........... ....... Beautiful Tea For Mrs. Kampf Monday (Continued from Page One) -diffeieiit—and Trileresting way bp paralleling old books with new. All books discussed or reviewed by Miss Stephens are available for borrowers here in the City Library. A little volume entitled “Invitation to Span­ ish,” was displayed and recommended to those wishing to acquaint them­ selves with the Spanish language, as a follow-up of Mrs. Saidie Orr Dun-« bar’s talk before the same group a month ago. Mias Stephans came to Oregon two months ago from the Los Angeles li­ brary, where she had been for sixteen years. She spent Monday in Myrtle Point, Tuesday here and left that evening by bus for Elkton, where she wds to be Wednesday' . Mrs. George Chaney, chairman of Education, had charge of the program ahd read a paper on the history of this state. This was a part of a plan to commemorate the Oregon Trail Centennial The stage was hung with fine old blue and white counter­ panes, one owned by Mrs. M. O. Haw­ kins. being an' heirloom from her grandmother. Another large-pat­ terned one was the property of Mrs. R. A. Wernich handed down from five generations in her family. ’ A side table displayed beautiful old platters and glassware, precious treasures owned by various members and lend­ ing atmosphere and background. Highlight of the afternoon was a tableau and. fitting symbolism of their ancestors, portrayed by Mrs. E. L. Schroeder and her three little girls, as a pioneer mother and children. They were dressed in the ancient clothes of one hundred years ago and as they crossed the stage, Leona Bryant sang “The Oregon Trail,” to Inez Rover’s piano accompaniment. It was all so beautiful many present were touched with the effect — Mrs. George L. Maynard speaking for the federal employment office in Marshfield, stated there is a shortage ot manpower in he county and an­ nounced a drive’ to enroll women stu­ it—smssrirr dents for ■ 1 1 111 «■.»i--1. i | - - ■- Gilbert - Hollenbeck Nuptials Soturdoy^ ^'nL^:“”'. ^.^7 Miss Tharel Hollenbeck, daughter i Ida K. Owen, Ida Oerding, Clara of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie W. Hollen- ' Stauff, Leia , Elrod, Bonnie Walker, Mrs. B. D. Keener, war activities beck of Coquille, last Saturday eve­ Florence Bartori, Inez Rover, Jessie chairman, stated that more kpifters ning became the bride of Glenn Gil- i Kay, Eva Stevens, Ruth Beyers, Lu­ are needed to make regulation socks . bert, Jr. The ceremony was per- nelle Chapin, Hattie Lee Holimon, and also stump socks and that the i formed at the home of Liston Parrish, j Viola Newton, Alberta Tyrrell. yarn is on hand. I minister of the Church of Christ here,' A drive to sell bonds during No­ land the bride was given in marriage Junior Women Have vember by women of the Federation by her father. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Social Evening in “Buy u Bomber” campaign was re­ Anderson were their attendants. The Junior Women’s Club, with ported by Mrs. Boober. Following a short honeymoon on j Mrs. Harold Withnell presiding, met A number of club women and the which the happy couple left for Port­ last Monday evening at the Parish Royal Neighbors Initiate librarians from Myrtle Point and land Sunday, returning Wednesday, House for their regular bi-monthly An initiation ceremonial was held from Bandon were here ¿or the meet­ they •will make their home at the An­ meeting. During the short business last _____________ _ evening _____ __ __ Wednesday for Miss ing. derson Bros, ranch where the groom meeting the report was given on the' Marie Clinton at the regular meeting Tea was served, with Mrs. Rogers Is now employed. Sadie Hawkins dance. This was a of Royal Neighbors lodge. Ann und Mrs. Osterhout pouring. The tea The bride has been attending the success in every way and netted a Montgomery, district deputy from table was unusually beautiful, lace- Coquille schools since coming here neat sum for the benefit of the Boys’ Marshfield, was present. Tea was covered with an arrangement of fruit with her father, and the groom is and Girls* Clubs. Bernice Molthu served following the ceremonies with for the centerpiece and lighted the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gil­ was elected treasurer to succeed Mrs. Will Jones and Mrs. M. D. Sher­ candles. Mrs. Claire Gray was chair­ bert, formerly of Riverton, but now Yvonne Kern, who resigned on ac­ rard as hostesses. The table was_ at­ man of the hostess committee, com­ living in Portland. He is a graduate count of her approaching marriage. tractive with a centerpiece of erhy- posed of Mesdames G. W. Tyrrell, Lee of the Riverton high school. Mrs, Geo. L. Maynard discussed the santhemums. Place cards,' cleverly Stonecypher, R. B. Rogers, F. R. Qs- Thursday evening 'this week Mr ■ vocational school in Marshfield and decorated