PAGE SEVEN Out-of-Doors S Ar . Health Club, Mm. Ivan Laird, leader; See “Spike" Leake for the beat in 1 Freddy Ellis, president; Donna Jane Liability, or other Insurance. Office, I Krewson, vice president; Cecil Laird, next door to Coquille Hospital, secretary. Coos River Forestry Club, phone 5; residence phone VJ5L. a _ Christian ________ i | Mm. Lynn Hoover, leader; Donald ______________ The Women ’s Society _ of Service met last Thursday” in"the Pre»id«nt; Alpha Jane parlor of the Methodist church, with j Clinkinbeard, vice president; Mickey ’ Mm. Clarice Gormley leading the de- Hoyez, secretary. Norway News Items |W. S. C. S. Elects Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and Officers, Nov. 4 The regular monthly Missionary meeting was held last Tuesday at the Mrs. Elizabeth Lett were last Friday church with Mm. Stanley Halter in evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. charge. There was a short business Emil Peterson. Each season we become more firm­ meeting at which time it was voted -Mr. and Mrs. Enno Dornath have ly convinced of the fact that there ; to give 15.00 to the Coos County War purchased the place belonging to Mr. ^should be an open season declared Chest Fund. Mm. Tyrrell Woodward and Mrs. Charles Newton, just above votionals. —- upon does in southwestern Oregon. A and Mm. S. C. McAllister were ap­ the Dutch Clinton residence on the Co­ The president, Mrs. Lena McCurdy, hunter should be allowed a doe and pointed as the nominating committee quille highway and will move to their presided at the business meeting. Af­ a buck, or one of each. The woods to see about the new officers for the new location this week. The Newton’s ter the reports of officers and chair­ are overrun with does and many of coming year. The election will be have gone to Coquille to live. men of committees, election of of­ them are barren, while constant war­ held at-the next regular meeting. Ev- Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Mahaffey were , ficers for the ensuing year was held. fare is being waged against the bucks; - eryone was asked to bring a gift, Sunday afternoon callers at the R. R. resulting in the following: president, alone. i Mrs. Helen Peterson; vice president, which is to be sent to the child, Jean Rackleffs. An open season declared upon does Richardson in England, whom the Mr. and Mrs. George Gasner and Mrs Minnie Laws; secretary, Mrs. would mean the saving of thousands Arago society is helping support. Roll daughter Donna Rae were Saturday Clarice Gormley; treasurer, Mrs. E. of pounds of meat that is wasted each call was as follows: Mesdames O. H. evening callers at the borne of Mr. and , Purvance. Heads for each department season by does ’ being left to rot in Aasen, Stanley Halter, Ward Evans, Mrs. J. H. McCloskey. of work were also elected. the woods that have been shot by Tyrrell Woodward, S. C. McAllister, | At noon a potluck luncheon was Mr. end Mre. Harold Dick returned hunters when they were mistaken for I Werner Plaep and Bobby. served by a hostess committee com­ Friday from eastern Oregon where bucks, or by huntem who thought The regular monthly W. C. T. U. they went to see about the ranch in posed of Mesdames Richmond, Brown, that they might be a buck. And will be held next Tuesday, Nov. IS, which they own a half interest with Purkey, Peggy Newton and Viola then, too, we believe that a lot of at the church with Mm. Charles Grif­ his brother-in-law, Paul Bunch. The Newton. them are shot just for pure devilment.1 fith in charge. Esther Taylor had charge ot the Dicks spent the day Sunday with her But be that as it may, there are hun­ Choir practice was held Friday eve­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroe­ program in the afternoon, which was dreds of them left for buzzards during ning at the home of Mm. O. H. Aasen, a study of some of the missionary I der. each season. with the following present: Mesdames Frank J. Fish in company with Mr. work in Africa. The group joined in Another thing an open season on Werner Plaep, Ward Evans, Albert Mullins, the goverment trapper, states the singing of a number of negro does would accomplish is that it Lillie and S. C. McAllister. They will spirituals and Clarice Gormley sang, would enable a lot of old huntem to meet again this Friday evening at they had finally caught the big black bear which had been killing so many “Steal Away to Jesus,” accompanied get a piece of meat close into civiliza- 1 the O. H. Aasen home at 8:00 p. m. by Mrs. Chas. Brown. Mrs. O. B. of his (Fish’s) sheep. tion; men who are too old to tramp Mrs. Ward Evans attended „ a >wv party Harriman made her report on the Mr. and Mrs. Severt Iverson were the high hills longer, but in whose i the home* o7 Mm^ather- in from