29c 28c 20c 65c 39c 45c THESE PRICES SUBJECT ADD A WAR BOND OR STAMP TO MARKET CHANGES TO EVERY GIFT -THIS AND AVAILABLE SUPPLIES CHRISTMAS «I A f I a 4