The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 25, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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0. E. S. Entertained
By W. M. and W. P.
r’^'Dr. Stork Addresses
placed Tn the cen- |lin:ftr Wnmpn
a sunken garden, /U”1 O' ▼▼ UnlUII
Fairview News
lamps, artistically
ter to rerpesent
made a lovely setting for the long i An interesting and informative dis­
Last Saturday night was an eve­
tables lateen with delicious viands. cussion on Infantile Paralysis and the
ning long to be remembered by the
At each plate was a lovely gift of new Sister Kenny treatment was a
officers, hostesses, choral group and
myrtlewood, the officers gifts being special feature of last Monday night’s
social club officers of Beulah Chap­
emblematic of their office in the meeting of the Junior Women's Club.
ter, No. 8, O. E. 8., when the Worthy
chapter. A surprise feature for the 1 Mrs. HproJd Withnell presided as
Matron and Morthy Patron, Mr. and
guests, was the appearance of four 'usual when the club met at the Par-
Mrs. Ralph Taylor, entertained with
lovely waitresses, adorned in attrac­ i isl> hall.
a turkey dinner in the banquet room
tive caps and aprons of orange crepe
The Christmas Seal sale campaign
of the Masonic Temple.
paper, namely: Willard Bosserman, I is already in progress and that all
The room, representing a garden. Laurence Lundquist, Harold Zeigler
I seals have been sent out in Coquille
and Roy Boober.
■ Was the report given by Vi McBride,
After a sumptuous banquet, the , seal chairman for Coquille and vi^
guests repaired to the chapter room, cinity.
where an evening of contract rummy
Unfinished business up for discus­
was enjoyed. Winners of prizes were: sion for twu meetings was the matter
Roy Boober and Mrs. Rudy Johnson. of club pins and on Monday night the
The four waitresses received gifts discussion was reached deciding
of myrtle wood ash trays.
' against their purchase.
i December 21, is the date set for
See us for photographs of
; tlie club's Christmas party and com-
Nancy Boles Treasurer Chest
i mittees named by the president for
Drive On U. of O. Campus
• Family Groups
I the party are as follows: Decorations,
Nancy Boles, pf Coquille, junior in I Lunelle Chapin, Roberta Stbnecyph?r,
• Service Men
education at U. of O., is treasurer of Jean Brygn, Dorothy Harris,
the World Student Service Fund Clinton; refreshments, Ruth Claytnn,
# •Babies
drive which started on the campus at
Eileen Bryant, Faye
• Copies of Pictures Eugene Monday. She is al®° house Heierr
Waggoner, Ruth Dey; program, Mary
representative for Kappa Kappa i Stevens, Mavis Tyrrell, Lucille Walk-
Gamma during the drive. She is the er Beutrice oderkirk and Marjory
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Throckmorton.
Boles of this city.
committee was named to attend
_____ ■
i jo telephone calls, reminding mem-
bers of the meeting date. Assembly
singing was led by Yvonne Kern.
Reading of the minutes of the last
t meeting was by Dorothy Harris, sec­
retary, and the treasurer’s report was
given by the newly appointed treas­
urer, Bernice Molthu.
Members attending were: Lunelle
Chapin, Eunice Howe, Jean Bryan,
Ruth Clayton, Beverly Price, Yvonne
Kern, Dorothy Harris, Grace With-
nell, Lucille Walker, Vi McBride,
, Bernice Molthu,
Marie Silverton,
Gertrude Swinney, Ruth Dey, Jane
Swing Chairs and Upholstered Furniture including
Winkle, Verna Earls, Ernestine Batty,
Margaret Wylie, Bessie Burrell, Gen­
evieve Robbins, Anabel Martindale.
Coquille Studio
Modernistic New Pictures
and Plaques
Davenos and Davenports
See them at
(When you think of Furniture Think of Purkey)
Mrs. Phillip Jensen has been 111
at her home for a week. Friends are
glad to hear she 1s improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller
son, of Graveltord, visited at
home of Mrs. Miller’s parents,
and Mrs. R. M. Noah, last Sunduy.