Roseburg last week-end look­ Oregon Conference of ths W. S. C. S„ in vasts the old hunting spark still wood in Myrtle Point last Tuesday ing after their ranch and stock up #hich met in Portland Oct. 13 and smoulders. evening in honor of her new daugh- the North Fork. They visited with 14. She attended as a delegate from A few years ago my dad and I: ter-in-law, Mm. Sarah Leatherwood, her mother Mrs. Walter Schroeder, the local society. counted 78 deer on a three-day trip, Eg Howe and Ward Evans made a The following were present at one Saturday aftenoon. and only three of them were bucks, business trip to Marshfield last Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rackleff re­ or all of the sessions during the day: This present season I counted 18 Thursday. ceived word Saturday evening of the Mesdames McCurdy, Purvance, Lund­ deer on on hunt, all of them being • Emmett Hammack, Marvin and death of hie brother, Ed Rackleff, a quist, Laws, Richmond, Peterson does. In fact three does were to- Jimmy, of Myrtle Point, visited at Portland shipyard employee. This Minard, Harriman, Brown, Ellis, gether, something we have never wit- the home of Mr. and Mm. Nile Miller sad news came as a shock to rela­ Londy Peart, Gormley, Stevens, nessed before, aside from a whole lajt Saturday. tives and friends, here as he was ap­ • Oddy, Viola Newton, Way, Roges, nerd of deer which contained several Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fairchild, Rich­ parently as well as usual. Carlifl, Howe, Skeeis, Gray, Taylor, does. ard and Billy and Rotha were week­ Mrs. E. F. Brodie gave a birthday Savage, Gillespie, Purkey, Zeigler The saving in meat would well re­ end guests at the home of Mr. and — dinner Monday evening for their son and Bowerman. pay the opening of the season, alone, Mrs. Wm. Knabe. The next meeting will be Thusday, Eldon and family, his birthday being counting the meat that is left to rot Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pappel, Sandra Nov. 8. His uncle and wife, Mr. and Dec. 2. each season throughout the state. We and James, of Millington, visited at Mrs. Bert Soper and their two grand­ have a report from eastern Oregon the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward children were also present. where 23 does were found slain in Evans and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl Francis Kolstead was an over night one district and we ourselves found last Sunday. guest Monday evening at her cousins’ two in the Lamps district. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were Samamtha and Eddie Qheer, A lot of huntem would not shoot a Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Mrs. Julia Loop and Mrs. A; R. The National 4-H Club Achieve­ doe, even though there were an open Miller in Myrtle Point. Bennett called at the Gus Bender home ment and Re-Organization Week, season on them and would still hunt Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Herbert one evening last week to aee Mrs. November • to 14, is being observed for their buck, as of old. But re­ and Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and Bender, but her son Ellsworth, in­ in Coos county along with the rest of gardless of that fact, an open season Douglas drove to Bandon Sunday and formed them that he and “dad” had the nation through local window dis­ on does would not be amiss. Any­ visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. been running “Bac he lor--Hail” the plays, radio talks, and community way, it’s worth trying — the game C. E. Schroeder. peat two weeks as mother was visit­ programs, reports Mrs. Dorothy E. commission is already experimenting, Mr. and Mrs. CJias. Griffith and ing with his brother and family, Mr. Bishop, county home demonstration so here’s another chance for them. Tommy and Rev. M. M. Short, Mr and Mrs. Edward Bender of MeMin- agent, and James F. Bishop, assistant We sure derived a kick out of an and Mrs. Johnson Caudle and Mm. ville. county agent, who have charge of the item dated at Portland and appear­ Mary Fuller, of Coquille, drove to Mr. and Mrs Roy Robison left Bun­ work in the county. ing in a newspaper a while back. It Roseburg last week and attended the day morning for Weed Calif., where 4-H Club work is available to every stated that a hunter was traveling W. F. M. S. and Sunday school con­ his brother, Corbet (Walter) Robison person in Cone county between the along the highway when he observed vention. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith also Uvea. ages of 9 and 21 years. Projects are a large buck. He stopped his car, took their son. Tommy, to an eye Russell Smith and wife left Sun­ available in Cooking, Clothing, got his rifle out, stepped from the specialist in Roseburg. day moAiing for Portland with the Homemaking, Home Beautification, car and fired just as the buck charged Mr. and Mrs. Gail Shriver, Doug­ intention of consulting an eye spe­ Health, Dairy, Poultry, Rabbit, Crops. him. The buck’s mate, enraged, las and Gary, and Kenneth Dority, of cialist in regard to Mrs. Smith’s eyes. Garden, and Woodworking. Com­ charged the hunter and bit his leg. North Bend, were Sunday dinner Mrs. Harold Fribble gave a birth­ munities or organizations wishing ad­ Both deer escaped. Ye gods! What guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mason day dinner Sunday for Wilmott Hoff­ ditional information about 4-H Club next? In view of this news item it and family. man at the Prfbble house. Those work may make arrangements for a puts to shame the theory that “man Mr. and Mm. Nile Miller were Sun­ present were Mr; and Mfrs. Henry speaker by contacting the County Ex­ bites dog" is news. Wonder just day guests of Mr. and Mm. Orvus Gasner and children Marleen, Beverly tension Office either during this week what next some writers will seek Miller and family in Myrtle Point and Marlin and the host and hostesses. or at a later date. to foist upon the gullible public? Albert Moore, of Roseburg, visited Mrs. Lily Dement was an after 4-Club work develops workers, The silvergides and also the Chinook at the home of Mr. and Mm. Eddie church visitor with her sister, Mrs. every boy or girl who Joins a 4-H Club have been taking a spinner in the tow­ Moore, over the week-end. J. H. Mcdeofray. is given a definite project to com­ er Coquille at the time of this writing. Willis Wilcox was absent from Herman Tedsen entertained with a plete. The work is to be supplemen­ There were 62 boats in evidence on school several days the past week on banquet at his home Monday evening ted by keeping records of labor and one Sunday afternoon. As we have account of illness. plates being laid for eighteen. cost, making an exhibit of the things always maintained, if given the prop­ Mr. and Mm. Wayne Woodward Jim Mullins and his mother, Mrs. produced in the project, and writing er publicity the old Coquille, in the were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mm. Martha Jane Mullins, toft Weednes- a story of the work completed. course of time, will prove as great an Stanley Halter. day on the bus for Springfield, to visit To date there have been twenty attraction to salmon fishermen as the clubs, organized in the county with a relatives and friends. famous Rogue. A few years back, Boo Willkle—In some Portland Mr. and Mrs. Roy Epperson drove total enrollment of 321. The clubs scarcely a troller could be found on neighborhood movies, Wendell Will- organized that have not been pre­ the Coquille, but now each day of kie is being booed by youth; the to eastern Oregon Oct 27, to get a viously reported are: Fairview, team of colts he had purchased, re ­ fte week during the season that the booing keeps up all through the Wlll- Cooking Club, Mrs. Iris Holverstott, salmon are running there are many kie talk and is kept up loud enough luming Nov. 8. Mrs. R W. Haughton spent the day leader; Lulu Lindsay, president; Betty fishermen upon the river and Sun­ to drown Willkie’s voice. When Emerson, vice president; Dorene Frye, days see an influx that is astonishing. President Roosevelt’s picture comes Tuesday of this week with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Alden Mast, of Myrtle Point. secretary. Fairview Dairy Club, Ly­ on, there is no applause. — Orégon Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gant were in man Chezem, leader; Walter Shutt, Voter. Marshfield Saturday of last week on president; Merle Boone, vice presi­ dent; Norman Chezem, secretary. business. , Harbison's myrtlewood for Christ­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Bright and Eastside Sewing Club, Mrs. Anne Mrs Earl Adams, Jr., has returned * daughters Martyn and Elizabeth were Montgomery, leader; Betty Hammond, home after a visit at Paso Robles. mas gifts. Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and president; Isobel Chambers, vice Calif. Her husband is in the U. S. It will pay you to look at Bergen’s Mrs. Virgil McKenny. The McKennys president; Delores Thomson, secre­ Army and stationed at Camp Roberts. are living at the former Wilson Ser­ tary. Eastside Health Club, Mrs. While there, she met several boys before you buy. vice Station at the top of Johnson Anne Montgomery, leader; Bobby from Coquille stationed at Camp Rob­ Bob, of Roseburg, visited Friday Mill hill. Holden, president; George Smith, vice erts. Among them was Bill Berry. E. F. Brodie and eon Eldon, closed president; Richard Fellers, secretary. Lorraine Norris spent the week­ and Saturday at the home of Mr. and end at the