F a GE SIX THE COQIHLLX VA1XKY COQUÏUX OSIOON, TRURBDAY, NOVEMBER 11. IMS. i____ j CLASSIFIED ~ V---------- 'Only One Traffic Fatality During Recent War Games Coquille Girl Named 'As Fund Treasurer At U. of O. --------------- Post-War Program For Coos County One Con» a Wprd Each Insertimi Secretary of State Bob Farrell to- * . Late last week committee heads Ne Adv. lees than 25 cent* jday disclosed that only one traffic and house representatives for the ing Creek on Market Road No. 19, 1 Catching Creek, Myrtle Point area: $3,564.00. Church of Christ East 4th A Coulter >’ t" Liston Parrish, Pastor * Thursdly, 6:45. Church fellowship night Basket dinner. Sunday school workers conference and service of in­ spiration. Bible school 9:45, Clarence Fish, superintendent. Morning worship 11:00. Lord's Supper. Special music. Message by the pustor, “A Symmetrical Church.” Jr. and Intermediate C. E., 6:00. Young People's C. E., 6:30. Evening service 7:30 You are in­ vited to thia informal, evangelistic fellowship. Good singing. The pas­ tor will apeak. Wednesday 7:30. Choir practice, Don Farr, director. (Continued from Page One) I Pioneer Methodist Church i fatality involving a civilian driver World,Student Service Fund were an­ r Market Road No. 13 over North Fork Rev. Charles Goodwin Brown, and military personnel occurred in nounced at the University at Eugene. Pastor » the central Oregon army maneuver > Nancy Boles, Coquille, junior in edu­ ot Coquille River, in Lee area: • area during the recent war games, cation is treasurer for the drive, and $4,(XX).OO; 9:45—-Sunday School hour. You Resurface Market Road No. 9 be­ will enjoy this hour with others who 'also representative of Kappa Kappa just completed. tw ee n Coquill e wnd-- Ea v ernc - Pa rle: study God’s Word here. Gamma. — — — — < "i'"" Wrtli appntSUmatety^.tXreTrwn iH- -W ANTED T O BUY OR RUN T— $19.800.00; . volved, and with thousands of mili ­ Oregon ’ s goal is $1000 and the 11:00—Sunday morning worship small ranch on good (4>atl and near Reconstruct foqr Trestles on Mar­ town preferably. Must have fairly tary vehicles added to the normal money raised will help students all ket Road No. 9, between Fairview hour. A frank discussion of the at­ titude of Jesus toward Social Prob­ good house. Give complete descrip­ traffic stream over highways «nd over the world who are prisoners of and Coquille; $4,752.00; lems. tion, including price, terms, etc.— streets in this area, Farrell said the war, internets, refugees, or dispos­ Surface Bandon-Bullards and Pros­ sessed. 6:30--Sunday evening. Youth Fel­ Address P. O. Box, 941, Marsh­ record was good. per roads Nos. 92, 91, 94. Bandon to lowship hour. Eulia McCracken will “Civilian drivers in Oregon are to Miss Boles is the daughter of Mr. field. 43t3»s Prosper: $23.364.00; be congratulated on their spirit of.and Mrs. N. W. Boles, of this city. lead devotions. Avis Hudson will Resurface Skyline Road No. 50. be­ lead the topic discussion for the eve­ FOR SALE—Bicycle in good condi­ : cooperation with army authorities in tion. C. W. Wornstaff, Burns* avoiding . traffic accidents in the Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, s tween North Bend and Marshfield: ning. $3.136.00; Acres, P. O. Box 754, Coquille. lt*s maneuver area," Farrell declared. 6:30—Sunday evening Intermediate -, — ■ -------------- - ■ « ■ ■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Resurface Marshfield, Englewood, Fellowship group will meet for their ’ "Accidents involving military per­ In The County Court of Coos County, Libby Road No. 51: $10,820.00; FOR SALE—Girl’s wine-colored coat, 'Sunday evening fellowship hour. First Church of Christ, Scientist sonnel constitute tragic interference Oregon size 10; practically new. Call at Resurface Charleston County Road James Oden will lead the meeting. Coquille. Oregon with the army training program in In the matter of the estate of 590 East 9th. Mrs. L. H. Miller. lt*s No. Ill between Charleston and Coast this state. It is fortunate indeed, that Bessie I. Zattlin, Deceased. 