Mr. and Mrs, R. M Noah moved
last Friday into their new home, next
door to the L L. Buoy home. They
have made their home with the Buoys
for several years.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah and Bonnie
Ellen were visitors last Sunday from
Lakeside. They also were visiting
with Mr. Noah's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. M. Noah.
Mrs. Harry Lindsay very capably
filled the pulpit Sunday evening in
the absence of Rev. W. J. Wheeler.
Her subject was: “Citizenship Re­
quirements for the Kingdom.” Those
who didn’t attend missed a grand
sermon. "
Rev. G. A. Gray spoke last Sunduy
morning in Rev. Mf. Wheeler's place
at the church.
A goodly number
were but to hear him. Mr. Gray used
to have the pastorate here twice
monthly before there was a regular
pastor and his old friends were very
glad to see and hear him speak. He
was accompanied by Mrs. «Gray and
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Christensen, of
Coquille. ,
Word has been received by therpar-
ents of Bill Noah and Elmer Good­
win that they have left the shores of
the good old U. S. A. and are mem­
bers of the fleet in the Pacific.
Mrs. L. E. Teeters and Miss Fran­
ces McCarthy called at the Byerly
home Sunday afternoon."
Mrs. Leona Dow, of Coquille, was
out to her place last Sunday after-
Mrs. Earl Adams, Jr., of Coquille,
was at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Ryan over the week­
Word has been received from Lil­
lian Johnson that she had arrived
safely at the home of her daughter,
Helen, and family, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Gadget Shower
E. Nevin, in Bellefouche, South Da­
Eunice Howe, bride-to-be of next
kota. Although she likes it there
month, was honored Monday evening she plans on coming back west soon.
at the home of Mrs. Harold Withnell.
, Mrs. Withnell served dinner desert to
a group of friends before the meet-
' ing of Junior Women's Club. A sur-
Last Saturday, Nov. 20, a seven
1 prise feature was a gadget shower.
. Guests were Mesdames Rodney pound baby boy, who has been named
Creager, Bob Harris, R. G. McBride, Roy Eugene, was born to Mr. and
Chester Price, Bob’ Bryan, Misses Mrs. Herman Sumerlin.
Also on Saturday an eight pound
Yvonne Kern and Eunice Howe.
baby boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Gibau, of Sitkum. H^has
Troop No. 14 Enjoys A
been named Bruce "Raymond.
Wiener Roast Monday
Wayne Goodman, of Coquille, un­
Boy Scouts of Troop 14, received a derwent a minor operation on Satur­
special treat in the form of a wiener day and Mrs, Vic Stevens, of this
roast at their regular meting held in city, a' major operation on Sunday.
the Scout Cabin in Myrtle Grove
Mrs. Ruth Davis, Coquille, entered
Monday of this week. "
for treatment on Monday and Mrs.
The wieners and buns, which were Ruth Neal Rotest, of Powers, under­
much enjoyed by the boys were fur­ went a major operation on Tuesday.
nished by Scouter Lloyd Claver. To
Dismissals have been Mrs. Dollie
show their appreciation for the treat, Frickey, of Bandon, Ada Lewis and
the scouts all gathered around Scout­ Cecil Sharpe, all last Thursday; Mrs.
er Claver and sang “For He’s a Jolly Sonmanan’s baby, Henry Wilson and
I Good Fellow.”
Mrs. Chas. Spenser, of Marshfield, all
Others present besides the members on Saturday.
j of the troop and their leaders, Phil
Alborn and Connie Phillips, were George E. Oerding Sells
Evan Alborn, Burton W. Dunn and
Two Coquille Residences
Frank Hughes.
