FAGg THRU -LJ-'-L. left by Clara A. Miller, who died Oct. 28, is Arthur W: Morris, appointed Lawrence Stitt was last Thursday Tuesday. The appraisers are C. R. appointed executor of the will of Ida Wade, Archie Rosa und Chas. Schroe­ M. Swift, who died Oct. 3, 1943. A. der. H. Rosa, Frank Culver and Erwin Richert were named as appraisers of Culling carol uc Tur J1.ÜO the estate which is estimated to be worth 33500 in real property. Jonas August Zattlin was on Mon­ day appointed administrator of the $400 estate left by Bessie I. Zattlin, To, It Is true, there le a safe barm- leea snedleated liquid called Kleerex who died Oct. 19, that Artec Up pfmplea over Bight. Many report that they had a red sore * Helen Rovang was appointed ad- pimply .race one night and BWprtaM ’ their frlende the next day with a ministrixt on Tuesday, of the $700 es- clear complexion, There le no risk. tate( left by Juline Moe, who died The Sret application must convince you or you sot your money back. March 28, 1941. ^Appraisers ap­ Only 50c. Join the happy Kleorex users who’are no longer embarraeaed pointed were A. D. Rolfe, G. P. with unalehtly pimples. Hold and Stewart and J. W. Leggett. recommoauod by « Administrator of the $350 estate | BARROW DRUG COMPANY Probate Court Items Robert W. McGilvery Married At Berkeley, November 1 Corporal George Durrand ' Here Fog Ten Days Robert'Warren McGilvery, son of Technical Corporal Geo. Durrind, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGilvery of Co­ who has been in the Army for ths quille, was married at Berkeley. past eight months, came in Saturday Calif., on Nov. 1st. The bride is the night from Nashville, Tenn., to visit former Alice Lusby, daughter of Mrs. Jiis wife, the former Eileen Percy, Mabel Lusby of Eugene, and visited 'and home folks. He had a 15-day here last fall. Both young people j furlough. Previous to going to Nash- are graduates of Oregon State Col- ville, he had been in training at lege, although they did not meet Aberdeen, Wash., and in Massachu- while there but became acquainted In setts. r California. I ~—■ --------- . 1 The bride graduated in 1842 from Pharmacy ¡»nd the groom who grad- uated in 1941 majored in Chemistry. Robert entered the service in Sept., ’42, and attended Radio School at Stillwater, Oklahoma, and Oakland, Calif., and is a radio technician, first class, in the Navy. * Jim Hanna Selected For Army Specialized Training 4 —-7 1 James A. Hanna, son of Mrs. Hazel K. Hanna of this city and who was a 1942 Coquille High graduate, is to be sent to some university*- for Army specialized training Since he t)as completed his preliminary train- ing at Camp Wallace in Texas. He was a member of the Sea Scouts here and had been working in Portland for the Iron Firen.an Mfg. Co., until his induction. * « Quentin Towne Completes Preliminary Air Training Harley Knife Of The Navy o Ten-flav ° Ten Day Leave H y Mrs. Harley Knife, son of Mr. and------ E- E- Knife, who has been in the Navy for 8ome tim« und « now sta- tione? in Seattle after spending months at Kodiak, Alaska, came in for a visit at home last Friday eve­ ning. He expects to return to Seattle next Sunday. Circuit Court Cases Nov. 4—Leta Pearl Rieseberg vs. Ralph Louis Rieseberg. Suit tag di- ’ vorce. Nov. 4—Annemarie Elder vs. Rob­ ert G. Elder. Suit for divorce. Nov. 8—Henry C. Hansen vs. Vi- | vienne L. Hansen. Suit for divorce., Nov. 8—Ethel C. Littler vs. Roy Ware Littler. Suit for divorce. ... ov. 8—Christie D. Whitt vs. Fred C. Whitt. Suit for divorce. Nov. 9—Mabie C. Cobb vs. Goo. R. Cobb. Suit for divorce Nov. 9—Nels Peterson Vs. Abraham Van Zile et al. Suit foi divorce. Nov. 9—Richard and Bernice Ja­ cobson vs. Margaret Wold et al. f $18.56 to $35.00 CHESTS Kitchen Stools Two Divorces Granted On Monday, In circuit court, Judge Dal M. King granted a divorce to Henry S. Hansen separating him from 1 Vivienne L. Hansen, and on Tuesday to Edith L. Spaulding from Frank E. Spaulding. , In the case of Reths Roland vs. Ray S. Roland, the court upheld the motion to strike out testimony offered and postponed the case to a future hearing. $2.75 • Gasoline COOK STOVE The Tip Top Every day in the week serves Breakfast at 8 a. m Dinner at 12 m Wanted Sandwich Lunches any hour of the day or evening RANGES HEATERS FURNITURE SETS WASHERS MOTORS BED SPRINGS f • • TIP TOP Community Centre M I Neither is it expensive. Imagine! At Safeway you can buy the juiciest tenderest Sirloin Steak you ever ate, or the finest, best-eating roast at surprisingly low prices, with money-back guar­ antee, too. Just remember that ALL