7:30 — Sunday evening worship ¿unday School at 9:30 a. m. The undersigned has been appoint­ Guard Station: $1,742.00; I hour. Song service lead by the Sen- Sunday Service at 11 a. m. FOR SALE — “Farmers’ Bargains”— civilian drivers understood this dan­ ed administrator of the above entitled Resurface Lakeside County Road i ior and Intermediate Fellowship Subject tor next Sunday, “Mortals Pigs — Cows — Chickens — ger and drove accordingly." estate by the County Court of Coos While the intensive maneuvers are County, Oregon, dated November 8, 1 No. 35, Lakeside to Junction connect- groups, forming a union choir. Brief and Immortals.” Puppies — Used separators. See All persons having claims i ing with State Highway: $6,858.00; message^y the pastor on the subject, Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 FARR & ELWOOD’S “Swap over for this year, the Oregon secre­ 1943. against said estate are required to Resurface Bay Park-Bunker Hill “We Prepare for Life.” o'clock. Board.’ w # s tary of state reminded drivers that present them to the undersigned, with ... ..... .... *— — 1 ■ Y'”-"——— there are smaller maneuvers in var­ proper vouchers and duly verified, Road No. 128: $4,182.00; 7:30 Wednesday evening choir re- Free public Reading Room at 265 Resurface Market Road No. WE SPECIALIZE on permanent re­ ious parts of the state in connection ut the Baxter Hotel, Marshfield, Ore­ I hearsal hour. Don't fail to be on W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every pairs for cut or broken casings ___ and it with __________ ..______ w program. __ ____ the army training He , gon, within six montiis from the date Myrtle Creek area: $6,970.00; ! hand for this. day except Sunday and holidays from Surface Market Road No. 10, Co- tubes, any size or type. All work ' urgec| drivers to observe regulations of the first publication hereof. 7:30 Thursday evening mid-week 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. Dated and first published Nov. 11. quilel to Arago; (Fat Elk-Coquille): fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire : when driving.in the vicinity of army I 1943. service hour. A special evening ot • Service_____________________UMfc |cafnpS. particularly with regard to Date of last publication, Dec. 9. $17,424.00; Bible study and prayer. The Holy Name Catholic Church 1943. Surface various short roads where (,0:00 Thursday a Union service of HEADQUARTERS tor Crown Dairy jthe s® n,ile wartime speed limit, 4 Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. Jonas August Zattlin, population, valuation and traffics prayer under the auspices of the la­ Administrator of Estate of and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed warrant such improvement: $94,- i 43Í5 Bessie I. Zattlin, deceased. dies of the church of the community. Calling cards, av for 11.00. < * Seed Co M* I It’s Chysanthemum season. 090.00; ----------------------- ;--------------------$— Bergen’s for choice flowers. ' * ■ Every church seeks to help in meet­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Construction of Warehouse and of- i DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick ing the problems of this. day. You STATE OF OREGON, IN AND fice building for Road Department: j are urged to find your church home Deering Milker Parts and Dairy Keys made tor ill locks. Stevens FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS $3,168.00; Supplies—See us. J. A. Lamb Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf Christie. D. Whitt, Plaintiff, and worship there this Sunday, and vs. GRAY HAIR? i Construction of Storage Shed for every Sunday. A hearty welcome Company. a -* WANTED—Pie or short order cook Fred C. Whitt, Defendant. Equipment of Road Department!1 awaits you at Pioneer. Impartial invsrtlfa«“» WANTED — Water wells to drill. > at 101 Cafe, 405 Front St. Mrs. To—Fried C. Whitt, the above named '$1.690.00; have found vitamin Have new and up-to-date Gilkey. It i Calcium Pantothenate Resurface Market Road No. 23,1 defendant: of eoma value in chang- ment and heavy pipe where IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 'Catching Slough, Eastside, area: iac my hair. wh« a L NOTICE OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ $24,393.00; deficiency of thia vita- Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Mai min may have caueed Anyone having a claim against quired to appear and answer the 30t4*tf Resurface Pony Slough and Old _ srayorzrayin«hair._ complaint filed against you in the - Mrs. Gertrude Menning as proprietor above entitled suit, on or before Empire Road No. (135-169); $3,485.00; For «ample, one teat condoled by