TMI CO^ LILLE VALU Y 8KNT1NEL, COQUUXI. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, IMI. I Minor Mention Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mintonye -ere here this week from Lowery Air Field in Colorado, where Roes has completed his preliminary flying I course. When they leave they will go ito Ventura, Calif., where Mrs. Min- ' tonye’s parents reside and she will remain there. Ross had not been ; notified where he would be sent next. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Laws returned to Portland Sunday after being here since Thursday evening, visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Laws and Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton. Cecil is attending a dental college in Portland. | Mrs. Collier Injured In Fall ■I — M bs A r-g^Collier suffered~a frac­ ture of the' large bone just above the wrist, following a fall in her hojne last Saturday evening. She slipfied as she hurried to answer the ringing of a telephone call. The ac­ cident foas been a very painful one but as soon as the swelling goes down enough for splints, it is expected ev­ erything will be better for it was a straight break. Legion and Auxiliary To Have Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Morrison were Potluck Dinner November 8 ____ Coquille visitors yesterday from their cranberry bog near Bandon. Mr. Morrison, an ex-mayor of Coquille, and in the laundry business here for years, has been raising cranberries on the Tipperary flats east of Ban­ don for several years. He says that his crop was practically all picked before this week’s rains and that It could be called an average crop. Fred C. McNally who underwent a serious operation asEmanual Hospi­ Visitor^ during the past week at the tal in Portland last week is recover­ home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Keener ing* nicely, Mrs. McNelly reports. were a daughter, Mrs. Robt. J. Car­ ter, Mrs. Katherine Keener and Geo. Ray Hickam, formerly of this city Carter, Jr. They have now returned but who is now a machinist’s welder to their home in Seattle .after a brief at the Oregon Shipyards in Portland, visit in California. left for there Monday morning after spending the week end in Coquille. Mrs. E. E. Underwood, daughter of Mrs. O. C. Harry, who visited her mother here recently, is now at Camas Valley. She was with Mr. Underwood at Lowery Field in Colo­ rado, but decided the winter was too cold there. This is the first fall she has been home since leaving here seven years ago and she is enjoying the rain. ' There will be a potluck dinner for all American Legion and Auxiliary members and their families at 6:30 o’clock Monday ’nigh), Nov. 8. Don’t forget the Sadie Hawkins Dance at the Coquille Community Building Saturday night. s I Friday Married October 29 The mgny friends here will be in­ terested in the announcement of the wedding o* Capt. Allington Glaisyer, in Portland last Friday. His sister, Betty—Mrs. Forrest E. Kerby—who writerand tells of the event, says that Dr. W. V. Glaisyer seems to be slowly improving and that he and Mrs. Glaisyer are enjoying their new home in Portland. The bride of Capt. Glaisyer was Miss Bonnie Lynne Farrenbaugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Johnson of Washington, D. C. The çeremony took place at thé Glaisyer home. Rev. Ralph C. Walker of the White Temple Baptist church offi­ ciating, and the bride was given in marriage by Dr. Glaisyer. The bride was'a gray suit trimmed ; with pale pink velvet and her hat was made of pu ll flo we r s and v e i l ing. Her bridal bouquet was a pink and white nosegay with pink tulle and a shower of pink ribbons. Mrs. Forrest E. Kerby, matron of honor, wore a blue dress and carried a nose­ gay of blqe * and pink flowers with pink streamer ribbon. Miss Dorothy Glaisyer, bridesmaid, wore a pink dress and carried a matching nose­ gay of pink and blue flowers with