The home owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Nell Griffin at 478 Knowlton Avenue,
was sold by George Oerding, a Co­
quille realtor, to Mrs. Rose Ashton
of this city. Mrs. Ashton purchased
the p^ce for investment and has
, Divorces were granted by Judge rented It to J. O. Berglund, the new
King in circuit court here Tuesday cashier in the First National Bank,
to the plaintiffs in the following cases: who came from Portland where he
Ellen E. Smith vs. Chas. B. Smith. was employed at the main bank. Mr.
Anamarie tlder vs. Robert C. Elder. and Mrs. Griffin have moved to
I Helen M. Cropper vs. Clyde F. Mapleton, Oregon, where he has em­
, Cropper.
ployment with the Siuslaw Forest
Leona B. Cousens vs. Edwin W. Products Co. and is employed as a
The contested divorce case of Leota
The residence, recently purchased
! G. Griggs vs. Raymond E. Griggs by Tony Biasca at 591 E. Second St.,
was continued for further investiga­ was sold by Mr. Oerding to Mr. and
Mrs. -Donald W. Sturdivan.
present tenant will continue ~to live
See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in in the house for several months or
Coquille for Diamonds and Watch until the Sturdivans are ready to
move in.
W—jpt/e" Loaf Paa
g—Individual Curtard Cups
I—fl/l" PI, Flats
H-IOft" Utility Tray
A sure-to-be appreciated present In • lovely gift box of striking .
design. Practical, too, for in Glasbske ware you can tako pinmg
hot, or freezing cold, food straight to the table without trans­
ferring it to another dish. See this lovely set today , . . for a
friend, a bride, or a sparkling addition to your own kitchen.
8-Piece set as above: 1—1 Qt. Casserole and cover,
1_ 10^" Utility Tray, 4 Custard Cups, 1—8H” Pie Plato
See what’s cooking and how it’s
doing without even lifting the
lid. Crystal clear; easy to wash
as a china dish; won’t absorb
cooking stains or odors. Unaf­
fected by heat oacold.
Modern Glass
Smokes Lesa
Belle Knife Hospital
Practically eliminates greasy
smoke that soils your kitchen
walls and curtains. Cook • f'st
and stands high heat, ye. -hi
handle stays cool; and best of
all, as easy to clean as a dish.
Every child lores a
pony and here's one
easy to ride and “to
keep.” Made of Super
board machined hard­
wood rockers, excep­
tionally sturdy through­
out. Bright contrasting
colon hold baby’s at­
Don’t Forget that thia Offices Secures
Birth Certificates for Yon
Walls and tablecloths get s
rest when tit-tat-toe fans take
to darts and dart-board for a
new, fascinating variation of
their favorite game. Low price
Includes 3 darts and attractive
board. Extra darts available.
It's new! It’s smart! It’s Inex­
pensive! This latest dart game,
a Wilson original, is based on
a rack of pool balls. When a
dart hits a ball, that ball is
“in the pocket.”
Service and Protection
Famous Glasbake
Roaster Removes
The Guesswork
Four Divorces Were
Granted Tuesday
1—I'/, ÇH. Csiwrob and Cover
Nov. 25, 1943
Celery in branch
Sweet and Sour Pickles
Carrot Sticks
Salad — Spring Vegetable Jello Salad
Soup— Chicken Noodle . Turkey Gumbo
Roast Tom Turkey, Celery & Sage Dressing, Cranb’rry Sauce
Ljiecn Fried
ken, Corn Fritter
led New Yori
tb Steak, Au Jus Sauce-f
Candied SWeet Potatoes Creamed Carrots & Peas
Hot Mince Pie
Homemade Pumpkin Pie
Ice Cream Sundae
Hot Rolls
smarfcn voua
Sharpen Your Wits
— ’¡ay “Take It
Or Leave It’*
The home game version of the
Smash hit radio pro»;- i.
Everyone wants to prov. ’
Skill: vanb, io try L
que ; jour Enta
easy, uiay
is fast, hilknvusl
P 7
Coquille Coffee Shop
Mrs. Gertrude Menning, Prop.
Southwestern Motors Car
& Home Supply Store
325 So. Hall St.