Good Houaekeeptn« ma«aaine on a number of people, PERMANENT WAVE—59c. Do youi r of the Town Cafe in Coquille is re- Friday, the 10th day of December, ahowed 8^% of thoee teeted Reconstruct Myrtle Creek Bridge, Christmas seal sale of the Coos own Permanent with Charm-Kur 1 quested to mail a statement to her 1943, said date being after the expira­ eluded) had poeitive evidence of a return of Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ ■ promptly. Box 432, Coquille, Ore. s tion of four weeks from the date of Market Road 32, Bridge 4, Bancroft County Tuberculosis Association is eome hair color. *“ Now thousand, uh GRAYVITA. which coo- i being handled in Coquille by Mrs. B. the first publication of this Sum­ area: $2,178.00; - ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Eas; Jf — taina 10 mgm. of Calcium mons, and if you fail so to appear Reconstruct Bridge 3 on Halls Creek ‘ G. McBride, chairman tor the city, «me .mount. need in above test.) PLUS450 THI8 WEEK’S SPECIAL to do, absolutely harmless. Praise« d . and answer said complaint or other­ U S P untie of Bi, the vitamin necessary to }».llhy «rvre Try GRAYVfTA. S m what a I have orders tor several two and wise plead thereto, for want thereof, Road No. 79, over Halls Creek on with the Coquille Junior Women's by thousands including June Lang , Hall Creek Road: $1,386.00; club acting as sponsoring group, ac ­ difference it may make in the wayy0“• glamorous movie star. Money re - ­ three bed-room hquses. If you de- the Plaintiff will apply to the Court 30 day supply. SI.50; 100 day supply. «4 00. Resurface Market Road No. 20, cording to Mrs. U. E. Richter of funded If not satisfied. Barrov v sire a buyer for it. If you desire to for relief prayed for in her com­ plaint, to-wit: West side road between Myrtle Point Marshfield, Coos county chairman of Drug Company. 35tl0' * sell, list your property with me now. Thousands Use GRAYVITA For a decree dissolving the mar­ the seal sale. Seals will be mailed - The demand is good and prices are riage and marriwe contract now and and Broadbent: $3,960.00; IF YOUaCHICKENS AREN’T LAY * right. rkmw, writ. ««•»•< Reconatruct Trestle over •“ Noble to individuals by Nov. 22, according heretofore existing between the ING ask us about our money-bad E BARROW DRUG CO. I have several new listings of plaintiff and defendant, for the care, Creek on Green Acres Road No. 118; to Mrs. Richter, with five dollar guarantee to make them lay. FARF * ranches,'some large, some small, but custody and control of Lloyd A. Delmar area: $726.00; i bonds available through Mri Mc- FARR A ELWOOD. I * all priced right, and moat of them Whitt, the minor' child of plaintiff Reconstruct Trestle No. 4 on West Bride for business firms or individ­ and defendant, and for such other PAPERHANGING, Kalsomining m%y be purchased on very easy terms. relief as to the Court may seem just Fork of Millicoma road No. 47, Alle- uals wishing to support work of the Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex gany area. Bridge over West Fork tubercolusis association and unable If you are looking for a loan on and equitable. Tht grounds upon which said re­ Millicoma'River: $1,188.00; terior Painting. We buy cottoi 1 that home or farm o( yours, tell me to use the stamps. Filled with dignity and Herbert E. Wood. 275 N ' about it. I have money available lief is based in said Complaint is rag«. Reconstruct. bridges 2 and 3 on Ninety-five per cent of the funds your desertion from the plaintiff for a. trained to care for the Henry St. Phone 286. tf ■ for that South of Powers Road No. 90, Powers received from the sale remain in the more than one year prior to the com­ purpose. slightest details mencement of this suit, without area: $1,980.00; state to further the work in fighting n J. S. Barton, Realtor, Coquille, BARB WIRE—Three grades new cause. Reconstruct 2 bridges on Market this disease, the other five per cent Phone 21J. a This Summons is served upon you stock. We suggest.yob buy yo r Road No. 23, Catching Slough Road, going to the national organization for actual requirements for next sprii “ ROLL ROOFING—108 sq. ft., tar, by publication thereof in the Coquille use in resreach work being done on Valley Sentinel, pursuant to an or­ Eastside area: $3,300.00; now while available Don't put nails, instructions, only $1.40. der of the Hon. Dal M. King, Judge Reconstruct 2 small trestles on tuberculosis. Special emphasis is off until later on. J. A. Lan Phene IM CoqnUle g FARR A ELWOOD. • of the Circuit Court of Coos County, Market Road No. 14, over forks of being given to the 1943 sale to help Oregon, made, dated and entered on Company. 