Personal Mention (Marriage Licenses Altar Society Fancy Work Sale, November 20 In Justice Bull’s Court! The Past Week Nov. 3—Harold J. Ross, of Powers, Thomas Everett Lewey paid $9 The ladies of the Altar Society of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood and son and Lillian Y, Endicott,. of Myrtle the Catholic church will hold a fancy fine and costs last Thursday for not solved here Sunday evening from Point. They were married by^Jus- work sale, on Saturday, Nov. 20, in having a hunter's license; $20 for his their home in Seattle, where he is i tice Bull at his office here last the Purkey corner display room of fine was suspended. [ Thursday evening. employed in a shipyard, to visit their the hotel building. The winner of On Friday Robert Clayton Davidson Nov. 5 Wm. A. Gaither >nd Betty parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Wood and the quilt raffle will also be an­ J. Jones, both of Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Edna Hartson. They will be nounced at that time. A. Gray performed the ser­ here for a week. vice for them at his home here last Calling carda. 50 tor -:i.00 ■ Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller, who Sunday. Nov. 5 — Lee D. Woodridge and Bev- were in from the McKinley section on Monday said that by the first of thelerly B. Boatman, both fit Peterson, year, they will have four sons in ’ Iowa, Nov. 5—Heni^ Charles Hanson and the service. Ted is now in Africa and Vivienne Lucille Thomas, both of Lincoln is in Alaska. Marshfield. Nov. 5—Claud Simpson and Elea­ nor Wiley, both of North Bend. They were married here last Friday by Rev. See us for photographs of Chas. G. Brown at the Pioneer par­ sonage. • Family Groups Nov. 8—Thos. W. Corson and Mary V. Bochenski, both of Aberdeen, Wn. • Service Men Nov. 9—John B. McCarthy and Rosemary McGeorge, both of Marsh­ • Babies Mrs. L H. Armstrong of Ft. Ben­ field. - « • Copies of Pictures ton, Montana, 4a visiting . this week Nov. 9 — Anothony Stanfill, of with her mother, Mrs. S. J, Cheno­ Charleston, Ore., and Christinia Fay weth, and her sister and family at the Goodwin. R. W. Kuenzli home. Culline cards. ou (<>r 81.00 Ray McDaniel, who owns a ranch on Four Mile, seyen miles below Ban- dan, and who has been in Oklahoma since thefire on Sept. 26, 193«, which destroyed all the buildings on the place, came in from the east Sun­ day. He said the Phillips Petroleum Corporation, which is now testing the possibilities for oil and gas ih Coos county, is the largest independent .00 Farel Destin Face Powder operator in Oklahoma. and Dry Skin Cream oetty Lou Donated came home last week-end from Eugene to attend the funeral of Mrs. M. E. Nye. Benefit Card Party At Masonic Hall Saturday Evening The Social Club of Beulah Chapter, O. E. S. will give a card party this coming Saturday evening, Nov. 13,' in Masonic Hall, for the benefit of j the Masonic and Eastern Star horned Everyone is invited to attend. There! will be tables for pinochle, bridge I ann contract rummy, and the hour is 8 o'clock. Tickets will be 40 cents. Riverton F. F./A. To Give Dance At Gym Nov. 1* The Riverton Chapter of Future’ Farmers is sponsoring a Thanksgiv­ ing Dance on Nov. 19. The dance, will be at the Riverton Gym, starting at 8:30 p. m. A door prize will be J given. Bum Gartin's orchestra will furnish the music. Supper Party For Bride A small but delightful supper party in honor of Ann Hawkins Kamph, was given the first of the week by Markle Smith Sherrill at her home. Supper was served in candlelight at a table set attractively with flowers and candelabra in yellow. Beautiful gifts from the friends present were received by the honor guest. Attend­ ing besides Mrs. Kamph were Mes- dames Jeannette Collier, Jean Bryan, Peggy Hennessey and Miss Eunice Howe. 2 2 2 .00 Farel Destin Face Powder and Beauty Ball - . - . paid $9 fine and coat* for a truck overload. ' Claire McNeil Gray paid $7, fine and costs on Monday for having four in the driver's seat of his car. Owen Arthur Davis was summoned Monday to appear for having a driver overload. Chadwick lodge No.68 A. F. 4 A. M. Special Communication TUESDAY, NOV. 1«, 7:3« P. M. Work in E. A. * iTHROCKY* 1 ROCKY.. Hara if it...1943*« biggest, brightest bloze of musical merriment — with The Star YOU 'Discovered'/ as you roll with laughsl K ___ I 1 E. Juttico takes a . holiday with j Gildy on tho R iury->’and i» h «r'X otl jam of Bf hi» lifol BL . .00 Farel Destin Lipstick, Powder, Rouge, Tissue Cream, Dry Skin Cream REVLON Full size, Polish, Nail Base and Remover in Gift Box - lc Sale Specials KLENZO BRUSHLESS shae cream * ■ : M MILK MAGNESIA s hihos VomBB^H«WR TOOTH-ACHE DROPS YEAST AND IRON TABLETS Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open Evenings until 8:00 ¡THUR. FRI. SAT. i ILI! ES Elmirs? ii „.T» FOLKS— “DESTRO YE R" IS NOT JUST ANOTHER WAR PICTURE. IT’S A PICTURE CRAMMED FULL OF GOOD WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END. IT’S A PICTURE FOR THE ENRT1E FAMILY. Claud S. Stotts, of Marshfield, Coos county war finance chairman, will be a guest of honor at a testimonial dinner to be held in Portland Friday, : November 19, according to word re- ' ceived from E. C. Sammons, state chairman. Mr. Stotts will be a featured parti­ cipant in the first state wide meeting of the Oregon War Finance Com­ mittee Million Dollar Club. The meeting will be broadcast over a statewide network at 8:00 p. m. Fri­ day. While in Portland Mr. Stotts will j join with state war bond leaders in drafting a program for the sale of war bonds and stamps as Christmas gifts | and for the 4th War Loan which is ' scheduled to be launched early in > 1944. Notice Ex-Service Men For the purpose of forming a Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars Poet, a meet­ ing will be held in the Union Hall on Second street in Coquille, starting 1:00 p. m. Sunday, Nov. 21, 1943. 43t2s Among the hundreds of new books in stock at Norton’s are the following best sellers: “Thg Ringed,Horizon," by Edmund Gilligan; “Indigo,” by Christine Weston; “Corner of Heav-i on," by Kathleen Norris; “Daylight On Saturday,” J. B. Priestly; “The Turnbulls,” Taylor Caldwell; “So' Utile Time." John P. Marquand; “The.Forest and The Yort," Hervey Allen; “Sister of Cain,” Mary Collins; “The Robe,” Loyd C. Douglas; “Hun­ gry Hill,' Daphne du Mauier; “Kate Fennigate,” Booth Tarkington; “Thunder - head,” Mary O’Hara; “Katherine,” by Hans Habe; “Bur­ ma Surgeon,” by Gordon S. Sea­ grave; “Paris Underground,” Etta Shiber, and many others. Buy now for Christmas. • ADULTS ed = g ROBINSON «ÖD* FMffl-MAfiGUEJ8TE(WMM-EDGAÄ8lJCHANAN LATEST NEWS EVENTS— / V MATINEE SUNDAY 1:45 Matinee 11c & 35c Evenings lie & 50c Kiddie« lie Latest News Events