food prices are LOW at Safeway ALL the time. Compare these! WHY PAY MORE? I f A Grade Beef Roast lb. 27c Pork Steak lb. 40c Link Sausage - - - lb. 39c A Grade Short Ribs lb. 20c Assorted Luncheon Meats Shoulder Veal Roast lb. 29c Minced Ham - Head Cheese - Pickled Pimiento " Pork " center cut 31c Veal Loaf SUGAR CUREp PICNICS lb 32c PORK SAUSAGE, Country Style lb. 33c PORK LIVER - - - - lb. 24c U. S. Primp HEN TURKEYS, under 16 lb lb. 53c A GRADE FOWL, 3 to 4 lb. average lb 41c - Arm A Blade -. ? . r 6 peinte pound MARGARINE COFFEE BREAD BABY FOODS Whole Roast Freshmss Julia Lee Wright’s Sliced Wheat and Enriched White 1% Lb 13c 1 Loaf Clapps - Heinz and Gerbers’ DALEWOOD lb. 23c SUNNYBROOK lb 21c PARKAY - lb. 26c EDWARDS £ . 27c A Solid Song Show For The Solid South 1 — ,%Lb Bottle GRPFT. JUICE 13c GRPFT. JUICE 32c PEACHES 8X..>, CORN Country Home i (13 pts) BEANS s““"”„p„) , HEINZ TOMATO (18 points) 14 oz. boi. 18c No. 2 can 141 No. 2 can 15c No. 2 can 15c PARMISLLOCHEESE <*•». pk< 9c * 7c Ifir 'X UV 5c 6c 20c Small Pkg. 10 oz. can RANCHO (3 points TOMATO • per can 29c n ..^™ APRICOTS J?*** PORK & BEANS v- 20c CRANBERRY “5 “ , <“ Z»-I-lb, 1-oz. cans 37c KRAFT SPREAD Pin or Amer. (2) 19c 21c 5 oz. ROKA SPREAD KELLOGGS OR ALBERS Howdy Folks 10c PEAS s"**' (1 pointe per can) KARO SYRUP =. CORN FLAKES SOUP KETCHUP STARTS SUNDAY — ROXY TOMATO JUICE / Calling cards, 50 rar «1.0C. t i gAgk. NOT Scarce f Enfili at SAFEWAY S I. Belle Knife Hospital Mrs. Chas. Spence last Wednesday, and Mrs. Dollie Frickey on Thursday, underwent major operations. Mrs. H. R. Mast underwent a ma­ jor operation on Sunday and the same day Mrs. A. C. Redifer and U. S. Clymet entered for treatment. All three reside in Coquille.. Mrs. Ada Lewis, of Powers, en­ tered for treatment on Tuesday. Mrs. Opal Bucklys was able to leave the hospital Sunday. DINING SETS $7,05 to $12.00 > Aviation Cadet Quentin H. Towne, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Towne, Co­ quille, has successfully completed his basic flying training 'at the Lemoore Army Air Fieltf and now takes his finale hurdle at an Army Air Forces Advanced Flying Training School be­ fore receiving his silver wings. committee, will be in charge with the Next Monday night, Nov. 15, there members of their cuminittees. will be a “Victory Garden” potluck in a “Food for Victory” program. Vio­ See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in la Newton, chairman of war activities, Coquille tor Diamonds and Watch and Ida Oerding, chairman of finance Straps. * Pinpies Disappeared Orer Night I ■ r B. P. W. Notice K”" CHILI WITH BEANS SHORTENING SHORTENING 8™Y (2) 5 oz. jar Dennisons (2) can (W Pta) *3 lb. jar 21c 71c 64c NUCOA MARGARINE,/ £> 26c (15 pts) 3-oz. jar WESSON OIL L. 29c f Did you ever think of what all you expect when have your motor you worked on? A fellow made it plain to us a few days ago just what he wanted. It was exactly what we expect of every motor we rebuild, and we must give our equipment due credit for us being able to do this. He wanted his motor to start quickly and keep run­ ning; to respond with a smooth flow of power with­ out sounding like an anvil r churns under the hood; to go farther on every drop of gas and use no oil; and to last for the Duration—of the war or of the car — which was very considerate. ERNIE AMZY M&W Auto Service ♦ Salad Dressing DUCHESS Safeway Produce CRANBERRIES1“*' YAMS • SPUDS TOMATOES APPLES W,N“A" RED CABBAGE " “ 14c SHREDDIES Nabisco 12 oz pkg 12c Shredded Ralston Cereal 2 12-oz. pkgs 25 BAB-O CLEANER PABLUM, Baby Cereal 18 oz. pkg. 33c FRISKIES DOG FOOD 2 lb. pkg. 24c 2 lb. pkg. KRISPY CRACKERS ,k33 Hardwheat MACARONI or Spaghetti • ,b- 15c 86c 18 lie M 13c 6c Large Assortment of All Fruits & Vegetable« l 36c Graham Crackers, Honey Maid 2 lb. 36c Bisquick Flour, GJd Medal 40 oz. 33c SALT Maximum pl. or iodiz. pkg. 3c MILK Cherub (1 point) tall can 10c DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR 10 lb. sk. 56c KRAFTS \ Macaroni DINNER 1 point 10c WHITE MAGIC BLEACH % gallon 13c Kitchen Craft Flour 24 BEEVILLE HOKEY TASTY MAID SODAS FIGCO lb. sk $1.33 16 ou. jar 26c 2 lbs. 23c 23c 2 16 oz. cans 25c MANKIND DOG WAFERS 2 lb. pkg. 21c LIGHT GLOBES 60-70 watt COFFEE whole roast 1 lb. 20c NOB HILL COFFEE whle roast 1 lb. 24c SANKA COFFEE regular LIPTON Y L TEA black 1 lb. 33c 10c size 3c Sparkling Water, Canada. Dry 28 oz. 20c FILTERS Dependable ..... ROLLED OATS 3 lb. pkgs. CREAM O’ WHEAT Lge.'pkg. t BUT U. 8. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS REGULARLY PRICES GOOD • DAT8 Subject to Available 8