194 Bo. Coulter 81 the 9th day of November, 1943, and Johnson Creek, Templeton-Shutters prevent the rise in number of cases 1 PIANO Tuning and Technician. Call which order requires that the date area: $880.00; • of tuberculosis that occur during a SALE—on two, three and four r 185J. Tuning, repairing, de- of the first publication of said Sum­ Reconstruct Bridge over Shingle war. bundles of wallpaper, fifty < mothing, restringing and refelting. mons shall be on the 11th day of No­ House Slough, Road No. 52, Engle­ cent reduction in price—at G vember, 1943, the date of the last Will be in Coquille for the month publication thereof being Thursday, wood area: $2,970.00; Hardware. County Residents can buy No reproof is so potent as the silent of November. G. C. Nelson, for- the 9th day of December, 1943. . J- Reconstruct Bridge over Kentuck lesson of a good example. — Mary SUNDAY WASHING MACHINE REPAIR - * F. E. McCracken, merly with the L. L. Thomas Co. Slough, Market Road No. 27, Glas- Baker Eddy. Attorney for Plaintiff, service all makes of L at Marshfield for ten years. 42t2"s Residence and Postoffice Address ( gow area: $1,188.00; 3(55 Washer Service Co. Reconstruct 2 trestles on Middle 4315 Coquille, Oregon. CEDAR SHINGLES—We have No. while shopping in Coquille, at Front St. Phone 17. - Creek road. No. 61, Coquille area: 1’s and No. 2’s. FARR & EL- Tip Top, Brandon’s Roxy NOTICE TO CREDITORS $2,376.00; FALL SEEDS—We have a stock « t WOOD. s Fountain, Henninger’s Market Notice is hereby given that the ; Surface Market Road No. 4, Co- Burn mixtures. Hay, and Pastui undersigned waPtin the 1st day of and Farmer’s Store on 10th St. grass seends. FARR A ELWOOD. g FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser November, 1943, duly appointed by , quilel to Arago, CoqOille area: >20,- NOBLE CHOWNING, Jr. vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com- the County Court of Coos County, , 908.00; Coquille Journal Agent STOVES—Ranges, Coleman Oil Cir ■ Surface portions of Market Road pany. * tfs Oregon, as Administrator of the Es­ • culators, now in stock. See ui ! DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk- tate of Leona E. Foley, deogased; and No. 5, between Riverton and Bul- all persons having claims against about New Stove Purchase Regula­ said Estate are hereby required to , lards, Bandon area: $10,450.00; s era. Parts and Dahy Supplies. Get tions. J. A. Lamb Company. I present them to me, with proper Surface 2 miles of Coos City-Sum- them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tf« vouchers attached and duly verified, ' ner Road No. 57. Road between high- DISHES—Just received a new ship at my office in Coquille, Oregon, Oregonian Subscribers: ’ way and golf course, Marshfield area: ment of beautiful dishes. We in . ­ ELECTRIC WIRE — A limited stock within six months from date of this help your carrier by having your $6.970.00; for sale without priority. FARR St notice. vite you to see them. FARR A EL­ paper money ready at bis first call. Dated and published first time Nov. Surface 2 miles of Market Road , ELWOOD. . s WOOD. i 4, 1943 Remember he must pay his paper No., 16, Haynes Slough: $6,970.00; 42t5 O. C. Sanford, Administrator. obligation before the 10th of the Resurface portions of Market Road RANGE BOILERS—Fowler Porcell n FOR SALE—'36 40-aeries Buck. Can month. Thank you. be seen at 440 South Coulter, after IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE i No. 17, Larson Slough, Glasgow area: Lined. Guaranteed 20 years. J. t. STATE OF OREGON IN AND s 6 p. m. See Caudill.. lt*s $5,227 00; Lamb Company. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Resurface Cooston-Kentuck County nu matter how large and elaborate Lucille Donnelly Phone 141M FOR RENT—2 Large Rooms, Fur - ­ ROSES—Beautiful Oregon No. l’s in ELLEN E. WILLIAMS SMITH, Road No. 45, Willanche, Cooston area: Plaintiff, the scale upon which the funeral i Coquille, Oregon a variety of colors. FARR & EL- nished for Light Housekeeping ; vs. $10,454.00; arrangements are to be made. That WOOD. « CHARLES BALDWIN SMITH, Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs an< d Resurface portions of Market Road Defendant. Table. J. E. Quick, 351 So. Henry is our policy—that Is our proud No. 25. Shutters, Lakeside area: Si g FOR SALE—Turkeys, 8 miles south of Coquille. tfi claim after many years of experi­ To Charles Baldwin Smith, the above $6,970.00; Bandon, South Four Mile Creek, named defendant: Reconstruct Fox Bridge over North I)r. De La Rhi»** ence A conference with us will d picked arid delivered, 50c a pound SHOE REPAIRING materials IN THE NAME OF THE STATE i Write to Marlin E. Long, Box 271, OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ Fork of Coquille River, Market Road equipment. Do it yourself. 1 be to your advantage. Eyesight s Bandon, Oregon. lt*s quired to appear and answer the com­ No. 24, Gravelford area: $11,220.00; & ELWOOD. • r Specialist plaint filed against you in the above Reconstruct bridge over Glen Creek GOOD SERVICE makes Good In - BUNK SETS—with springs andmat- entitled suit, on or before Friday, the County Road No. 49. Allegany area: Eyes Examined - Glaaoee Fitted surance. I give service. F. R L resses, per pair. $66.50. Purkey 19th day of November, 1943, said $2,376.00; date being after expiration of four Reception room jointly with Furniture. « weeks from the date of the first pub­ Bull. i • Reconstruct Joe Ney Slough Trestle Dr. J. R. Runch lication of this Summons, and if yoq on County Road No. 43, Charleston AUTO PAINTING and Body • WOODEN KEGS—For kraut, meat, fail so to appear and answer said area: $9,900.00; Coquille Bandon Lairg Balldin« P imm at-j Bring your car in—we can 1 pickles. FARR A ELWOOD. s complaint or otherwise plead there­ 1S1K3 I09K Reconstruct Bridge over East Fork to, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will work at once. Southwestern s OFFICE DESKS—2 sizes, $42.50 and apply to the Court for relief prayed of Coquille River to replace either Co. Minard. Bright or Goldbrick Bridge, $64.50. Purkey Furniture. s for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the mar­ Gravelford area: 311.220.00; For Refrigeration Service ph< riage and marriage contract now and Construct bridge over South Fork shop, 106 J, or residence 11 , FOR SALE—1931 Olds Cpe, good heretofore existing between the tires, and in good running order. plaintiff and defendant, for the «ole of Coquille River at Powers: $15,- write Box 307, Coquille. O. , B See Draper Thompson at Nosier’«.' care, custody and control of Dennis 800.00; HighSdweir Garnier, authorized Fulgida Claaslenl Ray Smith, the minor child of the Credits Reconstruct Bridge over South Fork Service. 21 s Apt. 15, after six in evening or at plaintiff and defendant, and for such and home Sat. and Sun. • Given other relief as to the Court may seem of Coquille River at Broadbent, Mar­ Modern st MORTON’S SMOKED SALT—He B 195 W. 2nd k "just and equitable. ket Road No. 20: >12,540.00; Phene 29-L MILK STRAINERS—For use with cure and smoke your own mt The grounds upon which said re­ Reconstruct 3 bridges over Catch- i filter disks. FARR A ELWOOD, s lief is based in said Complaint is it’s easy. FARR & ELWOOD. . cruel and inhuman treatment. ROXY This Summons is served upon you I SUN. MON. TUE. by publication thereof in the Coquille Valley SenHnel, pursuant to «r order of the Hon: Dal M. King, Judge of the Circuit Court of Coos County, Oregon, made, dated and entered on the 18th day of October, 1943, and which order requires that the date Phone 83 of the first publication of said Sum­ Night Phone 272X mons shall be on the 21st day of Oc­ tober. 1943, the date of the last pub­ lication thereof being Thursday, the Se« Archie Bushnell at Agents for Oregon-Nevada-Caiifomia Fast Freight 18th day of November, 1943. J. ARTHUR BERG, Southwestern Motors Farr A Elwood Bldg Attorney for Plaintiff Chevrolet — Buick Coquille Residence and P. O. Address W. Second St Coquille. Oregon FOUND—Ladies wrist watch. Own­ er may have sama by paying 35 cents for adv. Mrs. A. I. Ritchlin, Ulett Apt. No. 2, Coquille. It’s I Christmas Seals On Sale Here Soon Gano Service GANO FUNERAL HOME Oregon Journal NOTICE The Oregonian Agency SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, lae. MISS INEZ ROVER w ItE :c KER Southwestern Motors WANTED to Buy'LateModel Trucks, Pickups and Cars. ou«/s°*