with cedar cones were a terhout, P. W. Norton, R. T. Newton, and Mrs. Hollenbeck are entertain­ told of the shortage of manpower in feature of the decorative scheme. C. M Hartwell, S A. Harmon, Jack ing, with an informal buffet dinner, Coos county. Members present were Mesdames Dolan, Geo. Bryant, E. L. Benham for the many friends of the newly; Ruth Creager was in charge of the Jane Burch, oracle; Nellie Martindale, and W H. Barrow. . | weds. ' card party, following the business ses­ Dorothy Noble, Agnes Schroeder, Mrs. O. C. Sanford, president of the sion. Prizes were won by Mary Belle Belloni, Ruby Johnson, Rena club, in presiding over the business Stevens, at bridge; Bessie Burrell, Giles, Mildred Wardrip, Jane Torrey, session, announced a change in the pinochle; Lois Medley, contract Hattie Gaffey and Marie Clinton. December program when Mrs Geo. - At Parish Hoaee Tuesday SoropUmist Club To Meet The next meeting of the Soroptimist Club will be Tuesday, Nov. 16th. Owing to the closing of the hotel the meeting will be held in the Parish House and luncheon will be served by the ladies of the Guild. PAN AND DISH BRUSH Cleans cooking utensils in a jiffy. Weil built 3-Way Glass UTILITY COOKER Mahogany Bedroom Suite - $2 75 $129.50 Famous Glasbake Roaster Removes The Guesswork WET SCRUB MOP Hundreds of long strsnds absorb water Cleans quickly. $1.00 $2.19 See what’s cooking and how It's doing without even lifting the lid. Crystal clear; eas* to wash as a china dish; won’1 »>».-.b cooking stains or . Uaaf. fectod by heat er cold. Lovely BURNS EDGE BUTCHER KNIFE $2.50 PRINTED RAYON SATIN a and RAYON JERSEY PADDED BOXIMI GLOVES Priced rrease.' ï md stains. Ulis/ Oldest Home Owned Store Coquille, Ore. B arto n H mm Mrs. J. H Barton arranged a prise bSIbday party for her son. Ben, held last Monday evening at the Barfon home. The evening was given over to dancing and finished off with a tempting spread. Attend­ ing were Misses Lunelle Chapin, Vera Bishop, Phyllis Utsenberger, Max­ ine Whereat, Joanne Griggs, Bar­ bara Barrows and Messrs. Jim Howe, DeWayne Mitchell, Frank Woodward and Claire Gray. BEAUTIFULLY MADE AMERICAN FLAG Special - Party at J. 8. Moorhead, president of the Oregon Federation, will be here instead of in January. - A business meeting was held Mon­ day evening of last week by the Busi- j ness and Professional Women's Club Supper Party For Bride , at the Guild Hall. A report was giv­ A small but delightful supper party en by Viola Newton, war activities In honor of Ann Hawkins Kamph, chairman on the collection of junk was given the first of the week by jewelry. She stated a prize would Markie Smith Sherrill at her home. go to the member who brought In the Supper was served in candlelight at most jewelry at the next meeting. A a table set attractively with flowers report by the president, Mrs. Flor­ and candelabra in yellow. Beautiful ence Hallock, showed the canvass for gifts from the friends present were the war fund almost complete. Lois received by the honor guest. Attend­ Stevens, (Mrs. T. S.), was elected to ing besides Mrs. Kamph were Mes- membership. damos Jeannette Collier, Jean Bryan, The membership and embleng com- Peggy Hennessey and Miss Eunice i mittee was in charge of the program Howe. and social hour. Dorothy Beagle, tal- | ented young pianist, played “Turkish ■March,” Mozart, and “Eccoeaises,” Beethoven. Inez Rover, music and . arts chairman, read a paper entitled, “The Yanks Are Singing." Ameri­ can soldiers, she said, began singing in the Revolutionary war and are still singing.' Members were asked to tell why Eastern Manufactured 18th Century Styled they belong to the club. Very inter­ esting reasons and remarks were giv­ en. Some of the favorite songs of service men, including their favorite hymn, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arma," were sung by those in assem­ bly, also “I’ve Got Sixpence.” Inez Rover accompanied and Clara Stauff led the singing. Bertha Smith and Ida Oerding won prize* in a contest on the symbols and words on the B. P. W. emblem. Popcorn, served from electric pop­ pers, was the treat of the evening. The next meeting, Nov. IS, will be a Victory Garden Potluck dinner at 6:30. Members will come dressed as Daisy Mae or Li’l Abner. War ac­ tivities committee, Viola Newton, chairman, will be in charge. Members attending last Monday 5 pieces rummy. -r The committee on refreshments consisted of Marge Thiuckiuuium;—Bea Odarklfk and Georgia Hansen. Attending were Margaret Wylie, Bessie Burrell, Cath­ eme .Maynard, Marie Carlson, Eileen Bryant, Vern Earl, Ione Winkel, Beverly Price, Mary Stevens, Francis Detlefsen, Marge Throckmorton, Ger­ trude Swinney, Dorothy Harris, Dois Sayre, Bea Oderkirk, Avis Rickets, Roberta Stonecypher, Mavis Tyrrell, Avis Hudson, Mary Lou Culver, Gen­ evieve Hudson and Lois Medley.