a blue streamer ribbon. The best man 1 was Lowell A. Vote of Portland. The reception was held at the Glaisyer home, Capt. and Mrs. Glaisyer left Fri­ day after noon immediately follow­ ing the reception. Remember—Norton’s for school and home supplies. Nortons wish to inform their cus­ tomers, that due to the book quota they now have their full allotment of Holiday books in stock. Buy n^w or use the Ijiy-away Plan. s jtXZZZZXXOZZZZEEt A Brave Russian in love and adventure CLARENCE E. MULFORD'S GEO. MONTOGOMERY ANNABELLA in Latest Newt THUR. FRI. SAT 'Hr ! H I Trnt NOV. NOV. 10 SHOW FOOIING! IT’S THUR - A nd ijneatett SLEIGH HIDE l Return Engagement AhowlmQ4»°r,nof Fwn! Mountains of Mirth and Hallowe'en Party at the Guild Mrs. E. k. Schroeder and Mrs. Hale Eubanks gave a party on Saturday for the children in their Sunday school classes. The party was a Hal­ lowe’en costume party and was held at the Guild hall. Games were played and there was a fish pond. Cookies and punch were served. Prizes for best costumes went to Sandra Storey, Red Riding Hood, first prize; Diana Schroeder, an Indian maiden, second prizes, and Billy Walker, first prize for boys. Bobbie Harbison and Gail Schroeder were especially bewitch­ ing, dressed Identically as pirates. They wore red ccyduroy trousers, white shirts, bandanas on their heads and carried daggers in their belt. Both children are not quije two years oM. Mothers attending were Mesdames Alton Clausen, Robt. Harbison, Geo. Griggs and Carlson. The children I were Sandra Storey, Nancy Griggs, Jon and Jean Carlson, Joe Vaughan, - Karla, Gail and Diana Schroeder, Linda Clausen, Fem Leach, Gary Claver, Billy Walker, Charles Han­ son and Bobbie Harbison. Musicl Scores of sway­ ing skating snow-dolk! BETTY GRABLE JACK OAKIE LATEST NEWS CARTOON Latest News Events, * Cartoon Admission Children 11c — Adults 40c office, 37tfs Have you bought your Christmas cards yet? It’s not too early. Nortons have a fine selection of Hallmark and Volland cards suitable for imprinting. Buy now-.- s Saturday W. W. Wniegar, recently retired on I a pension by the Southern Pacific | and Western Union fbr which he had been telegrapher for years, came home a couple of weeks ago from the S. P. hospital in San Francisco, where he had been receiving treatment. Their daughter, Mrs. L. O. Smith and her daughters, Gale and Ueen, are here for a two weeks’ visit. . Dinner Party For Young Crowd A dinner party Was held last Fri­ day evening at the home of Jessie Sherwood. An attractive centerpiece was arranged with holly and red candles. Dinner was at seven-thirty .{and dancing followed. Attending besides Die hostess were: Barbara Barrows, Jeanne Boyle, Glenda Rich­ ardson and Joe Lyie, Phil Sowers. Dave Bates and Bob Whitney. S^e Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in Coquille for Diamonds and Watch Us Straps. It’s Chysanthemum season. • Keys made for all locks. - Stevens Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf Bergen's for choice flowers. W. W. Winegar Home From the S. P. Hospital Stan Sherwood returned Tuesday night from Portland where he went Miscellaneous Showed for Bride Mrs. Ellis Martindale was hostess last Saturday to look for merchandise for the Southwestern Motors store on on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lorena Tharp, entertaining in Hall street. , honor of Betty Jo Courtright, a re­ cent bride. A miscellaneous shower was a surprise feature. Many of those invited were unable to lie present due to sickness, etc., but sent their gifts. Attending were Misses Roma Rey­ nolds, Ernestine Batty, Annabelle Martindale, Mesdames Anne Hocamp, Lorena Tharp and and Kate Court- right. Watch Li’l Abner run at the Junior dance Saturday evening in the Coquille CommuniiyBuildlng.—r PATRIC KNOWLES llY$l KN0X JOHNNY LONG ad HELEN YOUNG • GEME WILLIAMS • THF FOUR TEE ’ 50-SEATING BEAUTIES-50 Evenings lie - Wc COMEDY NEWS See