home of her parents, Mr. Mrs. Ed Isaacson. Mrs. Isaacson is a fir timber deal last week with the Valley View Health Club, Mrs. Esther Wilson, leader; Susan Wasson, presi­ Hawkins brothers. and Mm. G. R. Norris. Lorraine Mrs. Swan's aunt. Carl Hooker was to leave Thursday dent; Phyllis George, vice president; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gant went to works at Smith Woods in Coquille and is staying at the Gasner home. to report to Norfolk, Virginia, for ser­ Fairview over the week-end elk hunt­ Doris Willard, secretary. Sitkum Mr. and Mm. Wm. Noah and daugh­ vice after a leave of several days ing, but no luck. Sunday dinner guests of the A. R ter, Bonnie Ellen, were week-end vis­ spent in the Coquille valley. Mrs. L. A. Ryan had a nice long Bennetts were his mother, Mrs. M. B. JOIN Til itors in the valley from their home letter from Warren Dow Monday. He Bennett and his sister, Mrs. P. E. in Lakeside. is in the Navy, serving out of New Breuer, of Myrtle Point, and her Mr. and Mm. Harry Lindsay and York city. daughter and their husbands, Mr. family visited at the Williams’ home L. A. Ryan returned to work Mon­ and Mrs. Walter Moore and daughter in Reedsport last Sunday. day, after being off two and one-half Marion, of Coquille. The occasion was Mrs. Williams and Mm. Lindsay weeks in account of - an injured in honor of Mr. Bennett's birthday. are sisters and Mary Helen Williams At the last minute Mr. Breuer was had been spending several days at thumb. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler, Mrs. celled to Portland to meet a shoe r. the Lindsay home while her parents T. H. Benham and Karen were busi­ salesman so his daughter Mrs. Wayne were getting settled in their new ness callers and shoppers in Marsh­ Cook and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ben home. They are formerly from Grants field Thursday of last week. Breuer, accompanied him, leaving Pass. Melva Richardson missed school Saturday evening and returning Sun­ Mrs. Ray Norris entertained last Sunday al a dinner in Carl Hook-. Tucg u-v on account of a cold. evening—no they missed the .... ................ >rwy day party. . ci’s home. These invited besides , SUN. MON. TUE: -ROXY Carl were-iMrs. Earl Adams, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ryan. Mrs. Harry Lindsay accompanied Mrs. Dorothy Bishop to Bunker Hill Silence is the safest respondent for and Green Acres as a project leader all the contradiction that arises from last Friday, the project being on the impertinence, vulgarity, or envy.— covering of umbrellas. Zimmerman. Amanda Johnson returned home Sunday, after two weeks’ visit, at the See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in home of her' daughter, Mrs. Wm. Coquille for Diamonds and Watch r N T Ihm Ì Noah, of Lakeside. Straps. v , tfs I Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Swan and son, LKNBVE Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing Card of Thanks We take this means of expressing I To make tins simple, no risk hear­ to our friends>and neighbors our sin- | ing teat. If you are temporarily deaf­ cere thanks for their sympathy and ! ened, bothered .by ringing buzzing head noises due to hardened or coagu­ helpful assistance during our recent 1 lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine bereavement and for the beautiful Home Method'test i______ ----- — i that so many say flowem at the services held for Mm. has enabled them to hear well again M E Nye I ^uu ,nuilt hear oetter after making r Wv. Mr. t” ur urnIri„ th‘1 «imple test or you get your money Martin E. Nye, Mm. L. W Wilkin- back al unc<. Agk ab0Ut Ourine son, Mrs. D. T. Schaer Drops todav at Barrow Drug Co. The Industrial Repair Co of Coquille * MACHINING < METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING “WALLY" Phone 4« Notional 4-H Club Week Nov. 6-14 û. F. Goodrich now offers You the ONLY SYNTHETIC TIRE BACKED BY 80,000,000 MILE ROAD TEST READ THE RECORD OF ACTUAL PERFORMANCE OFFER eligible ear owners the only synthetic tiree backed W E by CAN the experience gained from this ear owner’s test — B. F. Goodrich Fairview News TRIANGLE Bilvertowaa. In 1940, thousands of Sllvertowss (in which more than half ’the rubber was synthetic) were sold to hundreds of ear owners. They wore put to work right alongsids natural rubber tiree. More than 80,- 000,000 miles have gons by .. . and those Sil vertowns more than sqnaled the performance of the natural rubber tiree. So —- depend on the records of actual performance and got — all synthetic B. F. Goodrich 811 vertowns. Como la and see thio tiro today. EASY TERMS AVAILABLE IF YOU DESIRE & C BOOK FOR HOLDERS i THE ALL-SYNTHETIC ambbibol S ! LVHRTOWN Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 852 «